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On December 13, 1937, after the Japanese invading army invaded Nanjing under, directed in Japanese Central China front army commander loose well Shi Gen and 6th division Division Commander Gu Shoufu, carried on more than 40 day-long rank smell of blood slaughters in the entire city, the use collective has gunned down, buries alive, the knife divides, burns down and so on the extremely tragic method, killed the Chinese common people and is captured the serviceman to reach 30 ten thousand On December 13 the morning, Japanese forces Gu Shoufu the 6th division by the brilliance gate, the rain flower gate enters the city, treats as immediately the street on refugee guns down the goal, in the street streets and alleys immediately the flesh and blood in confusion, the corpse vertically and Under Nanjing massacre executioner - - loose well Shi Gen sends under escort in the military police goes to the court to stand trial On April 26, 1947, Nanjing massacre executioner Gu Shoufu is detained goes to the execution grounds On 14th, the Japanese forces large unit inrushes in the city, continues to search for kills in the streets and alleys the refugee; And in the Zhongshan wharf, the Hsiakuan station and so on place to the refugee who gathers the waterfront fire crazily, guns down tens of thousands of On 15th, the Chinese common people and disarmament's serviceman 9000 people have been detained toward the torpedo camp On 16th, Japanese forces date both sides both acknowledged has the neutral status “the safe area” in to hunt down and arrest tens of thousands of youths, ties up goes to the Hsiakuan coal port to gun down, again thrusts the corpse in the On 18th, the Japanese forces float the suburb refugees and the war 70,000 people drive to the Hsiakuan straw sandal canyon, with the machine gun strafe, then in on the corpse which piles up falls on the petroleum to set on fire burning Hereafter, also starts “the clear street movement” in the late December and “the refugee registration” causes the up to ten thousand number of people The Japanese forces slaughter innocently, the method is brutal, makes the blood Some irrigate the gasoline first toward the refugee body on, latter with the gun strafe, a bullet person, the flame ignites along with it, is attacked burns down the refugee, struggles the tuck dive, side of the painful, the Japanese forces applauds laughs After some kills the refugee cuts the number of people, selects on the gun, strolls the street corner, the laughter seeks Japanese forces besides brutal slaughter innocent, but also rapes, the mass rape Chinese women After an occupation month, in Nanjing has 20,000 about to rape the event, including eight, nine year-old young girl and over 70 year-old old women all cannot escape by Many women after suffer devastating to suffer Follows is slaughtering and rapes is large-scale robbing and sets on fire the The Japanese forces are driving the automobile, enters each big company, the store straight, plunders each kind of cargo transports spatially After robs, the Japanese forces everywhere set on fire, the cause major street big building is burnt all Under the catastrophe, in former days the downtown lively the Six Dynasties ancient capital has become a corpse everywhere, the remnant of destroyed building, everywhere the miserable death After the Sino-Japanese War wins, directs Nanjing massacre the executioner loose well stone velamen far east international military tribunal to execute by hanging, Gu Shoufu is extradited to give the Chinese government
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战后日本人的历史认识显现出多元与分裂的特征。表现在南京大屠杀上,尤为典型。日本右翼势力回避责任,漠视历史教训,将对日本侵华战争的反思视作“自虐史观”。在和平与发展被视为时代主流的今天,那些“逆流”令外界感到忧虑。但日本学界也存在着一些坚持历史良知、对侵略行为痛加反省的知识分子。在南京大屠杀的研究史上,自上世纪70年代起,数位日本进步学者发掘并坚持历史真相的顽强身影,是值得中国人民尊敬和牢记的。恰逢中国首个南京大屠杀死难者国家公祭日,我们就此采访了学界的有关专家。《南京事件争论史》是“南京大屠杀存在派”学者笠原十九司的力作。该书以“日本人是怎样认知历史事实”为主线,概述了日本自上世纪70年代开始的围绕“南京大屠杀是否存在”的争论历史。从南京大屠杀事件爆发到日本战败不久即开庭的东京审判,直至对南京大屠杀事件证据的查证以及判决有罪,作者揭示了一个不为日本人所广泛认知的情况:南京大屠杀爆发期间,日本政府和军部指挥层对此并非“不知情”,相反,他们所获得的信息与国民不同,进而大量隐瞒、销毁对日本不利的信息和证据。交锋 一场远未结束的论战“昭和十二年(1937年)十二月十三日,日本军全部占领南京,十七日,以军司令官松井石根大将为首举行了入城式。在这五天内,穿上了军服的日本民族成了一大群恶鬼罗刹和妖魔鬼怪,穷凶极恶,惨无人道,凶暴到了极点。其残酷的发疯程度,在历史上是空前的……下关的街道被浇上了汽油,烧得精光,呼救声响彻大地,一片垂死挣扎的哭叫声,火舌把天空染红,汽油燃烧冒出阵阵黑烟,机枪在咆哮,死尸散发出恶臭,著名的南京古城墙到处血流成河,扬子江的混浊江水也染得血红。这幅巨大的地狱画卷在现实中出现,成为一种愤怒,笼罩着江南的旷野……”这段叙述南京史上黑暗一页的文字,出自一个日本人的回忆录。作者是前南满洲铁道公司南京事务所所长,目击了这一幕幕惨剧。对于这段血腥的回忆,已故日本著名历史学家、早稻田大学教授洞富雄怀着复杂的心情,将它“原汁原味”地引用到自己的历史著述《决定版·南京大屠杀》一书中。1982年,该书由德间书店出版,被视为洞富雄毕生成就的代表作。在这本书里,他以严谨的学术论证,与质疑南京大屠杀死亡数字的右翼学者激烈交锋。在书末,在那些证明日军暴行的史料面前,他提出了一个锥心之问:“在当时军人中是否有人看了这些文章而无动于衷,毫无痛心之感?对离不了军国主义的‘大和魂’和思想顽固的人来说,我的提问也许是毫无意义的。”洞富雄追问的背后,在日本,有一场始于上世纪70年代的风暴。那是关于南京大屠杀史实的论战。虽然因为东京审判,南京大屠杀在日本广为人知,但它只是一个模糊的整体印象,其残酷性和规模究竟如何,则不为大众所详知。这种历史认识上的灰色地带,成为那场论争的基调。作为长年从事南京大屠杀与东京审判研究的学者,上海交通大学教授程兆奇对那场旷日持久的论战有着深入的观察:“有关日本的战争罪行,在日本惟有南京大屠杀久争不息。走进日本的书店可以看到,没有一个与中国有关的历史事件有南京大屠杀那么多的著述,足见这一争论不再限于狭窄的专业范围,已成了社会关注度相当高的话题。”在“南京”这个沉重的字眼之下,日本学者大抵有几种选择:做一个旁观者,不去涉及南京大屠杀的历史研究;成为一个“虚构派”或“否定派”,极尽可能减轻战争中的加害程度,否认南京大屠杀历史,甚至非学术性地歪曲篡改历史事实;或者,以一个真正客观正直的历史学者的姿态,为维护真相而努力。作为世界上第一位南京大屠杀研究者、“大屠杀存在论”学者的代表,直至2000年以94岁高龄去世,洞富雄的大半人生都在与右翼史观论者的交锋中度过。历数洞富雄对南京大屠杀研究的贡献,程兆奇认为,“拓荒”无疑是最重要的一点。洞富雄有关南京大屠杀的第一篇文章发表于1967年,见于《近代战史之谜》中的一章,这是日本第一篇在研究基础上写成的南京大屠杀的文字;他的《南京事件》出版于1972年,是日本第一本研究性的专书,迄今仍被不断征引。此外,洞富雄对南京大屠杀的相关问题进行了相当广泛的探讨,“从代表作《决定版·南京大屠杀》和《南京大屠杀的证明》看,洞富雄提出的问题和对日本‘虚构派’的辩驳基本构建了南京大屠杀研究的框架、确立了回应‘虚构派’挑战的方向”。南京大屠杀在日本成为议论热点,乃至形成论战则与日本《朝日新闻》记者本多胜一的报道有关。1971年,本多胜一获许可踏上调查侵华日军战争罪行的采访之路,寻访日军暴行的旧迹和幸存的受害人。报道以连载方式在《朝日新闻》刊出,其中当年11月4日到11月16日之间的10篇报道涉及南京大屠杀。此后,报道以《中国之旅》为名集结成书,由朝日新闻社出版。在原来“平顶山”、“万人坑”、“南京”、“三光政策”之外,又增加了“人的细菌实验和活体解剖”、“防疫惨杀事件”、“上海”、“‘讨伐’和‘轰炸’的实态”等篇章。《中国之旅》在此后10年中重印了26次,但也引发日本右翼势力的疯狂攻击。

141 评论


In December 1937, Nanjing fell to the Japanese Imperial A The Japanese army launched a massacre for six According to the records of several welfare organizations which buried the dead bodies after the Massacre, around three hundred thousand people, mostly civilians and POWs, were brutally Over twenty thousand cases of rape were Many of the victims were gang raped and then The figure did not include those captives who were sent to army brothels (the so-called "comfort stations") The actual Memorial Hall is built to commemorate the The actual Hall is located in Jiangdongmen (The Gate on the Eastern Bank of the River), one of the sites where countless human bones of the victims of the Massacre were It is just one of those "wan ren keng" (pit of ten thousand corpses) which can be found in many Japanese occupied areas in China during the The building housing the skeletons excavated in JEntrance The Hall is built in the eighties when a number of Japanese politicians and writers claimed that the Massacre had never ocurred and history textbooks were rewritten by the authority describing the Massacre as a minor It must be reminded that contrary to Germany the Japanese government has never made any formal or official apology to the Chinese people for their crimes committed during the Instead, a number of Japanese politicians and writers denied not just the Massacre but any of their wrong doings in the Second World W They claimed that they had "liberated" Asian peoples from Western The Nanjing Massacre is one of their so-called "liberations" This WWW Memorial Hall is created to expose their lies and to preserve the historical Let the victims of the Massacre be remembered but not buried in

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