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China's tea culture history is glorious 中国的茶文化历史悠久
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以下是“中国”茶叶的历史:======================History of Chinese Tea======================Chinese tea consists of tea leaves which have been processed using methods inherited from CAccording to popular legend, tea was discovered by Chinese Emperor Shennong (Shen Nung, Shen Nong, The Yan Emperor, The Emperor of the five grains) in 2737 BC when a leaf from a Camilla sinensis tree fell into water the emperor was Not everyone agrees on the origin, but no one disputes that tea is deeply woven into the history and culture of C The beverage is considered one of the seven necessities of Chinese life, along with firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce and Some writers classify tea into four categories, green, white, black and Others add categories for red, scented and compressed All of these come from varieties of the Camilla sinensis Chinese flower tea (花茶), while popular, is not a true Most Chinese tea is consumed in China and is not Green tea is the most popular type of tea used in CWithin these main categories of tea are vast varieties of individual Some researchers have counted more than Others put the number at more than 1, Some of the variations are due to different strains of the Camilla The popular Tie Guan Yin 铁观音, for example, is traced back to a single plant discovered in Anxi 安溪 in the Fujian Other teas draw some of their characteristics from local growing The largest factor in the wide variations comes from differences in processing after the tea is White and green teas are cooked soon after picking to prevent oxidization, often called fermentation, caused by natural enzymes in the Oolong teas are partially Black and red teas are fully Other differences come from variations in the processing Chinese Tea HistoryTea (Camellia sinensis) is native to C The ancient Chinese used them for medical purposes, then developed the infusion we know as tea; to this day tea is said to purge the digestive system of 'toxins' Later the Chinese learned to grow tea plants and use their leaves to make various types of Many different types of tea were grown during each of the dynasties in CThe Tang DynastyA list of the differing grades of tea grown in the Tang Dynasty:Premier Grade Tea: Xiazhou, Guangzhou, Huzhou, Yuezhou, P Second Grade Tea: Jingzhou, Ranzhou, Changzhou, M Third Grade Tea: Shouzhou, Hangzhou, Muzhou, Hengzhou, Taizhou, Xuanzhou, Yiazhou, L Fourth Grade Tea: Jinzhou, Lianzhou, Huangzhou, Sozhou, Yunzhou, Hanzhou, M Tea dates back to the West Zhou Period in ancient China, when the Chinese used tea as Since then, tea leaves have been eaten as vegetables, used as medicine, and, since the Han dynasty, infused in boiling water, the new drink making tea into a major There are many different kinds of The three basic categories are non-oxidised green tea, semi-oxidised oolong tea, and fully oxidised black All true teas are usually made from the same type of plant, “Camellia Sinensis”, although some teas are flavored with other plants and Tea is made through a very long and delicate procedure where young tea leaves are picked, steamed or pan fried, then dried and sifted, and finally distributed to wherever they need to The flavor of tea varies depending on how it is Many people drink tea because of its health Tea promotes in occasions digestion[citation needed], is rich in vitamins, and brings a feeling of relaxation when you drink The Song DynastyTea was an important crop during the Song D Tea farms covered 242 This included expensive tribute tea; tea from Zhejiang and Fujian provinces, where some was exported to Southeast Asian and the Arab In the Song Dynasty, tea started to be pressed into tea cake, some embossed with patterns of the dragon and the Phoenix and was called exotic names including:Large Dragon tea cake, Small Dragon tea cake, Surpass Snow Dragon ball cake, Fine Silver Sprout, Cloud Leaf, Gold Money, Jade Flower, Inch of Gold, Longevity Sprout, Eternal Spring Jade Leave, Dragon in the Clouds, Longevity Dragon Sprout, Dragon Phoenix and Flower, Eternal Spring Silver SThe Ming DynastyMing dynasty scholar 文震亨 Wen Zhenheng's book 长物志 Zhang Wu Zhi (On Superfluous Things) chapter 12 contains description of several famous Ming dynasty teas:Tiger Hill Tea and Heaven Pool TeaDuring this time Tiger Hill Tea was purportedly developed as (still) the finest tea in the world, however, the production quantity was rather small, and growing is regulated by the Chinese Some, however, consider its taste to be second to Heaven Pool Zhen HJie TeaJie Tea from Chang Xing of Zhejiang is superb and highly regarded, though rather Those from Jing Qi find it is slightly NB: "Jie" is the short hame for "Luo Jie" Luo Jie was the name of a mountain bordering Zhejiang and Jing Qi (in the Ming dynasty), where "jie"-- meant Chang Xin was south of Luo Jie mountain, Jing Qi was north of Luo J Chang Xin retains its name till Luo Jie tea from Gu Chu mountain in Chang Xing county in Zhejiang was also known as Gu Chu Voilet S Gu Chu Voilet Shoot had been imperial tribute tea since the Tang dynasty for nearly nine hundred years until the middle of the Qin Gu Chu Voilet Shoot was revived again in the seventies as a top grade tea in CNB Jin Qi is now called Yi Xin Jin Qi tea was also known as Yang Xian Ruo Leaves are leaves from Indocalamus tessellatus The leaf is about 45 cm Liu An Tea"Liu An" tea is used for Chinese medicine, although if it is not baked right, it cannot let out its aroma and has a bitter The inherent quality of this tea is actually quite Wen ZhenhengNote: Liu An is a county in A Liu An tea is still produced from Liu An county in Anhui province in C The Liu An tea from the Bat Cave of Jin Zai county is of superior quality, as thousand of bats in the cave can provide an ideal fertilizer for the tea Song Luo TeaSong Luo tea is manufactured at Song Luo mountain located north of Xiu Ning township in An Hui proovince in C The tea farms are scattered between a height of six to seven hundred meters on the There is no real Song Luo tea outside an area of a dozen mu* and only one or two families possess the refined skill to prepare Song Luo Recently the tea hand-baked by mountain monks is even Genuine Song Luo tea is produced at the foot of the Dong Shan (Cave Hill) and on top of the Tian Chi (Heaven Pool), highly treasured by people in Xin An It is also a favourite for the people of Nan Du and Qu Zong counties, due to its ease in brewing and intense One mu = 667 square Dragon Well Tea and Eyes on Heaven TeaLong Jing and Tian Mu may match Heaven Pool tea due to the weather in their growing Because the cold season comes earlier to the mountains, there is abundant snow in the winter, hence the tea plants germinate [Wen Zhenheng]Long Jing tea is manufactured in the West Lake district in Hangzhou city, C There is a Longjing (Dragon Well) on the Feng Huang Tian Mu mountain is located in Lin An county in the north west of Zhejiang There are two 1500-meter peaks, each with a pond on top filled with crystal clear water looking like an eye, hence the name of Eyes on H

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