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AbstractHospital information system (HospitalInformation System), also known as the"hospital management information system", refers to the use of computer software and hardware technology, network communication technology and other modern means, the integrated management of the hospital and its affiliated departments of stream of people, logistics, financial flow, produced in variousstages of medical data acquisition, storage, processing, extraction, transmission,summary, generate a variety of information processing, information systems to provide comprehensive, automated management and all kinds of services for the overall operation of the Hospital information system (HIS) has become a symbol of the modern management of the This paper expounds thedevelopment process of hospital information system of outpatient registration system database management Analysis of the various functional design of the relation database management system has various functions realization,design description methods and algorithms, and concrete implementationrequired related technologies used in Hospital information management system to prepare the implementation of theoutpatient doctor patient information, information, management of drug information, at the same time, also realized the information of patient treatment,patient registration and some other commonly used function After several tests, the system can be in the normal operation of the windowsoperating system to install the SQL Server2005, is a practical, reliable andconvenient operation of the hospital information management system, realize the basic functions of information management system for hospital outpatient, has achieved the anticipated Keywords: information management system for hospital outpatient department;management information system; database connection望采纳 ,最好加分赏赐,哈哈。
164 评论


内容要求毕业论文一般应包括以下九个主要组成部分(注意此次序即为装订次序): 封面 采用全校统一制作格式,填写的内容为:论文题目(包括英文和中文题目)、学号、作者姓名、指导教师姓名、毕业论文完成日期。 英文摘要 英文摘要应是毕业论文的中心内容,应具有独立性和自含性,即读者不需要阅读全文,就能获得必要的毕业论文信息。摘要内容涉及本项科研工作的目的和意义、研究方法、研究成果、结论。要注意突出毕业论文中具有创造性的成果和具有新见解的部分。 中文摘要 中文摘要应与英文摘要相对应。 目录 目录作为毕业论文的提纲,是其各组成部分的小标题,应简明扼要。 毕业论文正文 毕业论文正文是主体,一般由引言开始,以结论结束。毕业论文的内容可因研究课题的性质不同而变化,一般可包括文献综述,理论框架、研究方法、数据分析和讨论,以及本研究方法与已有研究方法的比较等。毕业论文正文应不少于6000英文词。 参考文献 参考文献是撰写毕业论文时引用的有关图书资料。应按作者姓氏的首字母顺序排列,英文文献在前,中文文献在后。 附录 研究中使用的问卷、重要的测试结果、图表、程序等可列在附录中。 致谢 对给予各类资助、指导和协助完成研究工作以及提供各种条件的单位和个人表示感谢。致谢应实事求是,切忌滥用浮夸庸俗之词。 任务书 开题报告 综合评定意见表

351 评论


[Abstract]: Our country each kind of education curriculum policy reform direction is moving towards national, the place and the school three level of curriculum patterns from the original sole national curriculum Facing the new situation and the new challenge, in understood in the foundation which and studies which the domestic and foreign curricula to reform the trend of development as well as the college entrance examination reforms, the exploration construction special zone countryside urbanization area collated and corrected copy curriculum development and the construction, the development collated and corrected copy curriculum process and the specific measures, are helpful in explore one to have the contemporaneity, local and the collated and corrected copy characteristic raise high quality nationality talented person's new [Key word]: Collated and corrected copy curriculum; Development; Construction

188 评论



243 评论



317 评论


driven by the development of society,the vedio media industry has been developing rapidly in he paper will introduce what kind of influences and advantages the cartoon can produce when we bring it into vedio media in the mordern times that is witnessing a rapid development of information and he cartoon is a product of the rapidly developing high technology and ancient art of but the cartoon industry is one of the industries which have the most day ,it's being brought into people's lives as vedio media in a extensively way,an angle of view of media is becoming more and more extensive by its highly versatile showing fundation ,and it presents people's dream as a amazing true into your 动画这个词语,我用的卡通--cartoon( 动画: animation, cartoon, animated cartoon, cameracature 动画的英文Animation源自于拉丁文字根的anima,意思为灵魂,动词animare是赋予生命,引申为使某物活起来的意思,所以animation可以解释为经由创作者的安排,使原本不具生命的东西像获得生命一般地活动。)。影视广告vedio media不会错。祝你拿个高分。 title: on influences of cartoon for the development of vedio media 直译:论动画在影视广告发展过程中的影响 on effect of cartoon in vedio media直译: 动画在影视广告中的效果(作用)

157 评论


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    AbstractHospital information system (HospitalInformation System), also known as

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