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第五届“普译奖”全国大学生翻译比赛主办单位:《海外英语》杂志报名时间:即日起至5月31日竞赛地址:第九届“海伦·斯诺翻译奖”竞赛截稿时间:2021年5月31日24:00主办单位 :陕西省翻译协会,北京大学中国埃德加·斯诺研究中心,美国南犹他大学,西北大学,海伦·福斯特·斯诺基金会竞赛地址:第十届全国口译大赛(英语)报名截止时间:2021年5月21日主办单位:中国翻译协会第三十三届韩素音国际翻译大赛主办单位:中国翻译协会、北京第二外国语学院报名截止日期:2021年5月31日前第六届“LSCAT杯”浙江省笔译大赛主办单位:中国翻译协会,浙江省社科联报名时间:个人报名3月5日至4月28日,团队报名3月8日至4月28日

200 评论


2021年6月六级翻译第一套:海南海南是仅次于台湾的中国第二大岛,是位于中国最南端的省份。海南岛风景秀丽,气候宜人,阳光充足,生物多样,温泉密布,海水清澈,大部分海滩几乎全年都是游泳和日光浴的理想场所,因而被誉为中国的四季花园和度假胜地,每年都吸引了大批中外游客。海南1988年建省以来,旅游业、服务业、高新技术产业飞速发展,是中国唯一的省级经济特区。在中央政府和全国人民的大力支持下,海南将建成中国最大的自由贸易试验区。Hainan Island is the second largest island in China after Taiwan Island and is the province located in the southernmost part of C Hainan Island has beautiful scenery, pleasant climate, abundant sunshine, diverse creatures, dense hot springs and clear sea Most of the beaches are ideal places for swimming and sunbathing almost all year  Therefore, it is known as China's all-season garden and resort, attracting a large number of tourists domestic and overseas every  Since Hainan was established as a province in 1988, its tourism, service and high-tech industries have developed  It is the only provincial special economic zone in C With the strong support of the central government and the people of the whole country, Hainan will become China's largest pilot free trade 第二套:云南云南是位于中国西南的一个省,平均海拔1500米。云南历史悠久,风景秀丽,气候宜人。云南生态环境优越,生物多种多样,被誉为野生动植物的天堂。云南还有多种矿藏和充足的水资源,为全省经济的可持续发展提供了有利条件。云南居住着25个少数民族,他们大多有自己的语言习俗和宗教。云南独特的自然景色和丰富的民族文化使其成为中国最受欢迎的旅游目的地之一,每年都吸引着大批国内外游客前往观光旅游。Yunnan is a province located in the southwest of China with an average altitude of 1500  Yunnan has a long history, beautiful scenery and a pleasant With a superior ecological environment and a wide variety of living creatures, Yunnan is known as a paradise for wild animals and  Yunnan also has a variety of mineral resources and adequate water resources, which provide favorable conditions for the sustainable development of the whole province's  The province is home to 25 ethnic minorities, most of whom have their own languages, customs and  Its unique natural scenery and rich national culture have made it one of the most popular tourist destinations in China, attracting large numbers of domestic and foreign tourists each 第三套:青海青海是中国西北部的一个省份,平均海拔3千米以上,大部分地区为高山和高原。青海省得名于全国最大的咸水湖青海湖。青海湖被誉为“中国最美的湖泊”,是最受欢迎的旅游景点之一,也是摄影师和艺术家的天堂。青海山川壮丽,地大物博。石油和天然气储量丰富,省内许多城市的经济在石油和天然气工业带动下得到了长足发展。青海尤以水资源丰富而闻名,是中国三大河流长江、黄河和澜沧江的发源地,在中国的水生态中发挥着重要作用。Qinghai is a province in northwestern China with an average altitude of more than 3 Most areas of the province are high mountains and  The province is named after Qinghai Lake, the largest saltwater lake in the country, which is also known as the most beautiful lake in C It is one of the most popular tourist attractions nationwide, as well as a paradise for photographers and Qinghai features magnificent landscapes, vast territory and abundant  The rich oil and natural gas reserves have contributed to the rapid and constant economy growth of many cities within the Qinghai is especially renowned for its abundant water  It serves as the headstreams of China's three major rivers – the Yangtze River, the Yellow River and the Lancang River, thus playing a vital role in China's water

313 评论


  • 中国翻译杂志2021年第六期在几月


    西西和嘻嘻 2人参与回答 2024-05-21
  • 中国翻译杂志2021年第六期

    目前这个期刊什么核心期刊也不是的。即不是中文核心,也不是 科技核心。2014版 的北大中文核心期刊目录已经把这个期刊给踢掉了。但这个期刊是 中国疾病预防控制中心

    大美美美女 2人参与回答 2024-05-19
  • 中国翻译杂志第六期几月发行


    最爱尛草莓 3人参与回答 2024-05-19
  • 中国翻译杂志2021年第六期汇总


    璞璞小熊娃 2人参与回答 2024-05-20
  • 中国翻译杂志2021年第六期出版


    美食家Kitty 3人参与回答 2024-05-19