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96 评论


如果想步入建筑设计方向:你需要热情、吃苦耐劳、创造性思维、美感、设计感、空间感、文化感、社会感、扯淡能力,还需要一定的绘画功底(并不要求很高造诣,只要你能将你设计的东西用图表现得出来。此外、绘画和设计是相辅相成的,对设计很重要)并不需要多强烈的理科思维。如果想步入建筑技术方向:那以上的很多你都可以不需要,但一定要有审美能力和理科思维以及严整的科学态度,不需要你能画,但一定要懂绘画的规律,知道画是如何产生的。如果想步入建筑历史文化及其理论方向:你需要更为强烈的文化感、美感、文字能力,这个对绘画的要求也高物理,数学。 建筑专业都要用到。 建筑物理,建筑力学, 然还有英语, 很多优秀的建筑书刊都是外文的。没有翻译。很多建筑术语翻译过来也不准确。 其次的所谓的什么软件。 没学过艺术的都可以学,主要看素描基础,透视 ,结构,手绘能力(后期手绘效果图),建筑的色彩主要以水彩为主。建筑类专业范围很大。以土木建筑为主,(工民建、房屋建筑)道路与桥梁、地下工程等,都以工程建筑有关。纯工科。其中建筑学专业是学建筑设计的,需要美学知识,因而录取后要加试美术。(素描、色彩)。建筑设计方向、建筑技术方向、建筑历史文化及其理论方向。

293 评论


摘要 abstract关键词 key words节能 energy saving绿化 ?屋顶 roof top

355 评论


abstractkeyword(s)energy preservationafforestingroof是在做城市规划或者环保方面的论文吧?

225 评论


This paper is the Guangzhou municipal government office building energy-saving technology application and the potential First view of the current large-scale public buildings in China features high energy consumption, particularly office buildings, some government agencies, high-grade office buildings, star hotels, find the kind of large public buildings Daozhi key factor in the high energy consumption, and then analyze the energy-saving technology potential energy saving Finally, make up the national unit standards for building energy consumption, and with the international Large public building energy consumption mainly by the lighting power system, air-conditioning systems, lift systems, other electrical equipment, system components, this office building of Guangzhou municipal authorities as a research target, its energy consumption on-site research, collect some important energy consumption data and analyze it, find that kind of building air conditioning system is a major energy consumer, accounting for the entire building all the energy consumption of between 40% -60% Therefore, such buildings air conditioning system to analyze, to study the energy-saving potential as the key to solving the Building energy efficiency at home and abroad by reading the relevant literature, and government agencies in Guangzhou office of the specific situation, the transformation of its energy-saving technologies, energy conservation programs Key words: building energy, the Guangzhou government office buildings, air-conditioning system, saving potential

285 评论


摘要abstract关键词 key word(s)节能 energy saving 或者energy conservation绿化greening或者planting 环境绿化就是environmental greening 屋顶 roofpivotal word 有关键词这个用法吗?疑惑

182 评论


  • 建筑节能技术论文英文翻译

    摘要abstract关键词 key word(s)节能 energy saving 或者energy conservation绿化greening或者plant

    雨天依然美丽 5人参与回答 2024-05-23
  • 建筑节能技术论文英文

    key energy verdurization / rooftop

    快乐的精灵王 4人参与回答 2024-05-21
  • 建筑节能技术论文英文版

    建筑是用能大户,建筑节能是发展建筑业的需要。 一、节能住宅的概念 随着能源危机的出现,越来越多的开发商开始重视节能住宅。节能住宅需要通过对建筑的合理设计、合

    michelleyi 3人参与回答 2024-05-22
  • 建筑节能技术论文


    激动的小胖 4人参与回答 2024-05-20
  • 建筑节能技术论文英文怎么写

    到google, 键入关键词(当然是英文的了)。好多好多好多。。。。。。

    你怎么都注册了 6人参与回答 2024-05-21