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部分考生对笔者推荐国内出版的英文报刊杂志表示不解,他们认为国内出版的英文报纸杂志水平不及外国英文报刊高,阅读价值不大。不可否认,国内英文报刊的整体水平无法与外国英语报刊相提并论,这是很正常的事情,毕竟英语不是我们的母语。作为写作老师,我推荐上述报刊杂志的理由有以下几点:首先,上述报刊的文章内容和语言难度较贴近国内读者,且相当部分内容考生已经在中文报刊上看过,这样可以降低阅读难度,增强考生的自信心,激发阅读兴趣;其次,上述报刊的文章主要由国内英文记者撰写,虽然与native English writer的文章有一定差距,但比较而言,仍属上乘,值得广大考生认真学习,模仿度较高,不至于曲高和寡,打击考生的信心;第三,不少文章的内容与雅思写作和口语话题密切相关,考生可以从中积累相关论点论据和漂亮的表达

357 评论



170 评论


英文推荐信撰写技巧在找推荐人的时候要记住一个基本准则:推荐人重要的选择标准是对申请者有充分的了解,而不仅仅是看推荐人本身的名气。推荐人最好了解申请者的优点且需熟悉申请者学习情况、学习目的是否明确、适应能力、创造能力、性格和特长等。工作上找了解申请者的直属上司、客户、主管等或曾经监督管理过申请者的人学校方面找院系老师 (千万不要找亲戚家属、名声响亮的名人、CEO等对自己不了解的人写推荐信)另外,在写推荐信时,要包含以下几个重点和方向:推荐人的全名与申请人的基本情况介绍交待推荐人与申请者的关系(如何认识、了解程度、关系)对申请者的基本评价(如:专业基础、个性、人品、特点、工作态度、发展潜力和实例)要注意学校看重学术潜能;公司则强调实务应变能力推荐人可以介绍申请人曾获得奖励、发表的论文、参加过的重要学术会议、其曾在学生组织或学术团体中的任职来支撑自己对申请人的正面评价推荐人必须清楚地表明被推荐人留学的身份是研究生还是访问学者,专业领域及研究方向必须表明推荐人的态度是极力推荐还是保留推荐将一些申请表上无法呈现的东西转由推荐信来呈现。例如人格特质,甚至如何克服挫折或压力量化表现:提供资料给推荐者时,尽量以「他的成绩排在全系的10%-15%」,或「他在哪些课程里表现很好,而这个课程需要良好的C++编程设计能力以及Matlab的某某应用」。换言之,让你的表现是具有参考指标的英文推荐信范文以下提供英文推荐信模板:To the Graduate Admissions Department at [University/Program]:(第一段说明推荐者的职位、与申请者之间的关系,以及对申请者的整体评价)It is my pleasure to recommend Jane Doe for admission to [Name of Program] at [University] I am an associate professor of [Subject] at [University] I came to know Jane while teaching her in [Course] The course comprised [short description of course] Jane distinguished herself by submitting an exceptionally well researched and interesting project on [project] She is one of the very best students that I have taught in the past five years in respect of her writing ability and research (第二段具体说明申请者的特质和技能,并提供具体事例证明申请者的能力)Overall, Jane is highly intelligent and has good problem-solving Her [project] demonstrated her ability to come a detailed understanding of [details about coursework] the lifestyles of pre-historic hominids, and to analyze the consequences of those practices on She gave a particularly interesting discussion of the difficult practice of tool-shaping and a profound engagement with the use and the implications of these Her overall intelligence is also reflected in her grades for the course, which were among the highest in the (第三段说明更多的特质、技能以及事例说明)Jane has excellent communication Her written work is both clear and concise, as well as interesting to She demonstrated her oral articulateness in the discussion sections that were an integral part of the Each discussion section focused on a particular aspect of Olduvian Gorge Students were required analyze unsolved questions and to develop and defend their own Jane was highly proficient in applying the course material in analyzing these “” She always explained her views very concisely and gave supporting arguments that were both clear and Jane also demonstrated good teamwork skills in group (第四段说明更多的特质、技能以及事例说明)At a personal level, Jane is a well-disciplined, industrious student with a pleasant Throughout the course, Jane demonstrated great perseverance and Not only was she interested in and motivated to learn the material, but she also put great work into assimilating it to her own experience and developing her own ideas about each topic that we (第五段说明为何推荐申请者,以及申请者为什么适合该专业或学校)Jane is unquestionably an exceptional candidate for graduate study in [Program applying for] Jane’s work in [Academic Course/Department] suggests that she would greatly benefit from the opportunities for intellectual development provided by a sustained period of graduate She has proven herself to have the perseverance, initiative, and intellectual creativity necessary to complete an advanced graduate I would therefore highly recommend Jane D If her performance in my class is a good indication of how she would perform as a graduate student, she would be an extremely positive asset to your (第六段:礼貌性地表示可以协助提供更多信息)If I can be of any further assistance, or provide you with any further information, please do not hesitate to contact Sincerely,[sender’s signature][sender’s Name and Title]很多申请者都需要自行撰写推荐信,然而自行撰写推荐信最容易出现的问题就是用词等英文表现不够正式formal,语气和PS,SOP过于相似。这时,大家则需要注意将推荐信交给专业的英语母语润色专家来进行润稿,协助将你的推荐信修改得更为专业,具有可读性和说服力。

94 评论


关于英文推荐信范文模版篇1  dear colleagues:  as a teacher in department of biology, nankai university, a leading university in china, i am very pleased to take this opportunity to recommend one of my favorite students to your phd   in september, 2004, miss zhang was my students in general biology, the first professional course they take in the she likes it very i teach her in an open and interactive manner, she is active and passionate about answering class miss zhang is bright, energetic and enthusiastic girl who loves speaking out her own she never escapes from those points of which she is apart from that, she often puts forward her ideas upon questions and exchanges all of her innovate ideas with me after   upon ending of general biology course, i asked my students to write an essay upon their understanding of i discovered miss zhang’s essay was so impressive and persuasive; her careful essay comes from dozens of references to biology in essay miss zhang stretched out her creative thinking upon status quo of biological research and branches in the field of all of this speaks to her creative and logical and scientific thinking i am gladly to say that miss zhang has a clear understanding about general biology, that comprehension has been reflected fully in her therefore miss zhang got a full point for her essay in her class, and other students took it as model essay for   i believe miss zhang’s industriousness, passion and dedication will make her an ideal candidate you are seeking for your program, so i highly recommend her without any hesitation to and i will greatly appreciate it if you could accept her into your   sincerely yours,   ×××

237 评论


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