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毕业论文摘要的书写方法和技巧摘要的作用摘要也就是内容提要,是论文中不可缺少的一部分。论文摘要是一篇具有独立性的短文,有其特别的地方。它是建立在对论文进行总结的基础之上,用简单、明确、易懂、精辟的语言对全文内容加以概括,留主干去枝叶,提取论文的主要信息。作者的观点、论文的主要内容、研究成果、独到的见解,这些都应该在摘要中体现出来。好的摘要便于索引与查找,易于收录到大型资料库中并为他人提供信息。因此摘要在资料交流方面承担着至关重要的作用。书写摘要的基本规范和原则(1)论文摘要分为中文摘要和外文(一般为英文)摘要。摘要在篇幅方面的限定,不同的学校和机构有不同的要求,通常中文摘要不超过300字,英文摘要不超过250个实词,中英文摘要应一致。毕业论文摘要可适当增加篇幅。(2)多向指导教师请教,并根据提供的意见及时修改,以期达到更高水平。(3)摘要是完整的短文,具有独立性,可以单独使用。即使不看论文全文的内容,仍然可以理解论文的主要内容、作者的新观点和想法、课题所要实现的目的、采取的方法、研究的结果与结论。(4)叙述完整,突出逻辑性,短文结构要合理。(5)要求文字简明扼要,不容赘言,提取重要内容,不含前言、背景等细节部分,去掉旧结论、原始数据,不加评论和注释。采用直接表述的方法,删除不必要的文学修饰。摘要中不应包括作者将来的计划以及与此课题无关的内容,做到用最少的文字提供最大的信息量。(6)摘要中不使用特殊字符,也不使用图表和化学结构式,以及由特殊字符组成的数学表达式,不列举例证。摘要的四要素目的、方法、结果和结论称为摘要的四要素。(1)目的:指出研究的范围、目的、重要性、任务和前提条件,不是主题的简单重复。(2)方法:简述课题的工作流程,研究了哪些主要内容,在这个过程中都做了哪些工作,包括对象、原理、条件、程序、手段等。(3)结果:陈述研究之后重要的新发现、新成果及价值,包括通过调研、实验、观察取得的数据和结果,并剖析其不理想的局限部分。(4)结论:通过对这个课题的研究所得出的重要结论,包括从中取得证实的正确观点,进行分析研究,比较预测其在实际生活中运用的意义,理论与实际相结合的价值。撰写步骤摘要作为一种特殊的陈述性短文,书写的步骤也与普通类型的文章有所不同。摘要的写作时间通常在论文的完成之后,但也可以采用提早写的方式,然后再边写论文边修改摘要。首先,从摘要的四要素出发,通读论文全文,仔细将文中的重要内容一一列出,特别是每段的主题句和论文结尾的归纳总结,保留梗概与精华部分,提取用于编写摘要的关键信息。然后,看这些信息能否完全、准确的回答摘要的四要素所涉及的问题,并要求语句精炼。若不足以回答这些问题,则重新阅读论文,摘录相应的内容进行补充。最后,将这些零散信息,组成符合语法规则和逻辑规则的完整句子,再进一步组成通畅的短文,通读此短文,反复修改,达到摘要的要求。关于英文摘要(1)英文摘要的写作方法要依据公认的写作规范。(2)尽量使用简单句,避免句型单调,表达要求准确完整。(3)正确使用冠词。(4)使用标准英语书写,避免使用口语,应使用易于理解的常用词,不用生僻词汇。(5)作者所做工作用过去时,结论用现在时。(6)多使用主动语态。关键词关键词是为了文献标引工作从报告、论文中选出来用以表示全文主题内容信息目的单词术语。每篇报告、论文选取3~8个词作为关键词,以显著的字符另起一行,排在摘要的左方。如有可能,尽量用《汉语主题词表》等词表提供的规范词。为了国际交流,应标注与中文对应的英文关键词。 关键词是主题词中的一类。主题词是一种新型检索词汇,多用于计算机网络检索。 关键词分为中文关键词和与之对应的英文关键词,分别置于中文摘要和英文摘要之下。为便于他人的检索,不能使用过于宽泛的词语。选择关键词既可以从论文的各级标题入手,也可以从论文本身的内容选取,将选出的关键词按照所涉及领域的范围从大到小顺序列出。

293 评论


In the 1960s because the Europe and America industrially advanced country the economical swift growth, compact car sharp growth, caused the municipal transportation to support stops up, to alleviate the municipal transportation to support stops up proposed the public transportation first municipal transportation developmental strategy, according to the above, the European and American some city's transportation supported stops up obtained certain Afterward, in our country, facing urbanized, motorization challenge, as well as urban development, the people realize the transportation question to become gradually restrict the urban development the primary Therefore, many transportation workers and the urban government start to pay great attention to give priority to the mass transit, realizes the urban land intensification use and the sustainable development, avoids walking the Western developed country again by the compact car journey old route This article in absorbs the domestic and foreign many scholar research results in the foundation, how discussed initially to establish the urban public transportation first general system's first, this article introduced from the background and the concept the public transportation first connotation and the measure, let the reader be able first to have a rational understanding to the public Next, the comprehensive elaboration implementation public transportation first strategy policy, from the high place macroscopic has grasped to realize the urban public transportation first general system, government's guidance and support Third, the concrete public transportation first measure from the spot, the line, surface angle embarking, by the road section, the road intersection, the network will divide into the chapter, has discussed the road section public transportation first general measure, the street intersection public transportation first general measure, the public transportation priority network plan method , In the road section public transportation first general measure, mainly introduced the public transportation special-purpose road's classification and the establishment In the street intersection measure, has studied the spatial first measure and the time preference measure separately, namely the public transportation special-purpose enters the tastes and the road intersection public transportation priority signal But in the network planning method, elaborated for everybody establishes a public transportation priority network the Finally, this article urban Lanzhou which is at by the author is an example, has analyzed this city existing mass transit question, and proposed this city should establish a complete public transportation first general system's

157 评论



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