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Passage 1(09�6�1福建)某英语报社拟成立“微笑俱乐部”,现向癸未征募会员。要求申请者提交一篇题为“I want to Smile”的英语短文。请你以申请者的身份,根据以下思路图的提示用英语写一篇短文。 注意: 根据思路图适当展开,以使行文连贯; 词数:120左右 I Want to Smile【参考范文】I Want to SmileThere are many advantages of It can not only make us happy, but also please If we smile at life, life will smile on us in So I want to smile at all whenever and wherever possible, First, I would like to smile at my parents because they have given me life and take all the trouble to bring me They arrange almost everything for With their help, I have made great I would like to say “Thank you” to them with a Then my smile should go to myself, for only in this way can I gain more confidence in smiling my troubles away and live a better In a word, let’s greet every day with a Tomorrow is another Passage 2(09�6�1江苏)鼠标是计算机时代最佳的人机交互工具之一。它极大地方便了人们的计算机操作。但是,过分依赖鼠标的习惯也会带来一些不利影响。请你以鼠标为切入点,根据下表所提示的信息,用英语写一篇短文。鼠标的必要性 对多数人来说,操作计算机,上网冲浪……鼠标的便捷性 点击、移动、插入、拷贝、删除…… 编辑文本,搜索信息…… 收发邮件,选购商品…… 点播音乐,下载电影……如果过分依赖鼠标…… (请考生结合自身感受,列举两到三点)注意:1.对所给要点逐一陈述,适当发挥,不要简单翻译。2.词数150左右。开头已经写好,不计人总词数。3.作文中不得提及考生所在学校和本人姓名。The mouse is a most effective device used by people to communicate with a computer.【参考范文】The mouse is a most effective device used by people to communicate with a computer.For most people, it’s almost impossible to operate a computer without a mouse, let alone surf the I A well-chosen mouse is really handy, flexible and convenient in controlling the With the functions of inserting, deleting, moving and copying, it enables us to edit test, browse web page and download what we It can even bring us a flood of music, movies and PC Just imagine, all this can be done with a cute A convenient tool can certainly make our work easier, but it doesn’t always help in a positive Too much ready information on our fingertips leaves little room for knowledge Too many ready answers make us less excited in finding Relying too much on mouse clicking makes us lazier and less creative both mentally and (153 words)Passage 3 (08�6�1湖南)请从下列人物中选择你最喜欢的一位,用英语写一篇120词左右的短文。要求根据所给信息作适当发挥,且需包括以下三部分内容:对该人物的简单介绍;喜欢该人物的理由;从该人物身上得到的启示。 Thomas Edison Helen Keller William Shakespeareinventor;creative;diligent;full of wisdom ordinary but great woman;disabled;optimistic;eager to learn writer;talented;imaginative;man of all ages“Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent ” “if I had the power of sight for three ” “Life is a ”【参考范文】Sample 1:Thomas EdisonBorn in America, Thomas Edison was a great scientist and He was once thought to be a boy who was not worth In fact, he was a man full of I admire Edison a lot because of his great contribution to the He had more than 1,000 In his lifetime, he was always eager to know how things worked, which helped him to earn the nickname“the Wizard of Melo Park”He was also so diligent that he worked day and And this explained why he had so many great What impresses me most is his famous saying,“Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent ”Probably I cannot be an Edison myself, but I can be a hard-working From him, I realize the secret to success is not when or where you were born, but what you are doing and how you do it in your Sample 2:Helen KellerEvery time I read“if I had the power of sight for three days”,I cannot help being moved by its author Helen Keller, an ordinary but great American I admire Helen because she is optimistic about She became deaf and blind when she was 19 months Since then she lived in a world of darkness and silence, and communication seemed only a dream for But she never gave up and struggled to lead an active Under the guidance of her teacher, M Sullivan, Helen learned to read and write and became a famous For a disabled person like her, this was really a wonder!Helen has set an excellent example to all of Her story tells us that we should value what we have, and try our best to overcome any difficulty in Sample 3:William ShakespeareDo you know Hamlet? Have you read The Merchant of Venice? These two great works are both written by William Shakespeare, my favorite English writer and the man of all ages!Shakespeare, a son from a poor family, a man of little education, wrote plays and poems that are read all over the I like him because his comedies and tragedies bring me into a fantastic world; I love him because his poems let me enjoy the beauty of the English language; I admire him because his keen sights set me thinking and teach me how to lead a meaningful life!Since“Life is a stage”,we are actually all actors and On this stage, everyone has his own role to play, and I will try my best to play my role Passage 3(06�6�1江苏)根报道,2008年北京奥运会将选拔约十万名志愿者为之服务。请你以“Dos and Don’ts for the 2008 Olympic Volunteers”为题,用英语写一篇短文,讨论志愿者应该做什么,不应该做什么。短文应包括下表中的内容:Dos Don’ts1.待人礼貌友好 1.避免不得体的言行2.坚守岗位 2.不忘履行自己的职责3.介绍中国历史和文化 3.不损害祖国的形象如果你成为志愿者,你还应该做什么,不应该做什么。(内容由考生自己拟定)注意:1.对所给要点,不要简单翻译,要有适当发挥。2.词数120左右。短文中已写好的部分,不计入词数。3.参考词汇:形象—image Dos and Don’ts for the 2008 Olympic VolunteersIt is reported that about 100,000 people will be chosen as volunteers for the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing What should the volunteers do and what should they not do ? If I have the honour to be chosen as a volunteer, 【参考范文】Dos and Don’ts for the 2008 Olympic VolunteersIt is reported that about 100,000 people will be chosen as volunteers for the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing What should the volunteers do and what should they not do?Firstly, they should be polite and friendly to the athletes and visitors from all over the world , and avoid improper Secondly, they should stick to their posts , offering good services , satisfying any reasonable needs and being ready to help those in difficulty , and never fail to do their Thirdly, they should introduce the Chinese culture and history to foreigners so that they may know China better , and never say or do anything that harms the image of our motherland If I have the honour to be chosen as a volunteer, besides the I will work hard and creatively, but never be lazy I will follow the law and discipline, but never break them I will take the opportunity to make friends with the athletes and visitors , and help make the 2008 Olympic Games a great Passage 4(06�6�1湖北)受某英文报的委托,你最近对高中生的英语阅读兴趣做了一次调查。请根据以下信息,用英语为该报写一篇100左右的短文。短文的标题及首句已为你写好。调查内容:在新闻、故事、科普、学习方法四种英文文章中,学生最喜欢哪一种。 调查范围:湖北省的10所中学 调查对象:高中生 调查人数:1000 调查方式:访谈 调查结果:(见下图) Reading Interests of Senior Middle School Students Recent, society has been done to find out the reading interests of senior middle school students【参考范文】Reading Interests of Senior Middle School Students Recently a survey has been done to find out the reading interests of senior middle school In this survey, one thousand senior middle school students from ten schools in Hubei Province were They were asked which they liked reading most among the four categories of English articles: news, stories, popular science articles and articles about learning The survey shows that more than half of the students like to read news Twenty-six percent of the students say that English stories are their Only seven percent of the students are most interested in reading articles about learning However, the number of students who enjoy reading popular science articles doubles that of those who prefer reading articles about learning Passage 5(06�6�1四川)假设你是李华,你的新西兰笔友Nick将于八月来四川旅游,特来信询问有关旅游景点情况。请根据下表所提供的要点,写一封回信,并表示盼望他的到来。旅游资源 许多世界著名的风景名胜,如九寨沟(海子:清澈见底;色彩斑斓)都江堰水利工程(2,000多年历史;仍在发挥作用)相关信息 气候适宜;交通方便注意:词数100左右,信的格式及开头已为你写好(不计入总词数)。 可根据内容要点适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 参考词汇: 省份-province 海子-lake 都江堰水利工程-Dujiangyan Irrigation ProjectDear Nick, I’m glad to hear that you′re coming to Sichuan in A Yours sincerely, Li Hua【参考范文】I’m glad to hear that you’re coming to Sichuan in A You’ve made the wise choice to travel Sichuan Province is rich in tourist attractions and enjoys many world-famous places of interest, such as Jiuzhaigou and Dujiangyan Irrigation PJiuzhaigou is well known for its beautiful lakes, of which the water is clear and looks It can excite visitors’ Another attraction is Dujiangyan Irrigation P It was built over 2,000 years ago and is still playing an important part in irrigation Besides, the nice weather and convenient transportation here can make your trip more I’m sure you’ll have a good I’m looking forward to your Yours sincerely, Li Hua
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已经发表的学术论文论文《任务型教学与中学外语教学改革》2004年被收入CNKI《中国优秀博硕士学位论文全文数据库》,中国学术期刊(光盘版)电子杂志社出版论文《新课程、新对策:任务型教学的探究与运用》发表于基础教育研究2003年9月论文《任务型教学的探索与尝试》发表于广西教育,2003年第10期(10)论文《翻译学研究现状》(合作)发表于广西师范大学学报(人文社会科学版全国核心期刊,2001年第三期外国语言文学与教学研究专辑 (2001年12月)。论文《言语交际与非言语交际中语用失误的对比研究》发表于广西师范大学学报(人文社会科学版全国核心期刊), 2002年第2期外国语言文学与教学研究专辑(2002年8月)。论文《英语阅读理解研究综观》发表于广西师范大学学报(人文社会科学版全国核心期刊)2003年第3期外国语言文学与教学研究特刊(10)论文《也谈英语阅读理解能力的提高及其理论依据》发表于广西师范大学学报(人文社会科学版全国核心期刊, 2003年第2期哲学社会科学版(增刊)(2003年6月)。论文《任务型教学之我见》广西师范大学学报(人文社会科学版全国核心期刊),2003年第3期外国语言文学与教学研究特刊(10)论文《任务型教学当中的探究与运用》国家基础教育实验中心外语教育研究中心出版的论文集(4)论文《任务型教学的优势 不足与对策》附中教研2003年第四期(5)论文《初中英语任务型教学:理解 探究与实践》发表于广西师大学报2003年第二期教育硕士特刊(10)第一作者论文《初中英语任务型教学中的语言输入》使用《领先英语》教材有感 发表于广西师大学报2003年第二期教育硕士特刊(10) 第二作者论文《英语任务型教学中的自主——合作学习探讨》发表于广西师大学报2003年第二期教育硕士特刊(10) 第二作者《构建在网络平台上的英语任务型教学》发表于广西师大学报2003年第二期教育硕士特刊(10) 第二作者论文《基于任务型教学的英语音标天平记忆法》2004年6月发表于广西师大学报第二期增刊硕士学位毕业论文:Task-based Language Teaching and ELT Reform in Middle Schools(任务型教学与中学外语教学改革),广西师范大学学报(人文社会科学版全国核心期刊),2004年第1期外国语言文学与教学研究特刊(11)已经出版的学科专著作者(合)《初二英语特别辅导》广西师范大学出版社2002年6月。主编(合)《自主与互动学习 英语》初一(下)广西民族出版社2003年12月。主编(合)《自主与互动学习 英语》初二(下)广西民族出版社2003年12月。主编(合)《自主与互动学习 英语》初三(上)广西民族出版社2003年7月。主编(合)《自主与互动学习 英语》初三(下)广西民族出版社2003年7月。作者(合)《自主与互动学习 英语》初一(上)广西民族出版社2003年7月。作者(合)《自主与互动学习 英语》初三(上)广西民族出版社2003年7月。作者(合)《自主与互动学习 英语》初三(下),广西民族出版社2003年7月。作者(合)《课文英汉对照译注》(初一上)广西师范大学出版社2003年6月。作者(合)《课文英汉对照译注》(初一下)广西师范大学出版社2003年12月。作者(合)《课文英汉对照译注》(初二上)广西师范大学出版社2003年6月。作者(合)《课文英汉对照译注》(初二下)广西师范大学出版社2003年12月。主编《能力题全编详解----新目标英语》(七年级)广西师范大学出版社2004年6月。作者(合)《能力题全编详解----新目标英语》(七年级)广西师范大学出版社2004年6月。作者(合)《能力题全编详解----英语》(初三年级)广西师范大学出版社2004年6月。作者(合)《学会学习—— 英语综合素质训练》(七年级 上)北京科学技术出版社 2004年5月副主编/作者(合)《新课程实施指导》(初中英语教师培训教材)北京师范大学出版社 2005年4月作者(合)《中小学英语新课程教学案例分析与指导》 广西教育出版社 正在出版当中作者(合)《2006年高考总复习》广西教育学院杂志社 正在出版当中主持或参加的科研课题2002年立项的桂林市“十五”规划B类课题(负责人):初中英语新课程“任务型”教学的探究与实践。(正在结题)2004年立项的区级“十五”规划A类重点资助课题(负责人): 新课标下中学英语任务型教学的研究与实践

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