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内蒙古中医药》主管单位:内蒙古自治区卫生厅 主办单位:内蒙古自治区中医药学会;内蒙古自治区中蒙医研究所 国内统一刊号:CN15-1101/R ;国际标准刊号:ISSN1006-0979邮发代号 :16-78 《内蒙古中医药》已经有24年的办刊历史,是新闻出版总署正式批准,由内蒙古自治区卫生厅主管,由内蒙古自治区中医药学会、内蒙古自治区中蒙医研究所主办的综合性中医药、医学学术期刊。 《内蒙古中医药》所刊发的稿件被《中国期刊网》、《中文科技期刊数据库》、《中国自然科学(遴选)核心期刊数据库》、《中国学术期刊综合评价数据库》全文收录。 【办刊宗旨】 《内蒙古中医药》以服务医药卫生科技人员、促进国内外医学学术交流和医学科学发展、提高全民健康水平为宗旨,以全面反映我国中医药、医学科研成果,快速传递世界中医药的前沿信息、积极推广先进医疗技术、及时交流防病治病经验、大力普及医学科技新知识为己任。 《内蒙古中医药》办刊方针是理论与实践相结合,提高与普及相结合,积极倡导百花齐放、百家争鸣。征临床、教育、科研的中医、西医、中西医结合、医技、护理、药学、检验、预防医学、管理、临床各科的论文。 【主要栏目】临床报道、临床论著、临证经验、调查与分析、中西医结合、针灸推拿 、疗法与方药、实验研究、药物定性定量研究、学术探讨、名医学术经验、教学探讨、文献综述、医学琐谈、制备与工艺、医经研读、教学园地、护理园地、病例报告、医学影像、药物与临床、综述等近30个栏目。 【来稿要求】 文稿:本刊发表的所有论文须有关键词、参考文献。 论文论著、研究、综述类稿件需附中、英文摘要。 中文摘要一般 超过300字。 英文摘要还应包括文题、单位、地址、邮政编码、作者姓名、关键词等。 文稿需标引2~5个关键词。 不要用缩写语。参考文献3个以上。应引自正式出版物,注明作者、标题、发表或出版处、时间 在正文中用角标标出 作者引用本刊文章的优先发表。论文2200~7500字(一般不超过10000字)11 短篇1500字内注明每位作者的姓名、单位、邮政编码、联系电话等。 文题:力求简明、醒目反映出文章的主题。中文文题一般以20个汉字以内为宜。 来稿格式:本刊原则上只收取电子版稿件(WORD格式)如有图片请提供JPG格式图片。 作者要保证来稿不涉及保密及署名无争议 根据《著作权法》并结合本刊具体情况,凡来稿在接到本刊回执后1个月内未接到稿件处理通知者,系仍在审阅中。作者如欲投他刊, 请先与本刊联系,切勿一稿两投。来稿一律文责自负。依照《著作权法》有关规定,本刊可对来稿做文字修改、删节,凡有涉及原意的修改,则提请作者考虑。 来稿必复。 即赠当期杂志1~2册。

248 评论


Everything has two sides,so the modern technology also has its advantages and First of all,it makes our life more For example ,buses save up us a lot of Besides,it provides us more safe food just like "green food"What's more,it makes us learn much more about our humanbeings and the However,it brings the pollution for us ,It also makes some of us be lazy because life is too Above all,we should make full use of the technology and do our best to help the earth and ps:小生拙作,很久没动笔,看看吧~~

321 评论


On whether the individual is the main issue of international law as a summary of the main body of international laws in today's international law is one of the main But individuals can become a subject of international law, of international law in domestic and international circles is sloped And the four main arguments : (1) That the individual is not a subject of international law, is the only country subject to international (2) Individuals are the only main international law, the state is not a subject of international (3) State is the basic principal of international law, in certain situations, the individual is subject to international (4) Individuals are subjects of international law, but not the only Its dispute with the underlying causes of international law definition of the main At present, international law scholars do not have a clear and consistent identification, But with the trend of globalization and the growing scientific and technological progress, all countries in the political, economic, science and technology, culture, religious and other human activities exchanges become more frequent, giving rise to international relations involving the ever-increasing range of And individuals in the main body of international law status as a slight, but can really establish whether the individual is the subject of international law, is a very important issue and it has a direct impact on the ability of individuals to the status of international and the possibility of direct international exercise of rights and Thereby affecting national cultural, economic, technological, political and other fields of From the main definition of international law, of international law in all fields, as well as individuals can become the main character, analyzes, As a new principal in international law of the dominant position Key words : personal, international law, subjects of international law, international Human Rights law, international criminal law

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