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(一)人物简介的写作步骤 Birthday and birth Family E Big events in his or her life ( in order of time ) Evaluation(二)人物简介写作中常用的词组及句子 Birthday and birth place ——was / were born on…in… , Family background ——1) a poor / rich family2) his (her) family was so poor that……,3) with the help of his parents , 4) his father was very strict with him……,5) the son of a poor family ,6) when he was a small boy , 7) as a child , 8) during his (her) childhood , 9) spend his childhood in……,10) live a happy (hard ) life ,11) a boy of 15 Education——1) graduate from……department of ……university ,2) When at college , he majored in……,3) receive a doctor’s degree 4) get higher education5) go abroad for further Big events in his life——1) be interested in … , 2) work hard at … , 3) devote his lifetime to … , 4) do research about / into … 5) make a big decision make up one’s mind to do 6) do sth with great determination and perseverance 7) be fond of… , 8) be strict in 9) have a … way of doing 10) try one’s best to do 11) encourage sb to do 12) fight for , give up one’s life for sb / 13) win a prize in … competi ition 14) be good at 15) make rapid progress in … , 16) set a new world record of … 17) become a member of … 18) study hard train hard 19) win a gold medal 20) work so hard as to improve… 21) have a gift for… Evaluation——1) one of the best (most important) … 2) set sb a good example 3) a model teacher 4) be respected by everyone 5) sing high praise for… speak (think) highly of… 6) his hard work brought him great success 7) his heroic story spread all over the city 8) remember sb forever 9) be honored as … 10) be famous as … , 11) be regarded as … , 12) become a world champion at … Championships 13) He became famous for his new theory 14) The people had come to love him as an inspiring leader 15) Lei Feng has been praised for his communist spirit 16) People spoke highly of him and all respected him 高考中描写人常用表达方式(1)介词人物的姓名、出身She was born in Poland on N 7 , 1867 (她于1867年11月7日出生于波兰。)a great scientist with the name Einstein(一个叫爱因斯坦的伟大科学家)Abraham Lincoln , the son of a poor family , was born in Kentucky on February 12 , 1809 (亚伯拉汗•林肯,一个贫苦家庭的儿子,于1809年2月12日出生于肯他基州。)Born of a poor clerk’s family Charles Dickens had little schooling (出生在一个贫困的小职员家庭中,查儿斯•狄更生接受了很少学校教育)(2)描述人物外貌和性格特征的常用词语good - looking (长得好看的) funny - looking (长相滑稽的)ugly - loking (长得难看的) ordinary looking (长相一般的)white - haired (白头发的) warm - hearted (热心肠的)kind - hearted(好心的) absent - minded (心不在焉的)bad - tempered (脾气不好的) near - sighted (近视眼的)far - sighted (远视的) tall (个高的)short (个矮的) pretty (漂亮的)naughty (淘气的) lovely (可爱的)easy - going (温和宽容的) smart (精明的)wise (明智的) bright (聪明的)diligent (勤奋的) lazy (懒惰的)clever (聪明的) healthy (健康的)humorous (幽默的) funny (滑稽的)silent (沉默的) attractive (有吸引力的)talkative (多话的)(3)表达人物兴趣和爱好的常用词组或短语like … very much (非常喜欢…) love (喜爱)be interested in (对…感兴趣)be fond of (喜欢…)hate (憎恨)be tired of (对…厌倦)be crazy about (对…极度喜欢)enjoy (喜欢…)lose interest in (对…失去兴趣)(4)描述人物心情的常用词语:sad (难过的) happy (高兴的)excited (兴奋的) pleased (高兴的)satisfied (满意的) angry (生气的)worried (担心的) disappointed (失望的)terrified (恐惧的) friendly (友好的)anxious (焦虑的) curious (好奇的)eager (急切的)(三)实例分析 说明:上海出版的《学生英文报》,对象是我国的学生,请用英语为该报写一段人物介绍,介绍少年体育明星孙淑伟。内容要点如下:1)简况:孙淑伟(Sun Shuwei):男,14岁,广东人(Guangdong)2)训练项目:跳水(diving)3)取得成绩:第十一届亚运会冠军,第六届世界游泳锦标赛冠军(亚运会:the Asia Games 冠军:Champion 游泳锦标赛:Swimming Championships)4)其他情况:从小就喜欢游泳,8岁进广东省跳水队;在学校里认真学习,在跳水队时认真训练,13岁进入国家队,一年后(1990)夺得十一届亚运会金牌;今年年初获第六届游泳锦标赛冠军。注意:1)要有标题。2)介绍须包括所有内容要点,但不要逐条译成英语。3)介绍的长度为80~120个词。 题解:这是一篇人物报道,根据所提供的材料组织文章。首先应确定标题。如:Sun Shuwei - A World Champion in Diving 其次应介绍人物的姓名、性别、年龄、籍贯,随后介绍他的成长过程,最后介绍他取得的成就。 91高考书面表达范文:Sun Shuwei - A World Champion in DivingSun Shuwei , a world champion in diving , is a boy of 14 from Guangdong He loved swimming when he was a small boy and at eight he became a member of the diving team in Guangdong Province He studied hard at school and trained hard for five years before he came to the national team A year later in 1990 , he won a gold medal at the 11th Asia Games and became a world champion at the 6th world Swimming Championships early this years
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《汽车测试报告》是英国广播公司(British Broadcasting Corporation,简称 BBC)旗下的顶级汽车品牌,包括全世界最受欢迎的专业汽车电视节目和专业汽车杂志。2003年10月,英国广播公司授权万华媒体(OMG)出版发行 TopGear杂志的简体中文版《汽车测试报告TopGear》。专业汽车欣赏杂志秉承TopGear精辟、严实、特立、本性的一贯理念,融合中国汽车市场特色,倾力打造最权威、最生动的专业汽车杂志。特色关注新车发展动向 — 以专业独到的视角、深入浅出的评测,把世界各个汽车品牌的发展方向和最新力作介绍给读者。牢牢把握高端消费群 — 中国最全面的高端车型报道,车型完全覆盖,图片非常精美,文章精辟入理。专业车手倾力参与 —《汽车测试报告TopGear》杂志中经常会有世界知名的专业车手给读者讲述令他们难忘的驾驶体验。杂志与电视节目相结合 — 《汽车测试报告TopGear》是目前中国极少数拥有同名电视节目的专业汽车杂志。与杂志同步的长达1小时的电视节目能把读者与观众带入一个疯狂的汽车世界。电视节目主持人与杂志专栏记者 — Jeremy Clarkson 是英国家喻户晓的公众人物,曾于1998年获得英国皇家电视节目贡献奖。在《汽车测试报告TopGear》杂志及电视节目中,他都会给观众与读者带来极具个性化的汽车评论。主要栏目前沿文章短小精炼,包括最新发展动态、最新车型预览、知名车展报道等。面对面与汽车有关的人物和故事,以及驾驶技巧、摩托车新闻等。试驾简明陈述试驾最新车型的亲身体验,第一时间与读者分享试驾感受。超级装备模型、精品,以及与汽车有关的各色商品。特别报道生动介绍热点话题、重头新车,从特别的角度引入一级方程式等赛事以及各种与汽车有关的各类大型活动。TG2周边产品、碰撞测试的最新结果,以及车价行情。

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characters introduction

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您好,请参见本人之前的回答:Liu Xiang (born July 13, 1983 in Shanghai, China) is a Chinese hurdling athlete and Olympic gold medalist who holds the current world record in the 110 metres hurdles with a time of 88 CareerIn 2002, Liu launched his professional career by winning his first IAAF Grand Prix in Lausanne with a World Junior and Asian record time of 12 seconds (+6 m/s tail wind) in the 110 metres Afterward, Liu chased down one of his heroes Allen Johnson, then the world number 1 sprint hurdler, for an When interviewed about the Athens Olympic Games two years later, Liu said he would be satisfied if he qualified for the Liu is also the world junior indoor record holder in the 60m Hurdles with a time of While enroute to a longer race Liu also set the world junior indoor record in the 50m Hurdles with a time of These records are not officially recognized by the IAAFHe has since made the finals at the IAAF World Championships in Athletics and IAAF World Indoor Championships in Athletics (twice); two of the three cases has seen American hurdling great Allen Johnson take the major In May 2004 at an IAAF race in Osaka Japan, Liu managed to beat Johnson with an Asian-record time of 06 Liu had become his hero's equal just before the Athens Olympic GStill young, Liu had improved steadily, and won a gold medal at the 2004 Summer Olympics in the 110 meters hurdles In the final, he equaled Colin Jackson's 1993 world record of 91 The wind assistance for Colin's race was +5 m/s whereas Liu's wind assistance was +3 m/ This was the first time an athlete of non-African descent had reached under 13 seconds for the 110 metres In 2005, Liu was awarded the Laureus World Sports Award for Newcomer of the YLiu set a new world record in the 110 metres hurdles, at the Super Grand Prix in Lausanne on July 11, 2006, with a time of 88 seconds (+1 m/s tail wind) The record was ratified by the IAAF [2] In the same race, the American Dominique Arnold also beat the previous record with a time of 90s 这里还有一个介绍李连杰的:

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