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Read "The Merchant of Venice " Thoughts  Shakespeare as Britain's most distinguished artists of the Renaissance, was Marx called "the greatest drama " Shakespeare's works is almost a tragedy in the world, "Romeo and Juliet" Millennium sung a thousand tears flow; "Hamlet," a melancholy prince happy then why not shocked a large number of people and "The Merchant of Venice" is Shakespeare Comedy's peak, but it is a comedy in tragedy, it is money to explore this ancient and timeless   The Merchant of Venice Antonio to help a friend Bassanio to Belmont, Portia ladies to marry a Jewish usurer Shylock borrow $ 3,000 due to envy there with the long-cherished wish of Antonio Shylock will take the opportunity of revenge, pretending not charge interest, about to play period not yet, creditors have the right to cut out a pound of flesh cut the chest of the At this point, Jessica, Shylock found her tutor bundle due to unbearable confinement, carrying treasure and Lovers Old man was frantic, appropriate merchant borrowers did not return, missed the repayment date, he shall resort to the law, to ask for their meat, Bassanio, who went to court to rescue high, Antonio In this case, the judge has Baoxiyaqiao loaded with Bassanio married, appeared in court in Venice, clever transport statutes and wonderful sentence, defeat the plaintiff, the defendant From: Writing Daquan Antonio is a noble, honest, generous man, a play he is a moody image, or that there is some unfounded "I put this in the world but as a world, everyone must play one on this stage role, I played a sad " He is an abomination greedy fraud, especially good-natured, but also a heavy feelings of people, such as Bassanio he said, "as long as you plan to conduct acting has always been the same with you openly, then I can make you money bag random access, I can for you to drive; I wish with all my strength, to help you achieve the goal, "he is also a usurer, but he was never charged interest on the poor, even in the face of the After Shylock means wolf remains of sinister faces and pleading, but also that he was a broad-minded people who do not hold a grudge, but he is also a discrimination against a person of others, in their place will be proud to use colored look on others But like him a "good" in our real life is really able to safely live forever? Real life is cruel, do not be so treat yourself to a few friends, if we really have something to help all who would not hesitate to own it? And money is a sensitive topic, as the TV series "Liweidangguan" in Li Wei said, "money is like salt, eat, can eat a lot of salt is not OK," who knows the truth, and yet who Money can escape this off? How many people are planted in the money? Money, profit is everything first, no one would look at the money do not take, and be able to do for money has been pretty good in moderation, but also about what it put money Emotion? But we can not forget the money and put everything behind, not to be fooled by surface phenomena, such as the surface of the text box gold, silver box, lead box of the same: Gold box carved out: "Who chose me, going to get The wish of all things "inside the paper roll is:" All that glitters is gold, the ancients did not speak a lie; how many people sell their life, but to see my profile, maggots occupy gilded grave if you and bold and smart, strong and healthy hands and feet, but aging experience, they will not get this reply: Goodbye, advise you to cool down this piece of heart "out of a silver box engraved:" Who chose me, going to get what he " inside the roll is: This silver burnt in the fire seven times; it is never wrong judgment, it must go through seven Some people for life to chase phantoms, had sought to meet at the Mirage I know some of the world's best Dainiao air with a silver-plated appearance; as you marry a wife what room, could not get rid of this fool's bladder; go, sir, to avoid further delays in time! "  Outside lead box engraved: "Who chose me to be all his sacrifice everything ", Which the roll is: "You choose not with appearance, it really gives you straight in the heart swan!  Now that victory into your arms, Do not you go down to search It would help if you are satisfied with the results, please accept your lucky, quickly turning your body and give your love a deep "Portia is a new era of women's image, is lively, cheerful, generous, humorous person, even when she was elected to his beloved people, willing to make the hands and feet, and when he was faced with aggressive when Shylock is calm, step by step to make their opponents fall into the In many people are frustrated when a mystery, but let the young girl to solve the Gordian knot in her body shining dawn of the era of female arousal   In many people's eyes Lixialuoke is a greedy, stingy, the vampire's image, but also a miser, "Let a wonky I guarded the portal, a little worried," Shylock can not be said to be a comedy of tragic figure, defected hungry servant ran his hate people, and his daughter is holding its own property and lover ran away, and finally even lost part of his remaining property, he can really "to accompany the wife of another " Remember it is a hatred of evil as people, in retaliation for the abuse of hatred Antonio can not charge interest to let him drill into the trap step by step, in order is to get his piece of meat, but how can he get the meat? He says, "Ye brought " In fact, Antonio is a stumbling block to block his way of getting money, in order to have their own way of getting money to put this to get rid   But he was not born so he was being bullied by a Jew, "Hath not a Jew eyes, no limbs, facial features, no feeling, no emotion, no bloody? He's not eating the same food, can be affected by the same weapon injury, also need medical treatment, will feel cold in winter, hot summer will feel, with Christian is? "and usually means Antonio could not understand him because of the kind of interest receivable, practices, he often encounter, including Antonio, including Christians insult to him, which greatly hurt his self-esteem and national feelings, with this one, he will naturally lose this opportunity to retaliate machine, while this one is because of his acts of revenge will become reasonable   Money is important, but in this world there are many far more important things than money, do not be fooled by the superficial phenomenon; in which our real life you can not because of his superior discrimination against any person, but also to learn not colored eyes to look at someone else; but also, like Portia, like intelligence, not to be intimidated by the sudden
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传承与嬗变-----美国浪漫主义文学浅说 浪漫主义思潮于1820年至1860年间在美国盛行。而此时欧洲的浪漫主义思潮已经趋于衰微,逐渐被现实主义思潮所代替。浪漫主义思潮在欧洲各国的发展也不尽相同,美国作为后起之秀对欧洲各国浪漫主义的吸纳表现出综合性的特征。在19世纪初期,英国浪漫主义诗歌曾在美国掀起一阵狂热,但是持续时间较短。20年代末德国浪漫主义思想经斯塔尔夫人、柯勒律治、托马斯�6�1卡莱尔的过滤介绍被美国大学学子视为经典,催生出美国浪漫主义的新生儿超验主义。然而超验主义对散文和诗歌的偏爱、对小说的排斥虽然代表了清教主义的正统思想,却不符合浪漫主义崇尚自由的思想,也无法吸引大众读者。此时随着美国经济的迅速发展,大众读者需要的是轻松、娱乐、想象性的读物,小说是他们的首选。美国作家面临艰难的处境:他们的作品既要拥有大量的读者,又要符合批评界的常识标准——真实。从洛克的经验哲学发展而来的常识哲学使得维护清教传统的美国人越发将事实和想象看成对立的两极,无法调和共存。美国小说家在创作过程中发现。他们无法创造绝对的真实,所以只能借助罗曼司已经获得的想象的诗学许可进行自由的创作。美国小说家对中世纪罗曼司中的爱情故事和超自然现象丝毫不感兴趣,他们唯一需要的是浪漫主义所崇尚的想象力和罗曼司所具有的自由表达想象的特权。浪漫主义时期开始于十八世纪末,到内战爆发为止,是美国文学史上最重要的时期。华盛顿�6�1欧文出版的《见闻札记》标志着美国文学的开端,惠特曼的《草叶集》[2、3、4]是浪漫主义时期文学的压卷之作。浪漫主义时期的文学是美国文学的繁荣时期,所以也称为“美国的文艺复兴。”   19世纪初,美国完全摆脱了对英国的依赖,以独立国家的身份进入世界政治舞台。这时期作家们跟英国浪漫主义作家一样,强调文学的想象力和感情色彩,反对古典主义的形式和观点,歌颂大自然,崇尚个人与普通人的思想感情,并且寻根问祖发幽古思情。美国社会的发展哺育了“一个伟大民族的文学”。年轻的美国没有历史的沉重包袱,很快在政治、经济和文化方面成长为一个独立的国家。这一时期也是美国历史上西部扩张时期,到1860年领土已开拓到太平洋西岸。到十九世纪中叶,美国已由原来的十三个州扩大到二十一个州,人口从1790年的四百万增至 1860年的三千万。在经济上,年轻的美国经历向工业的转化,影响所及不仅仅是城市,而且也包括农村。蒸汽动力在工、农业生产上的运用、工厂的建立、劳动力的大量需求以及科技上的发明创造使经济生活得到了重组。另外,大量移民促进了工业更加蓬勃的发展。政治上,民主与平等成为这个年轻国家的理想,产生了两党制。值得一提的是这个国家的文学和文化生活。随着独立的美国政府的成立,美国人民已感到需要有美国文学,表达美国人民所特有的经历:早期清教徒的殖民,与印第安人的遭遇,边疆开发者的生活以及西部荒原等。这个年轻国家的文学富有想象,已产生了一种文学环境。报刊杂志如雨后春笋,出现了一大批文学读者,形成了十九世纪上半叶蓬勃的浪漫主义的文学思潮。   外国的,尤其是英国的文学大师对美国作家产生了重大影响。美国作家由于秉承了与英国一样的文化传统,形成了同英国一样的浪漫主义风格。欧文 (Irving)、库柏(Cooper),坡(Poe),弗伦诺(Freneau)和布雷恩特(Bryant)一一反古典主义时期的文学样式和文学思潮, 开创了较新的小说和诗歌形式。这一时期大多数美国文学作品中,普遍强调文学的想象力和情感因素,注重生动的描写、异国情调的表达、感官的体会和对超自然力的描述。美国作家特别注意感情的自由表达和人物的心理描写。作品中的主人公富有敏感激动的特质。注重表现个人和普通人是这一时期作品的强烈倾向,几乎成了美国的信仰。富雷诺、布雷思特和库柏等人的作品对客观自然的描写有强烈的兴趣。富雷诺在"帝国的废墟"主题中对过去情景的描写绘声绘色,布雷恩特对北美五大湖区的史前印第安人描述引人入胜,欧文对哈德逊河传说的巧加利用炉火纯青,库柏的长篇历史小说深入细致。总的来说,美国浪漫主义时期的文学上接英国文学传统,下开美国文学之风。   虽然美国文学受到外国文学的影响,但这一时期著名的文学作品表现的却是富有美国色彩的浪漫主义思想。“西部开拓”就是一个说明美国作家表现自己国家的恰好的例子。他们大量描述了美国本土的自然风光:原始的森林、广袤的平原、无际的草原、沧茫的大海、不一而足。这些自然景物成为人们品格的象征,形成了美国文学中离开尘世,心向自然的传统。这些传统在库柏的《皮袜子的故事》(Leather Stocking Tales〉、梭罗的《沃尔顿》 (Walden)以及后来马克�6�1吐温的《哈克贝里�6�1芬历险记》(Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn)中都得到了明显的表现。随着美国民族意识的增长,在小说、诗歌中美国人物都越来越明显地操本地方言,作品多表现农民、穷人、儿童以及没有文化的人,还有那些虽然没文化但心地高尚的红种人和白种人。美国清教作为一种文化遗产,对美国人的道德观念产生了很大影响,在美国文学中也留下了明显的印迹。一个明显的表现就是,比起欧洲文学, 美国文学的道德倾向十分浓厚。在霍桑(Hawthorne)、梅尔维尔(Melville)以及其他一些小作家的作品中加尔文主义的原罪思想和罪恶的神秘性都得到了充分的表现。   美国浪漫主义文学运动足能标炳的是新英格兰的超验主义运动。该运动开始于19世纪30年代的新英格兰的先验主义俱乐部。本来,这个超验主义只是对新英格兰人提出来的。它是针对波士顿的唯一神教派的冷淡古板的理性主义而提的。而后来逐渐影响到全国,特别是在高级知识分子和文学界人士当中影响颇大,成为浪漫主义运动的核心。超验主义,它崇尚直觉,反对理性和权威,强调人有能力凭直觉直接认识真理,人能超越感觉获得知识。超验主义文学的主要代表是爱默生(Emerson)[5]和梭罗(Henry Davd Thoreau),他们的作品对美国文学产生了很大影响。超验主义理论的奠基人是爱默生,他的《论自然》曾被称为超验主义理论的“圣经”。超验主义“承认人类具有本能了解或认识真理的能力,能够超过感官获取知识”。爱默生[5]曾说:“只有人心灵的尊严才是最神圣的。”超验主义还认为自然是高尚的,个人是神圣的,因此人必须自助。在诗歌方面,新英格兰地区比较出名的诗人有郎费罗,在波士顿有惠蒂诶,他的长诗《大雪封门》被称为“一部优美的新英格兰田园诗”。 这一时期涌现了许多作家,著名的有富雷诺(Philip Freneau)、布雷恩特(William Cullen Bryant)、郎费罗 (Henry Wordsworth Longfellow)、娄威尔(James Rassel Lowell)、惠特 (John Greenleaf Whitter〉、爱伦�6�1坡[6] (Edgar Ellen Poe)、以及惠特曼[2、3、4、8] (Walt Whitman)。19世纪最伟大的美国浪漫主义诗人是惠特曼,惠特曼1855年出版的《草叶集》[2、3、4、8](Leaves of Grass)是美国十九世纪最有影响的诗歌。《草叶集》[2、3、4、8]标志着美国文学进入了一个崭新的时代。另一位革新诗人是狄金森[7、8],她被誉为美国20世纪新诗的先驱。浪漫主义时期两位最重要的小说家是霍桑和梅尔维尔,在浪漫派作家中埃德加�6�1爱伦�6�1坡[6]是第一位美国主张为艺术而艺术的人。美国浪漫主义时期的小说富有独创性、多样性,有华盛顿�6�1欧文的喜剧性寓言体小说,有爱伦�6�1坡[6]的歌德式惊险故事,有库柏的边疆历险故事,有麦尔维尔长篇叙事,有霍桑的心理罗曼史,有戴维斯 (Rebecca Harding Davis)的社会现实小说。美国浪漫主义作家在人性的理解上也各自不同。爱默生、梭罗等超验主义者认为人类在自然中是神圣的,因此人类是可以完善的,但霍桑和麦尔维尔则认为人们在内心上都是罪人,因此需要道德力量来改善人性。《红字》[9]一书就典型地反映了这个观点。总之,美国浪漫主义文学在一定程度上与欧洲浪漫主义文学之间有衍生性,与启蒙思想相悖,强调感情、想象和主观性。但大部分美国浪漫主义文学作品还是典型的美国化作品。美国浪漫主义文学的特征与其产生的特定的社会、历史、文化背景渊源相关,反映了美利坚民族一个“真正全新的经历”、深受美国清教主义运动的影响、信仰个人主义和直觉的价值、追求民主与政治上的平等、强调“使命感”以及多样化的创作形式。

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