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Victor: more than 10 years experience in project Yuan-Cheng has served in Hong Kong, Senior Investment Manager Fund; the Chinese investment company, president of the western investment Assistant; Chinese investment in the west-owned Queensland 100 large (000,560) rank of Chief Financial O Gold is still serving cubic director of investment fund management companies, investment director positions, responsible for the management equivalent to 3 billion of PE Investment in the fund, financial advisers and other business have rich The main performance of the calendar year: Hong Kong GEM Listing Puna technology mergers and acquisitions and investment; Hangzhou Aisheng Pharmaceutical M & A restructuring and Hong Kong-listed Pre-IPO investment; completed Dahua Technology (002236)-listed small and medium-sized panels Pre-IPO investment, green earth (002,200) the listing of small and medium-sized panels Pre-IPO investment; as financial adviser to complete the seven sand-led mergers and acquisitions of shares in program design, Datang Gao Hong (000,851) and Datang Telecom (600,198) of project finance consultants; the completion of the project more than 10 venture capital ; and the completion of the Yellow River Conservancy Commission-led enterprise restructuring program, Beidaihe Economic Development Zone, such as strategic planning management consultant Gao Weidong: National Development and Reform Commission in the relevant departments work more than 12 years; served investment researcher at the Institute of the State Development Planning Commission, is now serving in the country consultative research director of the Center for Investment A Has presided over the publication of "China Investment Yearbook," "compilation of the national infrastructure" projects such as investment in the field of seven National Development and Reform Commission's work, led and participated in China and the United States, Canada and other countries a number of cooperation projects, has extensive experience in international cooperation, Canada Toronto Stock Exchange, Royal Bank of Canada, Bank of Montreal in China's energy, mining, industry investment projects, more than 10 years, in China more than 30 agreed on a comprehensive In 2004 --- 2008 years, is responsible for Canada's Toronto Stock Exchange China's liaison work and business Wu Jian-min: the beginning of 1996 to engage in investment banking, has worked at Shenyin Wanguo, Dapeng Securities, Huatai Securities, served as general manager for running gear, the chief representative offices in Northeast China and Thailand and so And served as Shenzhen and Light Commercial C, L, Sichuan direction Photoelectric C, L, Fushun Special Steel Company, L and other than the independent directors of listed Engaged in investment banking work, presided over and participate in more than ten distribution, asset reorganization, restructuring projects, has accumulated rich experience in business, in recent years has invested more effort in studying the offshore capital markets, presided over the completion of enterprises overseas listing and The completion of the overseas listing of projects include: high-tech meters Toronto Stock Exchange and the issuance of the GEM Listing and transferred the motherboard business, Wuxi Huayang OTCBB listed Zhang Ya: National Development and Reform Commission to invest the former Director of the Institute, the China Investment Association; Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Graduate School of investment in the economic department head, Doctor; "China Investment" magazine editor-in-chief; by the State Council issued a special government allowances for scientific 参考GOOGLE
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《中国投资》杂志社是1994-12-14在北京市西城区注册成立的全民所有制,注册地址位于北京市西城区木樨地北里甲11号楼18层1810。《中国投资》杂志社的统一社会信用代码/注册号是91110102101417518W,企业法人明晓非,目前企业处于开业状态。《中国投资》杂志社的经营范围是:出版中国投资杂志;零售邮购批发与建设工作有关的图书;设计和制作印刷品广告;利用自有《中国投资》杂志发布广告;投资信息咨询、房地产信息咨询;技术培训、技术服务。(企业依法自主选择经营项目,开展经营活动;依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后依批准的内容开展经营活动;不得从事本市产业政策禁止和限制类项目的经营活动。)。在北京市,相近经营范围的公司总注册资本为646550万元,主要资本集中在 5000万以上 规模的企业中,共19家。本省范围内,当前企业的注册资本属于良好。《中国投资》杂志社对外投资1家公司,具有0处分支机构。通过百度企业信用查看《中国投资》杂志社更多信息和资讯。

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