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春天来了,“植树节”也就到了,樱花小学的三位少先队员准备去植树。周末的一天早晨,少先队员冰冰、阿红、小小已经带着准备好的道具放在身上了。  在去的路上,三位少先队员们的脸上都带着兴奋、自豪地表情,仿佛他们种的小树苗已经长成了参天大树,能净化空气、美化环境、吸收二氧化碳,吐出氧气一样……不一会儿,,就来到了玄武湖,他们准备把树苗种在湖的周围。  冰冰先后用铁锹挖了两个大大的坑,阿红小心翼翼地把两棵小树苗放进了坑里,生怕把小树苗的某一根根给弄断了。小小弄了一点肥料洒在坑里,最后冰冰用铁锹把坑给“填满”了,并且用脚踩结实了。小小到湖里用用桶舀了一半水,浇到了土里,小树就开始成长了。以后的每个星期日,他们都会派一个人来给小树浇水、施肥。  十年树木,百年树人。几年后,冰冰、阿红、小小种的树已经长成参天大树了!
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1 关君蔚开展山区生产工作的几点体会中国农报半月刊,1953(12)2 关君蔚山地利用和农林牧业的划分林业科学,1954(2)3 关君蔚关于石质山地编制立地条件类型表及造林类型工作几点意见编制立地条件类型表及设计造林类型林业部造林设计局编,北京:中国林业出版社,4 关君蔚等大地园林化规划设计北京:中国林业出版社,5 关君蔚主编水土保持学北京:农业出版社,6 关君蔚等甘肃省黄土丘陵地区水土保持林种的研究林业科学,1962(4)7 关君蔚水土保持原理北京:中国林业出版社,8 关君蔚四千年前“巴比伦文明毁灭的悲剧”不允许在二十世纪的新中国重演北京林学院学报,1979;中国林业,1984(1)9 关君蔚石洪的运动规律及其防治途径的研究北京林学院学报,10 关君蔚关于我国热带资源开发在水土保持方面的几个问题云南热带作物研究所,热带作物科技,1979(3)11 关君蔚青海省东部山区防护林体系建设的几点体会青海农林科技,1979(3)12 关君蔚等发展生物能源是实现农业现代化的关键中国水土保持,1981(1)13 关君蔚等发展燃料林是实现农业现代化的关键人民日报,1981年1月15日14 关君蔚前事不忘后事之师—从442次列车失事看水土保持科学的重要性水土保持通报,1982(2)15 关君蔚长江的洪灾与森林森林与水灾北京:中国林业出版社,16 关君蔚山区建设和水土保持四川林业科技,1983(2)17 关君蔚泥石流预报的研究北京林学院学报,1984(2)18 关君蔚中国西南的水土保持问题喜马拉雅—兴都库什开发治理国际会议论文集,19 关君蔚等“三北”防护林体系建设工程中国百科年鉴北京·上海:中国大百科出版社,20 关君蔚等关于农村林业在中国几个问题的探讨国际农村学术会议论文集,21 关君蔚等参加大兴岭灾区恢复生产重建家园考察的几点体会和建议大兴安岭特大火灾恢复森林资源22 关君蔚中国水土保持类型的特点的研究第四次国际泥沙学术论文集,23 关君蔚关于“生态林业工程”项目的补充说明和建议中国林业,1990(2)24 关君蔚论长江流域防护林体系建设的迫切性中国林业报,1990年7月31日和生态环境考察报告汇编北京:中国林业出版社,25 关君蔚饮水思源中国林业报,1990年8月31日26 关君蔚中国的“绿色革命”中国林业,1990(9)

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"The path strangled onward into the mystery of the primeval forest"(179) This sentence displays just one of the multiple personalities that the forest symbolizes in The Scarlet Letter written by Nathaniel H In the Scarlet Letter the forest symbolizes much more than one might Each character brings out a different side of the forest, however the forest also brings out a different side in each For some the forest may be a place of sinister thoughts and wrong doing, but for others it is a place of happiness and The first encounter with the forest we have symbolizes just some of the evil that lingers within the darkness of the As Hester and Pearl are leaving governor Bellinghams estate they are confronted by mistress Hibbins who explains that the witches are meeting in the forest, and she then invites Hester to become more deeply involved with her evil "Wilt thou go with us tonight"(113) asked mistress Hibbins, yet Hester refused to sign her name in the black mans book on that She explains that the only reason she does not sign is because Pearl is still in her At this time the forest itself is a open door to another world, a wicked world that would take her away from her present situation, but that is not the only door that the forest The forest is an open door to love and freedom for both Hester and D It is a place where the letter on their bodies can no longer have an effect on them if they A world ruled by nature and governed by natural law as opposed to the artificial strict community with its man made puritan Its as if the forest represents a key to the shackles the Hester and Dimmesdale have been forced to wear, all that they have to do is unlock Although if they choose not to unlock them, they begin to dwell on the things that they have done to deserve the In this the forest represents a thing of truth, weather it be good or In pearls eyes the forest has a totally different To Pearl the forest is like a best It treats her as if she were one of its The animals do not runaway at her ever move, instead they come to her with open The light is chasing her no matter where she She is able to run and play freely to her innocent hearts She can do that because her heart is innocent and the forest recognizes When reading this book you can look deeper into the forest and find more powerful symbols The sunlight is one of the most obvious of them While Pearl plays in the forest the sunlight seems to find her no matter where she is At the same time it will not cast a single glimmer of light onto Hester, until she removes her scarlet Then at that point the sun breaks through the dense trees and gazes upon The light is a symbol of purity and It does not shine on Hester when she has the letter because the letter itself is not pure, even though everything underneath the letter has become pure through the The Brooke that runs through the forest is also full of At one point of the story the Brooke represents a "Then strange child, why does thou not come to me?"(205) asks H She explains that she will not cross the Brooke because she Hester is not wearing her To Dimmesdale the Brooke then becomes a boundary between two worlds, a world of Peace and freedom and a world of lies and The Brooke is also known to symbolize one more thing throughout the entire It is often suggestive that the Brooke often represents One reason is because the Brooke has an unknown source, Pearl also has an unknown source, meaning that most people don't know where the Brooke or Pearl came One more similarity between the two is that the Brooke is woven trough a dark and often evil forest, yet the water does not stop Pearl is in the exact same Throughout her hole life she has been unwillingly woven into the evil and sorrow the her mother deals So just as the Brooke she keeps on As you have seen there is a fountain of symbolism in the Scarlet L The forest is one of the most symbolized objects in the entire It is one thing that can bring joy, sorrow, freedom, and evil to your life, but most of all the forest brings you Once you walk into the forest lies no longer This is show in every example given, that the truth comes out in the forest no matter Maybe that is why these characters go there, because it is the only place truth

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