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Sells the personnel when the customer is unable many kinds of factor influences accepts immediately the sales promotion product, must learn to wait for, sometimes must pass through many procedures and the work can urge the customer to The salesman is fastidious about the credit most importantly, but obtains the most powerful weapon which the customer trusts then observes the If some salesmen, when the customer requests to look at the sample, usually is full mouth complies down, but, when the time comes actually forgets If the customer at that time were only the request which speaks thoughtlessly raises, but you next time really will give opposite party, the customer certainly very happily, on the contrary, because of will have neglected perhaps this section, but has lost the transaction
199 评论



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中风又叫脑卒中,是一种突然起病的脑血液循环障碍。ZhongFeng, also called stroke, is a sudden onset of cerebral blood circulation 发病症状为突然昏倒,不省人事 ,伴有口眼歪斜,言语不利,半身不遂。The symptoms include sudden fainting, unconsciousness, skewed mouth and eyes, unfavorable speech, and 发病多由心情郁怒, 饮食不节,劳累过度,气 候变化,积损正衰所致。The disease is mostly caused by depression and anger, improper diet, overwork, climate change, accumulated loss and physical health 因本病发病速度快 ,病情进展迅速和大自然的风的特点很像, 喜欢动而不常静,所以前人以此类比,叫做中风。Because of the rapid onset of the disease, its rapid progress is very similar to the characteristics of the wind in the nature, which likes moving but is not always quiet, so our predecessors used this analogy to call it a 近年来,中医在中风病的防护和治疗 ,预防护理调摄的观察总结以及给药途径和康复治疗等方面取得了长足进展。In recent years, Chinese medicine has made great progress in the prevention and treatment of stroke, its observation and summary of preventive care and adjustment, the route of administration and

281 评论


Customers may be affected by a number of factors to that they wont accept the production immediately, it’s time for salesman learn how to wait, sometimes salesmen have to go through many procedures and working to encourage customers to The most important thing about salesman is credit, and promises are the most powerful weapon to access to customer For example, some salesmen are usually directly a customer should be asked to see However, it was forgotten in the If the customer was only put forward the request, and you really gave each other the next, then the customer will be very happy, on the contrary, trading opportunities may be lost because of negligence of the

176 评论


毕业论文网: 分类很细 栏目很多

173 评论


这里在10万篇免费医学范文,而且有各种分类,非常详细,值得参考。 一般来说,先一口气读20篇,然后再动笔,自然顺了

232 评论


  • 中风毕业论文

    这里在10万篇免费医学范文,而且有各种分类,非常详细,值得参考。 一般来说,先一口气读20篇,然后再动笔,自然顺了

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