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其影响因子为763,不能算顶级期刊,但也是比较好的期刊了。根据ISI Journal Citation Reports的结果显现,2014年全年在Business的115类期刊中,排名第8,而在Management的185类期刊中排名15位。其收录于FT45(45 Jouranls used by the Financial Times)编制商学院研究排名,包括全球MBA和EMBA排行榜所使用的金融时报45类期刊的名单。
216 评论


国际市场营销学》是一门应用性较强的课程,主要介绍企业在国际市场中开展跨国营销的基本理论、基本知识和基本技巧,内容包括:国际市场营销的定义、环境,国际市场的细分、选择、定位,国际市场营销的战略和组合,国际市场营销的产品、品牌、价格、渠道以及促销策略等。《国际市场营销学(英文版·原书第3版)》共分为五个部分。第一部分是对国际市场营销的界定,包括范围、观念及国际市场营销的驱动力量等。第二部分是国际市场营销环境分析,该部分主要从区域经济和文化等因素的影响进行阐述。第三部分是国际市场营销战略决策,主要内容有国际营销调研实践与面临的挑战、国际战略规划、扩张战略和进入模式选择。第四部分是管理国际市场营销组合,主要内容有国际营销中的品牌决策、国际产品和服务战略、国际分销运营和物流的管理、国际零售、国际促销组合和广告战略以及国际公共关系和销售促进战略。第五部分是国际营销战略的执行,主要有国际营销运营的组织和控制等内容。 达娜-尼科莱塔·拉斯库(Dana-NicoletacLascu)弗吉尼亚州里士满大学营销系主任,营销学教授,主要教授国际营销学,拉斯库在南卡罗来纳大学获得营销学博士学位,在雷鸟大学美国国际管理研究生院获得国际管理学中的营销与财务方向的硕士学位,在亚利桑那州立大学获得英语和法语学士学位,她是奥地利约翰开普勒林茨大学国际商务方面富布赖特奖项杰出的主席,她曾经在《国际营销评论》、《国际商业评论》、《欧洲营销杂志》、《欧洲市场学杂志》、《国际消费市场学杂志》、《国际商业教学杂志》、《国际贸易问题》、《商业研究杂志》以及《心理学与市场营销》上发表了很多文章,她还是很多营销和国际商业杂志的编委会成员。

183 评论


Brookings  基于优质独立的研究,提供创新可行的政策建议,以增强美国的民主,促进美国人民的经济和社会福利、安全和发展机会,保障一个更加开放、安全、繁荣与合作的国际体系。口号是【Q II】  The Brookings Institution is a nonprofit public policy organization based in Washington, DC Our mission is to conduct high-quality, independent research and, based on that research, to provide innovative, practical recommendations that advance three broad goals: Strengthen American democracy; Foster the economic and social welfare, security and opportunity of all Americans and Secure a more open, safe, prosperous and cooperative international      CFR 外交关系委员会   这是家会员制思想库,为会员和兴趣相关者服务并帮助他们更好地理解外交。他们出版业界极有影响力的《外交事务》杂志。  The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is an independent, nonpartisan membership organization, think tank, and publisher dedicated to being a resource for its members, government officials, business executives, journalists, educators and students, civic and religious leaders, and other interested citizens in order to help them better understand the world and the foreign policy choices facing the United States and other      卡内基国际和平基金会 Carnegie Endowment for International Peace   致力于促进国际合作、推动美国积极融入世界。  The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace is a private, nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing cooperation between nations and promoting active international engagement by the United S Founded in 1910, its work is nonpartisan and dedicated to achieving practical      CSIS 战略与国际研究中心   用战略眼光和两党合作的政策决案,寻找维持美国优势与繁荣地位的方法。  Since 1962, CSIS has been dedicated to finding ways to sustain American prominence and prosperity as a force for good in the world, by strategic insights and bipartisan policy      RAND 兰德公司  通过研究和分析帮助改善政策和决策。 【Objective A Effective S】  The RAND Corporation is a nonprofit institution that helps improve policy and decisionmaking through research and Through our dedication to high-quality and objective research and analysis and with sophisticated analytical tools developed over many years, RAND engages clients to create knowledge, insight, information, options, and solutions that will be both effective and      CATO 加图研究所  致力于基于个人自由、有限政府、自由市场和和平原则的公共政策研究。  The Cato Institute is a public policy research organization — a think tank — dedicated to the principles of individual liberty, limited government, free markets and Its scholars and analysts conduct independent, nonpartisan research on a wide range of policy      Heritage Foundation 传统基金会  形成和推广基于自由企业、有限政府、个人自由、传统美国价值观和强大国防的保守公共政策。  Founded in 1973, The Heritage Foundation is a research and educational institution—a think tank—whose mission is to formulate and promote conservative public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national      Wilson Center 威尔逊中心  纪念威尔逊总统,用知识服务公众。  We are not put into the world to sit still and know, we are put in it to      IIE 皮德森国际经济研究所  专注于国际经济政策的研究。为广泛的国际经济问题提供及时客观的分析和具体的解决方案。  The Peter G Peterson Institute for International Economics is a private, nonprofit, nonpartisan research institution devoted to the study of international economic Since 1981 the Institute has provided timely and objective analysis of, and concrete solutions to, a wide range of international economic It is one of the very few economics think tanks that are widely regarded as "nonpartisan" by the press and "neutral" by the US Congress, and its research staff is cited by the quality media more than that of any other such      AEI 美国企业研究所  推广自由、增加个人机会和增强自由企业。【F O E】  The American Enterprise Institute is a community of scholars and supporters committed to expanding liberty, increasing individual opportunity and strengthening free AEI pursues these unchanging ideals through independent thinking, open debate, reasoned argument, facts and the highest standards of research and Without regard for politics or prevailing fashion, we dedicate our work to a more prosperous, safer and more democratic nation and The Institute's work on behalf of freedom, opportunity and enterprise are informing the policy debates of today—and helping set the agenda for the policy debates of

310 评论


不是。《管理学报》是由教育部主管、华中科技大学主办,西安交通大学、清华大学、浙江大学、上海 交通大学、武汉大学、复旦大学、南京大学、天津大学、厦门大学、南开大学、哈尔滨工业大学等34所高校联办的管理类综合性学术期刊。2004年7月创刊,国际开本,160页/册,2009年改为月刊。 新的广告法公布后,在宣传时不得使用“顶级”字样。

251 评论


  • 国际战略研究杂志

    不是。《管理学报》是由教育部主管、华中科技大学主办,西安交通大学、清华大学、浙江大学、上海 交通大学、武汉大学、复旦大学、南京大学、天津大学、厦门大学、南开大学

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