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摘要:本文主要介绍了近年来电气自动化技术的发展,以及应用的概况。电气自动化技术尽管已经广泛应用与我国国民生产的各个部门和领域,但它仍需要不断革新,不断发展。关键词:电气自动化;发展;应用一、发展概况伴随着我国的电力电子技术微电子技术的飞速发展,电气自动化的概念已经走出了工厂,并在交通、农业、建筑、办公场所等方面得到了广泛的应用,电气自动化技术作为从电气工程技术发展出来的并与电子与信息技术紧密结合起来的一门电气工程应用技术学科,历经了近一个世纪的发展,电气自动化技术已走过了从无到有、从发展到成熟的过程。而我国电气自动化的研究工作可以追溯到上世纪的五十年代,可以说研究的时间不短,但是它依旧焕发着生气与活力。下文就来简述一下我国电气自动化的发展历程:(一)全空型的电力电子开关。于上世纪五十年代晶闸管出现了,它标志着运动控制的新纪元。尽管它是第一代电子电力器件,但仍被沿用至今。随后交流变频技术出现后相继有出现了全控制式器件如GTR等。这是电力电子器件的第二代;接下来是IGBT和MGT这一类复合型电力电子器件可以称为第三代器件。最后是功率集成电路,PIC即第四代电力电子器件。(二)由低频向高频方向发展的电路。不断更新的电力电子器件势必要引发变换器电路的换代。当应用于普通晶闸管时,直流传动的变换器主要是整流相互控制,交流变频传动则是交—直—交变频器。当电力电子器件转换到第二代的时候,PWM变换器采用的相应也要多些。因为采用了PWM变换器之后不仅提高了功效,并且能够减少高次谐波对电网的影响,合理解决了电动机在低频区的转矩脉动问题。随着应用的深入,PWM也存在着诸多缺陷,因此也就有了谐振式直流逆变器电路的发展。(三)交流调速控制理论。交流电机磁场定向远离市由德国学者F·Blaschke所提出来的,这一理论的提出为交流传动高性能控制奠定了深刻的理论基础。但他提出的这个思想远不能够达到理论的操控效果。于是事隔14年后于1985年德国鲁德大学的Depenbrock教授又提出了直接转矩控制的思想,紧接着有将它推放到了弱磁调速的范围内。可以说他的这一控制思想新颖,控制结构简单明了,信号处理的物理概念明确,是一种高静动态性能的新型交流调速方法。(四)通用变频器的投入使用。通用变频器:系列化、批量化、占市场量最大的中小功率变频器。先后变频器经历了第一代:普通功能型U/F控制型;第二代:高功能型U/F型;第三代:高动态性能适量控制型。(五)单片机的发展。占主导地位的MCS-51的8位机虽占主导地位,但是它的功能还比较简单,指令集短小,因此就有了适合大批量生产的PIC系列单片机的推广使用,它不仅具有很高的可靠性,而且保密性高。二、电气自动化的应用(一)建筑中的应用。智能化建筑势必要引入电气自动化的成分,随着我国国民经济的飞速发展以及数字电子化科技发展,无疑,高档智能化建筑已经成为了当今建筑界的主流方向。为了达到设备的合理利用,三明的人力的节省就有了建筑设备的自动化控制系统。例如:在建筑物供配电设计中,接地系统没计占有重要的地位,因为它关系到供电系统的可靠性,安全性。IN—S是一个三相四线J/NPE线的接地系统。通常建筑物内设有独立变配电所时进线采用该系统。TN—s系统的特点是,中性线N与保护接地线PE除在变压器中性点共同接地外,两线不再有任何的电气连接。中性线N是带电的,而PE线不带电。该接地系统完全具备安全和可靠的基准电位。只要像TN—C—S接地系统,采取同样的技术措施,TN—S系统可以用作智能建筑物的接地系统。智能建筑应没置电子设备的直流接地,交流工作接地,安全保护接地及普通建筑也应具备的防雷保护接地。智能化建筑内有大量的电子设备与布线系统,如通信自动化系统,火灾报警及消防联动控制系统,楼宇自动化系统,保安监控系统,办公自动化系统,闭路电视系统等,以及他们相应的布线系统。这些电子设备及布线系统一般均属于耐压等级低,防干扰要求高,最怕受到雷击的部分。建立严密,完整的防雷结构。智能建筑多属于一级负荷,应按一级防雷建筑物的保护措施设计,组成具有多层屏蔽的笼形防雷体系。(二)应用于净化空调设备。净化空调系统控制自动监控装置,可设计成单个系统的测量、控制系统,也可设计成数字计算机控制管理系统。对温度的控制。净化空凋系统采用DDC控制。装设在回风管(回风温度近似于洁净室温度)的温度传感器所检测的温度送往DX一9100,与设定点相比较,用比例加积分加微分运算进行控制,输出相应电压信号,控制加热电动调节阀或冷水电动调节阀的动作,控制回风温度保持在18"12—26‘℃之间,使洁净室温度符合GMP要求。对湿度的控制。装设在同风管(回风湿度近似丁洁净室湿度)内的湿度传感器所检测的湿度,送往控制器与设定湿度相比较,用比例加积分运算控制,输出电JK信号,控制蒸汽电动调节阀的动作,控制回风湿度保持在45%65%,使洁净室湿度以满足GMP要求。电气自动化技术尽管已经广泛应用与我国国民生产的各个部门和领域,但它仍需要不断革新,不断发展。Abstract: This paper introduces the recent development of electrical automation technology, and application Although electrical automation technology has been widely used in various sectors of our national production and areas, but it still requires constant innovation, continuous Key words: electrical automation; development; applications I Development Overview Along with China's power electronics technology, the rapid development of microelectronics technology, electrical automation concept has been out of the factory, and in transportation, agriculture, construction, office space and other aspects of a wide range of applications, electrical automation technology as the electrical Engineering from the developed and closely with the electronics and information technology to combine an electrical engineering technology disciplines, after nearly a century, electrical automation technology has come a scratch, from development to The electrical automation of research can be traced back to the fifties of the last century can be said of the time a lot, but it still glow with vitality and To describe briefly below to the course of development of electrical automation: (A) all air-based power electronic Thyristor in the fifties of last century there, it marks a new era of motion Although it is the first generation of electronic power devices, but was still in AC variable frequency technology appears then there have appeared a full-control devices, such as GTR and so This is the second generation of power electronic devices; followed this type of IGBT and MGT hybrid power electronic devices can be called third-generation Finally, power integrated circuits, PIC is the fourth generation of power electronic (B) the direction of low frequency to high frequency Constantly updated to power electronic devices will inevitably lead to the replacement converter When applied to a thyristor, the DC transmission between the converter is mainly controlled rectifier, AC variable frequency drive is AC - DC - AC When the power switch to the second generation of electronic devices, when, PWM converters have adopted more After using the PWM converter because not only improve the efficiency and to reduce the high harmonics of the grid and reasonable solution to the motor torque ripple in the low frequency With the application of in-depth, PWM also has many defects, so DC will have a resonant inverter circuit (C) AC speed control AC motor field oriented away from the city by the German scholar F · Blaschke made out, this theory put forward for the AC drive for high performance has laid a profound theoretical However, he proposed this idea is far from control theory to achieve So 14 years later in Germany in 1985 after the University of Depenbrock Professor Rood also proposed the idea of ​​direct torque control, followed by a push it into the field weakening speed It can be said that control thought his novel control structure is simple, clear physical concept of signal processing, static and dynamic properties of a new type of high speed communication (D) Common drive in Universal Converter: serialization and batch, the largest market share of small and medium-power The first generation drive has gone through: common functional U / F control type; second generation: high-functional U / F type; the third generation: amount of controlled high dynamic (E) the development of SCM Dominant MCS-51 8-bit machines, although the dominant, but its function is still relatively simple, short set of instructions, hence suitable for mass production of the PIC MCU promote the use of, it not only has high reliability and high Second, the Electric Automation (A) B Intelligent building automation is bound to bring in electrical components, along with the rapid development of China's national economy and the development of digital electronic technology, no doubt, high-end intelligent building has become the mainstream of today's construction In order to achieve rational use of equipment, manpower saving in Sanming have a building automation control system For example: In the design of buildings for power distribution, grounding system plays an important role not count, because it relates to the power supply system reliability, IN-S is a three-phase four-wire J / NPE line grounding Usually buildings are equipped with separate substation into the line when using the TN-s system is characterized by the neutral and protective earth line PE N addition to the common grounding transformer neutral point, the two lines no longer have any electrical Neutral line N is live, and PE line is not The grounding system is fully equipped with safe and reliable reference As long as the TN-C-S earthing system, adopt the same technical measures, TN-S system can be used as a smart building grounding Intelligent building should not set the DC grounding electronic equipment, exchange of ground, ground and general building security should have the lightning protection Intelligent building, a large number of electronic devices and wiring systems, such as communications automation systems, fire alarm and fire control systems, building automation systems, security monitoring systems, office automation systems, CCTV systems, as well as their corresponding wiring The electronic equipment and cabling system voltage levels are generally lower for high anti-interference, fear by the lightning The establishment of strict and complete the mine Intelligent Building is a multi-load, should be a lightning protection design of buildings to form a multi-layer shielding cage lightning protection (B) applies to clean air conditioning Air conditioning system controls automatic monitoring device can be designed into a single system of measurement, control systems, can also be designed into digital computer-controlled management Temperature Gas purification system using DDC control Installed in return air duct (return air temperature is similar to the clean room temperature) The temperature detected by temperature sensor sent a DX 9100, compared with the set point with proportional plus integral plus derivative control operation, the output corresponding voltage signal, electric control valve controlling the heating or cold water electric control valve movement and control the return air temperature maintained at 18 "12-26 '℃ between the clean room temperature meet GMP of humidity installed in the same duct (return Approximate Jie Ding cleanroom air humidity humidity) sensors detect the humidity within the humidity, sent to the controller and set the humidity compared to the control with proportional plus integral operation, the output JK signals to control the action of steam electric control valve to control back wind and humidity kept at 45% 65%, so the clean room to meet the GMP requirements and Although electrical automation technology has been widely used in various sectors of our national production and areas, but it still requires constant innovation, continuous

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