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233 评论



306 评论


Prawn who helped me translate into English, gold drops Approaching "XXXX" "XXXX" 1988 Started in integrated science and technology magazine, public National unity Serial Number: CN 13-1088/TE, International Serial Number: ISSN 1000-8345, domestic Youfadaihao :18- "XXXX" is approved by the National Science and Technology Commission and founder of Press and Publication Administration, the director of China National Petroleum Corporation, China National Petroleum Corporation pipeline company sponsored the Chinese national core journals, is the only specialized subject areas reported oil and gas storage and transportation the authority of scientific research and technical information technology journals, was awarded the State Press and Publication Administration, "China Periodical Phalanx" of the "double award" Journal for many years by the "China Knowledge Resources Library - Database of Chinese technological journal" "of data - Chinese core journals (selection) Database "," Chinese scientific papers source journals "and other well-known database Since the start, "XXXX" with oil and gas storage and transportation is always the same cause of a common Based on industry flourishing fertile soil, a highly developed sense of responsibility and mission, and closely follow industry developments related to technology, a high degree of concern about the development trend of international scientific journals, from the name of Journal, Journal of the big draw on the Experience, a professional , efficient, neutral, modern, interaction, affinity, columns of humanity to constantly promote the "XXXX" to the industry into the top journals in different historical periods has demonstrated its love of oil and gas storage and transportation business and Has become China's oil and gas storage and transportation industry and academic exchanges and information dissemination of important window and carrier of general practitioners in the field of oil and gas storage and transportation technology indispensable Articles Articles covering oil and gas storage and transportation expertise in the field in all Combined with the actual development industry, set of 22 columns, such as: review, transportation technology, oil and gas storage, integrity, design and calculation, experimental studies, anti-corrosion insulation, mechanical equipment, testing At present, the cause of China's rapid development of oil and gas storage and transportation, to the "XXXX" unprecedented In the great opportunities and challenges, we will continue to upright posture, thick arms, and committed fully demonstrate China's progress and development of oil and gas storage and transportation business, promote and serve the oil and gas storage and transportation industry, our scientific and technological progress, promoting Research to the important task of transforming the productive Adhere to objective and neutral attitude towards the report, close to the production of scientific line, prominent characteristics of oil and gas storage and transportation industry, highlighting strengths and areas of academic reports, and strive to act as a think-tank policy makers, researchers, assistants, enterprising person ladder, knowledge's canon, who contend The forum, practitioners stand, to carry the "XXXX" caused the industry to fight authority, trusted, essential, feature rich top

108 评论


姓 名:温铁军  性 别:男  出生日期:1951年5月  职 称:研究员  职 务:中宏网首席经济学家,《中国改革》《改革内参》杂志社社长兼总编  工作单位:《中国改革》《改革内参》杂志社  研究领域:国情与增长、农村产权问题、乡镇企业与小城镇发展  个人简历:  温铁军,男,汉族,祖籍河北昌黎,1951年5月出生于北京。农业部农村经济研究中心研究员,科研处长,学术委员会委员。政府特殊津贴专家。1979-83年,中国人民大学新闻系本科学习期满,获法学士学位。  1987年公派赴美国密执安大学社会调查研究所(ISR)和世界银行进修,获抽样调查专业结业证书。1991年,自费公派赴美国哥伦比亚大学进修,并到康奈尔大学和南加州大学讲学交流,其间参加密执安大学夏季学院量化分析培训,获ICPSR(国际社科联)颁发的统计分析专业结业证书。  1995-99年,在中国农业大学研究生院和经管学院在职攻读硕士、博士学位,1996年7月-97年2月通过硕士研究生必修课考试和教委外语统考后转修博士课程,1998年7月修满学分通过各科考试获得博士论文答辩资格。  温铁军1983年毕业分配到中央军委总政治部研究室。1985年末调入中央农村政策研究室、国务院农村发展研究中心联络室从事农村调查研究工作。1987年全国农村改革试验区办公室正式组建后调入,1988年任监测处副处长,1993年任调研处长,1995年任主持工作的副主任,1998年试验区办公室机构变动,调任农研中心科研处长,现任中国经济体制改革研究会副秘书长。  主要研究课题与成果包括:国情与增长、农村产权问题、乡镇企业与小城镇发展、农村政治体制与税费改革、农业的稳定性等问题。曾经获国务院农研中心、国家体改委、国家科委等中央五单位联合颁发的“农村改革十周年优秀论文奖”、农业部农研中心优秀科研成果一等奖等多项奖励,1998年获国务院授予的“政府特殊津贴专家”证书。

302 评论


Near the XXXX""XXXX" in 1988, comprehensive technology, the public Domestic unity of successive publications: 13-1088 / CN TE international successive publications of ISSN number: 10-8345 YouFa code: domestic 18-"By the state science and technology commission XXXX" is established, the press and publication administration and approved by China national petroleum corporation, China's oil and gas pipeline company limited company sponsored by national Chinese core periodicals in China, and is the only specialized gas storage reported disciplines scientific research and technical information of sci-tech journals by national authorities, the press and publication administration awarded "China", "double step for successive years," journal of China by the ZongKu knowledge resources - China sci-tech periodicals database of high-quality goods ", Chinese core periodicals wanfang data (selection) database "" Chinese journal of scientific papers statistical sources such as Since founded, the gas storage with XXXX "career, Based on the industry, we with high sense of responsibility and mission, closely followed the development of relevant industry technology of dynamic, attention to the development trend of international science and technology periodicals from journals and big issue from publishing experience, professional, efficient, neutral, modern, interactive and affinity, humanization and constantly promote the concept of "XXXX to industry, exquisite sci-tech periodicals in different historical periods of gas storage and showed its love and loyalty to the Currently has become China's oil and gas transportation industry, academic communication, information dissemination, and is an important window and carrier gas storage technology general practitioner indispensable This paper covers the gas storage discipline of professional technology Combined with industry technology development, Settings, such as: 22 columns were reviewed, conveying technology, oil and gas storage, integrity, design calculation and experimental research, heat preservation, mechanical equipment, testing technology, Currently, China's oil and gas storage and rapid development of business, to the XXXX, have brought the unprecedented development In the great opportunities and challenges, we will continue to the upright posture, thick arms, firmly assume overall display China's progress and development, transportation business and services in China to promote the progress of science and technology, industry, transportation research achievements transformation to the actual The reports on objective attitude, to neutral oil production research, outstanding features, outstanding advantages transportation industry field, discipline and the reports of the brain, researchers makers as the assistant of the ladder, QiuZhiZhe motivator, schools, the treasure of the booth, BBS, practitioners to fight the XXXX "industry authority, trustworthy, flavor of integral sci-tech

86 评论


Prawn who helped me translate into English, gold drops Approaching "XXXX" "XXXX" 1988 Started in integrated science and technology Administration, the director of China National Petroleum Corporation, China National Petroleum Corporation pipeline company sponsored the Chinese national core journals, is the only specialized subject areas reported oil and gas storage and transportation the authority of scientific research and technical information technology journals, was awarded the State Press and Publication Administration, "China Periodical Phalanx" of the "double award" Journal for many years by the "China Knowledge Resources Library - Database of Chinese technological journal" "of data - Chinese core journals (selection) Database "," Chinese scientific papers source journals "and other well-known database Since the start, "XXXX" with oil and gas storage and transportation is always the same cause of a common Based on industry flourishing fertile soil, a highly developed sense of responsibility and mission, and closely follow industry developments related to technology, a high degree of concern about the development trend of international scientific journals, from the name of Journal, Journal of the big draw on the Experience, a professional , efficient, neutral, modern, interaction, affinity, columns of humanity to constantly promote the "XXXX" to the industry into the top journals in different historical periods has demonstrated its love of oil and gas storage and transportation business and Has become China's oil and gas storage and transportation industry and academic exchanges and information dissemination of important window and carrier of general practitioners in the field of oil and gas storage and transportation technology indispensable Articles Articles covering oil and gas storage and transportation expertise in the field in all Combined with the actual development industry, set of 22 columns, such as: review, transportation technology, oil and gas storage, integrity, design and calculation, experimental studies, anti-corrosion insulation, mechanical equipment, testing At present, the cause of China's rapid development of oil and gas storage and transportation, to the "XXXX" unprecedented In the great opportunities and challenges, we will continue to upright posture, thick arms, and committed fully demonstrate China's progress and development of oil and gas storage and transportation business, promote and serve the oil and gas storage and transportation industry, our scientific and technological progress, promoting Research to the important task of transforming the productive Adhere to objective and neutral attitude towards the report, close to the production of scientific line, prominent characteristics of oil and gas storage and transportation industry, highlighting strengths and areas of academic reports, and strive to act as a think-tank policy makers, researchers, assistants, enterprising person ladder, knowledge's canon, who contend The forum, practitioners stand, to carry the "XXXX" caused the industry to fight authority, trusted, essential, feature rich top

310 评论
