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首页 > 论文问答 > 乒乓世界杂志官网介绍张继科的文章英文版

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好东西啊 我每期都追《乒乓世界》是中国唯一的专业乒乓球杂志由中国乒乓球协会主办,中国体育报业总社出版,关注乒坛焦点,介绍明星人物,使您能更快了解乒坛动态,更深入接触乒乓球运动员实际生活乒乓爱好者或乒乓追星者的必备用书啊哈哈

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My heroes is Zhang Jike,he has two gold medal in 2012 London Olympic GHe is the fourth grand slam Ping Pang athlete in the He is very powerful and H 这是我自己写的简单的介绍,准备在英语课上念出来的,和你分享了:我心目中的英雄是张继科,他在2012伦敦奥运会上拿了两块金牌,他是世界上第四位拿到大满贯的乒乓运动员,他非常强大而且帅气!!!!!!!!

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回答和翻译如下:张继科,1988年2月16日出生于山东省青岛市,中国男子乒乓球队运动员。他是乒坛历史上第7位大满贯选手,也是继刘国梁、孔令辉后的中国男乒史上第3位大满贯选手。2000年,进入山东鲁能乒乓球队。2002年3月,进入国家二队;10月,获得首届世界少年挑战赛男子单打冠军 。2003年1月,进入国家一队;9月,获得世界青少年巡回赛新西兰公开赛决赛冠军。2004年10月,因违反队规被退回省队。2006年11月,重回国家队。2008年,因在全国锦标赛中以全胜战绩为解放军队获得男团冠军而崭露头角。2009年,在世界杯团体赛上获得首个世界冠军。2011年,在鹿特丹世乒赛男子单打决赛中赢得职业生涯首个世乒赛男单冠军。2012年,获得世界乒乓球团体锦标赛冠军;8月,又在伦敦奥运会中获得男子单打冠军,实现了世锦赛、世界杯、奥运会三项个人冠军的大满贯 。2013年,获得巴黎世乒赛男单冠军 。2014年,在仁川亚运会搭档马龙夺得男子双打冠军,在德国乒乓球世界杯中夺得第2个世界杯男单冠军 。2016年8月,在里约热内卢奥运会中获得乒乓球男子单打亚军和团体冠军。2017年,在江苏无锡带伤复出夺得亚洲乒乓球锦标赛男团冠军、男子单打季军。Zhang Jike, born in February 16, 1988 in Shandong, Qingdao Province, is a Chinese men's table tennis team He is the history of the seventh grand slam tennis players, but also following the third Grand Slam player Liu Guoliang, Kong Linghui after the Chinese Nanping In 2000, entered the Shandong Luneng table tennis In March 2002 two, entered the national team; in October, won the first World Youth Challenge men's singles champion In January 2003, entered the national team; in September, won the world youth tour New Zealand Open final October 2004, be returned shengdui for violation of team In November 2006, he returned to the national In 2008, due to his undefeated for the liberation army won the men's team title at the national In 2009, he won the first World Championship in the world cup In 2011, winning the occupation career first World Table Tennis Championships Men's singles champion in Rotterdam World Championships Men's singles In 2012, won the World Table Tennis Championships champion; August, won the men's singles title at the London Olympics, the world championships, the world cup and the Olympic Games three individual champion grand slam In 2013, Paris won the world table tennis championships men's singles champion In 2014, the Inchon Asian Games partner Malone won the men's doubles champion, won Second World Cup Men's singles Table Tennis World Cup in In August 2016, he won the table tennis men's singles runner up and team championship at the Rio De Janeiro Olympic In 2017, Jiangsu Wuxi back injuries won the Asian Table Tennis Championships Men's singles champion, runner

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