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Soil grain grade composition of soil physical and chemical properties of influence, this is the method of using BiChongJi southwest area into several rock soil (purple soil, lime soil, volcanic dust) grain Some conclusions:Southwest area into rock (soil, lime, purple soil and volcanic dust particles in the sand, which accounts for more than viscous grain powder, small 2 the same soil layer, due to the different leaching deposition etc, on the effect of soil layer of grain composition class there are differences of sand soil, black limestone and clay content with the increase of depth and And the sand and volcanic ashes viscous grain content decreased with 3 the soil due to different locations eluviation weathering, the influence of human activity and the degree of different level, the soil grain composition there is some 4 different soil layer, due to the different soil of rock, soil contains sand development of sandstone and mudstone limestone, development of viscous grain 5 the same soil types, different sub-types of soil particle composition is different, but the trend is Keywords: rock into the soil, The soil profile, Grain grade, Determination
294 评论


五大连池风景区位于黑龙江省西北部的五大连池市、小兴安岭西南侧山前台地上,距北安市60公里。四周分布着14座火山体,以及一系列火山矿泉,构成了独特而典型的火山景观,因而有“火山博物馆”之称。是我国著名的火山游览胜地。 由于火山熔岩堵塞的河道,形成了五个相连的火山堰塞湖,因其形如串珠状,故称“五大连池”。 五大连池地区火山群海拔高度为400米-600米,以火山锥的特殊结构、各种火山熔岩流动形迹、结满冰霜的熔岩隧道,以及冷碳酸矿泉而闻名于世。 五大连池火山群位于松嫩断陷盆地北端,其东北是小兴安岭断裂抬升区。五大连池火山群还处于北西向五大连池—科洛火山带上。区内分布的地层主要有石炭系千枚岩、片岩、白垩系及第三系的砂岩、第四系火山岩,并有华力西及燕山期花岗岩。 五大连池火山群有14个独立的火山锥和一系列盾状火山。火山锥和盾状火山形成于第四纪,而最近的火山喷发,则于公元1719年-1721年,发生在老黑山和火烧山。此次喷发溢流的熔岩在四个地方阻塞了区内的石龙江,形成了五个火山堰塞湖,最终形成“五大连池”。 地球在长达46亿年的复杂演化过程中,为人类提供了优美的自然环境和丰富的物质资源。五大连池就是第四纪火山活动给人类留下的一片珍贵遗产,这里山秀、水幽、泉奇、石怪、洞异,是集生态旅游、休闲度假、保健康疗、科学考察为一体的高含量、多功能、综合型风景名胜区,被誉为镶嵌在欧亚大陆桥上的一颗璀璨的明珠。 据讲,五大连池火山在我国辽金时代被称为“乌云和尔冬吉火山”,当时,无人在此居住。伴随着两座新期火山的喷发,火山堰塞湖的形成和疗效神奇的矿泉水的出露,才有游牧民族达斡尔人的迁入,并将这里的火山称为“乌尤里—哈尔多格火山”,对池水称为“乌德邻池”。后来由于汉人的大量迁入垦荒种地,这里便被汉人称为五大连池位于黑龙江省德都县境内,距哈尔滨市413公里。是北方的一处旅游、疗养胜地。五大连池是火山喷发的熔岩流堵塞了白河河道,形成五个串珠般的湖泊而得名。这里是一组休眠的火山群。在五大连池周围,分布有14座火山和60多平方公里的熔岩台地。这组火山群,拔地而起,形态各异,形成了一个别具一格的风景区,人们也称这里为“火山公园”或“自然火山博物馆”。 五大连池主要有两大特色:一是景色奇特。由火山喷发的熔岩形成的熔岩,有的像一条长龙,有的如象鼻在吸水,有的像一条瀑布,形象逼真。还有一种外观十分好看的“石塔”,高约二三米,这也是火山熔岩层层盘叠而成的。熔岩在地下流动形成的熔岩空洞,也是旅游者感兴趣的地方。在这里,游客们可以拾一两块形状奇特的熔岩留作纪念。二是这里有丰富的矿泉资源,很多地方都有矿泉水涌出。这些矿泉多为冷矿泉,水温低,含有十几种对人体有益的元素,统称为重碳酸矿水。这种矿泉水可饮可浴,能治疗胃病、神经衰弱、皮肤病、高血压等病症。现在这里已经建了几十座矿泉疗养院。 五大连池的主要游览点有:五大连池、药泉山公园、火山博物馆。五大连池的五座池之间相互连通,纵长20公里,池水面积40平方公里,最深处百余米。药泉山海拔350米,是14个火山锥中规模最小的一个,因为泉水有药物作用,被称为“圣水”。园内有各种风景建筑。火山博物馆,是由于老黑山、火烧山喷发于1719-1721年,为我国最新期火山,有保存完整的火山地质地貌。这一带便被称为火山博物馆。 五大连池除五个堰塞湖外,还有许多古代和近代的火山。中、近期形成的火山共14座,其中老黑山和火烧山年龄最小,但体态庞大,景色尤佳,是五大连池中最佳景区。老黑山山势高耸,植被葱郁,相对高差达166米,是14座火山中最高的一座。山的东、北两侧有盘山道可达山顶,山顶有漏斗状火山口,直径350米,深达140米。火山口周围有人行步道,俯视火山口底令人望而生畏。山上东北角有火山熔洞,洞内熔岩倒挂,景致千姿百态。 火烧山规模较老黑山小,植被很少。焦灼的火山口把整个大山劈为两半,裂缝狰狞,状态怪异,山坡中随处可见大小不一的火山弹。 老黑山和火烧山的四周为熔岩台地,总面积达65平方公里。当年喷出的熔岩沿白河向南流去,形成了蜿蜒10公里长的“石龙”。石龙景象举世罕见,远看像大海汹涌的波涛,近视则怪石嶙峋,千态万姿,形态生动奇特,如熊如虎如蛇如绳如巨莽。奇特的熔岩暗道、熔岩空洞中,更有奇特的熔岩钟乳,如角锥如僰刺如刀刃或如薄板,如贴附在洞穴的四壁,蔚为奇观。 五大连池火山群是中国最年轻的火山群,火山地质遗迹现象最齐全、分布最集中、保存最完整、景观最典型,该地分布的喷气锥为世界罕见,有“火山地质博物馆”之称。 五大连池火山富钾碱性熔岩,SiO2含量高,它是钾质火山岩的一种典型代表,对探讨板块活动、岩浆演化具有重要意义。 五大连池有“中国矿泉水之乡”之称,其南泉、北泉的碳酸型矿水,不仅是中国矿泉水之极品,也是世界矿泉水之珍品,对医疗及饮用均具重要价值。 与五大连池火山具有可比性的世界著名火山有美国夏威夷火山、印度洋中的留尼旺火山、法国的中央高地火山几东非裂谷乌干达境内的托罗——安科尔火山等。 相同的是这几座世界著名的火山与五大连池的岩浆都属基性,其火山活动方式均属于夏威夷式喷发,火山喷发后形成的火山地貌景观也基本相似。 不同的是,这几座火山的规模均比五大连池火山大,其形成的某些火山地貌景观也比五大连池火山地貌更壮观。然而,五大连池火山地貌更齐全、更集中、更典型。比如,在这几座世界著名的火山附近,均未形成火山堰塞湖,而且除法国中央高地火山区外,均未发现矿泉出露,喷气锥、喷气碟更是少见,仅在印度洋中的留尼旺火山区偶见个体矮小、发育形态不完整的喷气锥、喷气碟。 相比之下,五大连池火山形成的山川辉映、水火相容的火山地貌景观更有特色。而翻花熔岩中发育完整、保存完好、多姿多态、数以千计的喷气锥,在世界其它火山区绝无仅有,可谓世界奇观。 五大连池拥有举世罕见的六大自然环境——这里有世界上最纯净的天然氧吧;有世界上品位最高的具有医疗保健作用的磁化矿化电荷离子水;有集保健、美容、医疗于一体的矿泉洗疗、泥疗场地;有天然的火山熔岩台地——阳热能理疗床;有功能最齐全、规模最大的火山地质全磁环境;有不受任何污染的纯绿色健康食品生产区。由此形成了世界上综合条件最完善的自然环境理疗基地。 五大连池已开发七大游览观光区、八大奇观、一百多个景点。七大游览观光区包括:新期火山奇观观光区;世界著名冷矿泉观光区;火山堰塞湖观光区;古火山遗迹观光区;火山熔岩冰雪洞游览区;古火山石寨科考观光区;火山民俗文化观光区。八大奇观有:雄峻陡峭的山巅火口;波澜壮阔的翻花石海;鬼斧神功的龙门石寨;碧水一泓的天池胜景;霜花似玉的熔岩冰洞;造型奇绝的喷气锥碟;云雾蒸腾的石龙温泊;景色如画的群山倒影

268 评论


1、The French Revolution was a volcanic upheaval in European history。2、Ie seen the stream of lava from a volcano。3、A volcano emits smoke and ashes。4、The volcano poured out molten rock。5、The eruption of volcano makes many people lose their lives。火山概况:火山是常见的自然地貌形态,是由地下熔融物质及其携带的固体碎屑冲出地表后堆积形成的山体。火山主要形成在板块交界处,构成了四大火山带。火山可分为活火山,死火山和休眠火山,是炽热地心的窗口、地球上最具爆发性的力量,爆发时能喷出多种物质,主要物质为火山灰。

217 评论


Torricelli Daerbute fault zone north of Xinjiang formation predecessors established the Lower Carboniferous package Couto Group and the Commission on the Carboniferous too Le Dracula group, with the attribution of North Junggar formation formation of the district Mayi formation The profiles measured by sedimentary rock, based on formation, rock characteristics, in the region compared to their predecessors here that the formation of the order is Ancient map packets identified in the group was placed under the Lower C Bao ancient group plans for a major deep-sea - half of the deep gray and gray-black TLC tuffaceous siltstone, shale tuffaceous, with gray green, with thin gray-tuff interbedded Lithologic main debris containing fine sand silt, tuffaceous sandstone, with silt, mud cherts, cherts, such as Shen The overall environment is relatively calm and stable, for deep-sea - a half deep-sea Le Dracula is the main group for the ash, glaucum, purplish red basalt and andesite, fine-grained tuff, crystal-tuff debris, ash-tuff, tuffaceous siltstone, tuffaceous silty mudstone uneven beds, rocks folder jasper , Ansan porphyrite and long-sandstone and Analysis should be the reinstatement of the environment, there are intermittent eruption of deep-sea sediment Key words: Pack ancient map; too Le Dracula groups: sedimentary environment; Xinjiang Torricelli; Daerbute fault

291 评论


The grain size composition of the soil affects the soil physical and chemical properties, this is the hydrometer method using several rocks in the southwest area of soil (soil, lime soil, volcanic ash soil) of the grain size were measured and The following conclusions:⑴ South West Rocks into the soil, purple soil, limestone soil and volcanic ash soil particles share of major sand, clay, silt smaller ⑵ between the different layers of the same soil, due to deposition and other effects of leaching and soil composition on the lower classes there are some differences in grain size, black limestone soil of sand and clay content with depth was The volcanic ash soil sand and clay content with depth ⑶ different locations the same soil as weathering, leaching and the impact of human activities to varying degrees, the composition of the soil there are some differences in grain ⑷ the same layers of soil, due to different soil-forming rock, sand soil developed over sandstone, limestone, shale rock clay and ⑸ the same soil types in different subgroups of the soil, particle composition is different, but similar

149 评论


The soil grade composition is affecting the soil physics and chemistry nature, this article is uses the hydrometer method becomes the soil to southwest area several kind of crags (purple ochre, calcareous soil, volcanic ash soil) the grade to carry on the determination Draws the following conclusion: ⑴The southwest area crag becomes the earth, purple ochre, the calcareous soil and volcanic ash soil's pellet sand grains account for the proportion to be big, the clay, the silt account for the proportion to be ⑵Between identical soil different soil layer, as a result of function and so on leaching deposition influences, on the soil lower level grade composition existence certain difference, rendzina's sand grains and the clay content increases along with the depth But volcanic ash soil's sand grains and the clay content increase along with the depth ⑶Because the different place identical soil the weathering, the leaching function and human activity's influence is different, soil separates composition existence certain ⑷Different soil identical soil layer, because becomes the earth the rock to be different, sandstone growth soil sandy many, the limestone, the mudstone growth's rock clay are ⑸The identical soil type different subgroup's soil, the granulometric composition is also different, but the general trend is

85 评论


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