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Resume name: *** birth years: 10 sex: Male studies the specialty: Information management and information system school record: The undergraduate college graduates the colleges and universities: *** affiliation birthplace: Zhejiang email: political features: Member telephone: core curriculum: ☆: The database principle, the construction of data, the higher order language programming, the assembly language, the operating system, the computer network, VC++, the management information system, the microcomputer principle, the multimedia technologies, the theory of probability and the mathematical statistic, the higher mathematics, the operations research, the psychology of management and so on; credentials: English proficiency: The university English 4 levels, have strongly hear the written computer level: National computer third-level (data bank technology) the great three times attain the school healthy, studious, and helpful social practice: ☆06 year March to 06 year in June, is engaged in the Tianjin rosy-colored clouds at dawn drift net's maintenance promotion ☆06 year August to 07 year in February, has been engaged in Hitachi in *** Corporation to save draws money a body machine maintenance work, passes through 6 month-long to work diligently and to study, the company sends me to be responsible for the ICBC and the move of line of ATM machine's normal operation to Kunming, including system's installment test, hardware aspect service, but is also responsible for the bank aspect training, including machine's general operation and account service And ICBC ATM praises the platform system is the entire English edition system which develops together by the ICBC and NCR, this year starts in the land to start to popularize slowly, this system initial period is not very stable, has met many questions, passed through promptly with the Hitachi Factory and bank aspect coordinated, the machine has achieved the anticipated effect, although entered the company time not to be long, but definitely might be responsible for this region machine's normal operation This made me to gain in certain experience, increased my life to review in succession, and has learned with the different person's communication and the cooperation, how learned to treat people handles special skill intention: the ☆ skilled each kind of computer operation and the common computer hardware maintenance, operates the windows system's establishment Excels to carry on each kind of Internet communication using Internet, operates in the windows platform skilled each kind of application software (for example ghost, Word97, Excel97, Power point), and the familiar computer applies, the network to apply, technologies and so on Familiar C, has grasped C++, programming languages and so on In addition, also has certain understanding to the bank financial self-evaluation:☆ has the intense sense of responsibility and the sense of mission, principled, is high to the quality ☆ has the intense collective sense of honor and the team spirit, is good at studying, work positive initiative, has the enthusiasm to the new technology and the new thing, is glad accepts the new ☆ has the strong adaptiveness and the coordinated ability, deeply loves the collective, takes pleasure in serving others, can scrupulously follow take the general situation as the heavy principle, is willing to be subordinate to the collective interests the need, has the sacrificing
220 评论


经帮近100人改过简历了,应届生写简历最大的一个问题在于:工作经验较少甚至没有、不了解企业招聘。这收藏是点赞的5倍(现在收藏只比点赞多3倍~~嘻嘻)你们太可爱了,收藏时候顺便点个赞呗,TT附一个这两天的简历评估你是否想过,如果明明能够获得一个月薪6K的工作机会,结果因为海投简历拿到一个4K的offer,你觉得你愿意选择哪个?我相信绝大部分人,他们如果事先不知道自己值6K,最终只拿到一个4K,那么他可能过了一两年才会意识到,写简历很重要!!好的简历,能够帮助你拿到更好的面试机会跟工作机会!!那么下面,我们就说说怎么写出一份好的简历!一般情况下简历一定包含3大部分:个人信息、个人经历、其他信息,这边从视觉跟内容两个方面说说这3个部分怎么写。阅读体验就是HR看到你这份简历,感觉是如何的,不要总想着大创意,绝大部分人都用不好那些特别有设计感的简历模板,所以这里就安安分分的用一个简洁大方的模板就好了,大概这样:请忽略模板内容排版排版也是简历里的一些细节,我见过一些简历看起来挺简洁的,但是没有排版可言,字体不一样啦,段落不分明啦,项目没对齐啦,这样的简历都是不利于阅读的。所以大家在写简历的时候一定要注意这些细节,方便HR阅读,就是给你的简历多了一分机会。后面放在内容部分里详细说明。内容毕竟内容才是决定你的价值,内容为主,阅读体验为辅。简历的重点还是在内容这边,前面也说了,这里包含了【个人信息】【个人经历】【其他信息】,下面就展开详细描述。个人信息这里的个人信息就包含2块,基础信息+教育信息基础信息就不多说了,包含你的:姓名、出生日期、联系电话、联系邮箱、学位、目标岗位、个人照片等主要信息即可,家庭住址,身高体重之类的,都是不太需要的。当然如果有的岗位有身高要求,例如前台行政,那你还是写一下自己的身高吧。在排版上稍微注意一下将信息对其,看着舒服一些。上个帮人改的简历做参考。教育信息简单的说明一下你的受教育的时间,院校,专业即可,所学的课程就不需要写了,看过不少在上面写上十来门自己学的课程,其实都是没必要的。例如:XX年X月-XX年x月 XX大学 XX专业如果你的成绩不错,可以把成绩放在教育信息下面,例如:GPA7/4(院校前5%),如果你学习成绩比较一般,但是有一些不错的在校获奖信息,也是可以写上去的。因为不是所有的HR都认识这些奖项,所以你可以像写成绩一样,注明一下获奖人数或者奖项等级,例如:XX优秀干部(院校3人)、XX省XX奖如果没有什么可以写的,你可以说一件你在学校里做过的比较牛逼的事情,用STAR法去写(如果你没有什么实习经历的话,院校经历就单独写,不要写在教育信息这)在排班这里可以把教育信息用黑体、微软雅黑去写一下,下面的信息用一个比较细的字体,再给个图片做参考:个人经历一般来说,这里主要写的是这几块,实习经历、校园经历、项目经历。在这里先说一个写内容的概念,许多人写自己的实习都是写做什么,没有写怎么做。例如说“在XX实习期间,了解了XX工作“、”于XX单位实习,负责XXX”,这样你的简历内容就会很单薄,显得很空洞。你应该写【你做什么】+【你怎么做】+【做的结果】,例如:“在XX单位负责XX工作,通过XXX,获得XX结果,掌握XX技能”如果你没有实习,可以写你的学校经历,比如说你当然什么组织的工作也可以写,例如图片这样:如果没有参加院校组织,没有参加实习,那你可以拿一个你的项目来写,比如说你做的实验、社会实践等等,这些都是可以写的。思路也是一样,甚至练兼职都可以写:排版这边值得一提的几点:1、从近到远写,如果你有2份实习,先写最近的,再写远一些的;2、跟写教育信息一样,把工作单位用粗的字体,工作内容用细一点的字体;3、工作内容比较多,要分段,用项目符号隔开,不要写一大段,看起来没有层次感。再上个图给你参考参考:其他信息其他信息主要是一些技能证书跟你的自我介绍。学校的荣誉证书建议放在教育经历那里,挑2-3个有含金量的写就可以了;这里的技能证书你就写一些相关的技能证书,不要过于夸大,我就见过有个同学写英语4级证书,后面备注精通听说读写,流畅阅读专业英文书籍。对于这个,我是保留我的观点的。所以不要随便用精通这个词。。。证书也是一样,写一些相关的证书,如果没有什么证书,可以写一些跟你应聘岗位相关的技能,例如这个同学的简历,他是要做新媒体运营的工作,所以我建议这里可以填充一些文案、新媒体相关的技能描述,看图:自我介绍自我介绍也是一个重灾区,这个部分的内容,其实是相辅相成的,如果你上面的内容写的非常好,比如说清华北大前3毕业的学生,那么你自我介绍写本人热爱学习,那自然没人怀疑了。但是绝大部分人不是这么牛逼的,学习成绩也没写,实习+院校经历也很普通,甚至不怎么样,然后写“本人热爱学习”,这里我依然持保留态度。自我评价要用事实来说话,不要自卖自夸,“我热爱学习”跟“本人热爱学习,以XX市高考状元考入XX大学,常年考试100分”,你觉得哪个热爱学习呢?用事实说话,这里继续上参考:最后简单的总结一下吧不要用浮夸的简历模板(懒得找的话关注公众号【职场一堂课】,回复“简历”领取)字体上注意一些细节,尽量用黑体、微软雅黑排版上也注意一下细节,尽可能便于阅读,主次分明用STAR法写你的经历,不要只写你做了啥,多写写怎么做以及结果不要自卖自夸,不要夸大其词忘记了,想到再补充。

164 评论


SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS *Accountant and Administrative Manager of mediun-sized motor components manufacturing and distribution company serving national and international *Hands-on experience with firm of certified public accountants and *Certified public accountant and PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 1998 LISMORE SHIPPING CO,LTD,Loretta,PA Accountant *Managed,developed,and maintained all aspects of finance,accounting,foreign exchange dealings,marketing,and data processing of company and its overseas offices in London and New York *Controlled budget,cash flow,and capital expenditure *Reviewed, analyzed, and evaluated finances and securities pertaining to advances and shipping for client base of about *Established and maintained close relationships with bank executives,auditors,and attorneys,ensuring compliance with all regulatory OBJECTIVE An accounting position offering the opportunity to utilize my professional financial expertise,extensive business experience, and ability on a worldwide ACCOUNTANT(General) Sandy Bin 15/F,TOWARD ,BRIGHT CHINA,BUILDING,BEIJING 1981-1983 MANNINGS,DAWE,AND BOND,Pittsburgh,PA Auditor *Auditor private companies,listed companies,partnerships,and individual *Prepared financial statements and 1985-1988 RABINO PRODUCTS, Meadville, PA Accountant *Developed and implemented corporate and project-oriented financial *Provided financial overview and leadership for all major operating considerations and activities, including development of business and profit *Controlled line management for all accounting,production costing,EDP,and financial EDUCATION UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, Philadelphia,PA Bachelor's Degree,with major in Accountancy,Marketing, and Business Finance,1981 Summary of qualifications highlight candidate's Bullets make resume easy to

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关于写简历的方法,我们给你的回答是按这个步骤的:看别人怎么写简历。搞清楚自己的简历应该怎么写。选择一个简历模板,填入你自己的信息。关于写简历的问题,推荐千里马个人简历网的两个栏目给你,你可以仔细阅读一下这些文章,对你写简历,找工作应该是有帮助的:简历诊断栏目(这个是看别人的简历是如何写的过程): 主要是看看别人的简历的优势在哪些地方,不足在哪些地方。多看看专家的点评,应该能帮助到你很多。也可以让你知道一分好的简历应该是怎么样的。另外一个栏目是简历技巧栏目(搞清楚自己的简历应该怎么写的过程): 有很多关于简历制作方面的技巧性的内容看完这些,大约知道怎么写之后你再到他们的简历模板栏目去下载一个简历模板,这上面有很多的word简历模板,不是网上流行的那些大路货(这个是写自己的简历的过程): 自己去挑一个你喜欢的就可以了。OK,你的简历写出来了。建议你多做做文字上的修改 这些,都是教你写简历的方法,是授之于渔,希望你能利用好这个渔具捕到你想要的鱼。

131 评论


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