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All-Time 100 Best Novels Time critics Lev Grossman and Richard Lacayo pick the 100 best English-language novels from 1923 to the The Complete List in Alphabetical Order: The Adventure of Augie March by Saul B All the King’s Men by Robert Penn W American Pastoral by Philip R An American Tragedy by Theodore D Animal Farm by George O Appointment in Samarra by John O’H Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret by Judy B The Assistant by Bernard M At Swim-Two-Birds by Flann O’B Atonement by Ian McE Beloved by Toni M The Berlin Stories by Christopher I The Big Sleep by Raymond C The Blind Assassin by Margaret A Blood Meridian by Cormac McC Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn W The Bridge of San Luis Rey by Thornton W Call It Sleep by Henry R Catch-22 by Joseph H The Catcher in the Rye by J D S A Clockwork Orange by Anthony B The Confessions of Nat Turner by William S The Corrections by Jonathan F The Crying of Lot 49 by Thomas P A Dance to the Music of Time by Anthony P The Day of the Locust by Nathanael W Death Comes for the Archbishop by Willa C A Death in the Family by James A The Death of the Heart by Elizabeth B Deliverance by James D Dog Soldiers by Robert S Falconer by John C The French Lieutenant’s Woman by John F The Golden Notebook by Doris L Go Tell it on the Mountain by James B Gone with the Wind by Margaret M The Grapes of Wrath by John S Gravity’s Rainbow by Thomas P The Great Gatsby by F Scott F A Handful of Dust by Evelyn W The Heart is a Lonely Hunter by Carson McC The Heart of the Matter by Graham G Herzog by Saul B Housekeeping by Marilynne R A House for M Biswas by V S N I, Claudius by Robert G Infinite Jest by David Foster W Invisible Man by Ralph E Light in August by William F The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe by C S L Lolita by Vladimir N Lord of the Flies by William G The Lord of the Rings by J R R T Loving by Henry G Lucky Jim by Kingsley A The Man Who Loved Children by Christina S Midnight’s Children by Salman R Money by Martin A The Moviegoer by Walker P M Dalloway by Virginia W Naked Lunch by William B Native Son by Richard W Neuromancer by William G Never Let Me Go by Kazuo I 1984 by George O On the Road by Jack K One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest by Ken K The Painted Bird by Jerzy K Pale Fire by Vladimir N A Passage to India by E M F Play it as it Lays by Joan D Portnoy’s Complaint by Philip R Possession by A S B The Power and the Glory by Graham G The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie by Muriel S Rabbit, Run by John U Ragtime by E L D The Recognitions by William G Red Harvest by Dashiell H Revolutionary Road by Richard Y The Sheltering Sky by Paul B Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt V Snow Crash by Neal S The Sot-Weed Factor by John B The Sound and the Fury by William F The Sportswriter by Richard F The Spy Who Came in from the Cold by John le C The Sun also Rises by Ernest H Their Eyes were Watching God by Zora Neale H Things Fall Apart by Chinua A To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper L To the Lighthouse by Virginia W Tropic of Cancer by Henry M Ubik by Philip K D Under the Net by Iris M Under the Volcano by Malcolm L All-Time 100 Best Novels Time critics Lev Grossman and Richard Lacayo pick the 100 best English-language novels from 1923 to the The Complete List in Alphabetical Order: The Adventure of Augie March by Saul B All the King’s Men by Robert Penn W American Pastoral by Philip R An American Tragedy by Theodore D Animal Farm by George O Appointment in Samarra by John O’H Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret by Judy B The Assistant by Bernard M At Swim-Two-Birds by Flann O’B Atonement by Ian McE Beloved by Toni M The Berlin Stories by Christopher I The Big Sleep by Raymond C The Blind Assassin by Margaret A Blood Meridian by Cormac McC Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn W The Bridge of San Luis Rey by Thornton W Call It Sleep by Henry R Catch-22 by Joseph H The Catcher in the Rye by J D S A Clockwork Orange by Anthony B The Confessions of Nat Turner by William S The Corrections by Jonathan F The Crying of Lot 49 by Thomas P A Dance to the Music of Time by Anthony P The Day of the Locust by Nathanael W Death Comes for the Archbishop by Willa C A Death in the Family by James A The Death of the Heart by Elizabeth B Deliverance by James D Dog Soldiers by Robert S Falconer by John C The French Lieutenant’s Woman by John F The Golden Notebook by Doris L Go Tell it on the Mountain by James B Gone with the Wind by Margaret M The Grapes of Wrath by John S Gravity’s Rainbow by Thomas P The Great Gatsby by F Scott F A Handful of Dust by Evelyn W The Heart is a Lonely Hunter by Carson McC The Heart of the Matter by Graham G Herzog by Saul B Housekeeping by Marilynne R A House for M Biswas by V S N I, Claudius by Robert G Infinite Jest by David Foster W Invisible Man by Ralph E Light in August by William F The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe by C S L Lolita by Vladimir N Lord of the Flies by William G The Lord of the Rings by J R R T Loving by Henry G Lucky Jim by Kingsley A The Man Who Loved Children by Christina S Midnight’s Children by Salman R Money by Martin A The Moviegoer by Walker P M Dalloway by Virginia W Naked Lunch by William B Native Son by Richard W Neuromancer by William G Never Let Me Go by Kazuo I 1984 by George O On the Road by Jack K One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest by Ken K The Painted Bird by Jerzy K Pale Fire by Vladimir N A Passage to India by E M F Play it as it Lays by Joan D Portnoy’s Complaint by Philip R Possession by A S B The Power and the Glory by Graham G The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie by Muriel S Rabbit, Run by John U Ragtime by E L D The Recognitions by William G Red Harvest by Dashiell H Revolutionary Road by Richard Y The Sheltering Sky by Paul B Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt V Snow Crash by Neal S The Sot-Weed Factor by John B The Sound and the Fury by William F The Sportswriter by Richard F The Spy Who Came in from the Cold by John le C The Sun also Rises by Ernest H Their Eyes were Watching God by Zora Neale H Things Fall Apart by Chinua A To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper L To the Lighthouse by Virginia W Tropic of Cancer by Henry M Ubik by Philip K D Under the Net by Iris M Under the Volcano by Malcolm L Watchmen by Alan Moore & Dave G White Noise by Don DeL White Teeth by Zadie S Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean RhysWatchmen by Alan Moore & Dave Gibbons

White Noise by Don DeL White Teeth by Zadie S Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys
312 评论


从1980年起开始文学创作,共发表原创文学作品和文学翻译作品1200万字。少量母语原创微型小说、散文、杂文、自传发表,如:《翻译家张白桦微自传》《白衣女郎》《大音希声》发表在《人物》杂志上,2009年2月26日被搜狐新闻转载,专著《趣味英汉互译教程》。 在国内多家出版社(生活·读书·新知三联书店、国家外文局、上海科技教育、天津人民、时代文艺、北京大学等)发表长篇译著20余部,如《房龙地理》《与字母一起漫游世界》《老人与海》《英汉经典阅读系列·散文卷》《苏茜的世界》《美国语文:美国中学课文经典读本》(上下册》《格林童话》(上下册》《宽容》《涉案文件》《寂静的春天》 《飞禽记》 《等鹿来》 等;在国家百强、十佳报刊上发表短篇文学翻译作品总计逾350万余字,为多家报刊的骨干作家和专栏作家,如:《读者》《中外期刊文萃》《青年博览》《青年文摘》《青年报刊世界》《意林》《微型小说选刊》《小小说选刊》《东西南北》《青年参考》《环球时报》《文学故事报》《羊城晚报》《中国儿童画报》《新华日报》《特别关注》等。译作入选英语杂志,如:《英语广场》名篇经典栏目等;译作入选选本86余种,如:《透视美国——金斯伯格论坛》《外国微型小说三百篇》《读者十年精华》《1000个故事——读者30年最美的风景》《青年参考珍藏本》《中外微型小说百年经典》《2009年值得中学生珍藏的100篇传奇故事》《百味人生》《平凡人的幸福生活》《手边的幸福》《世界微型小说经典》《外国最好的小小说》《把爱传下去——感动小学生的100个长辈》《图解作文》《初中阅读精编——假如给我三天光明》《外国散文基本解读》《流行哲理小品——外国卷》《微型小说也疯狂》《世界最好看的微型小说》《不可不读的外国百年百篇微型小说》《世界微型小说名家名作百年经典》(10卷本)《中外百年微型小说经典大系》(6卷本)《中学生必读的小小说(悬疑、励志、法制、校园、爱情、讽刺、美德、家庭8卷本)《外国微型小说百年经典》(10卷本)中英文双语版《2012中国诗选》《诺贝尔文学奖获奖作家微型小说精品》等;译作入选网上资源,如:读秀、百链期刊、番薯网、今博读书网、文化共享网、龙源期刊网、全刊杂志赏析网、新浪网精华区、百度文库、爱就是幸福网、文学复兴网、中学生读书、咖啡文学网、豆丁网、北青网、文苑漫步、黄金书屋等;

310 评论


西奥多·德莱塞(Theodore Dreiser,1871-1945),美国批判现实主义代表作家之一,与海明威、福克纳并称为美国现代小说三巨头,知名作品包括前两部处女作《卡丽妹妹》(Sister Carrie)、《珍妮姑娘》 (Jennie Gerhardt)和《美国悲剧》。《美国悲剧》创作于1925年,堪称德莱塞成就最高的作品,入选《时代》杂志2005年评选的百大英文小说。西奥多·德莱塞出生于破产小业主家庭。曾长期在社会底层劳动挣扎。青年时期曾任报刊记者和编辑,并开始从事文学创作。1917年后倾向社会主义,1928年应邀访苏,1945年申请参加美国共产党。德莱塞是倾向社会主义的美国现实主义作家。1928年访苏前,他的创作仍属批判现实主义范畴。写出了揭露美国社会贫富悬殊、道德沦丧的长篇小说《嘉莉妹妹》(1900)、《珍妮姑娘》(1911)和揭露金融资产阶级的发家及其必然灭亡的长篇小说《欲望三部曲》(第1部《金融家》1912,第2部《巨人》1914,第3部《斯多葛》1947)。代表作长篇小说《美国的悲剧》(1925)通过一个穷教士儿子克莱特·格里菲斯为追逐金钱财势堕落为蓄意杀人犯的故事,不仅揭示了利己主义恶性膨胀的严重后果,同时更揭露了金钱至上的美国生活方式对人的普遍的罪恶性腐蚀毒害作用。这时期作者尽管也受社会进化论和弗洛伊德心理分析学说的影响,且把它们运用于人物构思和心理刻画上,但他把他们跟社会环境紧密结合起来,并未陷入生物和情欲的泥淖,反使作品具有丰满的现实主义内容和巨大艺术感染力。1928年访苏后,随着德菜塞政治立场的转变,他的创作也开始走向社会主义现实主义道路。这一时期的作品有《德莱塞访苏印象记》(1928),政论集《悲剧的美国》(1931),短篇小说集《妇女群像(1929)等。德莱塞的主要作品,现都已有中文译本。

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