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首页 > 论文问答 > 你有一些杂志吗英文

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某胖自己翻译的,不好请谅解。:pThe Economist:The Economist is an English-language weekly news and international affairs publication owned by "The Economist Newspaper Ltd" and edited in LThe Economist:The Economist是隶属于The Economist Newspaper Ltd的讲述新闻和国际事务的周刊,编辑部在伦敦。Subjects covered include international news, economics, politics, business, finance, science, technology, and the The publication targets an educated readership and counts among its audience influential business and government decision-The Economist涵盖的主题包括国际新闻 , 经济 , 政治 , 商业 , 金融 , 科学 , 技术和艺术 。该刊物的面向受过教育的读者群和计数,其受众影响力的商界和政府决策者。Newsweek:Newsweek is an American weekly newsmagazine published in New York C It is distributed throughout the United States and It is the second largest news weekly magazine in the US, having trailed Time in circulation and advertising revenue for most of its existenceNewsweek是在纽约出版的周刊性杂志。它的分布遍及美国和国际上许多国家。他是美国第二大新闻周刊,跟随Time其后,广告是这本杂志营销的一大手段。BusinessWeek:Businessweek is a business magazine published by McGraw-HIts primary competitors in the national business magazine category are Fortune and Forbes, which are published bi-Since 1988, BusinessWeek has published annual rankings of United States business school MBA In addition to these rankings, it has recently started publishing annual rankings of undergraduate business Businessweek是由McGraw-Hill出版的一本商业杂志。他在国家商业杂志行业中最主要的竞争者是‘Fortune’和‘Forbes’半月刊杂志。从1988年起,这本杂志开始发表美国商业学校MBA课程的排名。加上这些排名,Businessweek已经开始每年发表大学商业课程的排名。time:is a weekly American Stlye:Time has always had its own writing style;The magazine still follows French spellings for some words;Time is also known for its signature red border, introduced in 1927, which only changed once since then – the issue released shortly after the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States, which featured a black border to symbolize mourning;In 2007, Time engineered a style overhaul of the magazine aimed at appealing to a younger generationTime是美国的周刊杂志。风格:Time坚持自己的写作风格;Time里的文章现在还保持带有一些法国拼写的单词;Time最著名的是他的署名的红色边线,从1927年一直到现在,只改变过一次——美国911恐怖袭击事件,红色变成了黑色,象征悼念。在2007年,被呼吁要更面向年轻一代的读者。翻译完毕,磕磕巴巴的。希望对你有帮助。你可以自己去wikipedia看看。
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你会英文吗? 如果英文水平达到有四六级水平,可以尝试着下载美国的时代杂志或者英国的经济学人杂志来看一看。很多学英语的人都在看这个练英语,其实里面也包含着丰富的新闻信息,我想你想要的“公正客观”也在里面。这些电子杂志不像那些网站那样会被封锁,下载比较容易,一搜索就可以找到了。还能学习英文,呵呵!

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China Today

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149 评论


我有一些杂志I have some magazines

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