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森林公园 forest park自然保护区 nature reserve----跟专有名词搭配才要大写:如:Fuzhou Forest ParkWolong Nature Reserve
188 评论


特首小姐你早 txt全集小说附件已上传到百度网盘,点击免费下载:内容预览:他回家写了第一篇特首小姐你早专栏。周启之找到林森,开口说出要求。“我知道你有三张文凭:一张言语系、一张英国文学系、另外一张新闻系,但市场所需是管理科人才,要不,做电脑动画,还有生物科技也吃香,那么三师也总找到饭吃。”周启之摊摊手。林森说:“启之,一早同你说,要不教书,要不来帮我。”“四间大学里我都递了申请表,迟迟未有答复。”“有无兴趣到政府工作?”周启之只是笑。“那么,到鄙公司上班。”“你办报纸杂志,用不到我。”“你看不起我。”“欲加之罪,何患无辞。”林森说:“你不明何以一个论文写《莎士比亚四大悲剧中人物与中华文化密切关系》的博士会得在融岛办秘闻杂志。”“林森,这话可是你自己说的。”“启之,掀开名人假面具是十分有趣的一件事。”“把人脸皮都剥开,未免血淋淋。”“当年回流,我也像你这样,在家躺了一年,高不成低不就,结果承继了舅父这间领先出版社,一做下来,其乐无穷。”“华……有问题再找我

100 评论


Harmony with the environment is that we live in on Earth, who is a natural son, and not only to natural persons as the conqueror, as we all know, there is only one earth and the mountains on Earth, the Plant human cells, if it damaged, destroyed nature organizations, to the eradication of Therefore, the environment must be linked with social ethics, character education and practice acts as an important element of Everyone must fulfil its responsibilities and obligations to protect the 人与环境是和谐相处的,我们生存在地球上,人是自然之子,而不能仅把人看作自然的征服者,大家都知道,人类只有一个地球,地球上的山山水水、动物。植物是人类的细胞,如果我们把它损坏了,破坏了大自然的组织,等于消灭人类。因此,环境要与社会公德联系起来,与实践行为作为人格教育的一项重要内容来抓。每个人都要履行保护环境的责任和义务。

329 评论



104 评论


Both forest resources and the environment with its dual biological properties, and has a huge production capacity and become a very important land To Forests not only provide a variety of products that can be materialized, but also to create a beautiful ring Environment, play a strong eco-efficiency, maintain the ecological balance of the earth, constitute the basic human survival and development of S Look at all times, all social progress and development of forest growth and decline, the rise and fall closely related to forestry, forest Forests and forestry is an important symbol of social However, population growth and economic development pressure, so many parts of the forest Lin reduction and If this trend continues, the future more and more specific than today's population today relies less than the Forests, which biodiversity, global climate and life support systems will have a significant impact, severely limiting people Class Therefore, the production function and must be in the forest to find a balance between the protection Forest Ecosystems to human Contribution to the class, often used in ecological research, "ecological, social and economic benefits" to However, Because of its complexity and uncertainty of how the valuation of these benefits, has been plagued ecologists and economists Important Can you give forest ecosystems for scientific contribution to mankind's valuation, will have a direct impact on policy at all levels Government decision-making Let ecosystem services from the perspective of the contribution of forests to human Ecosystem functioning and ecosystem services Earth's ecosystem is human survival and development of material base, ecosystem services and the health of these services generated State system itself on the Earth's life support system functions is essential to They directly or indirectly, to improve the human Class benefits, and therefore reflects the total economic value of the part of the Because ecosystem services can not be fully in the market The reflected, or fully productive capital with economic services and compared it in the formulation of policies, they often do not Have seriously enough, will eventually endanger the sustainable development of Based on this understanding, some scholars under the public On the original published studies and some calculations to estimate the 17 communities in 16 categories of ecosystem services, the economic value of existing Value, and thus calculate the value of the entire biosphere For the entire biosphere, the value of its annual Between 16-54 trillion dollars, the average annual value of 33 trillion Because there are some uncertainties, this estimate Is a minimum In contrast, global GDP each year is approximately 18 Life left Support system of services, all economic activities on the planet will cease to In this sense, the planet's ecosystems The total value of the service role of the economy is CONST ANZA and other forest ecosystem services (climate regulation, disturbance regulation, water supply, water regulation, erosion control System, to soil development, nutrient cycling, waste treatment; biological control, food production, raw materials, genetic resources, entertainment Music, culture 14) pricing that provides services to the global forest each year the total value of about 7 trillion US dollars; per hectare About $ 969 (which provides raw materials and food production were $ 138 and $ 43, both of 68% Scholars in China (1999) calculated the 38 major national forest ecosystem services worth about 11,740,100,000 US Yuan / year, of which eco-efficiency value of approximately $ 9,339,000,000 / year, 55% of total value, social value (Here refers to its cultural value) of about 2 billion US dollars / year, 17% of total value, while the economic value of forests around their 38 billion / year, the total value of 28% Shows the maximum value of the forest ecosystem is reflected in the eco-efficiency Benefits, and its value is 92 times the economic Scholars in China (1999) Benefits of Forest results show that the total effective value of forests in Heilongjiang 49,868,700,000 yuan, accounting for the province (1999-1992) average annual output value of 2 billion yuan of 7% Total benefit in the forest , The tangible products (economic) and intangible benefits of the value of products (public) benefit ratio of 1:83 Usually manifested forest forest ecosystem services "intangible product", as opposed to forest resources and other "tangible products Products "is often easily However, these products have been invisible to mention the environmental quality of human life Contribution to the high silence, the survival of human development at all times with the solidarity of forest ecosystem Special Is a huge increase as the world's population, resource crises, environmental degradation, as people on the pursuit of sustainable human development and thirsty Wang, the ecological services of forest ecosystem function is relatively much more important will be reborn as the Inherent fragility of our natural environment, and long-term destruction of forests, leading to the main terrestrial ecosystems as The forest area of less than body, the current forest coverage rate is only 92%, and the uneven distribution; cause of ecological environment has Degradation, soil erosion and natural disasters, serious and Forestry is also a result of the development towards a new Road, its functions by the production of timber oriented to ecological environment protection and construction of the main采纳哦

325 评论


森林是一种重要的自然资源,与人类的关系极为密切,它对人类的贡献是多种多样的,不仅提供各种木材和经济植物,同时也是许多食物的来源。但是,听说我国的森林资源不断减少,造成了严重的后果。大家可知道,森林的作用很大。 一是涵养水源和保持水土。森林一方面有防止水土流失,达到保持水土的作用;另一方面,有保存雨水的功能,有些人把森林比作“绿色水库”。二是改善我们的生活环境。森林能吸收二氧化碳并放出氧气。森林放出的氧气是我们人类以及动物所需氧气的来源,一公顷林地每天能吸收1000公斤二氧化碳,放出730公斤氧气,这对于保持空气的清新具有重要意义。 三是森林在环境污染防治方面具有重要作用。森林不但能吸收二氧化碳,还能吸收其他有毒有害气体和监测大气污染。工业发展过程中不断排放出大量有害气体,如二氧化硫、氟化氢、氮氧化物等,污染环境。林木能在低浓度范围内吸收各种有害气体,使污染的空气得到净化。此外,有些植物对大气污染具有敏感反应,可用来监测大气污染。森林能减低噪声。城市噪声污染严重,林木能通过其枝叶的微振作用,减弱这种有害的噪声。四是森林是保护野生生物的良好场所。森林是许多野生生物的良好栖息地,宝贵的野生生物资源是离不开森林的,没有森林,它们就无法生存。五是森林能调节气候。森林有巨大的蒸腾作用。平均一棵树在一个夏天要蒸腾2000公升的水。因此林地的空气湿度比无林地高出15~25%,降水量也有增加。森林资源不断减少,不仅使木材和林副产品短缺,加剧了供需矛盾,而且给生态环境带来了严重的不良后果。一些珍稀的动植物减少甚至灭绝,环境质量下降,水土流失,河库淤塞,旱涝、泥石流等灾害加剧。森林的减少也影响了气候,减少了降水量。另一方面,森林保护环境、净化空气、吸毒消尘、杀菌灭病的作用也被削弱或消失。总之,生态环境的恶化已向人们提出了严峻的挑战,如果再不采取果断措施保护森林,发展和扩大森林资源,而是继续任意破坏,人们就会受到更加严厉的惩罚。保护我们不断减少的森林资源吧!

194 评论


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