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Countries in the world of development of agricultural information (世界各国农业信息化发展) World Agricultural Information technology generally go through three stages: the first stage is 50-60 during the 20th century, radio, telephone communications and science and computer information stage; the second phase is 70-80 during the 20th century, computer data processing and knowledge processing stage; the third stage of the 20th century since the 90's agricultural database development, network and multimedia technologies and agricultural production, such as automatic control of the new stage of At present, the area of information technology in agriculture in the world's leading countries in the United States, Germany and J The United States is the leader in information technology, agriculture, Japan, Germany, followed by France and other developed countries; India and other developing countries, although the late start, but developed rapidly; Vietnam also recognizes the importance of agriculture and information technology, is stepping up its to catch United States of America Since 1844, Morse (SFBMorse) invented the first telegram, the subsequent image transfer technology with the invention, the US audio and video broadcasts of the radio has been the rapid development and popularization of rural areas has been greatly promoted the United States the process of agricultural information; AppleMacintosh series in 1984 launched the commercialization of computer operation and the promotion of practical use to stimulate the building of the US agricultural database, computer network, such as In 1985, the United States published the world's 428 agricultural computerized cataloging These databases is one of the most important agricultural information One of the most famous, most widely used is: The United States National Agricultural Library and co-developed by the US Department of Agriculture A-GRICOLA, its storage magazine articles, government publications, technical reports and so The United States also has a national crop germplasm resources information management system across the country to provide services to the breeding farm; the 20th century, the United States since the 70s of the computer application scope gradually to the By 1985, the United States has 8% of farmers use the computer processing of agricultural production, including some large farms have been Today, computer applications, to the United States, farm management and production control, research and production of high-quality, efficient and cost- Japan MAFF information in rural areas of the building from the mid-50th century farm broadcasting (cable run) to start the By the late 20th century, 60, Japan "GreenUtopia the concept of" response to the news media at that time the trend of information technology for rural development has played a great role in By the late 80's, for a variety of rapidly growing popularity of information technology, network development, information-based policy in rural areas continue to expand in rural areas, the degree of information technology into the rapid development The end of 1998, in the prefectures in Japan with the establishment of agricultural information-related institutions such as the network center 67, an average of 5 for each County Agricultural Information C 90 Japan in the early 20th century established the National Agricultural Technology Information Service online networks, that is, Telegraph and Telephone Company's real-time management system (DRESS), its large-scale electronic computer can be the collection, processing, storage and delivery from all over the country's agricultural technical DRESS County are located in each sub-centers, can quickly obtain information and exchange of information at any Germany In the mid-20th century, 50 to 70 of Germany's agricultural radio, telephone, television and other communication technologies, and universal in rural 70 In the mid-20th century to the mid-80's, a German computer data processing, data storage, such as the establishment of agricultural information technology from the initial stage to mature The mid-80s, the German government commissioned the study in Germany has established a full model of the agricultural economy of the region, later additions and amendments continue to be a very mature to deal with the agricultural information system to provide services for the decision- 80 In the mid-20th century to the early 90s, in this period, Germany in agricultural research and development of database technology has made a lot of work to the Since the mid-90s, the emergence of Internet dissemination of agricultural information to make a fundamental change occurred in the past, large and inefficient data storage facilities, high-performance computer systems have been At present, Germany through a variety of network connectivity, can find information on a variety of professional research, science and technology, management information and economic France Before 1997, the French information technology also is lagging Since 1997, the French government will be the development of the Information Society a priority before, the former Prime Minister Lionel Jospin was launched on "Information Society Project Action (PAGSI)" Through unremitting efforts, France has been in information technology has made gratifying France with the family computer in 1997 and 2000 almost At the end of 2000, the family personal computer equipped with the rate of between 26% -33%, and the growth rate achieved during the period is basically the European average, which also contributed to France's development of agricultural India India in the 20th century, the beginning of the 60's the use of agricultural research in the 20th century since the 90's, the Indian government decided to implement the Agricultural Research Information System (ARIS) project, with information technology for national agricultural research systems, funds from the National Agricultural Research Project F The establishment of agricultural research information system is the main purpose of: agriculture and agricultural research managers to quickly and easily access to information; use of national agricultural research systems to collect the infrastructure, processing, storage, retrieval and use of information; at the national agricultural research system the full realization of the sharing of information resources; improve research project planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation South Korea 20th century 80's, South Korea to speed up the process of economic globalization, with the intensification level of agricultural modernization and the improvement of crop yield is also significantly improved, to some extent alleviated the negative effects of reduced arable South Korea in the process of modernization of agriculture, agricultural information up on the Of agricultural information at this stage is characterized mainly in the construction of infrastructure to South Korea launched in 1994 "plan to revitalize agricultural and fishery and agricultural policy reform program" to strengthen the science and technology including information technology, investment in In the process of the revitalization of agriculture, agricultural information technology come into This stage of the characteristics of agricultural information is to strengthen the Government's role in the process of South Korea agricultural information as a late start of the country, of agricultural information to take the "catch up" "Catch up" the State may use the successful experience of developed countries, vis-à-vis the process of industrialization in advance for access to the information age, and in turn the use of information technology to promote and transform the traditional agriculture, and even the formation of "industrialization" and "information-based "The new model This stage the main features of information technology is more focused on the effectiveness of the application of information Vietnam Vietnam's agricultural information of a late start, a wave of information technology in the world under the impetus of the 20th century, late 90's to establish the Internet in 2000, e-ASEAN agreement formally At present, the Vietnamese Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in the realization of e-management process, the Government has learned from the experience of many countries, plans to carry out four steps: the first step in the establishment of websites, to provide basic information for farmers; the second step to establish and expand the agricultural and rural the development of trade information systems; the third step the establishment of agriculture and rural development for the software industry, to replace imported software and the progressive realization of export their own software; fourth step is to adapt to the needs of technology development, strengthening of agricultural information technology experts
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内容主要有动植物基因工程、细胞工程的基础研究及生物技术在农业、医学、食品、环保方面的应用成果、新技术、新方法,以及有关的商品、产业化信息、政策、法规等。可供从事生物技术研究的科技人员、高校师生、主管部门管理人员及企业有关人士的跟踪参考。跨越世纪的1997-2007年,发表国际国内最早的转基因禽类输卵管生物反应器(oviduct bioreactor)和系统遗传学(以及遗传学发展三时期)概念、理论和原理的论文。《生物技术通报》系中国农业科学院农业信息研究所与生物技术研究所及中国农学会高新技术农业应用专业委员会共同主办的国家级综合性科技刊物。2008年入选全国中文核心期刊,2006年首批进入中国农业核心期刊。主要报道国内外农、牧、林、渔及医学、轻化等领域中生物技术研究的新进展、新技术、新成果与发展趋势,内容包括基因工程、细胞工程、酶工程、发酵工程、蛋白质工程以及生物工程的应用、新的实验技术与方法等。 顾问:卢良恕、李载平、王涛、范云六、丁勇、贾士荣主任:沈桂芳副主任:梅方权、黄大昉、章力建、安道昌、雷茂良、孟宪学、李思经委员(以姓氏笔划为序):王海波、邓子新、石燕泉、孙国凤、成卓敏、朱玉贤、朱祯、朱鑫泉、阮力、李秀兰、吴祥甫、何家禄、辛志勇、陈永福、周永春、张启发、郑康乐、赵琦、贾继增、郭三堆、唐纪良、童光志、曾邦哲、蔡幼民。主编:沈桂芳 一、栏目及其内容专家 论坛 专家对当前生物技术研究和应用中的大事、要事及热点问题提出看法和建议。综述与专论 论述生物技术领域某学科国内外前沿研究的最新进展及某重点课题的研究进展。技术与方法 新的或改进的实验技术、检测手段及方法。研究 报告 某项实验研究的试验材料、技术与方法、结果与讨论。成果与应用 介绍某项成果的开发与应用情况(含技术方法和经济效益)。可附上与文字配合的黑白照片2~3张;每篇1500~3000字。其 它 报道重要生物技术会议,国家颁布的有关政策、法令,重点实验室与公司介绍等。要求:每篇500~1000字。二、投稿要求及说明文章要求:(1)第一作者请注明姓名、出生年、性别、职称、职务、研究方向;(2)中英文题目要一致,每篇文章要有300字左右的中英文摘要和5~8个关键词;(3)附主要参考文献,每篇文章最好6000字左右。(4)表格请使用三线表格式,标注表题。(5)如需用图片说明,请提供黑白的清晰照片,并附上图题、图注。(6)针对“研究报告”类文章,试验结果除了以图、表的形式展示外,还需附以文字对重点内容加以描述、说明。此外,图表中的指示性数字、符号等所代表的具体内容要在图下加注解释(例如,琼脂糖凝胶电泳的条带M,1,2,3…分别是哪种物质)。(7)作者在对某一专题、或是某一研究领域进行综述时,需要对收集的文献及其他相关资料进行归纳、整理,明晰文章论点,并对选题做系统、全面、深入的分析、论述。最后,在全面、深入地分析、评价现有研究的基础之上,对该研究领域未来的发展趋势进行科学、合理化预测,且提出严谨、有价值的建议。综述是本刊的重点栏目之一,作者在投综述类文章时,需要对专题的发展过程,或是前人研究历史做清晰、有条理的论述,避免大量文献的堆砌。此外,文中所引用的参考文献最好是近5年国内外公开发表的文章。一律用文后参考文献的形式,所引用的参考文献需按在文中出现的先后顺序编码,且与文后参考的序号相对应。参考文献著录格式如下:(1) 作者,书名.地址:出版社,出版时间,页码.例:刘良式,植物分子遗传学.北京:科学出版杜,1998,40~48.(2) 作者,作者,等.文章题目.刊名,年,卷(期):页码.例1: 朱立煌,徐吉臣,陈英,等.用分子标记定位一个未知的抗稻瘟病基因.中国科学(B辑),1994, 24:1408~1502.请勿一稿多投,稿件文责自负,1个月后如未收到录用通知可投他刊。邮寄打印稿1份并同时发送电子稿。

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The Industrialization of Agriculture:Policy, Research, and Education Needs DRIVING INDUSTRIALIZATION OF AGRICULTURE: IMPLICATIONS FOR THE GRAIN INDUSTRY IN THE UNITED STATES Present Situation of the Industrialization and Development _science/071/pdfFarm Policy in an Industrialized Agriculture~jab/Library/M00-pdfAgriculture, and developmen on the Road to Industrialization更多:用google搜索industrialization agriculture filetype:pdf用google学术搜索:-CN&lr=

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