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21世纪的今天,全球化的浪潮已经影响到人类社会生活的方方面面,不同文化背景的人们有了更多相互了解的机会。在全球化的进程中,国际旅游业已成为世界上发展最快的行业之一。自2008年北京奥运会和2010年上海世博会的成功举办后,中国成为了各国人们向往的旅游目的地。本文旨在研究如何培养未来将从事对外旅游行业的高校英语旅游专业学生的跨文化交际能力。基于以往学者们对跨文化交际能力提出的理论,作者对西安外国语大学旅游学院大一和大三的学生进行了一项关于当前学生的跨文化交际能力情况的实际调查,并一共发放问卷140份。研究结果表明学生们的整体跨文化交际能力比较低,远远达不到高素质英语导游的标准。研究中通过对大一、大三两组学生的数据对比发现,尽管大三学生的跨文化交际能力比大一学生高,但其在跨文化交际技能方面与大一学生一样存在极大缺陷。本研究的创新之处体现在以下两个方面:1)尽管目前已有大量对大学生跨文化交际能力的研究,但没有针对高校英语旅游专业学生跨文化交际能力的全面研究以及深入探索其跨文化交际能力的薄弱环节。2)此外,为了解决学生跨文化交际能力方面存在的问题,本文提出一些建设性意见以供教师和学生参考。In the 21~(st) century, globalization is exerting a great impact on every aspect of human society through the shrinking of time and People of different cultural backgrounds have more opportunities to interact with each other than In the meantime, international tourism is becoming one of the fastest growing industries in the China, since 2008 Beijing Olympics and 2010 Shanghai World Expo, has become an attractive tourist destination for people from various This thesis aims v
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威廉姆R司可脱陈汉文 财务会计理论 2000() IASC 国际会计准则 2000() 陈国辉 会计理论研究 2001() 中国会计学会 中国会计国际化专题(2004) 2004() 朱元午 会计信息质量:相关性和可靠性的两难选择——兼论我国现行财务报告的改进 [期刊论文] - 黑龙江对外经贸 1999(7) 葛家澍 美国关于高质量会计准则的讨论及其对我们的启示 [期刊论文] - 黑龙江对外经贸 1999(5) 石本仁 公司治理中的会计角色 [期刊论文] - 黑龙江对外经贸 2002(4) 马驰 对会计信息相关性和可靠性的认识 2002(5) 余应敏 会计信息相关性与可靠性的矛盾及其协调 [期刊论文] - 黑龙江对外经贸 2002(9) 相似文献 学位论文 考虑失效相关性的交通网络可靠性简化算法研究 期刊论文 会计信息相关性与可靠性的研究 - 太原科技大学学报 期刊论文 会计信息相关性与可靠性的逻辑关系——基于思想实验的验证 - 郑州大学学报(哲学社会科学版) 期刊论文 也谈相关性与可靠性的关系 - 兰州商学院学报 期刊论文 也谈相关性与可靠性的关系 - 广州市经济管理干部学院学报 期刊论文 会计信息的可靠性与相关性在实务中的运用研究 - 科技资讯 期刊论文 关于会计信息相关性与可靠性的新视角 - 商场现代化 期刊论文 浅议相关性和可靠性的权衡 - 现代商业 期刊论文 论会计信息相关性和可靠性的两难选择 - 商业研究 期刊论文 会计信息的可靠性及相关性 - 山西经济管理干部学院学报

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我这里有几个关于中西文化差异的:the United States , like other countries has its rich and poor people , its rich and poor Americans love --- and many are themselves living examples of ---the "self -made " You will hear this expression But for every person who is They are usually better educated tan their parents and therefore more likely to have good , well paying In addition to the fact that the United States includes people whose families originally came from many other parts of the world , Americans move across the nation in great One study reported that one of every five families in the United States moves every three years This continuous mixing of people into new communities is an important observation to consider when trying to understand the meaning of class in A We have already discussed the questioning , "do-it -yourself" American personality that is another important In many countries, a man's social class is determined at birth That is , his social class or position is shared with his family , his wider group of relatives In the United States , position in society is , to a large degree, personal rather than related to family or Before World War Two, family ties were more important America than they are now Uncles, aunts grandparents , and children vacationed together, spent holidays together, and saw much of each But as the American economy developed more rapidly after the war, social customs began to With the rapidly growing economy , there were new employment opportunities, many of them in scientific These opportunities were often located in other parts of the country The younger members of many families who were will educated began to move away from the towns where their families lived to tale these new As these young people became successful, they often moved into a new social stratum [1], consisting of others who, like themselves ,moved away from home to follow job These same changes are already happening in most new countries around the world Today , a man who can read or fix a machine may become the new leader of his community in place of an older Often young people can better understand the new sciences and modern skills ; as these young people learn and advance , their wages rise and they become increasingly Frequently , it is just one member of a family that becomes very Other members continue working at their average jobs and salaries , without much chance of becoming as successful as the son or When this happens , people sometimes become separated from their Many return to visit, but others move away never to return to their relatives and old To many people , success means having more power than one possessed before It can be won through skill, knowledge , leadership, or sometimes just by hard work In America, "success" has normally bee accompanied by an increase in As a result , an individual 's social position is determined bot by a person's job and by the kinds of possessions he owns As we said , however, young people are in the process of developing different values and different ways to measure

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晕呀,我本来准备发几个的,没想到只能回答一次啊,我治好用我的另外一个帐号再回答你了哦。呵呵  Culture difference+company culture  最近很多的会议, 老要用高级经理的办公室。 开会中, 发生了很多的事情,忽然让我这个中国人感叹企业文化的差异  我们跑进georage的房间开会。 georage回来, 二话不说,看椅子不够了,就半跪在桌子前回复邮件, 我们要给他让位子, 他说不用, 就这样 hang on 了半个多小时, 居然我看别的同事都没有心理压力,继续大谈特谈客户和业务,而我们的高级经理正蹲在办公桌前办公!  下午, george跑出办公室, 居然是没有穿鞋子,只穿袜子的。 我才想起很多次见到不少同事穿着袜子就满屋子的跑! 如果这在国内,早被HR训斥没有形象了。 所以说一个企业是要员工真正工作的comfortable 还是要形象让人看的comfortable 真的很不一样!  我们这层楼的两个management director的办公室, 都简单到不像话, 就是12-15平方米的一个小房子而已  最近1月份公司的活动主题有一个是beat the blue with learn at lunch!大家可以报名参加午餐一个小时的文化快餐学习, 中午大家一起吃饭,同时有人教你德语,法语等等。 呵呵, 有多国员工就是这点好, 可以学很多语言。  今天做了1:1, 居然一刻钟就完成了。 新经理也在场,还是老样子, 主管说培训我的两个人都肯定了我的学习速度和风险意识。 呵呵,说俺风险意识高,主要是因为我一般在处理一些复杂的业务的时候,都会在事前或者 时候和G 或者C 说说我是如何处理的,然后加一句--would it be all right for me to do so? 这样特别能防止差错,而且有一次出了点偏差, 我还没有接上经理的话,C就对经理说" It's my fault, i confirmed with May it is the correct way to do Lt me take a look and try to resolve the " 。最后一看,原来并没有出真正的问题,而是系统还没有吸收调整,的出来的数字不是最新的。 但是我真的特别感动于同事们爱护新人和承担责任的态度!我也越来越爱我的 teammate了! 在1:1中, 我对培训提了不少要求, 基本上在会后就得到了确认我的培训时间和长度。 很快开始我就要花两个月去完成新的一个培训计划了  年前后, 我们的management director出邮件给大家,just to make sure you feel comfortable to call me anytime for any kind of 然后具体解释了他每天的具体时间表,连他大概每天在上下班路上的时间会花多少和具体什么时候他会议比较多都说明白了。还解释了 如果在什么时间内给他发邮件要确认,基本能在多长时间内得到答复,然后告诉我们--feel free to call anytime, the later it is and more reasons you call me!那篇邮件很长,我当时的感动现在已经是用言语形容不出来了,因为我看的出来他是用心在写的,力求让每个等待授权的员工得到最大的便利性。  有一天下班前, 我接到social Engineering call,很可能是猎头打过来的, 我向主管汇报了,主管向高级经理汇报了, 高级经理在他下班前六点多的时候给全体员工出了邮件, 提醒大家一定要注意, 一定要注意信息安全。 后来没有一会, 他在回家路上从blackberry上又向全体员工发了邮件, 说抱歉他之前的邮件出的太快了, 让已经接到过这种电话的同事不要担心自己无意识中说过什么,以后处理的时候就注意几个方面就好了。 george 老是顾及员工的感受和心理压力,难怪很多人说他是second father!  If you want to be part of something bigger than individual person, then , come to MS  If you enjoy challenges, then come to MS  If you want to see how life can varies between different people, then come to MS  还有,这是我写的一次作业,作为参考吧。  On cross-culture communication  外国语学院04级英语师范一班 20044031023  Culture has been considered tighter with communication since people pay much attention to Culture is based on the community of Communication involves people and their Thus culture is an important factor in Today with modem economic and technological development, intercultural communication is mole important than ever When people from different cultural background communicate with each other, their social stereotype pattern of behavior, their habits of language and thought differ from one another, because these are the possible factors that affect intercultural Culture norms also change, culture may be transferred as signs but we have to study and understand the above   People like to use the "global village" to describe the present Because of frequent cross-cultural communication, the world has become smaller and Therefore, it seems that we live in the same However, it does not necessarily mean that differences of cross-culture become smaller and On the contrary, it may be that there is an increase in mis-understandings and communicative barriers because of frequent cross-cultural communication, As a foreign language learner, we should not only learn the knowledge of language, but also try our best to contact the social and cultural aspects of English countries and learn the background knowledge of literature, history, geography, local condition and We should use every means to enlarge our field of Only in this way, can we get better understanding of the differences between English culture and Chinese culture so as to eliminate the comprehension barriers of cross-culture communication and improve our overall abilities in English   For a long time, in China, English teaching has just focused on the language forms (such as phonetics, vocabulary and grammar) and ignored the effect of background knowledge of As the carrier of culture, the cultural background of language is rather Lacking of the necessary cultural background may hinder people from comprehending For instance, when the President Reagan took up his post, an American told a Chinese teacher: “the United States has gone from peanuts to ” The syntax of this sentence is very However, the Chinese teacher did not understand the sentence at that time until her friend explained to her that former president Jimmy Carter owned a big peanut farm while the present president Reagan is an actor and people eat popcorn while they watch TV She suddenly realized the real humorous meaning of this From this case, we can see that to comprehend the language, not only depends on the comprehension of vocabulary and grammatical structures, but also depends on the comprehension of relevant background knowledge of   There are some factors that causing Cross-cultural Barriers which mainly embodies in four aspects: Historical Culture, regional culture, Social culture, and Religious C So there is a need to emphasize cultural differences as being potentially extensive and In the process of communication, at times, we should focus on the understanding of cultural background to get a deeper understanding of other Referring to cultural barrier, it has some Relations to the   “Language reflects the feature of nation” It contains not only the historical cultural background of this nation, but also the view of life, the way of life and the way of thought of this The result of the reflection can be seen in different aspects of a language system: vocabulary, sentences (including proverb and slang) and texts (including style and rhetoric)  1 Vocabulary  As the basic element of language, vocabulary is the backbone of the whole language It certainly reflects the differences of culture most obviously and On the one hand, some English words can have their equivalents in Chinese, so during the process of reading, readers from different cultures may not experience culturally related comprehension However, there may be many words in one culture, for which the equivalents can not be found in other cultures; in other words, “vocabulary vacancy” On the other hand, although we can find the equivalent word, the meaning extent of a word and the connotation of culture are not complete equivalent between different The differences of culture in vocabulary can be reflected in the following:  For example, (1) In English, privacy means state of being away from others, alone and undisturbed while it usually refers to personal secrets and the secrets and unusual behaviors of personal life in C (2) Exploitation means using or developing fully so as to get profit in English while in Chinese, it usually means use selfishly and unfairly for one’s own advantage or   Secondly, many English words can find the equivalents in Chinese while the cultural connotations of them are Three aspects will be concerned: the quantity of the equivalents, the meaning extent of the equivalents and the cultural association of the   (1) The numbers of equivalents of English and Chinese are not always the For example, the word cousin in Chinese can have a different A compete translation of Biaome could be a sister younger than me and on my mother’s   (2) There is one equivalent word in Chinese to an English word, but the meaning extent of two words are not exactly the One reason may be is that the meaning extent of English vocabulary is larger than that of Chinese For instance, morning in English refers to time section from midnight (zero hour) to twelve o’clock in twenty-four hours’ system, but in Chinese, morning refers to the time section from dawn to Another situation is that the meaning extent of English vocabulary is smaller than that of Chinese For instance, in English culture, family usually refers to the family of two generations including parents and children, even refers to the family of a couple, which does not want However, in Chinese, the family refers to the family of three generations including grandparents, parents and children; sometimes it even refers to the family of four   (3) English words can find the equivalent in Chinese but these two kinds of cultures give each word different cultural association within For example, the red color, in English culture, red stands for danger, but in Chinese, red for happiness, fortune and In English culture, 13 is an unlucky On the contrary, in Chinese, 13 is a lucky number, while 4 is an unlucky number, for 4 has the same pronunciation of Chinese Si (means death)  2 Sentences  Cross-cultural barriers not only exist in the abundant vocabulary, but also exist in the aspect of sentences (including proverb and slang) Although the word and its meaning are almost the same, the sentence that is composed of the vocabulary expresses different This is very hard for Chinese students to For example,  He is a   She is a   From the angle of language, the two sentences above describe a person who is engaged in a kind of specific Actually, from the perspectives of region, sex, profession and society, the first sentence means that he is a professional boxer, but the later may mean that she is a   Chinese students often meet comprehension barriers while reading English proverbs because the proverbs contain abundant connotations of For instance,  An Englishman’s home is his   A woman, a dog and a walnut tree, the more you beat them, the better they In the first proverb, according to English culture, everyone’s home is sacred and cannot be In ancient Britain, even the police could not enter one’s house to make an In the second proverb, we know that in ancient Britain, a woman’s status was very low, such that they were considered to be tractable just like a But how the walnut tree be such an integrated part of this proverb? It is because there was a superstition in ancient B People considered that if they beat the trunk of the walnut tree in spring, the tree would bear many more walnuts in that   Slang is also a component of culture, which may create barriers to understanding Here is a conversation demonstrative of some these challenges which a Chinese reader might have with dealing with English   A: Will you really come?  B: You kill   It is very hard for Chinese students to understand this conversation, because the sentence of B is It means (If I won’t come,) you kill In other words, I will come   3 Texts  Texts are another aspect of cultural There are many differences between the texts of English and C Firstly, in English, as texts are influenced by thought patterns, there are logic and coherence relationships between the sentences and paragraphs, such as the sentences that express time relationship, space relationship, comparison and diversion, inference and Secondly, language forms, the means of connection and logic arrangement combine together to influence the structures of texts, and these three aspects are different from C  In the aspect of rhetoric, there are great differences between English and C Take metaphor for examples, (1) to spend money like water, in English, people use water to compare that someone spends money On the contrary, in Chinese, people use to spend money like soil to express the same (2)to live a dog’s life in English, while in Chinese to live a pig’s and dog’s life is used to express that someone has a hard   From what has been discussed above, Understanding the social culture of English language is helpful for comprehending English The more Chinese students understand English culture, the less comprehension barriers they will meet in English We need more understanding towards cross-

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    晕呀,我本来准备发几个的,没想到只能回答一次啊,我治好用我的另外一个帐号再回答你了哦。呵呵  Culture difference+company cultur

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