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1、会刊《两岸青年》:纸质刊物,创刊于2004年12月,定位于当代台湾政治和两岸关系为重点的学术研究,兼顾研究台湾经济、军事、社会、历史文化及两岸青年交流等领域重大问题。每期印刷近千本,面向全体会员、友人及台生免费发放。2、网刊《台研动态》:网络刊物,一月一期。 网刊主要反映协会活动动态、两岸青年对台湾各方面的观察、思考和分析。比如台湾文学,电影,音乐,艺术等内容相关的文章。网刊中的优秀文章将选入会刊《两岸青年》。3、资讯刊《台研直通车》:网络刊物,半月一期。主要汇总台湾近期时事新闻并进行深度汇总。

144 评论


"Natural economic theory (the anthropic cosmology)" PrefaceOf human economic activity is the eternal driving force for promoting human progress is to support all human activities, and Can be said to create economic activity in the human history of However, people's economic activities must be binding, otherwise the person's self-serving instincts of each individual's economic activities will not form together, and therefore can not form an effective social productive forces, and even cause confusion and conflict, seriously affect the common development of mankind and the International law, national institutions, laws and regulations, corporate organizational structure and management system, religious beliefs, moral systems, cultural traditions, ethnic customs, and even family management style and all the superstructure of economic activities belong to the constraint Some of them are macro-constraints, there are micro-bound, and some hard constraints, and some soft constraints, they together constitute a constraint The history of mankind shows that reasonable and effective restraint mechanism to promote economic development of better and more economical, whereas unreasonable or invalid constraint mechanism is impeding the development of productivity and progress, and only reasonable and effective constraint mechanism is significant in value and vitality, while those unreasonable or invalid constraint mechanism must be This is an irresistible law of This book made by a natural economic theory was built on this natural law based on economic theory, and its immediate task is to study the economic system at all levels of binding mechanisms and the adaptation of the development of productive The national level, the world, each country or region has its own unique economic activity in restraint mechanism, but because of economic activity and the dynamic development features of a high degree of complexity, there is no mechanism to be called any kind of constraint is perfect and Constraint mechanism for the operation process of emerging problems and failures, we must discover, timely amendments and improvements, which we call the adaptive capacity constraint Self-adaptive ability with a strong binding mechanism is a powerful China's economy vibrant high-speed development, mainly because the reform as a basic national policy, and adhere to the road of reform and opening This shows that reform is the lifeblood of constraint Facts have proved that: whatever the courage to reform the national economy may be rapid and stable development, any complacent legalistic countries whose economies are bound to This is a fundamental human economic activities, the laws of China's reform policy for the development of economics has created extremely favorable conditions, the natural economic theory was born in this country is not Running increasingly globalized world economy, countries or regions not only share the growing trade, but also the interaction of various factors of production more and more freedom of movement and Therefore, the object of study of economics should also be raised from a country or region extended to the countries or regions formed by the global Economic theory of natural research areas covered by the family, business, national, and global village four levels, for the study of modern economics to build a conceptual framework and communication In the global village level, how the gradual establishment and the establishment of what kind of rational and effective restraint mechanism to curb individual members may appear selfish behavior, the formation of each other's needs among its members complementary advantages, mutual benefit and win-win situation, Peace-fat

136 评论


我来帮你做,请你稍等~ 答案:1~5: CCDAD6~10: BCDAC11~15: ACCAB16~20: ACCDB 解析: C紧缩性货币政策就是通过减少货币供应量达到紧缩经济的作用。紧缩性货币政策手段包括:提高银行利率、提高银行存款准备金率、减少货币放行量、发行国债和严格控制信贷量等。 C国民收入是指一个国家的劳动者在一定时期所生产的产品或提供的服务的总的价值。国民收入均衡是指国民生产总值与市场的总需求相等。 D首先,法定准备金是不变的。其次,央行在金融市场上购买政府债券,导致流通中的货币增多,市场利率趋于上升。其实,现实中央行购买政府债券是促进经济增长的手段之一,不一定就会提高利率。相反,往往还会伴随着下调存贷款利息,使社会中投资增加。 A降低贴现率是为了降低融资成本。贴现是对未到期的票据进行提现的成本,也就是企业在需要现金时的动作。当贴现率高的时候,如果要提前取得现金就要付出高的成本,降低贴现率就可以降低成本。贴现率下降的情况下,利率的走势一定是往下的。投资加大,储蓄将少,货币供应加大。 D货币需求可以分为交易性货币需求、预防性货币需求和投机性货币需求。交易性货币需求是居民和企业为了交易的目的而形成的对货币的需求;预防性货币需求是指为了应付意外的事件而形成的货币需求;投机性货币需求是由于未来利息率的不确定,人们为了避免资本损失或增加资本利息,及时调整资产结构而形成的货币需求。消费包括在交易需求中了。-------------------------------------------------休息一下,马上继续~~ B这题是考察对货币需求的国民收入弹性的理解。货币需求的国民收入弹性指一个百分点的国民收入变动幅度对货币需求变动幅度的影响是。它的公式是:T=(△D/D)/(△I/I)=-(dD/dI)*I/D。货币需求的收入弹性是小于1的,也就是说货币需求的增量要小于国民收入的增量。 C这题考察对GDP和GNP概念的理解。外国公民在本国生产的产品是要计入GDP,而不计入GNP;相反,本国公民在国外生产的最终产品时要计入GNP,而不计入GDP的。由于本国公民在国外生产的最终产品的价值总和小于外国公民在本国生产的最终的总和,因此,这里GDP

240 评论


C C A(如果答案不唯一ABC都有可能)B C A(当前不太具体) B B(如果答案不唯一AB都有可能)A A (246619亿元) C变动前总收益50*800=40000(元)因为弹性系数Ed=4价格下降20%,销售量增加20%*4=8%此时总收益为50*(1-20%)*800*(1+8%)=34560(元)比原来减少40000-34560=5440(元)

290 评论



306 评论


你这篇中国知网也好,万方数据也好都有例子!甚至百度文库都有!  ==================论文写作方法===========================论文网上没有免费的,与其花人民币,还不如自己写,万一碰到人的,就不上算了。写作论文的简单方法,首先大概确定自己的选题,然后在网上查找几份类似的文章,通读一遍,对这方面的内容有个大概的了解!参照论文的格式,列出提纲,补充内容,实在不会,把这几份论文综合一下,从每篇论文上复制一部分,组成一篇新的文章!然后把按自己的语言把每一部分换下句式或词,经过换词不换意的办法处理后,网上就查不到了,祝你顺利完成论文!

356 评论


  • 经济学动态期刊2022年重要选题汇总及答案

    你这篇中国知网也好,万方数据也好都有例子!甚至百度文库都有!  ==================论文写作方法========================

    李晓诗125 6人参与回答 2024-05-01
  • 经济学动态期刊2022年重要选题汇总

    经济研究 经济学动态 经济学家 经济科学 经济评论 南开经济研究 当代经济科学 当代经济研究 中南财经政法大学学报 经济纵横山西财经大学学报 经济问题

    爱吃奶糖的鱼 5人参与回答 2024-05-01
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    lalack1987 5人参与回答 2024-05-01