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[1] 王鹏翔 刘德明 翁曼亭,水价的若干问题及其解决对策,福建建设科技 2004/ N1 [2] 刘德明 郑 章,浅议智能型叠压供水技术,福建建筑1/2005[3] 翁曼亭 刘德明 吴昕 王江源,新型管材及其在给水工程中的应用,福建建筑 3/2005[4] 刘德明,现代住宅水表出户方法探讨, 福建工程学院学报 3/2005[5] 刘德明,程宏伟,浅析铝塑复合管在建筑给水工程中的应用,福建建筑 5/2006[6] 程宏伟,刘德明,室内消火栓充实水柱与保护半径的分析,福建建筑 12/2007[7] 刘德明,住宅套内给水排水管道水力计算探讨,给水排水12/2007[8] 刘德明,住宅旋翼式水表的合理选择,福建建筑1/2008(福建省土木建筑学会,优秀论文二等奖)[9] 程宏伟,刘德明等,浅谈建筑给水排水专业设计质量检查中的若干问题,福建建设科技,2/2008[10] 刘德明,建筑消防水池取水井设置,给水排水5/2008(第九届福建省自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖)[11] 林廷献,洪燕虹,刘德明,高等学校建筑节水技术措施探讨,福建建设科技 2008/ N3(第二届海峡绿色建筑与建筑节能博览会论文)[12] 程宏伟,黄文忠,刘德明,陈礼洪,郑章,第二届海峡绿色建筑与建筑节能博览会建筑节水特装区简介,福建省勘察设计3/2008:10~15[13] 刘德明,节能住宅给水系统分区和分区层数探讨,给水排水,2009,35(1):77~80[14] 刘德明,高位消防水箱储水量和设置高度探讨,给水排水,2009,35(2):124~126[15] 程宏伟,黄文忠,刘德明,李剑敏,第三届海峡绿色建筑与建筑节能博览会建筑节水展区介绍,华东给水排水,2/2010:1~4

221 评论


Green building is environmental friendly and aspirations, is the basis of economical and social development, the construction industry to ensure sustainable development, is the world's architectural According to "green building rating standards" in the definition of green building, green building is in the building life cycle, the maximum conservation of resources (energy, land, water and materials), protecting the environment and reduce pollution for the people provide health, application and efficient use of space, architectural harmony with However, one-time construction costs of green building is higher, and lower operation and Is because some of our more traditional architecture is still in the design phase, construction of the target or to meet basic human needs as the basis set, therefore, making green building construction projects, improve construction quality in the process of construction will bring some cost increased costs, according to green building and construction standards of the different quality, cost, cost is also To promote green building, therefore the construction should take into account the economics of green building, green construction costs play a guiding role, it is necessary to manage their life-cycle

219 评论


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    Green building is environmental friendly and aspirations, is the basis of econom

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  • 绿色建筑节能论文1500字

    绿色建筑理论及应用 , 九品论文发表网,专业的论文发表,核心期刊、国家级、省级发表通道!助您学业事业步步高升!  摘要:本文对绿色建筑的内涵、意义与应用进行了阐

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