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一篇《国家地理》编者按 因为那些都是别人塞给你的文字,不是你的。你借用过来,你背出来,总是感觉不对劲,不真诚。读到这篇National Geographic的Editor’s N 请您一定好好读这不到300字的文章好吗?结合照片细读。 好的文字,不张扬,不咋呼。娓娓道来。 用词不求大,不求偏。不经意之间,平凡的文字里,就把意思说的那么深刻。 比如,前面必须有足够的铺垫,又是 walnut tree, 又是squirrel, 又是cougar, 又是 然后来一句打动你的。 Years later, I understood that what my backyard contained, most of all, was the infinite horizon of 比如结尾这句,好美啊。 You will read in these pages about explorers who go to the deepest, coldest, highest places on Earth and beyond, but the truth is that exploration is as near as your backyard—and it can be profoundly life 我马上想到,对于教书匠, And that’s why we keep Wide WorldLet me tell you about a photo that hangs in my It was taken by W Eugene Smith, and its title is “The Walk to Paradise G” It shows his two young children, hand in hand, on a dirt path in the woods, emerging from shadows into the light of a It reminds me of myself as a young boy exploring the wilderness of my backyard in southwestern O My backyard had this: my favorite black walnut tree, deer tracks, a hornet’s nest,
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