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Abstract: Since wide frequency correspondence concept starts maturely after the 50s, hereafter more than 20 year wide frequency communication still obtained the very big development, but is only the partial development, like hardware's improvement and application domain yizhi dao the early 80s, the wide frequency correspondence's concept was only obtains the application in the military channels, this kind of condition to only then obtained the change in the mid- The spread spectrum technology develops the present, the CDMA technology becomes in the present spread spectrum technology to study most objects, the civil correspondence's direct sequence spread spectrum technology applies the m sequence, the Gold code, the WalSh code and the OVSF code are in the wide frequency communications system the commonly used several kind of wide frequency sequence, the Walsh code use in the edma2000 system, but the OVSF code is the use in W-CDMA and in the TD-SCDMA but in the 3G mainstream standard, China proposed the TD-SCDMA standard has the huge domestic And, the TD-SCDMA wide frequency communications system has strong anti-characteristics and so on jamming, mitigation disturbance, anti-multi-diameter disturbance ability and information hiding, multiple access privacy Present paper's goal is makes the wide frequency sequence by the OVSF code to realize one based on the MATLAB TD-SCDMA direct sequence spread spectrum communications system wide frequency This goal realizes involves the wide frequency communications system's related knowledge, the key point is the OVSF code generator, harasses the code generator as well as the root rises the cosine to roll falls filter's the present paper has completed the following prime task:  ①Data Canada harasses as well as the string/and transforms this design uses Xie Raoshi does not need complex synchronized self-synchronizing Canada to harass the technology, the scrambler by the fifth-order linear feedback shift register Carries on the string the data signal and   ②Differential coding the differential coding causes the PSK signal to turn the DPSK signal, overcomes “the phase ambiguity” the The differential coding plan is decided in the modulation system is BPSK or QPSK When selects the BPSK method, the code operation is quite simple: Outputs bit(k) by to input bit(k) different or outputs bit (k l) to obtain; When selects the QpSK method, because four kind of possibility's preceding output states and four kind of possibility's current input state may determine 16 kind of output states, therefore the difference interpretative version compared to uses BPSK complex   ③The frequency spectrum expansion as well as the pulse take shape this design to select the autocorrelation characteristic very good OVSF code achievement wide frequency code, carries on mold two Canada after the OVSF code and the code output data to realize the wide frequency To suit the request which transmits in the channel, after needs to undergo the wave shaping, reduces the frequency band, reduces the intersymbol interference, simultaneously causes the signal energy to be more centralized, enhancement signal-to-noise This design uses one to roll step-down ratio a=22 the root to rise the cosine FIR digit filter to complete the I/Q road signal the formation, escorts to the exterior modulator after the formation I/Q road data as the baseband processor transmitting end's output data to carry on the next step   ④TD-SCDMA direct sequence spread spectrum communications system wide frequency part's system simulation compiles TD-SCDMA the direct sequence spread spectrum communications system wide frequency part the MATLAB procedure, and carries on the MATLAB simulation, obtains the TD-SCDMA direct sequence spread spectrum communications system wide frequency part simulation profile and a=22 root rises the cosine to roll falls filter's phase response and the frequency response simulation profile, has carried on the corresponding simulation analysis to the simulation key word: OVSF; Direct sequence spread spectrum; TD-SCDMA; MATLAB
249 评论



264 评论


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155 评论


AbstractBased on orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) provides a brief explanation, and on the basis of detailed introduces the OFDM baseband related parts of demodulation system - MQAM IFFT/FFT, and finally determined and software simulation system parameters in 12 - tall carrier under the framework of the system, the selection of orthogonal amplitude modulation of 32 and 16 points to realize the fast Fourier transform the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing baseband The paper with digital baseband signal transmission relevant scrambler with unfasten harass a detailed introduction and analysis of the different parameters, so that our system performance will have a more comprehensive In this part of the software, we use DSP simulation software Studio - Code Composer, CCS for scrambler/unfasten harass, amplitude modulation system and orthogonal demodulation mapping, mapping and fast Fourier transform is the main algorithms and optimization, and finally achieve the OFDM baseband system of modulation and demodulation

184 评论


电力光纤通信线路的安全评估中文摘要 4 英文摘要 4-8 第一章 引言 8-13 1 本课题的选题意义 8-9 2 本课题的研究现状 9-11 3 本论文的研究内容 11-13 第二章 通信网络安全风险评估的介绍 13-23 1 安全风险评估的概念 13-14 1 安全及风险的定义 13-14 2 安全风险模型 14 2 信息安全风险评估方法 14-16 3 安全风险评估过程 16-19 1 确定系统范围 16 2 信息收集 16-18 3 风险评估 18 4 决策 18-19 4 实例分析 19-23 1 资产分类和业务重要级别划分 19 2 确定威胁 19 3 确定脆弱性 19-20 4 确定资产潜在损坏度 20 5 确定风险发生概率级别 20 6 风险分析 20-23 第三章 电力系统光纤通信线路运行数据统计分析 23-31 1 光缆在电力通信系统中的应用 23-24 1 光纤复合架空地线(OPGW) 23-24 2 全介质自承式光缆(ADSS) 24 2 电力通信系统光缆故障分析 24-25 1 电力通信系统光缆故障类型 24-25 3 华南地区某省电力通信网2006 年光缆故障原因分析统计 25-31 1 光缆故障情况总述 26-28 2 各类型光缆故障原因分析统计 28-31 第四章 基于云模型的电力光纤通信线路安全风险评估 31-43 1 云理论基本介绍 31-35 1 云概念的引入 31 2 隶属云的定义 31-32 3 云的数字特征及运算规则 32-34 4 云发生器及综合云 34-35 5 云模型的应用 35 2 基于云模型的综合指标评估算法 35-37 1 原理 35-36 2 算法步骤 36-37 3 安全风险评估实例——某省供电公司光纤通信线路的安全评估 37-43 1 确定指标体系 37-40 2 确定权重和评估结果等级 40-42 3 输出综合评估结果 42-43 第五章 基于可信性理论的电力光纤线路的运行风险评估 43-50 1 问题的引入 43-44 1 国内OPGW 光缆线路雷击断股案例 43 2 难点分析 43-44 2 可信性理论基础 44-46 1 四条公理 44-45 2 公理化模糊论的核心测度——可信性测度 45 3 随机模糊变量 45-46 3 光缆线路的运行风险评估 46-50 1 算法介绍 46-48 2 分析思路及步骤 48-50 第六章 结论

192 评论


Abstract This article first orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) has done a brief description, and on this basis, details of the OFDM baseband modulation and demodulation of the relevant parts of the system - MQAM and IFFT / FFT, and ultimately determine the software simulation The system parameters - in the context of 12 sub-carrier, use 32-ary quadrature amplitude modulation and 16-point fast Fourier transform to achieve this orthogonal frequency division multiplexing baseband At the same time this paper with the digital baseband signal transmission and descramble the scrambled part of a detailed description, and designed for performance analysis of different parameters in order to present a more comprehensive understanding of the The software in this section, we use DSP simulation software CCS - Code Composer Studio, on the scrambling / descrambling, 32-ary quadrature amplitude modulation and demodulation mapping mapping, fast Fourier transform algorithm to achieve these key and optimization, and ultimately the OFDM baseband modulation and demodulation

242 评论


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