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你好 “汽车美容”一词源于西方发达国家,英文名称表示为“Car Beauty”或 “Car Care”,指对汽车的美化与维护。现代汽车美容不只是单纯意义上的汽车清洗、吸尘、除渍、除臭及打蜡等常规美容护理,还包括利用专业美容系列产品和高科技设备,采用特殊的工艺和方法,对汽车进行漆面抛光、增光、深浅划痕处理及全车漆面翻新等一系列养护作业。
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汽车美容市场浅析一、汽车美容的市场前景  美国人口总数不过两亿多,可轿车保有量却高达3亿辆,平均每3人拥有一辆。而我国拥有12亿人口,轿车保有量却不到两百万辆,平均每千人才拥有一辆,差距是如此之大!就算与亚洲其他国家相比,我国也算是落后的。  根据汽车行业专家们的预测,随着我国经济的持续高速发展和人们消费观念的改变,中国将成为世界轿车的最大消费国之一,即我国轿车保有量在未来的一二十年里将会有飞速提高。在不久的将来,开车将会是人们普遍掌握的生活技能,轿车也不再是特权人士的标志,而将是人们出门的代步工具。那么当人们拥有一辆自己的爱车时,无疑会翔倍至。汽车的平时清洁护理和定期美容保养,必然成为人们日常的消费内容。  另一方面,我国各大中城市虽然发展很快,但建设不配套,缺乏停车场所,使大量汽车只能露天栖息,饱受风吹、雨淋、日晒的无奈,致使汽车日渐老化。这就使汽车美容护理业的存在和发展更具备了条件。  二、存在的问题  目前,汽车美容护理对大多数车主来说,还是一个比较陌生的概念。一批摇抹布的擦车族,依然使用洗衣粉、洗涤灵(对车漆有酸、碱腐蚀作用),一桶桶脏水污染着城市环境。据统计,每年落入擦车族手中的擦车费就有三个亿。  另外,由于汽车美容护理业具有灵活、操作简单、利润较高、风险较低等特点,因此国内的大量洗车店、汽车配件精品店、轮胎店、汽修厂及个人蜂拥进入汽车美容市场,以争得市场上的份额,致使市场竞争日趋激烈。  但是由于汽车美容专业化要求非常高,是一个全新的概念,所以它与一般的洗车擦车、打蜡上光等有着本质的区别。根据调查,目前市场上许多汽车美容店是“无专业正规培训”、“无专业名牌产品”、无专业机械设备“、无服务质量保证”的四无状况。而且,由于国家对这个新兴行业的管理制度尚不健全,加上消费者对本行业缺乏了解,所以市场上相继出现了一些东拼西凑起来的汽车美容用品。这些杂牌以巧妙的伪装和华丽的广告宣传,打着进口专业品牌的旗号,用一些假冒伪劣产品来坑广大用户。但随着汽车美容护理市场不断规范和人们消费意识的提高,伪劣产品将无处立足,无专业服务的汽车美容店若不改变现状也将会被淘汰。如何在汽车美容护理业立足、发展并壮大,已成为每一个业内人士所关注的问题。 三、问题的解决方向  首先是国家对此行业必需加强宏观管理,健全制度。1995年8月,国务院的一次电话会议明确要求各级市政府对擦车族予以取缔。1996年5月,在成都召开全国“关于规范清洗车辆管理的会议。2010年4月《汽车美容装饰业经营规范》完成公示,有关部门将在收集各方意见后进行修订,5月份将报商务部批准,预计下半年在行业内逐步推行,目的是要逐步对汽车服务业进行规范化管理。  其次,随着城市管理日趋完善,随着车族对汽车美容知识的普及和提高,以及汽车美容业市场的成熟发展,人们的消费意识的不断提高,上述现象会得到极大的改善,各种问题也会迎刃而解,并促使汽车美容业向着健康、快速发展的轨道上前进。  四、汽车美容服务业的发展前景  在金融危机冲击下的中国经济,正开始流露出暖意。走完2009年第一季度的中国经济已经出现回暖的迹象,中国政府推出的一揽子调控措施成效显著,各种救市措施目前已有成效。首先崭露转好迹象的正是汽车等行业,受国家汽车振兴规划等政策激励,国内车市持续回暖,1至2月份汽车销量达36万辆,同比增长7%,3月份国内车市火爆异常,销量一举突破百万辆。一季度国产汽车总销量达到264万多辆,同比增长接近6%。  随着中国私人汽车保有量持续增长,汽车服务市场的发展空间将日益扩大。目前中国市场汽车服务业的发展尚处于起步阶段,但城市有车族群对汽车服务的需求将持续旺盛。消费追求与市场供应间仍存在巨大的运作空间。到2010年中国将形成规模达1-5亿万元庞大的汽车服务市场。 希望可以帮到你,谢谢

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Now the Volvo Car Corporation: 1, Volvo is a very large group, the group not only production vehicle (car and truck), but also production Engineering and agricultural vehicles, aircraft and marine engines, and so on, is the largest in the Nordic Enterprise G In 1979 the group will be part of an independent car manufacturers named Volvo Car Corporation (Volvo Car Corporation) Early in 1999, the company was the Ford Motor Company 2, which is the grade of Volvo C Volvo Car, generally belong to the high-grade cars, its 960 Series sedan in the United States belonging to market luxury 3, Volvo, which in the international business Volvo will soon start producing cars that enter the international market and in 1947 launched PV444, exports to the United States, sales Y In 1963 in Canada run assembly In 1969 and the Netherlands DAF contacts, in 1975 bought DAF shares of 75%, then gradually Volvo currently in Belgium, the Netherlands, Canada, Australia, Malaysia and Thailand have a car assembly plants in Brazil, Peru, the United States has Truck and bus assembly Volvo Fuji Heavy Industries in Japan and cooperation in the production of motor home travel buses, and the United States and a joint venture between General Motors, Volvo GM Heavy Truck Company, which owned 76 percent stake in GM has 24 4, Volvo and Mitsubishi in the Netherlands have a joint venture, MMC and Volvo Car production, the government of the Netherlands is the ownership of shares in the 5, Volvo and Renault in Thailand Thailand and Sweden assembly Limited (Thai-Swedish Assembly Ltd) cooperation assembly Volvo and Renault cars and C [Edit] health marketing idea to build golf and Volvo Car Sales 2004 Volvo held in China from 19 cities to participate in the selection of the elite - the fifth Volvo elite C Volvo Car China marketing manager for Sun Wei said: "This is sports marketing, but also the health of sales, our market position is' the middle新锐', survey figures show that, they first need a safer car, they in the business sector , the consortium preoccupied development, it is also necessary through the day-to-day outdoor sports to regulate their Volvo is in the world through golf, and gradually become more mature markets, like a snowball, the snowball " Volvo Car sales campaign's attraction lies in the global industrial automation faster, people should not only use this leverage, and also use the lever principle of the balance as master regulator, to find fun! But the essence of fun is the 'harmony between man and nature' Golf is representative of Volvo Car consumer groups value Take the 'harmony between man and nature' concept of the People and cars is "harmony between man and nature" because the 1927 Volvo on birth; cars and people were "harmony between man and nature" because the car is travel tools; golf with the "Heaven of 1 ", is due to the blue sky, green land, sea winds, forest and human" Nature and Man ", it received through the exercise is a distillation of the While the source of motivation comes from the sale of Volvo Volvo Orthogonal access to the Chinese market for more than 10 years, but with the global market, the first is that the safety and well- Volvo sophisticated manufacturing capabilities and technical selling point + + safe movement = Volvo sales in the global

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Reconstruction of automobile destruction: An example of the interaction between language and memoryElizabeth F Loftus and John C PalmerUniversity of Washington, USAReceived 17 April Available online 14 September 2005

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