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20111、Ni, J and Herzschuh, U Simulating biome distribution on the Tibetan Plateau using a modified global vegetation Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 43(3): 429-2、Ni, J Impacts of climate change on Chinese ecosystems: key vulnerable regions and potential Regional Environmental Change 11( 1): S49-S3、Wang, H, Ni, J and Prentice, IC Sensitivity of potential natural vegetation in China to projected changes in temperature, precipitation and atmospheric CO Regional Environmental Change 11(3): 715-4、Herzschuh, U, Ni, J, Birks, HJB and Böhner, J Driving forces of mid-Holocene vegetation shifts on the upper Tibetan Plateau, with emphasis on changes in atmospheric CO2 Quaternary Science Reviews 30(15-16): 1907-5、Meng, M, Ni, J and Zong, MJ Impacts of changes in climate variability on regional vegetation in China: NDVI-based analysis from 1982 to Ecological Research 26(2): 421-6、Prentice, IC, Meng, TT, Wang, H, Harrison, SP, Ni, J and Wang, GH Evidence of a universal scaling relationship for leaf CO2 drawdown along an aridity New Phytologist 190(1): 169-7、Wang, GH, Li, H, An, M, Ni, J, Ji, SJ and Wang, J A regional-scale consideration of the effects of species richness on above-ground biomass in temperate natural grasslands of C Journal of Vegetation Science 22(3): 414-8、董丹, 倪健(通讯作者) 利用CASA模型模拟西南喀斯特植被净第一性生产力 生态学报 31(7): 1855-9、田秀玲, 夏婧, 夏焕柏, 倪健(通讯作者) 贵州省森林生物量及其空间格局 应用生态学报 22(2): 287-10、张忠华, 胡刚, 祝介东, 倪健(通讯作者) 喀斯特森林土壤养分的空间异质性及对物种分布的影响 植物生态学报 35(10): 1038-11、祝介东, 孟婷婷, 倪健(通讯作者) , 苏宏新, 谢宗强, 张守仁, 郑元润, 肖春旺 不同气候带间成熟林植物叶性状间异速生长关系随功能型的变异 植物生态学报 35(7): 687-201012、Ni, J, Yu, G, Harrison, SP and Prentice, IC Palaeovegetation in China during the late Quaternary: Biome reconstructions based on a global scheme of plant functional Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 289(1-4): 44-13、Chen, Y, Ni, J (corresponding author) and Herzschuh, U Quantifying modern biomes based on surface pollen data in C Global and Planetary Change 74(3-4): 114-14、Ashiq, MW, Zhao, CY, Ni, J and Akhtar, M GIS based high-resolution spatial interpolation of precipitation in mountain-plain areas of Upper Pakistan for regional climate change impact Theoretical and Applied Climatology 99(3-4): 239-15、Harrison, SP, Prentice, IC, Barboni, D, Kohfeld, K, Ni, J and Sutra, J-P Ecophysiological and bioclimatic foundations for a global plant functional Journal of Vegetation Science 21(2): 300-16、Herzschuh, U, Birks, HJB, Ni, J, Zhao, Y, Liu, HY Liu, XQ and Grosse, G Holocene land-cover changes on the Tibetan P The Holocene 20(1): 91-17、Zhang, Y, Kong, ZC, Wang, GH and Ni, J (corresponding author) Anthropogenic and climatic impacts on surface pollen assemblages along a precipitation gradient in north-eastern C Global Ecology and Biogeography 19(5): 621-18、Zhang, ZH, Hu, G, Zhu, JD, Luo, DH and Ni, J (corresponding author) Spatial patterns and interspecific associations of dominant tree species in two old-growth karst forests, SW C Ecological Research 25(6): 1151-19、田秀玲, 倪健 西南喀斯特山区石漠化治理的原则、途径与问题 干旱区地理 33(4): 532-20、倪健, 陈瑜, Ulrike Herzschuh, 董丹 中国第四纪晚期孢粉记录整理 植物生态学报 34(8): 1000-21、于维莲, 董丹, 倪健(通讯作者) 中国西南山地喀斯特与非喀斯特森林的生物量与生产力比较 亚热带资源与环境学报 5(2): 25-22、罗东辉, 夏婧, 袁婧薇, 张忠华, 祝介东, 倪健(通讯作者) 我国西南山地喀斯特植被的根系生物量初探 植物生态学报 34(5): 611-23、张忠华, 胡刚, 倪健(通讯作者) 茂兰喀斯特森林群落的种间分离特征 生态学报 30(9): 2235-200924、Lu, N, Wilske, B, Ni, J, John, R and Chen, JQ Climate change in Inner Mongolia from 1955 to 2005-trends at regional, biome and local Environmental Research Letters 4: 045006 (6pp), doi: 1088/1748-9326/4/25、Meng, TT, Ni, J (corresponding author) and Harrison, SP Plant morphometric traits and climate gradients in northern China: a meta-analysis using quadrat and flora Annals of Botany 104(6): 1217-26、Zhang, Y, Kong, ZC, Yan, S, Yang ZJ and Ni, J (corresponding author) “Medieval Warm Period” on the northern slope of central Tianshan Mountains, Xinjiang, NW C Geophysical Research Letters 36: L11702,doi:1029/2009GL27、王娟, 倪健(通讯作者) 中国北方温带地区5种锦鸡儿植物的分布模拟 植物生态学报 33(1): 12-200828、陈瑜, 倪健(通讯作者) 利用孢粉记录定量重建大尺度古植被格局 植物生态学报 32(5): 1201-29、张芸, 孔昭宸, 倪健, 阎顺, 杨振京 新疆草滩湖村湿地4550年以来的孢粉记录和环境演变 科学通报 53(3): 306-30、Zhang, Y, Kong, ZC, Ni, J, Yan, S and Yang, ZJ Pollen record and environmental evolution of Caotanhu wetland in Xinjiang since 4550 a BP Chinese Science Bulletin 53(7): 1049-200731、Ni, J, Wang, GH, Bai, YF and Li, XZ Scale-dependent relationships between plant diversity and above-ground biomass in temperate grasslands, south-eastern M Journal of Arid Environments 68(1): 132-32、Zhang, Y, Kong, ZC, Ni, J, Yan, S and Yang, ZJ Late Holocene palaeoenvironment change in central Tianshan of Xinjiang, northwest C Grana 46(3): 197–33、袁婧薇, 倪健(通讯作者) 中国气候变化的植物信号和生态证据 干旱区地理 30(4): 465-34、孟婷婷, 倪健(通讯作者), 王国宏 植物功能性状与环境和生态系统功能 植物生态学报 31(1): 150-200635、Ni, J, Harrison, SP, Prentice, IC, Kutzbach, JE and Sitch, S Impact of climate variability on present and Holocene vegetation: A model-based Ecological Modelling 191(3-4): 469-36、王娟, 倪健(通讯作者) 植物种分布的模拟研究进展 植物生态学报 30(6): 1040-37、张芸, 孔昭宸, 阎顺, 杨振京, 倪健 天山北麓晚全新世云杉林线变化和古环境特征 科学通报 51(12): 1450-38、Zhang, Y, Kong, ZC, Yan, S, Yang, ZJ and Ni, J Fluctuation of Picea timberline and paleo-environment on the northern slope of Tianshan Mountains during the Late H Chinese Science Bulletin 51(14): 1747-39、冯晓华, 阎顺, 倪健, 孔昭宸, 杨振京 新疆北部平原湖泊记录的晚全新世湖面波动及环境变化 科学通报 51(增刊I): 49-40、Feng, XH, Yan, S, Ni, J, Kong, ZC and Yang, ZJ Environmental changes and lake level fluctuation recorded by lakes on the plain in northern Xinjiang during the late H Chinese Science Bulletin 51( I): 60-200541、Wang, GH and Ni, J Responses of plant functional types to an environmental gradient on the Northeast China T Ecological Research 20(5): 563-42、Wang, Q, Ni, J and Tenhunen, J Application of a geographically-weighted regression analysis to estimate net primary production of Chinese forest Global Ecology and Biogeography 14(4): 379-43、张芸, 孔昭宸, 阎顺, 杨振京, 倪健 新疆天山北坡地区中晚全新世生物多样性特征 植物生态学报 29(5): 836-44、倪健, 郭柯, 刘海江, 张新时 中国西北干旱区生态区划 植物生态学报 29(2): 175-45、蒋霞, 倪健 西北干旱区10种荒漠植物地理分布与大气候的关系及其可能潜在分布区的估测 植物生态学报29(1): 98-200446、Ni, J Forage yield-based carbon storage in grasslands of C Climatic Change 67(2-3): 237-47、Ni, J Forest productivity of the Altay and Tianshan Mountains in the dryland, northwestern C Forest Ecology and Management 202(1-3): 13-48、Ni, J Estimating grassland net primary productivity from field biomass measurements in temperate northern C Plant Ecology 174(2): 217-49、Ni, J and Wang GH Northeast China Transect (NECT): Ten-year synthesis and future Acta Botanica Sinica 46(4): 379-50、Yu, G, Ke, XK, Xue, B and Ni, J The relationships between the surface arboreal pollen and the plants of the vegetation in C Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 129(4): 187-51、Zhang, Y, Kong, ZC, Yang, ZJ, Yan, S and Ni, J Vegetation changes and environmentalevolution in the Urumqi River Head,central Tianshan Mountains since 6 ka BP: a case study of Daxigou Acta Botanica Sinica 46(6): 655-52、孟猛, 倪健, 张治国 地理生态学的干燥度指数及其应用评述 植物生态学报 28(6): 853-53、张芸, 孔昭宸, 阎顺, 杨振京, 倪健 新疆地区的“中世纪温暖期”-古尔班通古特沙漠四厂湖古环境的再研究 第四纪研究 24(6): 701-200354、Ni, J Plant functional types and climate along a precipitation gradient in temperate grasslands, north-east China and south-east M Journal of Arid Environments 53(4): 501-55、Ni, J Net primary productivity in forests of China: Scaling-up of national inventory data and comparison with model Forest Ecology and Management 176(1-3): 485-200256、Ni, J and Ding, SY Modeling the large-scale distribution of plant diversity: A possibility inferred from climate and Acta Phytoecologica Sinica (植物生态学报) 26(5): 568-57、Ni, J Effects of climate change on carbon storage in boreal forests of China: A local Climatic Change 55(1-2): 61-58、Ni, J Carbon storage in grasslands of C Journal of Arid Environments 50(2): 205-59、倪健 BIOME系列模型: 主要原理与应用 植物生态学报 26(4): 481-200160、Ni, J A biome classification of China based on plant functional types and the BIOME3 Folia Geobotanica 36(2): 113-61、Ni, J, Zhang, XS and Scurlock, JMO Synthesis and analysis of biomass and net primary productivity in Chinese Annals of Forest Science 58(4): 351-62、Ni, J Carbon storage in terrestrial ecosystems of China: Estimates at different spatial resolutions and their responses to climate Climatic Change 49(3): 339-63、倪健 区域尺度的中国植物功能型与生物群区 植物学报 43(4): 419-200064、Ni, J A simulation of biomes on the Tibetan Plateau and their responses to global climate Mountain Research and Development 20(1): 80-65、Ni, J Net primary production, carbon storage and climate change in Chinese Nordic Journal of Botany 20(4): 415-66、Ni, J, Sykes, MT, Prentice, IC and Cramer, W Modeling the vegetation of China using the process-based equilibrium terrestrial biosphere model BIOME Global Ecology and Biogeography 9(6): 463-67、Ni, J and Zhang, XS Climate variability, ecological gradient and the Northeast China Transect (NECT) Journal of Arid Environments 46(3): 313-68、Yu, G, Chen, X, Ni, J, Cheddadi, R, Guiot, J, Han, H, Harrison, SP, Huang, C, Ke, M, Kong, Z, Li, S, Li, W, Liew, P, Liu, G, Liu, J, Liu, Q, Liu, K-B, Prentice, I C, Qui, W, Ren, G, Song, C, Sugita, S, Sun, X, Tang, L, Van Campo, E, Xia, Y, Xu, Q, Yan, S, Yang, X, Zhao, J and Zheng, Z Palaeovegetation of China: a pollen data-based synthesis for the mid-Holocene and last glacial Journal of Biogeography 27(3): 635-69、倪健 BIOME6000计划: 重建古生物群区的最新进展 应用生态学报 11(3): 465-
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生态学报 环境科学 湿地科学我个人比较熟悉,觉得好投一些(相对上面三个),有一本《亚热带资源与环境学报》,挂靠在福建师大,算是不太出名的核心,但是那边有做湿地的老师,所以也有一些湿地文章发出来。但是是季刊,不知道会不会来的及如果楼主是实在急(比如毕业),那不如找个大学学报这种试试看

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    生态学报 环境科学 湿地科学我个人比较熟悉,觉得好投一些(相对上面三个),有一本《亚热带资源与环境学报》,挂靠在福建师大,算是不太出名的核心,但是那边有做湿地的

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