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《应用地球物理》杂志信息:是由中国科协主管、中国地球物理学会主办,美国科学信息研究所ISI检索系统SCI收录的综合性应用地地球物理英文版定期期刊,逢3月,6月,9月,12月出版。本刊倡导技术综合,技术渗透,突出创新,讲实实效,注重成果,及时跟踪前沿技术研究信息。 杂志内容广泛,涵盖能源、资源、灾害、工程、及信息领域方面的地球物理学以及其相关的边缘学科的应用,特别关注应用地球物理学科的最新成就和发展,前沿研究,包括新思想、新理论、新方法和新仪器;交叉学科的综合应用; 地球物理勘探实例剖析; 前沿技术研究以及重大的科技发现。它反映和体现我国应用地球物理学科的总体水平和业绩,以及反映世界地球物理学科的发展。论文应具有科学性、创新性和探索性的特征,论点明确,论据可靠,论证严谨,结论正确。面向地球物理科学研究人员、学者及院校师生。《应用地球物理》杂志投稿须知:稿件要按国际期刊标准格式,题目简洁,切中主旨,稿件须写清作者署名,作者单位全称、单位所在城市以及单位邮编。文前要有200字左右“摘要”,3~5个“关键词”,文后要加注“参考文献”及第一、二作者个人简介等,“参考文献”序号应与论文中的标注顺序相符。来稿字数以3000字以内为宜,高质量的学术论文不受字数限制。稿件中的公式要工整,使用符号要规范,文中图表要简洁明了。

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338 评论


Introduction to Digital EarthUS Vice President Al Gore, January 31, 1998 California Science Center in the United States delivered a speech entitled "Digital Earth: Understanding our planet in the twenty-first century approach" the official presentation of the "Digital Earth" Gore's report points out that: a new wave of technological innovation is to allow people to access, storage, processing and display of the Earth's vast data of unprecedented and wide-ranging and diverse environmental and cultural data; and most of such data is "the light of the geographical coordinates", that is, the geographical location of data on the Earth's surface by reference to a specific location; and now the difficulty lies in how to take full advantage of these vast data, which is how these data become meaningful, that is, to raw data into comprehensible Today, we often find a lot of data, but I do not know how to deal One example can illustrate this Satellite is designed to help human beings we understand the global environment, it will be in two weeks filming the Earth's surface again, the United States continued to collect image data for more than two decades of history; but the vast majority of these images is still quiet lying electronic data As the United States for a period of time over the past agricultural policy, on the one hand, the production of food was piled up in the Midwest rotten food warehouse, on the other hand there are millions of people were starved to Now, it is greed and a thirst for knowledge, and a lot of information while it is idle, no one is

305 评论


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