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Teachers, students and young members : Good According to the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League Committee and the higher deployment, maintaining the advanced nature of Party members in the party's background, the past 10 years and the entire delegation, the largest one educational activities to enhance awareness of the Communist Youth League, today, marking the beginning of a school CYL as the party's assistant and reserve force, a bridge and link between the party and youth, the education to maintain the progressiveness of party members to convey the spirit among young people, teach and guide the young members of the Communist Youth League is the sacred duty Regiment in the entire educational activities to enhance awareness of members, the Communist Youth League of studying and practicing the "three represents" important thinking of the continuation and deepening of the strong cohesion of the Communist Youth League organizations formed an important measure to consolidate and expand the party's mass base among young people and maintain the advanced nature of the party is an important and far-reaching The educational campaign targeted at school : all members and activists took part, including members retain Education the key tasks and objectives are : to study and practice the "three represents" important thinking of the main line, "orders" as its theme, improve league organizations, improve the working mechanism, active group, with a focus on resolving the existing problems and difficulties in order to build a cohesive CYL organizations, effectively enhance the Communist Youth League, political awareness and sense of organization and model Members of the educational activities to enhance awareness of timing : From the end of September, in mid-December to undertake a review of education, Education activities divided into three phases, in September to mid-October to mid-mobilization phase; on the study of education funds in the beginning of the end of November to mid-December for reviewing and Members of the grassroots branches and the main task : each group through the branches Day "I was my honor members theme" education and awareness "I add luster to the flag of" thematic and practical activities, discuss and draw up the new era of "secondary members image" specific Every member should participate in "9", that is, each member of at least one group on the course, learn what the CYL, learned to write an article that reviewed again in front of oaths to participate in a discussion, once democratic life and to participate in a Mission Day theme for the branches to offer a proposal to participate in a voluntary public service This education activities should be mapped out in line with the current CYL all work together, we make the education activities and the normal work of "two things correct, two advancements" and pay attention to do a good job in four combining, and that is party building the League Building combining with the strengthening of the CYL members and youth in the ideological and political education, integrate with the league members the social practice, with the solution of the CYL work the problems that exist in combining to secondary school students of CYL-affiliated schools, secondary students are the party school as the main positions to league day activities as the main form, solve the youth the practical problems encountered in to help and promote youth members in the growth and progress of, the educational campaign become members of the ensemble youth satisfied with the Students, and strengthen the Communist Youth League, awareness educational activities starting today in College members formally launched, it is the Communist Youth League to promote the self-development of a rare opportunity, every branch and every member must attach great importance seriously, and strive to attain the "awareness, and perfect, perfect the mechanisms and active work, and build a strong cohesion of the Communist Youth League organizations," the objective of making my school CYL work to a new level and make unremitting efforts! Thank you 不用谢啦!!!
261 评论


你好!你的问题:参加共青团要写申请书, 题目什么?答复:参加共青团要写申请书题目是:入团申请书。《入团申请书》是要求加入团组织的青年向中国共产主义青年团组织递交的表达自己志愿加入团组织的一种文书。

189 评论


我没空写啊 给几篇你

300 评论


各位老师、同学,各位青年团员: 大家好! 根据团中央和上级团委部署,在全党开展保持共产党员先进性教育的大背景下,近十多年来面向全团、规模最大的一次增强共青团员意识主题教育活动,今天在我校正式拉开了序幕。 共青团作为党的助手和后备军、党联系青年的桥梁和纽带,将保持共产党员先进性教育活动的精神传达贯彻到团员青年中去,教育引导广大团员青年永远跟党走是共青团的神圣职责。在全团开展增强团员意识主题教育活动,是共青团学习实践“三个代表”重要思想的继续和深化,是形成共青团组织强大凝聚力的重要举措,对巩固和扩大党的青年群众基础、永葆党的先进性具有重要而深远的意义。 本次教育活动的对象是:全体在校团员和入团积极分子,包括保留团籍的党员。 教育活动的主要任务和目标是:以学习实践“三个代表”重要思想为主线,以“永远跟党走”为主题,健全团的组织,完善工作机制,活跃团的工作,着重解决工作中存在的突出问题和难点问题,以建设一个有凝聚力的共青团组织为目标,切实增强广大共青团员的政治意识、组织意识和模范意识。 增强团员意识主题教育活动的时间安排:从9月底开始,12月中旬对教育活动进行总结、表彰。教育活动总体上划分为三个阶段,9月至10月中旬是宣传动员阶段;10月中旬至11月底是学习教育阶段;12月初至12月中旬是总结提高阶段。 各基层团支部和团员的主要任务:每个团支部都要通过团日活动组织“我是团员我光荣”主题意识教育和“我为团旗添光彩”主题实践活动,讨论制定新时期“中学生团员形象”的具体标准。每一位团员都要参加“九个一”活动,即每名团员至少上一次团课、学一遍团章、写一篇学习心得、重温一遍入团誓词、参加一次讨论活动、过一次民主生活会、参加一次主题团日活动、为团支部提一个建议、参加一次志愿服务等公益活动。 本次教育活动应注重与当前团的各项工作相结合,使教育活动和正常工作“两不误、两促进”,注意做好四个结合,即与党建带团建工作相结合、与加强团员青年的思想政治教育相结合、与团员的社会实践相结合、与解决团建工作中存在的问题相结合,以中学生团校、中学生党校为主阵地,以团日活动为主要形式,解决青年人遇到的实际问题,帮助和促进青年团员的成长和进步,使教育活动真正成为团员青年满意的工程。 同学们,增强共青团员意识主题教育活动从今天起在我校团员中正式启动了,这是共青团推进自身发展的一次难得的机遇,每一个支部、每一位团员都要高度重视,认真落实,努力实现“增强意识、健全组织、完善机制,活跃工作,建设一个有强大凝聚力的共青团组织”的目标,为使我校共青团工作再上新台阶而不懈奋斗! 谢谢大家!

112 评论


总则 团员 团的组织制度 团的中央组织 团的地方和军队的组织 团的基层组织 团的干部 团旗、团徽、团歌、团员证 团的经费 团同少年先锋队的关系 团的经费 团同少年先锋队的关系

85 评论


  • 共青团论文主题怎么写

    总则 团员 团的组织制度 团的中央组织 团的地方和军队的组织 团的基层组织 团的干部 团旗、团徽、团歌、团员证 团的经费 团同少年先锋队的关系 团的经费 团同少

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