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第八章  1、What is economic integration? 什么是经济一体化?  It involves agreements among countries to establish links through the movements of goods, services, and factors of production across borders  各国通过协议联合在一起,建立了以商品、服务和生产要素跨越国界进行自由流动为内容的联盟。  Level of economic integration经济一体化的层次  The free trade area 自由贸易区  The customers union 关税同盟  The common market 共同市场  The economic union 竞技联盟  2、Free Trade Area 自由贸易区  The free trade area is the least restrictive and loosest form of economic integration among countries 自由贸易区是较为松散、岁成员约束力最小的一体化组织。  All barriers to trade among member countries are removed  消除了成员国之间的全部贸易壁垒  No discriminatory taxes, quotas, tariffs, or other trade barriers are allowed  不存在任何歧视性税收政策、配额、关税和其他贸易壁垒  Sometimes a free trade area is formed only for certain classes of goods and services  在某些情况下,可以针对特定的商品和服务设立自由贸易区  Each member is free to set any tariffs, quotas, or other restrictions that it chooses on trade with countries outside the free trade area  各成员国对非成员国可以自由设置关税、配额或其他限制性措施  3、Custom Union 关税同盟  The customs union is one step further along the spectrum of economic   关税同盟在经济一体化程度又前进了一步  Members of a customs union dismantle barriers to trade in goods and services among themselves关税同盟的成员国取消了各成员国之间的商品和服务贸易壁垒  Customs Union establishes a common trade policy with respect to nonmembers(, a common external tariff)关税同盟好需要建立与非成员国之间的共同贸易政策。  4、The Common Market共同市场  Factors of production, including labor, capital, and technology are freely mobile among members 共同市场还允许生产要素在各成员国之间的自由流动,这些生产要素包括劳动力、资本和技术  The restrictions on immigration, emigration, and cross-border investment are   取消了对移民和跨国投资设置的限制政策  Members of a common market must be prepared to cooperate closely in monetary, fiscal, and employment policies 各成员国必须准备随时在货币、财政和就业政策方面惊醒紧密的合作  5、The Economic Union 经济联盟  It requires integration of economic policies in addition to the free movement of goods, services and factors of production across   经济联盟不仅需要实现商品、货物和生产要素的跨国界自由流动,更重要的在于经济政策的一体化  Members would harmonize monetary policies, taxation, and government spending  各成员国在货币政策、税收和政府财政支出方面相互协调  A common currency would be used by all members 要求过成员国采用统一的货币  第十章  1、International and Domestic Research 国际市场调研  New parameters in international business environment 国际商务环境仲的新参数  Duties 关税  Foreign currencies 国外的资本  Different modes of transportation 不同的运输方式  International documentation 国际单证  Differing modes of operating internationally 国际化经营的不同模式  New environmental factors 新的环境要素  The culture of the host country 东道国的文化  Political systems and level of stability 政治体系及其稳定性  Legal issues 法律事项  Technological level 技术层次  Broader definition of competition 竞争定义的广泛性  2、The major reasons for reluctant to engage in international research  不愿进行国际市场调研活动的主要原因  Lack of sensitivity to differences in culture and customer needs  他们对文化、消费者的偏好以及市场总需求的差异缺乏敏感性  A limited appreciation for the different environments abroad 对国外不同环境认识的有限性  Lack of familiarity with national and international data sources and inability to use  不熟悉本国以及国际数据的来源,或无法正确使用他们获得的国际市场数据  Use business experience in a country as a substitute for organized research  把一个国家中进行实际商务活动是获得的经验作为市场调研的替代物  3、Identifying Sources of Data 确定数据来源  Macro data 宏观数据  Tariff information 关税信息  Host country export/import data 东道国进出口数据  Nontariff measures 非关税措施  Foreign export/import data 国外进出口数据  Data on government trade policy 有关政府贸易政策的资料  Micro data 微观数据  Local laws and regulations 当地的法律和规定  Size of market 市场规模  Local standards and specifications 当地的标准规范  Distribution system 分销体系  Competitive activity 竞争性活动  Secondary data 二手数据  That is information already has been collected by some other organization such as governments, international institutions, service organizations, trade associations, directories and electronic information services  Selection of secondary data 二手数据挑选  Quality of source 信息来源的质量  Recency 时效性  Relevance to the task at hand 相关性  Interpretation and analysis of secondary data对二手数据的解释和分析  It can be used only as proxy information只能作为中间信息  A consistency check must be conducted 对一致性进行监督  The results should be cross-checked 结果必须被核对  4、Three Mechanisms for Building an Information System 建立信息系统是三种机制  Environmental scanning activities provide continues information on political, social, and economic affairs internationally, on changes of attitudes of public institutions and private citizens and on possible upcoming   环境扫描活动可以随时提供有关政治、社会和经济事务方面的信息,公共机构和个人的态度方面的裱花以及可能发生的变化和调整  Delphi studies are a means for aggregating the judgments of a number of experts who cannot come together This type of research clearly aims at qualitative measures by seeking a consensus from those who know rather than average responses from many people with only limited knowledge  德尔菲研究是把众多判断集中在一起,而不需要把这些专家真正集中到一起,它属于一种定性研究方法,其主要思路是在众多专家的意见中寻找一致性结论,而不是早众多一般性被调查对象中寻找一般性结论。  Scenario building 脚本设计  第十一章  1、Motivations to Go Abroad 关于动机的探讨  Proactive Motivation 主动性动机  Profit advantage 利润优势  Unique products 独特的商品  Technological advantage 技术优势  Exclusive information 专有信息  Managerial commitment 管理的投入  Tax benefit 税务的优惠  Economies of scale 规模经济  Reactive Motivation 反应性动机(被动性动机)  Competitive pressures 竞争压力  Overproduction 生产过度  Declining domestic sales 国内销售量下降  Excess capacity 生产能力过剩  Saturated domestic markets 国内市场饱和  Proximity to customers and ports 接近消费者和港口  2、Alternative Entry Strategies 国际市场的进入战略  Import and Export 进口和出口  Licensing 许可经营  FDI 特许加盟  Management Contract 管理合同(经营合同)  Turnkey Operations 交钥匙工程  Import & Export  Indirect Exporting and Importing间接出口和进口  Direct Exporting and Importing 直接出口和进口  3、How a Trade Intermediary Can Offer Assistance 国际贸易中介机构如何提供帮助  Knows foreign market competitive conditions  Has personal contacts with potential foreign buyers  Evaluates credit risk associated with foreign buyers  Has sales staff to call on current foreign customers in person  Assumes responsibility for physical delivery of product to foreign buyer  4、Royalty –under a licensing agreement, one firm permits another to use its intangible property in a specified geographic area for a specified The compensation for using the intangible property is designed as 许可经营—一家公司允许另一家公司使用自己的知识产权,并收取许可收益作为补偿。  Intangible Property  Patents, inventions, formulas, process, designs, patterns  Copyrights for literary, musical, or artistic compositions  Trademarks, trade names, brand names  Franchises, licenses, contracts  Methods, programs, procedures, systems  Discussion: Comment on the stance that“licensing is really not a form of international involvement because it requires no substantial additional effort on the part of the ”  5、Assessment of Licensing  The advantages of licensing  Providing an opportunity to exploit research and development already conducted  许可经营公司可以充分利用已经进行的研发成果  Licensor can reap benefits until the end of the license contract period  许可人可以在许可证到期之前取得大量的利润  Reduce the risk of expropriation  减少被政府征收的风险  Help to avoid host-country regulations applicable to equity ventures  有助于避免东道国对于股权投资设置的各种管制政策  Provide a means by which foreign markets can be tested without major involvement of capital or management time  提供一种不需要投入大量的资本和时间对国外市场进行检查的渠道  The disadvantages of licensing  A very limited form of foreign market participation and does not in any way guarantee a basis for future expansion  一种非常有限的国外市场参与方式,无法为未来的扩张提供任何保障  May create its own competitor not only in the market for which the agreement was made but for third-country markets as well  在对方市场上为自己创造竞争对手,而且很有可能在第三国的市场上同样培养自己的竞争对手  Provide a mechanism for corporations in industrialized countries to capitalize on older technology  为发达国家的公司利用自己的过时技术赚取利润提供了渠道  6、Franchising  It is a specialized form of licensing in which the franchisor not only sells an independent Franchisee the use of the intangible property (usually a trademark) essential to the franchisee’s business but also operationally assists the business on a continuing basis  Right of the Franchising  Selling the franchisor’s products  Using its name, production, and marketing   Using its general business approach  Benefits of Franchising  Market Potential  Financial gain  Saturated domestic markets  Problems of Franchising  Government restrictions  Selection and training  7、Major Determinants of Direct Foreign Investment 外国直接投资的决定性因素  Marketing Factors 市场因素  Size of market 市场规模  Market growth 市场增长情况  Desire to maintain share of market 保持市场份额的目标  Need to maintain close customer contact 需要维持和客户的紧密联系  Dissatisfaction with existing market arrangements 现有市场分布不满意  Export base 建立出口基地  Desire to follow competition and customers 追索竞争者同消费者  Barriers to trade 贸易壁垒  Government barriers to trade 政府性的贸易壁垒  Preference of local customers for local products 当地顾客对本国产品的偏好  General 一般要素  Expected higher profit 追求高利润  Other 其他  Costs Factors成本因素  Desire to be near source of supply 接近供应来源  Availability of labor, raw materials and technology 充分利用劳动力、原材料和技术  Lower costs of labor and other production, transport 低廉劳动力和其他产品、运输  Financial inducements by government 政府的诱导因素  More favorable cost levels 达到更有利的成本水平  Investment Climate投资环境  General attitude toward foreign investment 针对外国投资的普遍态度  Political stability 政治稳定性  Limitation on ownership 所有权的限制  Currency exchange regulations 外汇管制  Stability of foreign exchange 外汇市场的稳定性  Tax structure 税率结构  Familiarity with country 对这个国家的熟知程度  8、Positive and Negative Impacts of FDI on Host Countries  Positive impact 积极影响  Capital formation 资产构成  Technology and management skills transfer 技术和管理技能  Regional and sectoral development 地区和部门的发展  Internal competition and entrepreneuship 内部竞争和企业精神  Favorable effect on balance of payments 有利于国际收支平衡  Increased employment 增加就业  Negative impact 消极影响  Industrial dominance 对本国行业控制  Technological dependence 技术依赖性  Disturbance of economic plan 干扰本国的经济计划  Cultural change 文化冲突  Interference by home government of MNC 母国对跨国公司的干预  The Home-country Perspective 对宗主国的影响  Positive Impact 积极影响  Addition to the home country’s gross national product from profits, royalties, and fees  通过利润、许可收益和分支构的汇回利润而增加宗主国的国民生产总值  Additional export possibilities 增加出口机会  Stimulate economic growth 刺激经济的增长  Serve political motives 政治的手段  Negative Impact 消极影响  Job loss 失业率  Effect on imports and exports 进出口的影响  Give away its competitive position in the world marketplace by transferring new technology  技术转移会导致本国丧失在国际市场中的竞争地位  Bribery行贿行为的出现  第十三章  1、Globalization reflects a business orientation based on the belief that the world is becoming more homogeneous and that distinctions between national markets are not only fading but , for some products, will eventually disappear  全球化是基于以下认识的一种贸易倾向:世界越来越趋于同质,各国市场之间区别不仅正在减弱,对于某些产品,这些区别将最终消失。  2、the Strategic Planning Process 战略规划过程  Step 1: Assessment and adjustment of core strategy 核心市场战略的评估和调整  Market/competitive analysis 市场/竞争分析  Internal analysis 内部分析  Step 2: Formulation of global strategy 全球战略的形成  Choice of target countries and segments 目标国和细分市场的选择  Choice of competitive strategy 竞争战略的选择  Step 3: development of global program 全球计划的发展  Step 4: implementation 实施  Organizational structure 组织结构  Control 控制  3、Bases for international market Segmentation 国际市场细分的基础  Environmental bases 环境基础  Geographic variables 地理(区域)变量  Political variables 政治变量  Economic variables 经济变量  Cultural variables 文化变量  Marketing management bases 营销管理变量  Product-related variables 产品相关变量  Promotion-related variables 促销相关变量  Price-related variables 价格相关变量  Distribution-related variables 分销相关变量

236 评论


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