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172 评论


懂了点翻译,大概这样的水平; CATTI 2 笔译通过了,可以认为是接近入门的水平了,当然,这是从专业/职业笔译的角度看的好几位都问过我这样的问题:通过CATTI 2,但是做翻译公司测试稿经常无法通过测试?这是为什么?我觉得这是很正常的啊,CATTI 2只是考察翻译基础,几乎不涉及任何专业性,即便有点专业性也是很浅,与实战差距还挺大的,这就是为什么 CATTI 2 笔译证书一般只能保证月入4000---7000的缘故,而一位合格笔译员,即便没有证书,水平和能力摆在那,也会月入轻松突破10000元的。我是英语专职笔译,师范计算机毕业生,英语六级,5年500万字翻译经验,目前在江西吉安县工作,月入大概13K左右,给华为、欧司朗、格兰富、EY、莱芬豪舍、中铁18局、中国科技大学、澳门大学、三菱等客户提供过翻译服务;自我评价:我目前充其量只能算刚入门的翻译吧,太多翻译方面不知道或者处理不好,五年可能只是翻译的起步阶段;我刚做翻译的时候月收入400元,不够房租,拿之前做教师存的钱作为生活费,前三年基本上不够糊口或者仅够糊口,后来慢慢的单价上去了,速度也快了点了;笔译适合具有工匠精神、热爱翻译、耐得住寂寞、能吃苦耐劳的人去做我有时候也会找翻译员一起做翻译项目,人很难找,虽然持有CATTI 2笔译证书、MTI毕业证书、专八证书的很多很多,但是实际测试中10个人中如果有一个合格的,已经非常不错了!!提交的测试翻译,往往错误很多,包括拼写、标点、语法、单复数、时态、错用词汇、中式表达、累赘等现象比比皆是,从我这样一个初级翻译的角度去看就问题这么多,如果在高级翻译那里会怎么样??翻译源于生活,服务生活!当然背那些政治、经济、社会、教育、科普、旅游、文化等常用术语★ CATTI 笔译学习资料:官方指定用书历年政府工作报告及国家元首、总理的重要讲话等《经济学家》杂志的中英文互译张培基等 《英汉翻译教程》 连淑能 《英译汉教程》王治奎《大学汉英翻译教程》(修订版)中式英语之鉴庄绎传《翻译漫谈》 张培基---- 散文佳作108篇-汉译英张培基---- 散文佳作108篇-英译汉毛荣贵 ------《新世纪大学英汉翻译教程》《经济学家》期刊林超伦《口译实践》《邓小平文选》1--3卷中英文对照冯建忠的《实用英语口译教程》以上是个人觉得都比较适合的培训资料CATTI 三级要求词汇量8000,通过率低于专八,难度并不比专八低多少,所以建议你备考时注意提高自己基础,CET-4 水平通过CATTI 三笔很难,一般至少得六级水平通过可能性会大一些,部分报名点会禁止四级水平报考;翻译水平和技能提高没有任何捷径,建议全面夯实基础,提高词汇量、提高阅读能力、大量做翻译练习,对比提高,总结;我给很多网友赠送过电子版的CATTI学习资料了CATTI 三级的官方辅导资料存在一些错误和不当,复习时需批判性接受翻译期刊:《中国翻译》、《经济学人》、《中国科技翻译》、《外语界》、《上海翻译》等都不错公共微信平台:翻译教学与研究(ID:fanyiluntan)沃领域翻译(ID:WOW-TRAN)乐思福教育(ID:Isfirst2013)中视天之聪(ID:kaosee_4008112230)经典的译作(双语对照版):《唐诗三百首》- 许渊冲 译 出版社:中国对外翻译出版公司《孙子兵法》- Lionel Giles 译《散文佳作108篇》(汉英·英汉对照)=====我是笔译工作者,师范计算机毕业生,目前在江西吉安县工作,500万字翻译经验,我的情况可供您参考

95 评论


Harry1028 翻译的就很到位了这不是真迹,这是摹仿的 谢谢关注!!!有什么需要帮忙的,请联系我 It's not an authentic drawing,jsut my copy after the Thank you for your attention and feel free to contact me if you need any further

278 评论


以下是我最喜欢的几首歌,保证经典反叛的鲁路修里的 stories ,Masquerade,continue story,innocent days,好像变成小鸟Rurutia的玲珑掌心(玲々テノヒラ ),爱し子よ,新垣结衣的 heavenly days英文的有几首很经典的,only love, just one last dance,bye bye,听了能让人热血的,灌篮高手的,比如 知道世界终结,只凝视着你,好像大声说喜欢你,还有《棒球大联盟》的第二季、第三季的OP,有一首是叫play the game还有很多好听的动漫歌,在这就不发了

117 评论


University of Chicago Press for the Western Jin Dynasty famous historian, "annals of the Three Kingdoms" author Chen Shou youth learning place, located in Sichuan Province scenic area N University of Chicago Press was founded in three Shu Han LITE-ON It was recorded in ancient books: West Nanchong has fruit hill, here is the University of Chicago It relies on the rock and build, three brims type wood structure buildings, cornices brackets, magnificent To the Tang Dynasty and in front of the building was built in Ganlu temple, formed group of Because of disrepair, in the nineteen The University of Chicago Press in 1990 with a government grant of $4000000 for recovering heavy build, by the Chen Shou school house, Chen Shou memorial hall, the library, the building area of 2400 square Vice-chairman of Chinese Calligrapher Association, President of the Buddhist Association of China Zhao Puchu handwritten inscription is 7 meters long, 8 meters "University of Chicago Press" a gigantic Memorial hall is on display in the "annals of the Three Kingdoms" and a large number of text, pictures, forms, photos, real data, introduces in detail the rough experience, Chen Shou wrote a historical facts and their influence on later Walls painted sixteen paintings to the "annals of the Three Kingdoms" history as a capacity of the Three Kingdoms murals, can be called the domestic North and South porch porch in "the romance of the Three Kingdoms story for the content of the imitation of the rubbing type line carved murals, as well as for the University of Chicago Press around the calligraphy creation of painting and calligraphy couplets, tourists be profuse in Chen Shou University of Chicago Press display content is not poor, and artistic, academic, historical and the tour as a whole, to study and carry forward the culture of the Three Kingdoms, promote the culture of the Three Kingdoms and the world cultural exchanges, has a positive role in

204 评论


University of Chicago Press for the Western Jin Dynasty famous historian, " annals of the Three Kingdoms " author Chen Shou youth learning place, located in Sichuan Province scenic area N University of Chicago Press was founded in three Shu Han LITE-ON It was recorded in ancient books: West Nanchong has fruit hill, here is the University of Chicago It relies on the rock and build, three brims type wood structure buildings, cornices brackets, magnificent To the Tang Dynasty and in front of the building was built in Ganlu temple, formed group of Because of disrepair, in the nineteen The University of Chicago Press in 1990 with a government grant of $4000000 for recovering heavy build, by the Chen Shou school house, Chen Shou memorial hall, the library, the building area of 2400 square Vice-chairman of Chinese Calligrapher Association, President of the Buddhist Association of China Zhao Puchu handwritten inscription is 7 meters long, 8 meters " University of Chicago Press " a gigantic Memorial hall is on display in the " annals of the Three Kingdoms " and a large number of text, pictures, forms, photos, real data, introduces in detail the rough experience, Chen Shou wrote a historical facts and their influence on later Walls painted sixteen paintings to the " annals of the Three Kingdoms " history as a capacity of the Three Kingdoms murals, can be called the domestic North and South porch porch in "the romance of the Three Kingdoms story for the content of the imitation of the rubbing type line carved murals, as well as for the University of Chicago Press around the calligraphy creation of painting and calligraphy couplets, tourists be profuse in Chen Shou University of Chicago Press display content is very rich, and artistic, academic, historical and the tour as a whole, to study and carry forward the culture of the Three Kingdoms, promote the culture of the Three Kingdoms and the world cultural exchanges, has a positive role in

184 评论


Rolls of floor for the Western Jin Dynasty, the famous historian, author of "Three Kingdoms" Chen Shouqing boyhood reading scholarly place in Nanchong City, Sichuan Province, Xishan Scenic A The rolls of the building was built in the Three Kingdoms Lite According to ancient records: Nanchong Fruit Hill, west of the Rolls of floor It leaning against the rock and built three double eaves, wood and stone structure pavilion, cornice brackets, powerful and Built in front of the building to the Tang Dynasty Kanroji formation Because of disrepair, was destroyed in the Existing rolls of floor by the Government in 1990 $ 4 million restoration and reconstruction into reading floor by Chen Shou Shou Memorial Collection House, a building area of 2,400 square Personally inscribed, vice chairman of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, president of the Buddhist Association of China ZhaoPiaoChu 7 meters long, 8 meters high, "rolls of floor pitched giant Display in the Memorial Hall of the Three Kingdoms ", and a lot of text, pictures, tables, photos, kind Shou frustrations experienced significant the book historical facts and its impact on future Sixteen for the content of the "Three Kingdoms" historical facts of the four walls painted three murals, one must be called "Romance of the Three Kingdoms story content imitation the rubbings line in the Han Dynasty in the north-south corridor Xuan carved murals, as well as around the calligraphy for the creation of the rolls of floor painting and calligraphy couplets, giving the tourists Shou rolls of floor display is rich in content, Chairman artistic, academic, historic and tour of one of the study and carry forward the culture of the three countries, the promotion of culture and the world of Cultural Exchanges in the three countries, and has a positive role in

261 评论


热爱生命Passion for Life 汪国真 by Wang Guozhen 我不去想是否能够成功既然选择了远方便只顾风雨兼程我不去想能否赢得爱情既然钟情于玫瑰就勇敢地吐露真诚 I care not whether I can Since in choice of the distance,I simply travel in wind and I care not whether I can win Since in deep love with a rose,I just unbosom myself 我不去想身后会不会袭来寒风冷雨既然目标是地平线留给世界的只能是背影我不去想未来是平坦还是泥泞只要热爱生命一切,都在意料之中 I care not whether hit by wind and Since my goal is to reach the horizon,Only my back is in face of the I care not whether future is smooth or muddy,If only I have passion for life,Everything will go as 译于2003年11月2日,改译于2006年12月23日。 =========== 虽然有些人认为,汪国真的诗太过直白,没有含蓄的韵味,但是我却喜欢的很,正所谓,萝卜青菜各有所爱。感谢楼主,让我有机会重温这首诗。。。

125 评论


《Whataya Want From Me》 Adam Lambert《Promo Only》 Breakeven《I Got You》 Leona Lewis《Cry Me Out》 Pixie Lott《Broken Heels》 Alexandra Burke《Playing With Fire》 N-Dubz Mr Hudson《Young Forever》 Jay-Z Mr Hudson《Parachute》 Cheryl Cole《Life After You》 Chris Daughtry《All the Right Moves》 One Republic《Solo》 Iyaz《Nothin' On You》 BB《Don't Let Me Fall》BB 《Airplanes》BB 《We Are the World 25 for Haiti》 Various Artist (个人觉得,这版不比原版差。)《baby》Justin Bieber--------------------------以上是今年2-4月的新歌--------------------------下面是这个月的新歌,个人觉得不错Usher 《OMG》Scouting for Girls《This Ain't A Love Song》Eminem《Not Afraid》K'naan《Waving Flag》(南非世界杯主题曲,建议听K'naan联手Black Eyed Peas黑眼豆豆主唱WIAm以及法国知名DJ David Guetta献唱的版本。) 日韩的话,个人听的比较少,推荐rain的新歌《love song》英文版,及李孝利的最新大碟,其中的《How Did We Get》《Memory》都很不错:

226 评论


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