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下面笔者就英语课堂教学,出几点建议,以能帮助英语教师有效地激发学生的学习热情,优化课堂气氛,从而获得最佳的教学效果。   关键词:兴趣;教学方法;师生关系   第一点:重视学生的学习英语兴趣   兴趣是最好的老师。因为兴趣是人们力求认识、探究某种事物或从事某种活动的心理倾向。浓厚的学习兴趣是培养积极思维的重要条件。兴趣为学生的学习活动提供了强有力的推动力。它可以充分发挥智力的作用,使其感知力敏锐、思维活跃、想象丰富,从而提高学习效率。所以,有不少老师在总结自己的教学经验时都谈到,只要是学生感兴趣的内容,哪怕是难度再大,他们也都愿意去主动学习,在课堂上善于思维,表现积极。   大家都知道,学生的学习兴趣与学习成绩之间存在着显著的关系。在语文、数学、外语三科当中,外语的表现最为明显:从预备班到初三,学生学习外语的兴趣水平逐渐下降。兴趣的丧失导致部分学生失去继续学习的动力,从而产生厌学的倾向,使得两极分化现象日渐严重。本地区预备年级学生没有学English,对于初学者教材较难。我们港边的特色:大部分的学生家长外出务工,留下家里照看小孩只有爷爷、奶奶、外公、外婆,他们要么无心管小孩,不知道怎样管小孩读书,基本上孩子要什么给什么,集溺爱、宠爱他们于一身,要么他们家务事一大堆无心管他们学习,再加上学生贪玩厌学思想普遍存在。这对我来说,确实是个挑战,但我认为这对学生可能就是个:机遇只要我们老师抓住时机,及时采取科学有效的教学策略,我们就可以重新唤醒和激发学生学习英语的兴趣。   为了培养学生稳定、专一而持久的英语学习兴趣,我们要做到:   第二点:教学方法   1、明确学习英语的积极动机   通过列举生活中的事例和未来社会发展的形势,向学生强调英语的重要地位及学习英语的重要性,从而培养学生的远大志向,帮助他们形成明确而强烈的学习动机。   2、呈现灵活多变的教学内容   语言教学不可脱离生活,否则就会变成抽象、空洞和机械的说教。如在九年级英语教学的过程中Unit One 中Star Sign ,本人就是根据学生的兴趣、对星座的了解和认知,导入课文,学生们的课堂气氛很活跃。   变化能给人带来新鲜感,新鲜的事物容易引起学生的注意,唤起学生的学习热情。不断的变化使学生在接受知识的大脑中枢形成一个接一个的兴奋点,从而忘记疲劳,在轻松、愉快、活跃的学习氛围中进行学习。  3、营造妙趣横生的学习氛围

现在是素质教育时代,它通常以发展学生的各方面素质为核心,德育是素质教育中非常重要的组成部分,并且渗透到学生全面发展的各个方面。在实现教学目标的各科教学中,英语教学中对学生进行德育渗透具有很特别的作用,因为英语它不仅是一门学科,更是一门语言,是信息的载体。在初中英语教学工作中,英语教师的工作一方面表现在对学生传授英语知识,重视学生听说读写各项技能的训练,同时培养学生综合语言运用能力,提高学生学习英语的能力;另一方面,在对学生传授知识、培养能力的过程中,还应该加强对学生的思想品德教育,,重视对学生品格的培养,力求帮助学生形成正确的人生观和价值观。做到既教书又育人的作用。  教师在注意并利用社会、家庭、学校对学生的正面影响的同时,必须在教学中渗透品德教育,让学生自觉地克服环境因素对英语学习造成的影响,努力学习好英语。教挖掘和利用教材中的德育因素,使学生具有爱国主义、集体主义精神。热爱社会主义国家,弘扬优秀文化传统,逐步形成正确的人生观、世界观、价值观,具有高度责任感。英语作为基础学科更加要重视德育教育,要在英语课堂教学中进行德育教育渗透。那么如何在英语教学中渗透德育教育,达到提高教学成绩的目的? 我有以下几点建议:  一、通过课堂教学渗透,言传身教,进行养成教育  我在初中英语教学中,往往从培养学生的行为规范着手,注重加强学生人文素养,并能把增强学生的爱国意识与社会责任感等德育教育内容自然渗透在教学中,并且取得了较好的效果。  初中生可塑性、模仿性很强,教师除了要有较高的知识水平,较强的教育教学能力外,还要具备较强的道德品质。


下面笔者就英语课堂教学,出几点建议,以能帮助英语教师有效地激发学生的学习热情,优化课堂气氛,从而获得最佳的教学效果。   关键词:兴趣;教学方法;师生关系   第一点:重视学生的学习英语兴趣   兴趣是最好的老师。因为兴趣是人们力求认识、探究某种事物或从事某种活动的心理倾向。浓厚的学习兴趣是培养积极思维的重要条件。兴趣为学生的学习活动提供了强有力的推动力。它可以充分发挥智力的作用,使其感知力敏锐、思维活跃、想象丰富,从而提高学习效率。所以,有不少老师在总结自己的教学经验时都谈到,只要是学生感兴趣的内容,哪怕是难度再大,他们也都愿意去主动学习,在课堂上善于思维,表现积极。   大家都知道,学生的学习兴趣与学习成绩之间存在着显著的关系。在语文、数学、外语三科当中,外语的表现最为明显:从预备班到初三,学生学习外语的兴趣水平逐渐下降。兴趣的丧失导致部分学生失去继续学习的动力,从而产生厌学的倾向,使得两极分化现象日渐严重。本地区预备年级学生没有学English,对于初学者教材较难。我们港边的特色:大部分的学生家长外出务工,留下家里照看小孩只有爷爷、奶奶、外公、外婆,他们要么无心管小孩,不知道怎样管小孩读书,基本上孩子要什么给什么,集溺爱、宠爱他们于一身,要么他们家务事一大堆无心管他们学习,再加上学生贪玩厌学思想普遍存在。这对我来说,确实是个挑战,但我认为这对学生可能就是个:机遇只要我们老师抓住时机,及时采取科学有效的教学策略,我们就可以重新唤醒和激发学生学习英语的兴趣。   为了培养学生稳定、专一而持久的英语学习兴趣,我们要做到:   第二点:教学方法   1、明确学习英语的积极动机   通过列举生活中的事例和未来社会发展的形势,向学生强调英语的重要地位及学习英语的重要性,从而培养学生的远大志向,帮助他们形成明确而强烈的学习动机。   2、呈现灵活多变的教学内容   语言教学不可脱离生活,否则就会变成抽象、空洞和机械的说教。如在九年级英语教学的过程中Unit One 中Star Sign ,本人就是根据学生的兴趣、对星座的了解和认知,导入课文,学生们的课堂气氛很活跃。   变化能给人带来新鲜感,新鲜的事物容易引起学生的注意,唤起学生的学习热情。不断的变化使学生在接受知识的大脑中枢形成一个接一个的兴奋点,从而忘记疲劳,在轻松、愉快、活跃的学习氛围中进行学习。  3、营造妙趣横生的学习氛围

初中英语教学方面的论文轻风论文网有很多的哦我当时也是找他们帮忙的,很快就给我写好了,非常专业的说建议你看下基础教育课程改革要求英语教师在教学过程中确立一种新的教育观念:教育要面向全体学生,注重素质教育;以学生语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、文化发展为基础,培养学生英语语言综合运用能力;突出学生主体,尊重个体差异;通过感知、体验、合作等方式,在学习过程中进行情感和策略的调整,促进语言实际运用能力的提高;多运用音像、电视、杂志、网络信息等丰富的教学资源来全面引导学生的英语语言学习。在英语教学过程中采用生活性教学”,很好的满足英语新课程的要求。教学方式和方法对于新课程条件下初中英语生活性教学广泛而有效的实施,具有重要的作用。生活性教学方面的研究目前已经有一定的积累了,对于初中英语的生活性教学的研究涉及得还不是很多。本文立足于当前新课程条件下初中英语的教学实际,综合运用文献研究、案例研究等方法,对新课程条件下初中英语关于生活性教学的内涵及特征、生活性教学的原则、方法以及生活性教学的评价等问题进行了比较系统而深入的探讨。 全文分为六个部分: 第一部分。概述了新课程条件下初中英语生活性教学的必要性,国内外生活性教学研究的现状。课题研究的实际意义和理论意义。 第二部分,生活性教学的内涵和特征。剖析“生活”的概念后,对生活性教学的内涵进行了界定,从而揭示出新课程条件下初中英语生活性教学的特征是:具有社会性、实践性、真实性和发展性等特征。 第三部分,新课程条件下初中英语生活性教学的原则。要求,初中英语生活性教学从体现初中英语新课程的要求、学生的发展需要、顺应社会的发展需要以及引领英语课程本身的发展需要这几个方面做了论述如果有不明白的,你参考下轻风论文吧如果对你有帮助,多给我加分哦。呵呵


English classroom teaching effectivenessThe effectiveness of classroom teaching is to through classroom teaching activities to make students have a harvest, have improved, there is Specific performance in: students in the cognitive, never understand to understand, from ignorant to know more, from won't be present at the meeting; Emotionally, I never like to go to love, from love to love, never interested in the But the most core is to see if students willing to learn, active learning and how to learn, will Corresponding to the \"validity\" of classroom teaching is the classroom teaching of \"inefficient\" \"Inefficient\" of classroom teaching can lead to the development of student ability did not get, low self-esteem, anxiety, learning motivation played down such as negative \"Inefficient\" class also ignores the students' subject status, poor classroom practice situation and language activities away from the real situation, students passive absorption, lack of practice, knowledge cannot be internalized, skills cannot Combined with the usual teaching, teaching practice, I summarized the following method to improve classroom teaching Highlight the language practice, reveal class earnestlyTeachers' classroom topic must be accurate, sets the time advantage key breakthroughs in the classroom must break the doubtful point, difficult point, key points and It depend on teacher himself careful preparation before class, including the need to repeatedly commented subject design and effective Earnestly at the same time, the teacher in class can implement the requirements largely depends on the student's level, actual return to take raw as this Our teaching activity design also should give full play to the initiative of students take the student as the main body and initiative, to let them willing to listen to the Therefore, teachers must first change the idea, the transformation role, the transformation Starts from the use of good teaching material in the material, build student-centered (student - centered) and activity (the activity - centered) for the center of the new So we can't take classroom teaching as a closed system, they should find ways to make English classroom teaching activities became more \"alive\" Teachers must set up teaching English contact student learning and the concept of life, make the life of the teaching materials to students, into the inner world of the students, guide students to experience and feel the In language practice to cultivate students ability to use English, motivate students' academic interest, thinking and solving problems, develop students' thinking of extensity, flexibility and The teaching progress to teaching effect, pay attention to classMany teachers complain that in actual teaching, the text content is too much, lack of classroom teaching Many teachers think without explanation word for word, always don't trust, afraid of exam, the students don't This kind of education for a long time to make the students lose the ability to thinking and Teachers should change idea, actually believe that student's understanding of language In our teaching, we should fully make students in thinking, communication and mutual discussion and other activities to improve understanding of language using ability, like to teach children to walk, let their children do Teaching progress and learning effect is not completely is a pair of contradictory To improve the effectiveness of high school English classroom teaching, English teachers also need to consciously handle the teaching progress and the relationship between the students actual I think the schedule compliance effect, value English is a practical subject and the language of the ultimately depends on raising the level of the learner's understanding again and Teacher's teaching is always limited, students consciously active learning is In classroom teaching process the teacher should really care about is not how you teach how much, but should pay close attention to what students learned, learned, mastered much, pay attention to students is how to think and Adhere to the USA to implement knowledge and knowledge together in the internalization of student body, one step at a time, in this way can the teaching effect by the New standard requires teachers to use teaching materials to teaching, the teaching material and teaching resources Therefore, teachers should have the courage to break the tradition, to try new ideas, new methods, to improve the effectiveness of the English classroom In a timely manner after class reflection, strengthen teaching experienceA teacher growth process must be experience and Effective reflection needs teachers to their own teaching activities as the object of thinking, to oneself teaching behavior, methods, decision and results to conduct a comprehensive review and Teachers through classroom teaching \"and\" thinking to myself, can let oneself enjoy teaching in hope of success, at the same time can help us in a timely manner to correct, remedy and adjust teaching measures, improve the efficiency of classroom To sum up, our English teaching under new curriculum reform workers should improve their own English quality, and establish the concept of lifelong learning, constantly improve their professional Teachers have no longer is only a bucket of water, and it should be \"tap water\", also must be of high quality water, water must also be taught to students


EducationEducation in the largest sense is any act or experience that has a formative effect on the mind, character or physical ability of an In its technical sense, education is the process by which society deliberately transmits its accumulated knowledge, skills and values from one generation to Etymologically, the word education is derived from educare (Latin) "bring up", which is related to educere "bring out", "bring forth what is within", "bring out potential" and ducere, "to lead"[1]Teachers in educational institutions direct the education of students and might draw on many subjects, including reading, writing, mathematics, science and This process is sometimes called schooling when referring to the education of teaching only a certain subject, usually as professors at institutions of higher There is also education in fields for those who want specific vocational skills, such as those required to be a In addition there is an array of education possible at the informal level, such as in museums and libraries, with the Internet and in life Many non-traditional education options are now available and continue to Systems of formal educationEducation is a concept, referring to the process in which students can learn something:Instruction refers to the facilitating of learning toward identified objectives, delivered either by an instructor or other Teaching refers to the actions of a real live instructor designed to impart learning to the Learning refers to learning with a view toward preparing learners with specific knowledge, skills, or abilities that can be applied immediately upon Preschool EducationPrimary (or elementary) education consists of the first 5–7 years of formal, structured In general, main education consists of six or eight years of schooling starting at the age of five or six, although this varies between, and sometimes within, Globally, around 70% of primary-age children are enrolled in primary education, and this proportion is [2] Under the Education for All programs driven by UNESCO, most countries have committed to achieving universal enrollment in primary education by 2015, and in many countries, it is compulsory for children to receive primary The division between primary and secondary education is somewhat arbitrary, but it generally occurs at about eleven or twelve years of Some education systems have separate middle schools, with the transition to the final stage of secondary education taking place at around the age of Schools that provide primary education, are mostly referred to as primary Primary schools in these countries are often subdivided into infant schools and junior Secondary educationIn most contemporary educational systems of the world, secondary education comprises the formal education that occurs during It is characterized by transition from the typically compulsory, comprehensive primary education for minors, to the optional, selective tertiary, "post-secondary", or "higher" education (, university, vocational school for Depending on the system, schools for this period, or a part of it, may be called secondary or high schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, middle schools, colleges, or vocational The exact meaning of any of these terms varies from one system to The exact boundary between primary and secondary education also varies from country to country and even within them, but is generally around the seventh to the tenth year of Secondary education occurs mainly during the teenage In the United States, Canada and Australia primary and secondary education together are sometimes referred to as K-12 education, and in New Zealand Year 1-13 is The purpose of secondary education can be to give common knowledge, to prepare for higher education or to train directly in a The emergence of secondary education in the United States did not happen until 1910, caused by the rise in big businesses and technological advances in factories (for instance, the emergence of electrification), that required skilled In order to meet this new job demand, high schools were created and the curriculum focused on practical job skills that would better prepare students for white collar or skilled blue collar This proved to be beneficial for both the employer and the employee, because this improvement in human capital caused employees to become more efficient, which lowered costs for the employer, and skilled employees received a higher wage than employees with just primary educational Higher educationHigher education, also called tertiary, third stage, or post secondary education, is the non-compulsory educational level that follows the completion of a school providing a secondary education, such as a high school, secondary Tertiary education is normally taken to include undergraduate and postgraduate education, as well as vocational education and Colleges and universities are the main institutions that provide tertiary Collectively, these are sometimes known as tertiary Tertiary education generally results in the receipt of certificates, diplomas, or academic Higher education includes teaching, research and social services activities of universities, and within the realm of teaching, it includes both the undergraduate level (sometimes referred to as tertiary education) and the graduate (or postgraduate) level (sometimes referred to as graduate school) Higher education generally involves work towards a degree-level or foundation degree In most developed countries a high proportion of the population (up to 50%) now enter higher education at some time in their Higher education is therefore very important to national economies, both as a significant industry in its own right, and as a source of trained and educated personnel for the rest of the Adult educationAlternative educationIndigenous education在最大的意义,教育是任何行为或经验,有一个心灵上形成的影响,性格或个人体能。在其技术意义上说,教育是社会的过程,从一代人故意传输其积累的知识,技能和价值观到另一个地方。 词源学,文字教育是从教育保育(拉丁)派生出来的“造就”,这是有关educere“带出”,“内带出什么”是“带出潜力”和ducere,“领导”。 在教育机构教师指导学生的教育,可能会借鉴很多科目,包括阅读,写作,数学,科学和历史。这个过程有时被称为上学时,指的是教学的教授通常只为某一个课题,在高等院校的教育。也有在教育领域,谁想要这些具体要求,如,职业技能是一个飞行员。此外,还有一个是在非正式的教育水平数组,例如可能在博物馆和图书馆,与互联网和生活经验。许多非传统教育的选择,现已并继续得到发展。 系统的正规教育 教育是一个概念,指的是过程,学生可以学到一些东西: 教学是指对确定的学习目标,无论是由导师或其他形式交付便利。 教学是指一个真正的生活,旨在向学生传授学习教练的行动。 学习是指与一对准备与具体知识,技能,或可用于完成后立即查看学习能力的学习者。 幼儿教育 小学(或小学)教育由5-7首次正式,结构化教育。一般来说,主要包括教育,在五,六,虽然这之间不等,有时内,国家开始对6岁或8年的学校教育。就全球而言,约70小学适龄儿童入学%小学教育,这一比例上升[2]在教科文组织教育驾驶的所有方案。,大多数国家都致力于实现普及小学教育入学率在2015年,在许多国家,它是为儿童义务接受初级教育。中,小学和中学教育科是有点武断,但它通常在大约11或12岁发生。一些教育系统中有独立的学校,向发生在中学教育的最后阶段过渡大约在14岁。学校提供初级教育,大多是被称为小学。在这些国家的小学通常分为幼儿学校和初中。 中学教育 在世界上最现代的教育系统,中学教育包括正规教育,在青春期发生。它的特点是从典型的过渡义务教育,小学全面的未成年人教育,可选的,有选择性的成人高等教育,“大专”或“较高”教育(如大学,职业学校。根据系统,学校这段期间,或其中的一部分,可称为中学或高中,体育场馆,公立中学,中等学校,学院,或职业学校。任何对这些条款的确切含义不同从一个系统到另一个。之间的精确边界小学和中学教育也因国家而异,甚至在其中,但一般在对学校教育的第七次是第10个年头。主要是在青少年时期出现的中学教育。在美国,加拿大和澳大利亚一起小学和中学教育有时被称为K - 12教育,并在新西兰使用1-13年。中等教育的目的,可以给予常识,准备接受高等教育或专业培训,直接。 在美国中学教育的出现并没有发生,直到1910年,由于在大企业和工厂的技术进步引起的(例如,电气化)的出现,这需要熟练的工人。为了满足这种新的就业需求,创造了高中课程和实际工作技能,更好地准备白领或学生熟练的蓝领工作的重点。这被证明是为雇主和雇员有利,因为这导致人力资本改善员工变得更有效率,降低了雇主的成本,只收到了小学教育程度较高的工资比员工熟练的员工。 高等教育 高等教育,也叫三级,第三阶段,或专上教育,是在非义务教育阶段的教育水平,遵循了一个提供诸如高中,中等学校中学教育,学校完成。高等教育是通常采取的包括本科和研究生教育,以及职业教育和培训。学院和大学是提供大专教育的主要机构。总的来说,这些有时被称为大专院校。高等教育一般的结果是把证书,文凭或学位收据。 高等教育包括教学,科研和社会服务活动的大学,并在教学领域,它包括了大学本科水平(有时称为大专教育)和研究生(或研究生)级(有时称为研究生院) 。高等教育通常涉及建立一个学位程度或基础学位的工作。在大多数发达国家的人口(50%)高比例现在进入一些在他们的生活时间高等教育。因此,高等教育是非常重要的国家经济,既是一个重要的行业在它自己的权利,并作为培训和教育的人员为其他经济来源。 成人教育 另类教育 土著教育

到了英语毕业论文选题、开题的时节,选择什么样的毕业论文题目,是非常重要的,直接关系后续论文能不能顺利完成,完成质量如何,乃至能否顺利毕业。所以选择一个新颖又易于做研究的论文至关重要。英语论文的选题范围大致都可分为以下几个方面: 文学方面的选题,文学类的论文一般以英、美国等作家的作品为主,有些经典文学作品例如《傲慢与偏见》、《了不起的盖茨比》、《飘》、《喜福会》、《简爱》这些烂大街的作品就不推荐了,当然你如果有标新立异的角度,并且只求能够以及格分数毕业,当然也可以选择哦!推荐几个文学方向的选题:1、  不确定性的狂欢——《达芬奇密码》的后现代主义解读2、  从文学文体学角度浅析《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中的反奴斗争3、  存在主义视域下《霍乱时期的爱情》主题解读4、  对《愤怒的葡萄》中美国农民“美国梦”幻灭的解读5、  基于荣格原型理论对《基督山伯爵》中唐泰斯的人格转化6、  分析家庭伦理视域下《推销员之死》威利悲剧命运7、  分析论《外婆的日用家当》中黑人女性8、  对待传统文化的继承与反叛论《天使与魔鬼》的创作手法及伦理抉择9、论《Sh'khol 》中母亲身份危机与重建10、浅析阿加莎克里斯蒂《无人生还》中的文学创作技巧11、从汤亭亭和格洛丽亚•安扎杜尔自传小说看美国少数族裔如何冲破语言禁锢12、浅析《儿子与情人》中保罗的俄狄浦斯情结13、探究≪麦琪的礼物≫中蕴含的圣经文化14、论舍伍德安德森笔下的怪诞人物形象 ——以《小镇畸人》为例15、犹太文化角度下《只争朝夕》中父子关系的探析翻译方向:一般翻译方向建议使用理论分析1、功能对等翻译理论指导下化妆品说明书的汉译2、传播学视角下电影《冰雪奇缘》字幕翻译研究3、归化与异化视角下的电影字幕翻译——《贫民窟的百万富翁》为例4、接受美学视角下《暮光之城》字幕翻译的审美再现策略5、功能对等的视角下《红高粱家族》中方言的英译研究6、从归化与异化视角看阿瑟威利的《西游记》翻译7、从翻译美学的角度研究奢侈品广告汉译8、TED演讲字幕翻译中的遣词用字分析--以文化类主题为例9、等效原则视角下的英语习语的翻译策略10、翻译伦理视角下政府工作报告的英译11、从功能对等理论看英语硬新闻的汉译12、从功能对等理论研究法律文本中长难句英汉翻译的策略  教育教学方向:一般有理论研究和实践研究两种1、TPR教学法在小学英语教学中的实际使用情况 ——以XX学校为例2、词块理论在高中英语写作教学中的应用研究3、初中生英语写作中常见的错误分析及对策研究4、针对“00后”学生特点的初中英语个性化教学研究5、母语负迁移对高中英语写作教学的启示——以大同市实验中学为例6、学习者个体差异对初中生英语听力的影响——以壶关南洋中学为例7、农村小学英语教师信息化教学能力发展研究-以定阳小学为例8、语法翻译法和交际法在初中英语教学中的结合运用9、情感教学法在高中英语课堂上的应用10、任务型教学法在初中英语课堂上的应用文化方向:1、浅析不同文化背景下中美高等教育体制差异2、从清明节和万圣节的对比看中西方人的性格差异3、中美家庭教育的差异--以《士兵突击》和《阿甘正传》为例4、墓志铭中的中美价值观差异——以中美作家墓志铭为例5、跨文化视角下中美大学毕业典礼校长演讲的比较研究6、从重大突发事件的媒体报道看中美文化差异——以马航MH370坠机事件为例    7、基于双十一和网络星期一的中美网络购物节文化对比分析8、中美旅行网站的功能对比——以去哪儿网与E为例9、中英教育督导制度比较研究——以BBC纪录片《中国老师在英国》为例10、从“互联网+”营销策略看中美文化差异——以滴滴出行和优步为例


Study on the Child Image of the Catcher in the Rye From Linguistic Perspective 从语言的角度分析《麦田里的守望者》中的儿童形象A CHILD OF NATURE: ON EMILY DICKINSON'S NATURE COMPLEX 璞玉无暇,浑然天成:论艾米莉狄金森的自然情结A POLYPHONIC ANALYSIS OF THE SOUNF AND FURY “对位法”分析《喧哗与骚动》The Use of Zero Article Before Class Nouns 类名词前的零冠词用法解析An Analysis of Factors of Martin Eden's Suicide 导致马丁伊登自杀因素的分析Factors Affecting Marriage in Pride and Prejudice <<傲慢与偏见〉〉中影响婚姻的因素A Probe into Anti-slavery of Mark Twain--From the Perspective of Jim in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 探讨马克吐温的反奴隶制--对《哈克贝利芬历险记》中吉姆的分析The Use OF Body Language In English Teaching 肢体语言在英语教学中的应用Task-based Language Teaching and Its Application in China 任务教学法及其在中国的应用Various Circumstances That the Inversion Is Used Under and Comparison with Chinese 运用到状的多种情形及与汉语的比较Individual Factos Contributing to Gatsby's Tragedy 导致盖茨比悲剧产生的个人因素The Direct Method and Its Application in Juvenile English Teaching 直接教学法及其在少儿英语教学中的应用On Social Factora to the Failure of the Americam Dream——A Contrast between Gatsby and Willy Loman 论美国梦破灭的社会因素——盖茨比和威力洛曼的比较On the Psychological Development of Tom in The Grapes of Wrath论《愤怒的葡萄》中汤姆的心理变化Study on the Teaching of Culture 浅析文化教学Culture Conmflicts in English Teaching 英语教学中的文化冲突Cultural Differences of Chinese and English Color Words 中英颜色词的文化差异A Research of Rhetoric in Jane Eyre 关于《简爱》中修辞的研究On the Causes of Tess's Tragedy 论苔丝悲剧的原因On Symbolism and Portraiture in The Great Gatsby 论《了不起的盖茨比》中的象征主义和人物描写Multianalysis of "the Lost Generation" in The Sun Also Rises 透视《太阳照样升起》中的“迷惘的一代”On Robinson Crusoe's Character 鲁滨逊人物分析The Use of Symbolism in Scarlet Letter 论《红字》中象征手法的运用On the Writing Features Of The Cal l of the Wild 论《野性的呼唤》的写作手法Character Analysis of Santiago in The Old Man and The Sea 《老人与海》主人公——桑提亚哥形象分析Communicative Approach of English Teaching 英语教学之交际法On the Theme of For Whom the Bell Tolls 论《丧钟为谁而鸣》的主题思想How to Be a Good Guide in English Teaching in Middle School 怎样在中学教学中做好引导者

学术堂整理了9个英语教学毕业论文题目,并提供了写作思路的指导:  1、初中英语课堂教学的开放性探究  写作提示-写作思路:文章通过与自己多年的教学经验相结合,来谈谈中学英语课堂实践,研究中学英语课堂的开放性活动,为学生构建一个自主、自由、活跃的课堂生活。  2、浅析初中英语教学中学生主动性的培养  写作提示-写作思路:通过中学生学习的主体作用的发挥,可以让学生在学习的道路上取得事半功倍的学习效果。如何让它充分发挥?首先要建立协调、和谐、互补的师生关系,激发学生的主体意识,其次要尝试探尝试探究性教学,发展学生主体能力。  3、浅析初中英语学困生的成因及其转化策略  写作提示-写作思路:初中阶段是英语学习的重要时期,由于多方面原因,学生中途掉队的现象十分普遍。本文根据学困生的成因,针对性地提出了心理、学法、习惯等方面有效促进了学困生的转化。  4、浅谈打造初中英语有效课堂教学的策略  写作提示-写作思路:有效课堂就是课堂达到教师教得有效,学生学得有效,学生对知识的掌握和灵活运用达到有效,它真正实现了教学效益的最大化。教师教得不再那么累了,学生学得不再那么苦了,而学习效率却真正提高了。实施有效课堂让笔者更新了教学理念,转变了教育思想,提高了教学艺术水平。重新审视以前的教学工作,反思过去的教学行为,笔者深切感受到了有效课堂的优质效果。那么如何打造有效的课堂教学呢?笔者认为应从下面加个方面做起。  5、有声思维法在初中英语阅读教学中的优势及运用  写作提示-写作思路:一、前言根据克拉申(1985)所创立的二语习得输入假说理论可知,语言输入在二语或外语学习者的语言学习过程中占有极其重要的地位。对初中生而言,他们正处于英语学习的初级阶段,需要大量的英语语料的输入。输入方式有两种听力与阅读。刘润清(2002)为代表的北派观点主张中国英语教学应以“听说为本、读写并重”,而南派英语教学的代表董亚芬(2003)则主张“中国英语教学应始终以读写为本”。  6、提高我县初中英语教学质量的建议  写作提示-写作思路:黔西县是毕节试验区的东大门和贵阳市的后花园,享有“中国杜鹃花都” 的美誉,近年来,在县委、政府“科教兴县”战略的引领下,全县教育事业蒸蒸日上,特别是突破高中教育、义务教育均衡发展和中职教育方面取得长足的发展。但是,我县的教育发展中也凸显了许多亟待解决的问题。譬如,乡镇学校教师缺编问题严重,教育教学质量总体水平不高等。  7、情境教学法在初中英语语法教学中的运用  写作提示-写作思路:在英语教学过程中,英语语法的教学是一个很重要的部分,我们不能过分的强调语法的作用,又绝对不能忽视必要的语法学习。然而,长期以来,在传统的教学法的影响下,很多老师都是为了语法而教语法,学生往往学了语法而不知道怎么用。语法教学要改变过去满堂灌的现象,关键在于英语教师应具备语法教学交际化的意识和技巧,使语法在具体的语境中让学生得以体会,在实战中演练。  8、浅析农村初中英语课堂中的合作教学  写作提示-写作思路:在新课改背景下,教师应转变传统的“一言堂”的讲课方法,并要把主导者的身份转变成学生学习的引导者,逐渐使学生实现其学习的主体地位。为了适应这一转变,在农村初中英语课堂中,教师应适时搞好合作教学,使学生实现合作学习,从而最大限度地提高英语教学效率。  9、初中英语课外作业创新性设计探究  写作提示-写作思路:恰当的课后作业可以促进学生对所学知识的巩固,久而久之,会促使学生养成良好的学习习惯,强化英语学习观念。本文结合笔者的教学实践,从研究目前初中英语作业布置中存在的问题入手,探讨了改进初中英语作业布置的创新性策略。

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