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毕业论文,泛指专科毕业论文、本科毕业论文(学士学位毕业论文)、硕士研究生毕业论文(硕士学位论文)、博士研究生毕业论文(博士学位论文)等,即需要在学业完成前写作并提交的论文,是教学或科研活动的重要组成部分之一。其主要目的是培养学生综合运用所学知识和技能,理论联系实际,独立分析,解决实际问题的能力,使学生得到从事本专业工作和进行相关的基本训练。其主要目的是培养学生综合运用所学知识和技能,理论联系实际,独立分析,解决实际问题的能力,使学生得到从事本专业工作和进行相关的基本训练。毕业论文应反映出作者能够准确地掌握所学的专业基础知识,基本学会综合运用所学知识进行科学研究的方法,对所研究的题目有一定的心得体会,论文题目的范围不宜过宽,一般选择本学科某一重要问题的一个侧面。 毕业论文的基本教学要求是:1、培养学生综合运用、巩固与扩展所学的基础理论和专业知识,培养学生独立分析、解决实际问题能力、培养学生处理数据和信息的能力;2、培养学生正确的理论联系实际的工作作风,严肃认真的科学态度;3、培养学生进行社会调查研究;文献资料收集、阅读和整理、使用;提出论点、综合论证、总结写作等基本技能。毕业论文是毕业生总结性的独立作业,是学生运用在校学习的基本知识和基础理论,去分析、解决一两个实际问题的实践锻炼过程,也是学生在校学习期间学习成果的综合性总结,是整个教学活动中不可缺少的重要环节。撰写毕业论文对于培养学生初步的科学研究能力,提高其综合运用所学知识分析问题、解决问题能力有着重要意义。 毕业论文在进行编写的过程中,需要经过开题报告、论文编写、论文上交评定、论文答辩以及论文评分五个过程,其中开题报告是论文进行的最重要的一个过程,也是论文能否进行的一个重要指标。


包装 --- 包装设计具有时代性与民族性的文化特征包装设计具有时代性与民族性的文化特征 民族的形成要经过漫长与曲折的历史发展过程,在这一进程的不同阶段上,该民族文化会分别表现出不同的时代特征。只要我们承认包装设计文化的承接性和发展性,就有包装设计文化的时代性存在。这是因为包装设计文化首先是一个历史发展的过程,是该民族各个时代的设计文化的聚合与承接,是以该时代的现实的物质社会为基础,是传统设计文化的积淀和不断扬弃的统一、是历史性与现实性的统一。包装设计文化的时代性,主要反映在包装设计文化的精神和物质层面上。设计是紧随时代、重在观念的。在经济全球化、科技迅猛发展的今天,社会形态都已发生根本的改变,尤其是信息广泛传播,观念愈趋激烈,社会结构与价值观念、审美观念的多元化,人与人交往的频繁,社会及人要求的不断增加,工业文明的异化所带来的能源、环境和生态的危机,面对这一切我们是否能适应它、利用它,使包装设计成为时代的产物,成为当今设计师的重要任务。 包装设计的民族性,涉及到文化的传播问题。世界上每一个民族,由于不同自然条件和社会条件的制约,各自形成与其他民族不同的语言、习惯、道德、思维、价值和审美观念,因而也就必然形成与众不同的民族文化。包装设计的民族性主要表现在包装设计文化结构的观念层面上,它反映了整个民族的心理共性。不同的民族,不同的环境造成的不同的文化观念,直接或间接地表现在设计活动和作品中。如德国设计的科学性、逻辑性和严谨理性的造型风格,日本设计的新颖、灵巧、轻薄玲珑而有充满人情味的特点,意大利设计的优雅与浪漫情调等,这些无不诞生于不同民族的文化观念的氛围中。再如中国包装设计风格上平稳、圆满的寓意和形式上的完整性、对称性,也正是我国人民内向心理特征和中庸平和的社会意识的折射。 文化影响意识,意识决定观念,人们在不同文化的影响下,使自己的设计观念、思维方式和实践成果,都打上了民族性的烙印。 因此,包装设计的人类性寓于民族性之中,永恒性寓于时代性之中,普遍性富于特殊性之中,这便是辩证统一的包装设计文化观。


According to Lu Yu, writer of the book "Tea Classics" during the Tang Dynasty, Chinese tea has enjoyed a history of more than 4000 Tea was used as offerings in the West Zhou, vegetables in the Spring and Autumn period, and medicine in the Warring Later in the West Han dynasty, it became a major During the 300 years between the Three Kingdoms period and the Northern and Southern Dynasties, especially in the latter era, Buddhism was extremely The Buddhists applied tea to relieve sleep in Za-zen, so tea trees spread along valleys and around Buddhist That is why people say tea and Buddhism accompanied each other during their development in CTill the Tang Dynasty, tea became popular with the common In the Ming Dynasty, tea trade began to play an important role in the government's economic plans and the "Tea and Horse Bureau" was set up to supervise the tea In the 6th century, a Buddhist monk brought tea to Japan and in the 16th century a Portuguese missionary introduced tea to E It was then that tea truly became an international Presently in China, the tea family not only consists of traditional tea, but also tea beverage, tea food, tea medicine and other tea Tea ClassficationAlthough there are hundreds of varieties of Chinese tea, they can mainly be classified into five The classifications are determined by the method of processing the The five types are green tea, black tea, brick tea, scented tea, and Oolong With its natural fragrance, the oldest tea is green tea, which is very popular among many It is baked immediately after Green tea can be divided into many kinds, depending on the way that it is The most famous among the various green teas are Longjing (Dragon Well) Tea around the West Lake in Hangzhou, Huangshan Maofeng Tea from M Huangshan, Yinzhen (Silver Needle) Tea from M Junshan and Yunwu (Cloud and Mist) Tea from M LBlack tea is favored mainly among Different from green tea, black tea is a kind of fermented After the fermentation, its color changes from green to The most famous black teas in China are "Qi Hong" (which originated in Anhui), "Dian Hong" (originated in Yunnan), and "Ying Hong" (originated in Guangdong)Oolong tea, which combines the freshness of green tea and the fragrance of black tea, has been becoming popular with more and more It is also popular for its medical benefits, including assisting the body building process and in Fujian, Guangdong and Taiwan are the major producers of this kind of Oolong tea grows on Harvesting this type of tea is very difficult, which makes it the most Scented tea, popular in Northern China, is a mixture of green tea with flower petals of rose, jasmine, orchid and plum, which is combined through an elaborate Among this type of tea, jasmine is the most Brick, or compressed, tea, is usually pressed into brick shape, and is mainly produced in Hunan, Hubei, Sichuan, Yunnan and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous R Brick tea is made from black or green tea and is pressed into blocks, which makes it easier to This kind of tea is popular with the ethnic minority people in border The most famous brick tea is "Pu'er Tea" made in Yunnan There are also other kinds of Among them, white tea is special and is not very familiar to most Just as its name suggests, this kind of tea is as white as It is mainly produced in Zhenhe and Fuding in Fujian Province, but popular in Southeast A Famous varieties include "Silver Needle" and "White Peony"

现代包装设计要强调环境的保护、资源的再利用 ,突出人性化 ,以人为本。在现代商品的包装设计中 ,包装色彩的人性化在各个方面得到了体现 ,包装的可靠性和方便性在结构上得以实现 ,而人性化理念在包装材料上表现的更加突出。本文通过对人性化包装设计内涵、在产品包装中的体现以及实现人性化包装设计的途径的研究,指出产品包装设计中要赋予更多人性的、情感的、审美的内涵,体现出人性的关怀,建立一种人与产品、人与环境和谐统一的关系。The modern packaging design is supposed to emphasize the protection of the environment and the recycling of the resources while highlighting the humanity and caring for In the modern design of packaging goods, the humanity of packaging colors are reflected in every aspect, the reliability and convenience of packaging are reflected in the structure and the concept of humanity is better reflected in the packaging This paper, based on the research of the connotation of human-oriented packaging design, its reflection in the product packaging and the approach to human-oriented packaging design, points out that the design of the product packaging should be endowed with more human, emotional and aesthetic meanings, should reflect the concern of humanity and establish the harmonious relationship between people and products and between people and the





以茶商为例,经营外销茶的徽州茶商为了确保商品的质量,从毛茶的收购、茶叶加工,到最后的成品包装,都十分下功夫。茶商在收购茶农的毛茶时十分看重质量,收购的毛茶要细嫩、紧结,碰到死茶、烂茶、断折、红蒂等现象较多的毛茶即拒绝收购。 /html/china/20090510/75771_html

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