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曾经有评选将婺源选为“中国最美古城镇”。这个位于江西东北部的小城,并不是一个严格意义上的江西城市,在其1200多年的建成史上,绝大部分时间是归属安徽省黄山市(原徽州)管辖的。直至近代以来,婺源才在行政上划归江西。于是,在这里,让人沉醉的不仅仅是美丽的乡村景色,还有浓郁的古徽州文化气息。 婺源原属于古徽州一府六县之一,地处徽赣两省交界的低山丘陵地段,县城位于安乐河的上游,东临浙江,北接安徽,境内生态优美,物产丰富。婺源有中国最美乡村的美誉,拥有诗情画意般的山水风情和田园风光。“半亩方塘一鉴开,天光云影共徘徊。问渠哪得清如许,为有源头活水来。”这首朱熹的名为《活水亭观书有感》的诗,描写的便是他的故乡婺源的田园景色。当我们走入婺源,穿梭在古徽州的村落间,会发现这里的田间地头、建筑河流,都仿佛水墨古画一般。除县城以外,婺源周边的景色也都极有价值。如钟灵毓秀的千年古镇江湾,山水环绕,风水极佳;以原生态山水风光见长的大鄣山卧龙谷,和集自然与人文景观为一体的灵岩、彩虹桥风景区,也都是不可不去之处。 在春天这个最适合婺源旅游的季节里,漫山的红杜鹃,满坡的绿茶,金黄的油菜花,加上白墙黛瓦,五种颜色,和谐搭配,构成了一幅完美的山水景观图,犹如人在画中,画在景中。 除了山水风景,婺源的徽派文化特色也引人入胜。从李坑的小桥流水,到晓起的粉墙黛瓦,从俞氏宗祠里那些美轮美奂的木雕,到沱川理坑明清官邸那长满青苔的旧瓦。老房子渗透着的点点滴滴,让人回味,使人陶醉。 民居是徽派建筑的重要组成部分。在婺源的很多村子里,都有保存完好的明清古民居,其中更有“大夫第”、“尚书第”这样的豪宅大院,昭示着我们那个时期婺源作为古徽州的一部分,居民们对文化和仕途的重视。这里自宋至清,出进士552人,历朝仕宦2665人,著作3100多部,其中172部入选《四库全书》。婺源博物馆有馆藏文物万余件,有“中国县级第一馆”之誉;傩舞、茶道、抬阁等民间文化艺术绚丽多彩;历代名人遗迹和明清徽派古建遍布乡野。其景色之秀美,意境之悠远,不亚于相隔不远的宏村西递。毕竟,它们都属于一个根下的古徽州六县。 婺源的景色适合于一年四季,当以春季为最佳。来到这里,不仅可以饱览婺源景观,距其不远的庐山、黄山、鄱阳湖等景区,也都是华夏大地上的旅游精品之地。散落在徽赣交汇之地的明珠婺源,无愧于中国最美的古城镇。

[1] 戴凡 旅游持续发展行动战略[J]旅游学刊, 1994, (04) [2] 田道勇 浅谈旅游可持续发展[J]人文地理, 1996, (02) [1] 马钊 泰安城市生态旅游可持续发展评价研究[D]山东农业大学, 2010 [2] 杨晓瑜 我国旅游服务贸易中的入境旅游发展策略研究[D]湖南大学, 2001 [3] 徐柯健 四川海螺沟冰川公园旅游资源特色及可持续发展对策研究[D]成都理工大学, 2002 [4] 李娴 四川省甘孜藏族自治州八美生态旅游区旅游产品深度开发探讨[D]成都理工大学, 2004 [5] 李雄华 可持续旅游资源保护制度体系建设的研究[D]中南林学院, 2003 [6] 吴书光 旅游资源可持续利用综合评价研究[D]山东师范大学, 2005 [7] 李建华 基于生态承载力的森林旅游资源可持续经营研究[D]中南林业科技大学, 2006 [8] 潘夏宁 我国世界遗产地旅游可持续发展分析与评价[D]广西大学, 2006 [9] 王震 山东省海洋旅游业可持续发展系统分析与评价[D]中国海洋大学, 2006 [10] 吴永红 基于景观生态学的风景区保护性规划[D]兰州大学, 2007



[1] 戴凡 旅游持续发展行动战略[J]旅游学刊, 1994, (04) [2] 田道勇 浅谈旅游可持续发展[J]人文地理, 1996, (02) [1] 马钊 泰安城市生态旅游可持续发展评价研究[D]山东农业大学, 2010 [2] 杨晓瑜 我国旅游服务贸易中的入境旅游发展策略研究[D]湖南大学, 2001 [3] 徐柯健 四川海螺沟冰川公园旅游资源特色及可持续发展对策研究[D]成都理工大学, 2002 [4] 李娴 四川省甘孜藏族自治州八美生态旅游区旅游产品深度开发探讨[D]成都理工大学, 2004 [5] 李雄华 可持续旅游资源保护制度体系建设的研究[D]中南林学院, 2003 [6] 吴书光 旅游资源可持续利用综合评价研究[D]山东师范大学, 2005 [7] 李建华 基于生态承载力的森林旅游资源可持续经营研究[D]中南林业科技大学, 2006 [8] 潘夏宁 我国世界遗产地旅游可持续发展分析与评价[D]广西大学, 2006 [9] 王震 山东省海洋旅游业可持续发展系统分析与评价[D]中国海洋大学, 2006 [10] 吴永红 基于景观生态学的风景区保护性规划[D]兰州大学, 2007


[1] 王琳 从旅游产品的特点看青岛旅游产品的开发策略[J] 科技信息(学术研究), 2007,(01) [2] 孙梅 奥帆基地:青岛旅游新坐标[J] 招商周刊, 2006,(16) [3] 李鹭 抓住奥运契机 推动青岛旅游新发展[J] 现代商贸工业, 2007,(07) [4] 行怀勇 青岛市旅游经济优劣分析与对策[J] 商场现代化, 2008,(09) [5] 董玉明 海洋文化与青岛旅游开发[J] 海岸工程, 2002,(01) [6] 刘成顺 青岛旅游:统计有水 市场少鱼[J] 招商周刊, 2006,(21) [7] 孙玉敏 建言青岛旅游[J] 招商周刊, 2003,(14) [8] 陈娟 2008年奥运会与青岛旅游宣传策略[J] 求实, 2004,(S3) [9] 李恒光 认清产业定位,抓住契机,推进青岛旅游经济发展[J] 青岛职业技术学院学报, 2004,(04) [10] 野世箴 青岛旅游资源和发展旅游业浅见[J] 青岛职业技术学院学报, 1993,(Z1) [1] 马波, 张瑞清 对青岛旅游名牌战略的理论思考[J] 东方论坛, 1997,(03) [2] 孙玲 谁影响了2007青岛旅游?[J] 半岛新生活, 2008,(02) [3] 野世箴 青岛旅游资源和发展旅游业浅见[J] 青岛职业技术学院学报, 1993,(Z1) [4] 王瑛 青岛会展旅游发展分析[J] 甘肃高师学报, 2006,(03) [5] 钱光明 不只为“齐读”叫好[J] 教育文汇, 2008,(05) [6] 张广海, 刘佳 青岛海洋旅游资源开发整合研究[J] 中国海洋大学学报(社会科学版), 2006,(01) [7] 孙宏霞 构筑琅琊文化特色促进青岛旅游可持续发展[J] 青岛大学师范学院学报, 2004,(02) [8] 田旺军, 赵迁远 青岛市文博旅游资源分析及其开发思路[J] 青岛职业技术学院学报, 2006,(02) [9] 奥帆赛让青岛更美丽[J] 城色, 2008,(06) [10] 辛志娟, Tim T 旅游景区英译亟待规范——以青岛旅游景区翻译为例[J] 青岛职业技术学院学报, 2006,(02)


[7] 王雪梅,蔡柳莹 大连城市文化优势分析[J] 安阳工学院学报, 2009,(01) 中国期刊全文数据库 共找到 10 条[1]罗金华 基于生态伦理的森林旅游产品开发模式[J] 长春师范学院学报(自然科学版), 2008,(08) [2]郑岩,李昕 科学发展观视角下大连乡村旅游发展研究[J] 大连民族学院学报, 2006,(04) [3]郑瑞 贵州旅游业可持续发展的若干思考[J] 大众科技, 2008,(06) [4]徐小波,张旗 公共资源类旅游区泛商品化经营探析[J] 北京第二外国语学院学报, 2007,(03) [5]桑林,贺春健 我国政府主导型旅游发展战略论析[J] 经济视角(下), 2009,(02) [6]魏震铭,李昕 辽宁工业城市旅游发展潜力研究[J] 辽宁师范大学学报(社会科学版), 2008,(04) [7]丁彦,管珊珊 浅谈我国旅游服务贸易[J] 经济视角(上), 2009,(12) [8]罗金华 三明区域旅游规划空间布局方法研究[J] 三明学院学报, 2007,(03) [9]李昕,郑岩 新农村建设中乡村旅游发展路径探索[J] 学术交流, 2007,(04) [10]丁玉平 开发乡村旅游促进新农村建设的对策研究[J] 中国商贸, 2009,(07)

Go a long learning, tourism itself is a cultural Travel all the tourists, are the motives which have temporarily left the familiar surroundings, but are not familiar with or are not familiar with the environment to find a new experience to enrich their However, the purpose of tourism projects and determine its cultural content, so in addition to conventional tourism, there are many special purpose to meet the tourist activities, such as: Poetry tourism, history, Galapagos travel, calligraphy learning tourism, go to exchange travel, celebrity find footprints of tourism, national customs and the many types of tourism can be described as -----,, culture, wine tourism activities such title for the Culture and Tourism, in fact, this title is not scientific, it should be said ** special cultural Characterized by a clear knowledge of the purpose of tourism destinations through a professional learning, the study found that the status quo of the profession, the value of the development and application of knowledge and so on, making participation in such tourism activities in this special areas have more information in order to better施展才干, improve skills, make a Appreciation of cultural tourism to exotic remote refers to traditional culture, celebrity culture to trace the trail left behind, or to participate in local cultural activities organized for the purpose of Enjoy the pursuit of cultural tourists has now become a Su-referred to as the "music capital" of Vienna, with the remains of many famous musicians famous European cultural Prague, Venice, Paris Louvre, the Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes were also concerts, film festivals or art treasure-house of culture as a world-famous tourist In the form of a variety of cultural tourism in order to experience the disappearance but has remained in people's memory of certain lifestyle tone for the theme of cultural tourism, is a popular topic in today's tour is one of the If located in the James River and York city Hejian Williamsburg United States, due to the preservation of the integrity of the British colonial rule in the 18th century character of the towns, so that visitors seemed to turn the clock back more than 200 years of time, thereby becoming America's most important historic sites One of: Ancient City in Asia Thailand, Hong Kong and Beijing Grand View Garden Sung Dynasty Village also to simulate the ancient way of life as a cultural tourist Neither is a cultural tourism products, tourism and culture very different from those of the so-called cultural tourism, the key lies in culture, tourism is just the Culture and Tourism of "culture" should be interpreted as the effectiveness of travel and tourism by the qualitative Therefore, The definition of cultural tourism: perception through tourism to achieve, understand, understand the human culture of the purpose of the specific content of the course of Cultural tourism, is only in recent years and a popular term, it appears tourists are closely related to changes in Therefore, its current definition of the more popular is "human resources for those who travel the main contents of activities, including historical sites, architectural, ethnic and folk arts, religion and so " Culture and Tourism said that there is a special tourism, is a political, economic, education, science and technology mean that one of the largest To sum up, cultural tourism is to tour operators to create ornamental objects and entertainment content for the consumer, so that tourists get rich cultural connotation and depth of experience involved in tourism a collection of tourist China Culture and Tourism can be divided into the following four dimensions, that is, artifacts, Records of the Historian, sites, ancient buildings, such as history and culture represented by layer; to modern culture, art and technical achievements represented by modern cultural layer; practices in daily lives of the residents , festivals, worship, weddings, sports and clothing apparel, such as folk culture, represented by layer; to interpersonal communication as a moral and ethical representation of the cultural In China, the development of tourism, cultural tourism is very important, not only can enhance the attractiveness of products to enhance economic efficiency, but also vigorously carry forward the Chinese culture, let the world understand China, but also to change more and more Chinese people do not understand Chinese culture and the The core of cultural tourism: creative Clarity of the concept of cultural tourism, the "creative" is the core of cultural tourism would be a matter of Is to seek the essence of creative features and differences, consistent with the nature of General tourism, mainly from the point of view of resources to find the differences and characteristics, regardless of the excavation process to consider the relationship between market demand and competition, the focus is still not out of Cultural tourism is to some extent from the shackles of resources, it can be a combination of factors, including resources, environment, markets, social background and many other aspects of creation, that is From the creative and cultural tourism will be the loss of In fact, with the development of society, the creative industries has been the rise around the Which the United Kingdom, the United States, Japan, Korea and other countries is more typical, personally by the Government to promote the creative Creative industries, involving a wide range of areas, including broadcasting, film, literature and art, journalism, publishing, printing, and many other aspects of architectural More closely with the Culture and Tourism of the creative industries, such as performing arts and entertainment, civil handicraft production and marketing, convention and exhibition, cultural festivals and so In this way, cultural tourism and creative industries are in fact covered in the Also known as the creative industries, cultural and creative industries or cultural Cultural industries and tourism industry in the perspective of different names, it is not generally talk about the differences and links between the However, cultural tourism can be included in the scope of cultural industries, the reasons one is that they at the core with innovative; Second concept is that they are from the point of view of the operator Cultural industries derived from the creativity and the creativity, innovation as the driving force is also the case with cultural

序号 题名 来源 年期 来源数据库  1 西安旅游业发展中存在的问题及对策分析 Business China 2010/02  2 西安在“关中—天水经济区”旅游业率先发展的思考 Modern Enterprise 2010/04  3 A RESEARCH ON INNOVATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE TOURISM INDUSTRY IN XI' AN FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF COMMUNICATION STUDIES Human Geography 2010/04  4 旅游业可持续发展下西安古城文化的传承研究 China Business & Trade 2010/26  5 Research on Great-leap-forward Develepment Strategic Position of Xi'an Tourism Journal of Guilin Institute of Tourism 2007/01  6 On highway traffic and tourism development in Xi'an Shanxi Architecture 2007/10  7 大力发展西安体育旅游业的探索 Market Modernization 2007/21  8 Net Culture and Development of Tourism in Xian Journal of Anhui Agricultural University(Social Science Edition) 2007/04  9 A Tentative Study on the Orientation and Development of Tourism of Xi'an Tangdu Journal 2006/04 中国期刊全文数据库  应提升西安旅游业的文化品味 Chinese Culture 2003/03 中国期刊全文数据库  12 Influence and countermeasure of xi'an tourism after enter WTO Journal of Shaanxi Administration School and Shaanxi Economic Management School 2003/03 中国期刊全文数据库  13 西安旅游业——带动经济发展的主导产业 Outlook 2002/11 中国期刊全文数据库  14 The travel trade of Xi'an speed up fair contract to melt manage the pressingness Journal of Shaanxi Administration School and Shaanxi Economic Management School 2002/02 中国期刊全文数据库  15 On Advantage Shift in Xi, an ' s Tourist Industry Journal of Xi'an Petrdleum Institute(Social Sciences Edition) 2002/02 中国期刊全文数据库  16 以国际旅游城市为目标 加快西安旅游业发展步伐 Ningbo Newsreport 2002/01 中国期刊全文数据库  17 Problems and Their Solutions in Sustainable Tourism Development in Xi'an Journal of Xi'an United University 2001/02 中国期刊全文数据库  18 Study on the development of Xi'an urban tourism Journal of Northwestern Institute of Architectural Engineering 2001/04 中国期刊全文数据库  19 以高新技术产业和旅游业为主导产业带动西安经济发展 CHINA SOFT SCIENCE 1999/07 中国期刊全文数据库  20 西安旅游业组成“联合舰队” The World of Economy and Trade 1999/04 中国期刊全文数据库


[1] 戴凡 旅游持续发展行动战略[J]旅游学刊, 1994, (04) [2] 田道勇 浅谈旅游可持续发展[J]人文地理, 1996, (02) [1] 马钊 泰安城市生态旅游可持续发展评价研究[D]山东农业大学, 2010 [2] 杨晓瑜 我国旅游服务贸易中的入境旅游发展策略研究[D]湖南大学, 2001 [3] 徐柯健 四川海螺沟冰川公园旅游资源特色及可持续发展对策研究[D]成都理工大学, 2002 [4] 李娴 四川省甘孜藏族自治州八美生态旅游区旅游产品深度开发探讨[D]成都理工大学, 2004 [5] 李雄华 可持续旅游资源保护制度体系建设的研究[D]中南林学院, 2003 [6] 吴书光 旅游资源可持续利用综合评价研究[D]山东师范大学, 2005 [7] 李建华 基于生态承载力的森林旅游资源可持续经营研究[D]中南林业科技大学, 2006 [8] 潘夏宁 我国世界遗产地旅游可持续发展分析与评价[D]广西大学, 2006 [9] 王震 山东省海洋旅游业可持续发展系统分析与评价[D]中国海洋大学, 2006 [10] 吴永红 基于景观生态学的风景区保护性规划[D]兰州大学, 2007

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