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参考文献格式:【1】张坤 机器人柔性手腕的球面齿轮设计研究 清华大学学报(仅供参考,有的时候得根据学校的具体要求来写)

你到学校图书馆或院系资料室查一下 就可以了或者到 中国期刊网 中国知网 这样的学术期刊类网站上查找一下你是新生,建议你多看到图书馆或资料室看看专业学术期刊,并且准备一个专门的笔记本,把比较好的期刊的投稿方式或投稿要求等都记录下来,对你以后发文章很有好处问问导师或师兄师姐怎么发文章,或者写写文章,自己投投,你就会很清楚了提醒一下,一般情况下,很多研究生楼下会有好些发文章的广告之类的,不要往那里投稿,那些好些都是学生代理做的,为的是在中间收些中介费,都是要掏钱的,不要给他们,自己认真去投正规刊物,不要把自己辛苦写出来的成果都浪费掉了

[1] 期刊作者题名[J]刊名,出版年,卷(期):起止页码 注意标点符号英文+半角






你到学校图书馆或院系资料室查一下 就可以了或者到 中国期刊网 中国知网 这样的学术期刊类网站上查找一下你是新生,建议你多看到图书馆或资料室看看专业学术期刊,并且准备一个专门的笔记本,把比较好的期刊的投稿方式或投稿要求等都记录下来,对你以后发文章很有好处问问导师或师兄师姐怎么发文章,或者写写文章,自己投投,你就会很清楚了提醒一下,一般情况下,很多研究生楼下会有好些发文章的广告之类的,不要往那里投稿,那些好些都是学生代理做的,为的是在中间收些中介费,都是要掏钱的,不要给他们,自己认真去投正规刊物,不要把自己辛苦写出来的成果都浪费掉了


不知道你是想问哪一个方向的问题?职称讠仑文发表和其他地方比较也是大同小异,因为每个地方的要求都会不点不一样,一般都是在字符数、发表期刊的级上,至于职称讠仑文格式什么的都是差不多的,当然内容的话肯定是和自己的工作是相关的,因为你是评职称呀!先了解一下期刊的要求,以及自己写的文章是什么类型的。选择适合自己文章的期刊,科学技术报告是描述一项科学技术研究的结果或进展或一项技术研制试验和评价的结果;或是讠仑述某项科学技术问题, 壹 品 尤 刊 能 够 下载相关的文献,因为期刊不同,其参考文献格式也不一样


2010年教育技术学会信息技术教育专业委员会会议论文及摘要格式模板要求 论文题目(中文用三号黑体,英文用四号Times New Roman) 作者,作者*(小四号楷体,居中,拟作报告者在作者名下添加下划线) (学校专业,邮编,通讯作者邮箱)(5号宋体/Times New Roman,居中) 摘要摘要摘要摘要 本文是2010年教育技术学会信息技术教育专业委员会会议中文论文模板,论文中相关格式(页面、版心、字体、字号等)已在本文中进行了定义,只需修改内容即可。本模板用word 2003制作。(小五号宋体;英文论文的字号要求除题目外,和中文的要求相同,字体用Times New Roman,下同) 关键词关键词关键词关键词 信息技术教育专业委员会会议,论文模板, 2010年(小五号宋体)




教育核心期刊有很多,现在我来汇总一下教育方面可以发表的核心期刊有哪些。北大核心《教育与职业》 《科技通报》 《河北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 《商业经济研究》 《人民论坛》 《广西师范大学学报(哲学社会科版)》《财会通讯》 《学术探索》 《云南大学学报(社会科学版》Cssci双核心《外语学刊》 《出版广角》 《文艺争鸣》《人民论坛》 《法学论坛》 《理论探索》《学术月刊》 《经济纵横》 《心理发展与教育》《高等教育研究》 《教育发展研究》 《北京体育学院学报》《湖南大学学报》(社会科学版) 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》





Differences between Chinese and Western Education SystemMost Chinese parents like to ask, “How old should be the best age for children to study overseas?” “Is the foundational education as good as China in other countries?” As the matter of fact, the argument about advantages and disadvantages between Chinese Education and Western Education is keeping on all the This question is also one major concern among those students who are considering going In order to find out the most suitable way for each individual, we shall gather more information and compare both matters in China and foreign The basic issue of education is what kind of people we want to cultivate to be, and how to cultivate The concept of value, purpose of education and method of education between Chinese Education System and Western Education System are differentiated in many academic Let’s have a look at this with 2 cases:Darin Yokel is an art teacher from one primary school in Cincinnati, America; she is also a current student of Miami U To be as one of the exchange teacher with Chinese, she came to Kunming, Yunan to have an academic Her objective is split into 3 parts, teaching Chinese students, communicating with Chinese teachers and independent In Kunming, Darin found out that the painting skills of Chinese students are very One day, she gave out one topic which is called “happy festival” to her students, but all the students were drawing the same Christmas At first she thought that Chinese students are friendly so when they met a western teacher, they drew the Christmas tree for But later she found that every Christmas tree those children drown are with the same She looked closer, discovered that all the students were looking toward the same direction where one of the classroom Then she realized that there was one Christmas tree painting on the wall which prepared by the school as the purpose of creating a suitable painting atmosphere for Darin covered the painting on the wall and asked the students to create their own picture, to her surprise; she was so disappointed that once she covered the wall painting, the students could not draw a “happy festival” Some students were scratching the head, some biting the pencil, some staring at each other, but no one knew how to start their With the intention of solving the embarrassment, Darin has to open the cover of wall There is another case far in America: one professor mentioned in his article that his son did research when he was in primary school form One day he came back from school and asked father to go to library, he said he is doing one research on whales so need to go and find The professor took his son to two libraries and borrowed more than ten books about The little boy had finished his first research in his whole life on the topic of It contained 3 pages and one cover with a picture of whale and There were 4 tittles inside the report: introduction, what do whales eat, how whales eat and the features of The professor said that this is the shortest and simplest research he has ever seen in his life; however this is the most interesting research he has ever read as The main concern here is not how much knowledge of whale the boy has learnt, but the process of doing the He concentrated so hard to gather information, read articles, identify points, write essay and so He was doing individually and independently all through the He totally used his brain to carry out every step, thus he has achieved much more knowledge and skills beside only And this kind of research practice is continuous improving, when he was in Form Two, his research is only collecting other people’s But when he reached

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