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(22)The cake is made quit 这蛋糕做起来很简单。 (23)The teacher explained the text 老师简单地解释了一下课文。 3.They also make sure that readers can relate to the 他们还要确保这些报道内容和读者的生活是密切相关的。 ▲make sure意为“确保”“弄清楚”,后接介词短语、不定式或从句。如: (1)Have you made sure of the time of the train? 火车开车的时间你搞清楚了吗? (2)He arrived at the cinema early to make sure of a 为保证搞到座位,他一大早就到了电影院。 (3)I only come to make sure that everything was all 我只是来弄清楚是否一切都没有问题。 (4)We made sure you were not coming 我们确信你今天不来了。 【注】请注意make sure, be sure, for sure的区别:be sure后接不定式时,意为“一定”“必定”“准会”,若跟of或about或从句,作“肯定”“有把握”解释;to be sure作插入语时,意为“的确”“诚然”。如: (5)Be sure to write and tell me all the 一定要写信告诉我所有的消息。 (6)She is sure to find out the truth 她今晚一定会把真相搞清楚。 (7)She is not pretty, to be sure, but she is very 她的确不漂亮,但是她很聪明。 (8)I’m not quite sure of his telephone 我不大清楚他的电话号码。 ▲for sure 意为“肯定地”“毫无疑问地”。如: (9)I don’t know it for 这事我不敢肯定。 (10)I don’t know for sure that he was 我确实不知道他已经去世了。 ▲relate to 意为“与……有关”“涉及”。如: (11)This paragraph relates to the Second World W 这一段是有关第二次世界大战的。 (12)She says she is related to the royal 她说她与皇室有亲戚关系。 (13)He has collected many proverbs and popular sayings that relate to the 他收集了许多有关天气的谚语和俗语。 (14)I do not understand how the different parts of machine relate to each 我不明白这个机器不同部件之间的关系。 (15)He had concern for nothing except what related to 他只关心有关自己的事。 ▲relate to还有“与……很好相处”“适应……”之意。如: (16)A good teacher is one who can relate to the students, not one who has a lot of 一个好老师是能够和学生相处融洽的人而不是博学的人。 (17)He is unable to relate to loud modern 他不能适应喧闹的现代音乐。 (18)Our monitor is best at relating to 我们班长最善于与人相处。 【注】relate的名词形式有relation和relative;前者意为“关系”“亲戚”,后者作“亲戚”“亲属”解释。如: (19)There is a relation between smoking and lung 抽烟和肺癌有关系。 (20)We have had business relations with our 我们和邻国有商业关系。 (21)There is some relation between wages and 工资和物价之间有一些联系。 (22)His wife is a near relation of 他的妻子是我的一个近亲。 (23)Is he a relative(relation) of yours? 他是你的亲戚吗? 4.从keep doing/done 看分词作宾语补足语 从上面这个句型我们可以看到,现在分词和过去分词都可以作宾语补足语,现在分词表示宾语正在进行的动作,而过去分词则表示已经完成的动作或存在的状态。请比较下列句子: (1)He kept me waiting for a long 他使我等了很久。 (2)I was very ill, but the medicine he gave me kept me 我病得很厉害,但是他给的药使我坚持下来了。 (3)Would you please keep the window closed? 请不要打开窗户,好吗? (4)I shall keep you informed of what goes on here while you are 在你离开期间,我会不断地把这里发生的事情告诉你的。 (5)The policemen warned the crooks to keep their mouths 警察警告歹徒们不要乱说。 【注】动词keep后还可以跟形容词、副词、介词短语作宾语补足语。如: (6)Can’t you keep these children quiet? 你不能让孩子们安静些吗? (7)The doctor kept me in bed for a 医生让我在床上躺了一星期。 (8)An apple a day keeps the doctor 一天一个苹果,不用医生管我。 (9)Keep an eye on my suitcase while I buy my 我去买票,请照管一下我的手提箱。 (10)I don’t like being kept in the dark about matters that affect me so 对于与我关系如此密切的事,我不愿被蒙在鼓里。 5.get to do get to do 表示“说服/使某人做某事”。如: (1)You’d better get him to see a 你最好说服他去看医生。 (2)I got him to help me when I moved the 我挪动家具时找他帮了忙。 (3)We could not get her to accept the 我们没能说服她接受帮助。 (4)After a long talk I got him to see my point of 经过长时间的交谈,我使他明白了我的观点。 (5)He could not be got to give his 不可能说服他赞同。 【注】请注意get to do 与get / doing的区别,后者意为“使……起来”。 (6)The lecture soon got us 演讲者很快就使我们思考起来。 (7)“I shall soon get the machine going,” said T 汤姆说:“我很快就会让机器运转起来。” (8)It’s up to me to get the four of us 我该让我们四个人行动起来。 【注】请注意get / doing与keep / doing的区别,后者意为“使/让某人反复不断地做某事或处于某种状态”。试比较下列句子: (9)You can’t keep the boy standing outside the 你不能让那孩子老是站在门外啊! (10)We have to get the students doing the 我们得让学生们把实验做起来。 (11)Keep the fire 让火燃着。 (12)“Who can get my watch going?” asked A 艾丽丝问:“谁能使我的手表转起来?” 6.Present作动词时的用法 ▲在本课中,present作“呈送”“提出”解释。如: (1)The bill be presented to Congress next 议案将在下周送交国会。 (2)The team is presenting is report to the board on T 小组准备在星期二把报告向委员会递交。 (3)You must present your passport to the customs 你必须把护照交给海关官员 (4)He has presented a complaint to the 他已向当局提出了不满意见。 ▲present作动词时,可作“介绍”“引见”解释,一般多用于正式场合。如: (5)Miss Green, may I present M Smith to you? 格林小姐,请允许我向你介绍史密斯先生好吗? (6)I had the honour of being presented to the Queen in 一九六四年,我有幸被引见给女王。 ▲present也可作“赠送”“给予”解释,通常用present to 或present with 来表示。如: (7)Professor Smith presented two books written by him to 史密斯教授把他写的两本书赠给我。 (8)He presented her with a bunch of 他送给了她一束花。 (9)M Black presents his best compliments to M and M B 布莱克先生向布朗夫妇致以最良好的问候。 ▲present亦可作“呈现”“描述”“出示”解释。如: (10)A sad picture was presented to our 我们眼前呈现出一片悲惨的景象。 (11)Clouds often present a problem to modern 云层经常给现代飞机带来麻烦。 (12)The work is now presented to the reader in an improved 现将这部经过修订的作品奉献给读者。 (13)The movie presents its characters in a way that I find difficult to believe 我部电影以一种我很难相信的方式描述人物。 ▲present还有“出席”“出现”之意,这时其后常跟反身代词作宾语。如: (14)At the appointed time, he presented himself at the 在指定时间他来到办公室。 (15)Soon a good opportunity presented 不久,好机会来了。 (16)When shall I present myself before my manager? 我什么时候去见经理? (17)He presented himself for college entrance examination last 去年他参加了高考。 ▲present还可以作形容词用,意为“在场的”“出席的”“现在的”。如: (18)How many people were present at the meeting yesterday? 昨天有多少人出席会议? (19)Usually I’d advise you to wait, but in the present situation, I think it’s best to act without 通常我会劝你等待,但在目前的形势下,我认为最好马上行动。 ▲present也用作名词,作可数名词用时,意为“礼物”,作不可数名词用时,意为“现在”。如: (20)One of my Japanese students gave me a beautiful fan as a 我的一个日本学生把一把漂亮的扇子送给我作为礼物。 (21)Children like the Chrismas presents under the tree very 孩子们非常喜欢圣诞树下的礼物。 (22)You have to stop worrying about the past and start thinking about the 你不要老是想过去的事,你要考虑现在。 (23)I’d like to make a present of the book to 我将把书送给你作为礼物。 动词reflect的用法 ▲reflect在本课中作“反映”解释,后面跟名词、代词或名词性从句。如: (1)Does this letter reflect how you really think? 这封信反映的是你的真实想法吗? (2)Her looks reflected the thoughts passing through her 她内心闪过的的念头表现在她的面容上。 (3)The article reflected public 这篇文章反映了公众意见。 (4)The stage usually reflects the customs of the 舞台表演通常反映出当时的风俗习惯。 ▲reflect还有“思索”“细想”之意。如: (5)Did you reflect what to do next? 你考虑过下一步怎么办吗? (6)He reflected for a while and decided not to 他想了一会儿,决定不去。 ▲reflect用作不及物动词时,后接介词on或upon,作“细想”“沉思”解释。如: (7)I have been reflecting on what you 我一直在想你说的话。 (8)He has to reflect on what to 他得考虑如何答复。 ▲ reflect on还有“怀疑”“责备”“对……有影响”之意。如: (9)I don’t want to reflect your 我不想怀疑你的诚实。 (10)What he did would reflect seriously upon his 他的所作所为对他的前途极为不利。 (11)Your bad behavior reflects on the good name of the 你的精野行为败坏了学校的声誉。 (12)The climate reflected on his 气候影响了他的健康。 ▲reflect的名词是reflection,意为“反映”;当作为“思考”“思索”解释时,也跟介词on或upon。如: (13)We looked at our reflections in the 我们看着我们在湖里的倒影。 (14)It was interesting to hear her reflections on the situation in the Middle E 听听她对中东问题的看法是很有趣的。 【注】reflection on意为“对……的看法”,on reflection是“思考一下”之意。请不要混淆。如: (15)At first, I thought her ideas were crazy, but on reflection, I realize there was some truth in what she 起先,我认为她的想法不可思议,但细想起来,我意识到她说的话有一些道理。 ure和truthful的用法 true意为“真的”“真实的”,是指与存在的事实相同,而不是想象的,其反义词是false;而truthful有“说真话的”“诚实的”之意。如: (1)Is it true that he has left London? 他离开了伦敦是真的吗? (2)It is a true 这是一个真实的故事。 (3)True love should last 真正的爱情是永恒的。 (4)“He is very hard-working,” “True, but I still don’t think he is the right man for the “他很勤奋。”“是的,但我仍认为他不是做这工作的合适人选。” (5)You must always be 你必须一直说真话。 (6)The truthful man returned the extra change to the 那个诚实的人把多找给他的钱还给了收银员。 【注】truthful除了表示“诚实的”“说真话的”之外,也可表示“真实的”,但这里所说的“真实的”是指“真实地叙述客观存在的情况”,着重于“叙述”即statement。而true表示的“真实的”着重于“与真实相同”,即based on facts。请阅读下面例句,体会其细微的差别。 (7)Babies need a lot of sleep and this is particularly true of the 婴儿需要很多睡眠,特别是新生儿更是如此。 (8)Alice is a truthful 艾丽丝是一个诚实的孩子。此句说明Alice不说谎(不能说Alice is a true )。 (9)The table is a true 这张桌子是一件真正的古董。 (10)The letters give us a truthful picture of prison 这些信真实地描绘了监狱生活。 9.Field的用法 ▲field此处指学术或活动的“范围”或“领域”,前面的介词要用in。如: (1)That is outside my 那不在我所学的范围内。 (2)People have done much research in many fields of 人们在许多科学领域做了很多研究工作。 (3)Many great discoveries have been made in the fields of 在科学领域里已有许多重大发现。 (4)This problem belongs to the field of medical 这是一个属于医学研究领域的的问题。 ▲field作为“田地”“牧场”解释时,其前的介词通常用in或into,不用on或to。如: (5)Don’t walk in the tomato 不要在西红柿地里走。 (6)If you go into the fields and turn over a few big stones, you may uncover a city of ant 如果你到地里去,翻开几块大石头,你可能会发现一窝蚂蚁。 ▲field作“运动场”或“战场”解释时,其前介词用on。如: (7)Tom is very active on the sports 汤姆在运动场上是很活跃的。 (8)Our soldiers are very brave on the battle 在战场上,我们的战士是很勇敢的。 adapt一词的用法 ▲adapt意为“使……适应”,为及物动词,后面常跟介词to,一般多用于adapt to 或adapt oneself to的结构,也可以用be adapted to结构。如: (1)When you go to a foreign country, you must adapt yourself to new manners and 去国外时,你必须适应新的风俗习惯。 (2)I don’t think I can ever adapt myself to this hot 我觉得我永远也不会适应这样酷热的气候。 (3)Have you ever adapted yourself to your new job? 你已经适应你的新工作了吗? (4)These plants are adapted to various climates, soils and other natural 这些植物能适应各种气候、土壤和其他自然条件。 ▲be adapted后也可以跟介词for。如: (5)She is not adapted for such 她适应不了这种工作。 (6)The cleaner is particularly well adapted for use in the 这种清洁器特别适合在家里使用。 ▲adapt还有“改写”“改编”“改装”之意。如: (7)This book is adapted for 这本书是为初学者改写的。 (8)We’ll have to adapt this building to our special 我们得把这座房子改建来适合我们的特殊需要。 (9)The boat was adapted for 这条船为适应滑水运动而进行了改装。 (10)The engineer adapted the engine to the 工程师对引擎加以改装用在了汽车上。 11.be addicted to be addicted to意为“对……成瘾”“对……人迷”。如: (1)We should pay special attention to those students who are addicted to computer 我们应该特别注意那些迷上了电脑游戏的学生。 (2)He is seriously addicted to 他烟瘾很大。 (3)The murderer who were arrested yesterday was addicted seriously to 昨天被捕的那个杀人犯吸毒成瘾。 (4)My aunt is addicted to TV soap 我姑妈沉溺于电视肥皂剧。 【注】addicted 是形容词,值得注意的是,它不能用于名词之前作前置定语,但可以作后置定语。如:kids addicted to computer 迷上电脑游戏的儿童。a man addicted to alcohol 一个喝酒成瘾的人。 12.动词ignore和与它同根的名词和形容词 动词ignore意为“不顾”“不理”“无视”“忽视”。如: (1)Alice saw Jack coming, but ignored 艾丽丝看见杰克走过来,但却故意不理他。 (2)The government ignored his 政府对他的忠告置之不理。 (3)These proposals tend to ignore some important 这些提议往往忽视一些重要事实。 (4)Either she didn’t see me wave or she deliberately ignored 要么是她没看见我招手,要么是她故意不理我。 【注】值得注意的是:ignore的形容词ignorant和名词ignorance意思和动词不同,意为“不知道”“无知”“愚昧”,后接介词about或of。请看下列例句: (5)They are ignorant of the recent changes 他们不了解这里最近的变化。 (6)His talk shows his ignorance of 他的谈话表现出他对电子学一无所知。 (7)The accident happened because he was ignorant of the safety 事故发生的原因是他不知道安全措施。 (8)The accident happened because he had ignored the safety 事故发生是因为他无视安全措施。 13.名词attention构成的词组 ▲attention意为“注意(力)”,是抽象名词,不可加-s。如: (1)His attention was attracted by a little 一个小女孩吸引了他的注意力。 (2)I must call your attention to this 我必须请你们注意这个问题。 (3)This caught our 这引起了我们的注意。 ▲attention常用在pay attention to这个结构中,还可以和其他一些动词,如draw, catch, get, attract, bring连用,attention前可以加形容词修饰。如: (4)You must pay close attention to his 你要密切地注意他的眼睛。 (5)So far no attention has been paid to this 迄今没有人注意这个问题。 (6)The little boy tried to attract the teacher’s 这小男孩想要引起老师的注意。 (7)The football players couldn’t go out in the street because they attracted too much 足球队员不能上街,因为他们太引人注意了。 (8)The article was intended to draw attention to the situation in C 这篇文章的意图是引起人们对柬埔寨形势的注意。 (9)The matter was first brought to my attention earlier this 这件事情最初是在今年早些时候引起我注意的。 (10)Children are often bad in order to get 孩子们经常很顽皮以引起注意。 14.lead to的用法 ▲lead to原意是“往”“引向”。如: (1)These passages lead to the rooms 这些走廊通向里面的房间。 (2)“Where does this road lead?” “It leads to the railway ” “这条路通向哪里?”“通向火车站。” ▲lead to可引申为“导致”“引起”。如: (3)What led you to this conclusion? 是什么使你得出这个结论的? (4)The bank has offered a reward for any information leading to the arrest of the 只要提供能抓住抢劫犯的信息,银行愿提供悬赏。 This is an investment that will lead to the creation of hundreds of new 这是一项能够创造数百个新岗位的投资。 【注】上述lead后的to是介词,若要表示“使得、导致某人做某事“,可用lead to do 的结构,即lead后用不定式作宾语作补足语。如: (6)What led you to think that? 什么导致你那样想? (7)The news led me to believe that they will 这消息促使我相信他们会来。 (8)His answer led me to make further 他的回答促使我进一步去调查。 (9)This same purpose led them to continually demand comments from 同一目的使得他们不断征求顾客的意见。 15.名词side前面介词的用法 请注意side的意思和用法,side可作“边”“面”“侧”解释,也可作“(敌对的)一方/派”解释,关于side前介词的选用选用问题有下面几点要加以注意: ▲表示“在街、路或河的两边”通常用on或at。如: (1)She saw a brook with red flowers and green grass on both 她看见一条小溪,两旁是红花绿草。 (2)New cities appeared on both sides of the Great W 在长城两旁出现了新兴的城市。 (3)In the past few years a lot of tall buildings have been put up on both sides of the 几年以来,街道两旁兴建了许多高楼。 (4)Trees are lined up on both sides of the 路两旁排列着树木。 (5)We saw colourful flage on both sides of the street and realized that National Day was 我们看到街道两旁飘扬着五颜六色的彩旗,就想到国庆节就要到了。 ▲表示“在街、路、河的这边、那边或另一边”通常也用on。如: (6)He lives on the other side of the 他住在河的另一边。 (7)On the other side of the street, there was a post 在街道的另一边,有一个邮局。 (8)He saw a shop not far away on his side of the 他看到就在路的这边不远处有一家商

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