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国外著名土木工程相关期刊列表(SCI/EI)国际重要学术期刊推荐表序号 国际重要学术期刊名称(SCI、EI检索源)1 Advances in Structural Engineering2 ACI Journal of Materials3 ACI Structural Journal4 Automation in Construction5 Buildings and Structures6 Canadian Geotechnical Journal ISSN: 0008-36747 Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering8 Computational Mechanics9 Computers and Structures10 Computers and Geotechnics ISSN: 0266-352X11 Cement and Concrete Research12 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering13 Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering14 Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics15 Earthquake Spectrum16 Engineering Geology17 Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements18 Engineering Structures19 Geotechnique ISSN:0016-850520 Ground Engineering21 Geotextiles and Geomembranes22 International Journal of Impact Engineering ISSN: 0734-743X23 International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics ISSN: 0363-906124 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering25 International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences ISSN: 1365-160926 International Journal of Solids and Structures27 International Journal of Steel Structures28 International Journal of Space Structures29 International Journal of the Geotechnical Structures30 Journal of Applied Mechanics, ASME31 Journal of Bridge Engineering , ASCE32 Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE33 Journal of Composites for Engineering, ASCE34 Journal of Constructional Steel Research35 Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE36 Journal of Geodynamics ISSN: 0264-370737 Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE ISSN: 1019-24138 Journal of Sound and Vibration39 Journal of Steel & Composite Structures40 Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE41 Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics Wind and Structures42 Journal of Construction and Management43 Preceding of Civil Engineering Bailing and Bridge Structures44 Reliability Engineering & System Safety ISSN: 0951-832045 Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering ISSN: 0723-263246 Shock and Vibration ISSN: 1070-962247 Soils and Foundations ISSN: 0038-080648 Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering49 Structural Engineers50 Structural Engineering and Mechanics51 The Structural Design of Tall Buildings52 Thin-walled Structures53 The Magazine of Concrete Research54 Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology55 Wind and Structures-An International Journal56 Finite Elements in Analysis and Design注:以上是否被SCI、EI检索期刊为准。  除以上学术期刊外,学科认为是国际重要学术期刊,且被SCI、EI检索,专家组可认定为国际重要学术期刊


《岩石力学与工程学报》和《岩土工程学报》均为EI收录期刊,但没有被SCI收录。Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (JRMGE) 和《岩石力学与工程学报》、《岩土力学》为中科院武汉岩土所三大期刊,而且JRMGE于2019年2月已经被SCI收录。

《岩土工程学报》主要栏目:论文、短文、讨论。主要刊登土力学和岩石力学领域中能代表我国理论和实践水平 的论文、报告、实录等等。


国外著名土木工程相关期刊列表(SCI/EI)国际重要学术期刊推荐表序号 国际重要学术期刊名称(SCI、EI检索源)1 Advances in Structural Engineering2 ACI Journal of Materials3 ACI Structural Journal4 Automation in Construction5 Buildings and Structures6 Canadian Geotechnical Journal ISSN: 0008-36747 Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering8 Computational Mechanics9 Computers and Structures10 Computers and Geotechnics ISSN: 0266-352X11 Cement and Concrete Research12 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering13 Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering14 Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics15 Earthquake Spectrum16 Engineering Geology17 Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements18 Engineering Structures19 Geotechnique ISSN:0016-850520 Ground Engineering21 Geotextiles and Geomembranes22 International Journal of Impact Engineering ISSN: 0734-743X23 International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics ISSN: 0363-906124 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering25 International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences ISSN: 1365-160926 International Journal of Solids and Structures27 International Journal of Steel Structures28 International Journal of Space Structures29 International Journal of the Geotechnical Structures30 Journal of Applied Mechanics, ASME31 Journal of Bridge Engineering , ASCE32 Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE33 Journal of Composites for Engineering, ASCE34 Journal of Constructional Steel Research35 Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE36 Journal of Geodynamics ISSN: 0264-370737 Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE ISSN: 1019-24138 Journal of Sound and Vibration39 Journal of Steel & Composite Structures40 Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE41 Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics Wind and Structures42 Journal of Construction and Management43 Preceding of Civil Engineering Bailing and Bridge Structures44 Reliability Engineering & System Safety ISSN: 0951-832045 Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering ISSN: 0723-263246 Shock and Vibration ISSN: 1070-962247 Soils and Foundations ISSN: 0038-080648 Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering49 Structural Engineers50 Structural Engineering and Mechanics51 The Structural Design of Tall Buildings52 Thin-walled Structures53 The Magazine of Concrete Research54 Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology55 Wind and Structures-An International Journal56 Finite Elements in Analysis and Design注:以上是否被SCI、EI检索期刊为准。  除以上学术期刊外,学科认为是国际重要学术期刊,且被SCI、EI检索,专家组可认定为国际重要学术期刊

国际学术兼职: 国际低平研究会会员兼学报: 副主编(Associate Editor)及特约审稿人(Reviewer) 美国土木学会岩土工程与环境学报: 审稿人(Reviewer) (ASCE Journal of Geotechnical & GeoE Engineering)加拿大岩土工程学报: 审稿人(Reviewer)(Canadian Geotechnical Journal)国际土工织物学报: 审稿人(Reviewer)(International Journal of Geotextile & Geomembrane)参编书籍,土木工程施工(下册)的第二编:同济大学大学出版社,2003,上海。Published Papers in SCI and Ei indexed JChen, JJ, Wang, JH, Shen, SL, and Zhou, HB(2004) Long-term settlement behaviour of multi-storey buildings on soft subsoil in Shanghai, Tentatively accepted by Lowland Technology International,Shen, SL, Chai, JC, and Hong, Z-S Analysis of field performance of embankments on soft clay deposit with and without PVD-improvement, Tentatively accepted by Geotextiles and Geomemberanes,Shen, SL, Han, J, and Hong, ZS (2005): “Installation effects on properties of surrounding clays by different deep mixing ” Accepted by Geofrontier 2005, ASCE Special Publications, (Ei)Chai, JC, Shen, SL, Zhu, HH, and Zhang, XL (2004) “Analysis of land subsidence due to groundwater drawdown in S” Accepted by Lowland Technology International,Shen, SL, Han, J, Zhu, HH, and Hong, ZS (2004) “A case study of dyke failure caused by pile driving in soft ” Accepted by Journal of the Performance of Constructed Facilities, ASCEShen, SL, Han, J, and Miura, N (2004) “Laboratory evaluation of mixing efficiency based on energy ” Journal of the Transportation Research Board, N1868, TRB, National Research Council, Washington, DC, 2004, 23-Shen, SL, Dai, YZ, Liu, JH, and Chai, JC (2004) “Construction of slurry shield tunnel under Huangpu River in S” Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 19(2004), 397-Shen, SL, Tohno, I, Nishigaki, M, and Miura, N (2004) “Land subsidence due to withdrawal of deep-” Lowland Technology International, IALT, V6, N1, 1-Chai, JC, Shen, S L, Zhu, HH, and Zhang, XL (2004) “Land subsidence due to groundwater drawdown in S” Geotechnique, ICE, UK, 54(2): 143-Shen, SL, Huang, XC, Du, SJ, and Han, J (2003) “Laboratory studies on property changes in surrounding clays due to installation of deep mixing columns,” Marine Georesources and Geotechnolog, V 21, N1, 15-Shen, SL, Miura, N, and Koga, H (2003) “Interaction mechanism between deep mixing column and surrounding clay during ” C G J, 40(2): 293-Chai, JC, Miura, N, and Shen, SL (2002) “Performance of embankments with and without reinforcement on soft ” Canadian Geotechnical Journal, V39, N4, 838-Chai, JC, Shen, S L, Miura, N and Bergado, DT (2001) “A simple method of modeling PVD improved subsoil,” Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, V 127, N 11, 965-Shen, S L, and Miura, N (1999), “Soil fracturing the surrounding clay during deep mixing column installation”, Soils and Foundations, JGS, 39(5): 13-



陈祖煜生于1943年2月。1960年在上海向明中学完成了高中学业,同年考入了清华大学,1966年毕业于清华大学水利系。毕业后,曾有十余年在水利水电的第一线从事地基处理和水库的设计、施工工作。在此期间曾荣获“北京市科技先进工作者”称号。1979年作为我国第一批访问学者赴加拿大Alberta大学进修,从师于著名的土力学专家Morgenstern教授。在两年的留学生活中,他旁听了土木系岩土专业的全部研究生课程,同时开展研究工作。1981年返回祖国,在中国水利水电科学研究院工作。 陈祖煜早期的工作是在理论和分析计算方法两个方面完善了边坡稳定分析领域中著名的Morgenstern-Price法。其主要贡献为对这一方法的数学力学表达和理论内涵做出了重要改进,给出了力和力矩平衡方程式的解析解,并根据剪应力成对原理提出了求解该方程所必需的边界条件。用严格的解析方法推导出土体力和力矩平衡微分方程式,并获得闭合解;推导了用牛顿法求解力和力矩平衡方程所需的各项导数的计算公式,解决了各种稳定分析严格方法长期未能解决的数值计算收敛困难的问题;提出对土条侧向力的假定必须满足的边界条件,以保证剪应力成对的原理不受破坏,以此全面改进了在边坡稳定分析领域中具有重要学术地位的Morgenstern-Price法。1983年,在Morgenstern-Price法发表以后的18年,一个以Chen和Morgenstern署名的新方法出现在加拿大岩土工程学报,这一新的完善的方法引起了国际土力学界的重视。并已于2003年纳入“碾压式土石坝设计规范”(SL272-2001)。 回国后,陈祖煜继续开展边坡稳定分析研究工作,在加拿大岩土工程学报上发表两篇论文,提出确定临界滑裂面的数值方法。在使用非直接搜索法即牛顿法进行最优化方法计算时,提出对海色矩阵负阵的迭代初值不同于常规方法的处理,解决了牛顿法在边坡分析中的收敛问题。第一次提出通过随机搜索和最优化方法结合的途径确定最小安全系数,有效地解决了在自由度较多的情况下无法找到整体极值的问题。 1998年,陈祖煜将改进后的Morgenstern-Price法推广到主动土压力领域,克服了传统的库仑主动土压力理论不适用于柔性支挡结构(如锚拉、支撑、悬臂墙)的缺点,实现了土力学创始人Terzaghi教授提出的通过引入力矩平衡条件建立统一的主动土压力分析方法的构想。论文发表于加拿大岩土工程学报。 二十一世纪初,陈祖煜的研究工作又实现了新的突破。他与他的合作者将上述从二维推广到三维。分别在加拿大岩土工程学报和国际岩石力学与采矿工程学报上发表了相应的研究成果。


相对来说 ,两者中《岩石力学与工程学报》更好一些哦, 但这个领域更好的是综合性的《岩石学报》,属于SCI收录。 应该是:《岩石力学与工程学报》属于EI收录Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering学报是中国岩石力学与工程学会主办的国内物理力学与工程类影响因子最高的国家矿业工程、建筑科学与水利工程类核心期刊;2006~今为月刊,为中文核心期刊,现被EI和国内外较多收录机构收录。本刊收录在: 中文核心期刊要目总览(2011年版) 提示: 排序:建筑科学类 - 第1位 《岩土工程学报》也属于EI收录是由中国科学技术协会主管,由中国水利学会、中国土木工程学会、中国力学学会、中国建筑学会、中国水力发电工程学会、中国振动工程学会六个全国性学会联合主办的学术性科技期刊。《岩土工程学报》创办于1979年,在江苏南京登记,由南京水利科学研究院承办《岩土工程学报》已是我国岩土工程领域中具有重要影响的学术期刊,是岩土工程理论和实践的重要论坛,是我国从事水利、建筑和交通事业的勘测、设计、施工、研究和教学人员发表学术观点、交流实践经验的重要园地。《岩土工程学报》为我国培养了一大批水利、建筑和交通事业战线上岩土工程学科的带头人,为我国的基础性工程设施建设事业,特别是水利工程建设事业做出了贡献。本刊收录在: 中文核心期刊要目总览(2011年版) 提示: 排序:建筑科学类 - 第2位



《岩石力学与工程学报》和《岩土工程学报》均为EI收录期刊,但没有被SCI收录。Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (JRMGE) 和《岩石力学与工程学报》、《岩土力学》为中科院武汉岩土所三大期刊,而且JRMGE于2019年2月已经被SCI收录。



《岩石力学与工程学报》和《岩土工程学报》均为EI收录期刊,但没有被SCI收录。Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (JRMGE) 和《岩石力学与工程学报》、《岩土力学》为中科院武汉岩土所三大期刊,而且JRMGE于2019年2月已经被SCI收录。


国外著名土木工程相关期刊列表(SCI/EI)国际重要学术期刊推荐表序号 国际重要学术期刊名称(SCI、EI检索源)1 Advances in Structural Engineering2 ACI Journal of Materials3 ACI Structural Journal4 Automation in Construction5 Buildings and Structures6 Canadian Geotechnical Journal ISSN: 0008-36747 Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering8 Computational Mechanics9 Computers and Structures10 Computers and Geotechnics ISSN: 0266-352X11 Cement and Concrete Research12 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering13 Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering14 Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics15 Earthquake Spectrum16 Engineering Geology17 Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements18 Engineering Structures19 Geotechnique ISSN:0016-850520 Ground Engineering21 Geotextiles and Geomembranes22 International Journal of Impact Engineering ISSN: 0734-743X23 International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics ISSN: 0363-906124 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering25 International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences ISSN: 1365-160926 International Journal of Solids and Structures27 International Journal of Steel Structures28 International Journal of Space Structures29 International Journal of the Geotechnical Structures30 Journal of Applied Mechanics, ASME31 Journal of Bridge Engineering , ASCE32 Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE33 Journal of Composites for Engineering, ASCE34 Journal of Constructional Steel Research35 Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE36 Journal of Geodynamics ISSN: 0264-370737 Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE ISSN: 1019-24138 Journal of Sound and Vibration39 Journal of Steel & Composite Structures40 Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE41 Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics Wind and Structures42 Journal of Construction and Management43 Preceding of Civil Engineering Bailing and Bridge Structures44 Reliability Engineering & System Safety ISSN: 0951-832045 Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering ISSN: 0723-263246 Shock and Vibration ISSN: 1070-962247 Soils and Foundations ISSN: 0038-080648 Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering49 Structural Engineers50 Structural Engineering and Mechanics51 The Structural Design of Tall Buildings52 Thin-walled Structures53 The Magazine of Concrete Research54 Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology55 Wind and Structures-An International Journal56 Finite Elements in Analysis and Design注:以上是否被SCI、EI检索期刊为准。  除以上学术期刊外,学科认为是国际重要学术期刊,且被SCI、EI检索,专家组可认定为国际重要学术期刊

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