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Robotics education in the university* Rafael M Inigo and Jose M Angulo School of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia 22901, USAD de Informatica, Universidad de Deusto, Bilbao, Spain Available online 28 October The importance of automation and robotics in modern factories has required the introduction of courses on these subjects at the graduate and undergraduate levels in engineering A comprehensive course on robotics must include the following subjects of fundamental importance: kinematics, dynamics, computer hardware and software, automatic control and machine This paper describes the authors' experience in teaching a graduate robotics course at the University of Virginia and a short summer course at the Universidad de Deusto in S Hands-on experience is a must in courses on robotics, and some simple yet effective systems designed and constructed by students are These include a program for transformation matrix manipulation, an operating system for manipulator control, and a simple three degrees of freedom programmable The majority of the students who took both courses were electrical engineers, but mechanical engineers and computer scientists were also Author Keywords: Robotics Education; Robotics Laboratory; Hardware; Software Development For Robotics Education *Parts of this paper were presented at the Second annual workshop on interactive computing, CAD/CAM: Electrical Engineering Education Washington,




近年论文唐 立,龚日朝重尾索赔下带干扰风险模型破产概率的等价式 经济数学2009,26(2):9-唐 立,杨文胜边值问题的概率数值方法 数学物理学报 2008,28(1):81-唐 立,朱起定边值问题的随机分析数值解 湖南师范大学自然科学学报 2007,30(2):11-伍亚(硕士生),唐 立考虑利率因素的保险破产模型研究 数学理论与应用 2007,唐 立Dirichlet外问题与漂移布朗运动 系统科学与数学 2006,26(4):484-唐 立,黄立宏Dirichlet外问题的概率数值方法 数学年刊 A 2005,26(4):571-李今平(硕士生),唐 立随机利率下时间盈余模型的破产概率 江西科技师范学院学报 2005年第4期:48-唐 立,杨文胜一类Dirichlet外问题数值解的概率方法 华中师范大学学报(自然科学版)2004,38(4):405-唐 立,邹捷中布朗运动在概率算法中的应用 系统科学与数学 2003,23(1):38-唐 立,杨文胜二维调和方程的概率数值解法 湖南理工学院学报(自然科学版)2003,16(3):1-唐 立,朱起定Monte-Carlo有限差分法和Monte-Carlo有限元法的一点注记 郴州师专学报 2003,24(5):1-杨文胜,唐 立Markov链的一种应用 广西工学院学报(自然科学版)2003,14(4):48-唐 立,邹捷中,朱起定一般区域上D-P问题数值解的概率方法(EI) 湖南师范大学自然科学学报 2002,25(3):20-唐 立,朱起定一般双线性有限元展开和外推剖分分析 岳阳师范学院学报(自然科学版)2002,15(2):5-唐 立,邹捷中利用漂移Brown族的概率算法 中南工业大学学报(自然科学版)2001,32(6):648-著作、教材、参考书[1] 肖果能,唐 立 等《概率论与数理统计全程导学》 湖南科学技术出版社 2002、11

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