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综合性生物科学 较为前。



你好!我喜欢的那两本杂志是关于生物学的I like the two magazines about biology


BRIEF BIOINFORM 和BIOINFORMATICS ,看杂志的好坏就查影响因子,基本上影响因子越高杂志就越好




书籍:Lewis Tomas的《细胞生命的礼赞》(可惜这书翻译质量不是很好,但是内容很赞),薛定谔的《生命是什么》,陈阅增《普通生物学》(这本书是大学教材,但是很有趣,高中生也能看得懂大部分),还有几本比较搞怪的《稀奇古怪人体问题:男人为什么有乳头?》,《冒烟的耳朵和尖叫的牙齿——自体实验者奇闻录》。杂志:《环球科学》


《昆虫记》--法布尔 《生物进化论》--达尔文 《物种起源》--达尔文 《自然史》--布封

有一套书,叫“盗火者文丛”,其中有一本《基因组——人体自传23章》,讲每条染色体上一个基因的故事。还有一本《花朵的秘密生命》。这是我看到的很喜欢的。现在的科普读物很多都是翻译过来的,读起来很不舒服。为什么没有中国人写啊!PS我也很喜欢生物,特别是遗传学,我的邮箱hhy-alice 大家一起切磋啊!

腐肉自身并不能产生蛆;相反,是纯生物的本体和纯生物的进程——在这种情况下就是苍蝇卵——才会孵化出了苍蝇。因此这种“腐肉自身就能生蛆”的理论已经被完全摒弃了。 在分子那优美的曲线中,恰恰包含着分子生物学的关键所在——这门全新的科学在随后五十年中所获得的发展堪称惊世骇俗。

This experiment chooses coat colour good-looking, complete, the limbs [, using vein air embolism rabbit death, traditional skinning, clean, salt alum solution ripe skin, between insect-resistant, formalin anti-corrosion methods rabbit fur, and treatment by wire, note the method making prosthesis rabbit produced a strip of It USES salt alum solution method of ripe in domestic skin very rarely used, between making prosthesis anti-insect and note the method simple, affordable and strip system for mammals specimens filled with part made


This experiment chooses coat colour good-looking, complete, the limbs [, using vein air embolism rabbit death, traditional skinning, clean, salt alum solution ripe skin, between insect-resistant, formalin anti-corrosion methods rabbit fur, and treatment by wire, note the method making prosthesis rabbit produced a strip of It USES salt alum solution method of ripe in domestic skin very rarely used, between making prosthesis anti-insect and note the method simple, affordable and strip system for mammals specimens filled with part made

你好!我喜欢的那两本杂志是关于生物学的I like the two magazines about biology

In this experiment, a full coat, a coat of good-looking, able-bodied rabbits, the use of lethal venous air embolism, the traditional stripping, cleaning, salt, alum mature skin, trichlorfon pest control, formalin preservative approach to rabbit fur , and using wire, paper making method of prosthesis in rabbits to produce a stuffed Cooked with salt, alum solution which means the skin is rarely used in the country, trichlorfon pest control and method of prosthesis production note affordable, simple, stuffed specimens for the production of mammalian fill some

所以想找几本这方面的书看一下,因为现在有医学专用字典的《汉英医学词典王镜岩的生物化学。 一般的大学图书

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