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In recent years autonomous regions road traffic career has been a rapid development, motor vehicle size in rapid So, on the one hand, as the product of rapid economic development and economic prosperity, on the other hand, if the symbol of lack of effective management means, might also contribute to the economic development of the artery Therefore, efforts to develop "peace unblocked counties" activities, solve the factors influencing the traffic safety, it is It firstly expounds "to create safe unblocked counties of background and this paper put forward" the research significance, secondly introduces "to create safe unblocked counties" implementation effect evaluation Then from the establishment of urban traffic management evaluation system, selection of purpose and meaning of standard and principle, methods of choosing researche in "to create safe unblocked counties" implementation effect evaluation was Then in urumqi, shihezi, kelamayi city such as, for example, attractors among "to create safe unblocked counties" carry out effect comparing horizontally and Keywords: to create safe unblocked counties evaluation index system implementation effect assessment


英语翻译毕业论文可以写某个电影或者某本书的翻译,开始也不太会,也是莫文网的高手帮忙的,很靠谱的说应用英语翻译呼唤理论指导大学英语翻译教学:现状与对策商务英语翻译中存在的问题与对策新世纪十年来商务英语翻译研究:回顾与前瞻国内商务英语翻译研究综述顺应理论视角下科技英语翻译切雅实证分析经济一体化环境下的商务英语翻译教学大学英语翻译教学存在的问题与对策语用观视角下的中医英语翻译教学实证研究翻译——找到源语的所指——对规划教材《商务英语翻译》误译译例的批判研究从功能对等角度看商务英语翻译高校科技英语翻译课程设置探讨功能对等理论指导下的商务英语翻译科技英语汉译的英语翻译技巧研究——以船舶英语文本中的汉译为例功能对等视角下的科技英语翻译论商务英语翻译的4Es标准关联理论在科技英语翻译中的应用——以Climate Change and Peak Oil文本的翻译为例大学英语翻译教学:问题与对策英语翻译专业本科生的笔译能力调查分析——以某师范大学英语翻译专业为例中国职业篮球俱乐部体育英语翻译人员现状及发展对策研究从目的论的角度下看商务英语翻译试论旅游英语翻译中的创造性论高职商务英语翻译教学中学生跨文化交际意识的培养试论近代国人英语翻译基于功能翻译理论的商务英语翻译教学任务型教学法在《商务英语翻译》教学中的运用跨文化因素对商务英语翻译的影响及调整策略商务英语翻译教学存在的问题与改革商务英语翻译与文化信息等值研究大学英语翻译教学教材编写探讨东西方文化差异对商务英语翻译的影响顺序分析在科技英语翻译中的应用——以翻译项目《大气污染排放系数手册》为案例从关联理论分析法律英语翻译中的文化差异及其翻译补偿商务英语翻译原则探讨商务英语翻译中的文化与语用因素研究Advanced Systematic Golf高尔夫技术英语翻译项目的实践报告




写论文摘要时以一般现在时为主。介绍背景知识时,要用一般现在时,例如:Speech recognition is the task of converting speech into 叙述研究现状时,也可以用一般现在时,例如:This essay is to analyse how the era influences corporate cultures, and to give suggestions on the building of corporate 叙述研究结果时,大多数用一般过去时,例如:Our text achieved the possibility





Summary:The paper put foreword a thought of dividing nerve centre by using five elements theory,which identifies the nerve centre as five sectors and correspond to zang-organs and fu-This tought is regarded as a supplyment of the nerve centre theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine and a theoretical foundation for researches in the following fields such as shaping factors and treatments of cancers,hypochondria ,schizophrenia and Moreover it also provide possibility to the combination of Traditional Chinese Medicine with Western Medicine


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两个多孔金属有机骨架材料纳入exotridentate桥联配体3 -氨基- 1 ,2,4 - triazolate(AmTAZ)已通过二级衔接阴离子合成的变化:[Zn3(AmTAZ)3S技术](硝酸)·(水) (1 °(水)) 和Zn7(AmTAZ)8(碳酸)2(OH)2的· 2(乙醇)(2 ° 2(乙醇);乙醇)乙醇)。 1 ·(H2O)的晶体立方空间群格I23,并从三角Zn3S是桥接成阳离子三维(3D)的网络,通过配体与AmTAZ硝酸盐和水分子中的腔居住单位建造。 2 · 2(乙醇)单斜晶系,空间群为C2 / c,显示出复杂的三维网络从七晶体学独特的锌AmTAZ,碳酸盐岩桥中心的兴建,氢离子。这两个材料的多孔性质已探讨了热重分析,氮吸附,原位synchrotronbased粉末X射线衍射。

Column chromatography purification of the pigment in WolfberryAbstract: Chinese wolfberry has a "arrests restless Masushi, up five workers and injured seven, Zhuang Xin Qi, in addition to toxic heat, scattered sores, in addition to the wind eyesight," the Modern clinical studies show that wolfberry possess immunomodulatory, antitumor, anti-aging, anti-fatty liver, blood fat, lowering blood sugar, increase anti-fatigue and anti-fatty liver hematopoiesis such as the In this study, conducted by organic solvent extraction, crude obtained Pigment extraction The results showed that the main alumina crude was purified by chromatography, eluting with petroleum ether and effective fat-soluble impurities in crude,Then petroleum ether - acetone (volume ratio 10:1) as eluent can effectively get rid of carotenoids, using thin layer chromatography (TLC method), high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC method) method, β- carotene, carotenoids of up to 78% purityKey words: Pigment separation and purification of column chromatography

断层和粒子追踪研究,在液固冒口而Shantanu罗伊,金文,陈sailesh乙库马尔,晚上基地dahhan , * 国会议员dudukovic ' 化学反应工程实验室( crel ) ,系化学工程,华盛顿大学,密苏里州圣路易斯市的63130 液-固循环流化床是一个潜在的反应堆感兴趣的,在多种工业进程,如石油精炼,并在合成精细化学品,石油化工, 和食品。快速失活的固体催化剂,在这些进程中,需要再生和再循环的固体进入冒口条,其中主要反应完成。在这项研究中,我们证明了计算机自动化放射性粒子追踪( carpt ) ,可以用来获取的固体速度模式,在提升管和回流的固体存在于测试液速度等。 ç线计算机断层扫描( CT )揭示略高固体浓度为中心的栏目。这是对比的气固提升管反应器其中浓度的固体较高,墙壁。 导言液-固循环流化床正迅速日益普及,作为反应堆的选择,在多种工业生产过程一样,精细化学品合成石油及制品,并在石油炼制(亮等基地, 1995年) 。这一进程要求调动使用这种反应堆存在一个液相反应物,这是典型的一种碳氢化合物下高压力和低温(托马斯, 1970 ) ,和一个固相催化剂,而得到迅速失效( corma和马丁内斯, 1993年) 。主要是反应在一个垂直立塔高升/ D值(其中固体流态化和运送液相) 。再生失活催化剂是在一个单独的进程,这是耦合向主要反应在冒口分发固体连续在一个封闭的环路。 设计和scaleup这种连续流气液固系统都需要有知识的流动格局的每一个阶段和第二阶段持分布。目标,这方面的工作,就是要研究实验速度和持分布固体第一阶段在冒口的一个实验室规模的冷态流模型一个循环液-固体系。 试验段一张的实验室规模的液固循环流化床格局,如图1所示。该冒口节是一个15厘米( 6英寸)直径有机玻璃专栏,与身高约210厘米( 7英尺) 。玻璃珠子(直径5毫米)的流化床与普通自来水水在冒口节,并已分发到系统通过漏斗和eductor 。固体质量流量在冒口保持控制液体流速通过eductor (这是辐射校正固体流率作为一个函数的动机水流速) 。整体理想固体/液体流动比率得到供应,其余液体通过经销商板在底层的一栏。 1 恒高流量和水头在列并在eductor进气道是由流通通过泵和储罐,在一个封闭的环路。 实验采用了carpt (电脑自动化放射性粒子跟踪)和CT (电脑断层扫描)设施发达,在化学反应工程实验室,华盛顿大学, 圣路易斯,钼( devanathan , 1991年;库马尔1994年) 。它可能会注意到,该系统下的研究工作非常稠密和动荡,只有无创flowmonitoring 方法一样carpt和CT有能力准确地测量固体速度和浓度。 目前设置的目的是使该冒口科可安装供研究中的carpt -电脑断层平台。 之前的研究固相流体力学停留时间分布测量结果进行在液相中。导电性液体一个阶段是监控战略地点后,脉搏注射氯化钾溶液。这项研究的结果分别为报道别处(罗伊等人, 1996年) 。结果发现, 液相流动实际上在塞流, 小色散效应。因次方差的*作者向谁所有函件应予以处理。液体示踪剂电子商务曲线始终是有界低于1 。 图1 。示意图是液固冒口设置。 4666年工业工程。化学。第1997年, 36岁, 4666年至4669年s0888 - 5885 ( 97 ) 00292-3 CCC认证: $ 00 © 1997年美国化学学会为carpt研究( devanathan , 1991年;杨等人, 1992年) ,示踪粒子准备引进放射性资深大律师- 46颗粒(强度350 íci和半衰期的83天)在一个空心铝球,其大小和密度分别为配合玻璃颗粒流态化。经过一个复杂的校准程序用在carpt法(杨等, 1992 ) , 颗粒被放置在靠近200-300已知地点在试验段和标定地图,获得了为距离强度的辐射关系每个探测器。一旦校准完成, 理想的液体表面流速,并设置保持和粒子被允许自由迁徙在流场,模拟议案的一个典型玻璃粒子。立场与示踪粒子记录作为一个时间的函数,其形式光子计数,由该探测器等,在相当长的一段时间内( 8小时) 。意思和脉动分量,湍流参数, 和动能的固体颗粒,可随后计算过滤和处理原始数据( devanathan , 1991年; larachi等人, 1997年) 。这是第一次使用carpt已成功地证明了在一个制度下,示踪粒子定期休假,并重新进入第正在接受审问,由探测器。 电脑断层扫描仪在crel ,华盛顿大学,圣路易,钼,用扇束几何测量衰减ç辐射,因为它流经给定对象,在这种情况下,提升管科。原料衰减测量,然后用于重建横截面时均持分布该阶段进行。源头是一个包裹100 MCI的政务司司长- 137同位素,以及一个角阵11乃探测器(最大) ,是用于衰减测量。该估计最大化算法,基于最大似然原则(兰格和卡森, 1984年) , 用于图像重建,从投影测量。详细的软件和硬件方面的crel扫描器讨论由库马尔等。 ( 1995 )和Kumar和dudukovic ' ( 1997年) 。 在本研究中,试验段(液固冒口) ,扫描四项战略轴向位置沿该栏。 结果与讨论实验结果在一系列的液体表面流速,从12至23厘米/美国在这项研究中, 典型的结果获得通过运行系统在液体表面流速20公分/秒。所有实验结果与玻璃颗粒5 毫米直径,同一个eductor水流量25加仑/ 闵。一个水流量为33加仑/闵保持在底层的提升,以维持整体的液体表面流速20公分/秒,在该栏。 图2是一个阴谋方位的平均值和timeaveraged 径向颗粒浓度(固形物) 分布,测量在四个轴向位置,在一个流动性表面流速20公分/秒。它指出, 震级的固含不很不同显着(最大变化是4 % )与增加径向位置,但跌幅轻微轴向位置(最高4 % ) 。固体持,在任何特定的轴向位置,是稍高在该中心的一栏作为比较,在墙上。这是一个很有意思的结果, 因为这是被广泛报道,在气固立了相反的趋势是观察(罗德和geldart , 1989年; 罗德, 1990年) 。径向梯度,在固含分布也少得多。 图3显示固体速度场作为评价从carpt实验。图3A现速度向量图,它清楚地表明,在一个时间平均从某种意义上讲,固相有一个循环:固形物升序在该中心的一栏,并降在墙上。数字显示,第3 B以同一事实定量无论在时间,平均轴组件固体速度,在四个地点中的专栏。可以指出,虽然下行速度固形物在墙上是小程度作为比较,向流速度,其总质量固体下行仍是值得称道( 6 % ,在这种情况下) 图2 。固含(浓度)分布在不同轴向位置(液体表面流速) , 20厘米/秒) 。 图3 。固体速度场在液体表面流速20公分/秒: (一)速度矢量情节; ( b )轴平均流速剖面。 工业工程。化学。第,第二卷。 36 ,第11号,一九九七四六六七由于较高的截面积,流量更大径向位置。 评论关于固体持剖面上水平33厘米的栏是在命令。这个水平,仅略高于分销商和eductor在栏(图1 ) ,是的一个组成部分,混合区,并显示出明显的反常持低姿态比78厘米水平。这是也证实了这一carpt结果:图3 A条明确显示固体速度矢量是随机指示在这一水平上,而更高了,在一栏明确循环可以被认出。因此,流量33 厘米,在栏是仍处于发展阶段,并显示出一个显然越轨行为相比,其余该专栏。 用一种新颖的方式,固体停留时间分布(热电阻) ,在提升管科计算间接从carpt数据。由于示踪剂粒子都被认为是一个典型的分散相实体其中获得多次分发到冒口节中,分配的时候,所花的,它在冒口节期间,它的每一个访问,是衡量其发展权。 这些"停留时间" ,在接连访问是策划作为一个色阶如图4 。招来遍历假说,这给发展权的固相。 最后,在图5中,轴向平均等于轴向速度固形物是作为一个函数的液体表面流速。做实验,在不同的情况表明,总体增加幅度中线以及墙(下行)速度。这是的,当然是可以预料的,因为较高的势头的液相会传授更多的动力固相通过相间阻力,导致较高的平均流速的固体。纯粹基于这些实验结果似乎显示了固相速度达到某种" saturationprofile " 随着越来越多的液体表面流速。然而, 严格的核查等结果有待日后试验。 结束语设计实践中的流化床和上升器即使在今天在于对传统的"规则- -拇指" 。实际现象,在这种系统要复杂得多比抓获启发式方法,用来作为根据设计方程。因此,用户和设计师的液固立管应最终利润从改善基本的了解了流体力学在这类系统。本研究有意作为第一步,在实验量化对相同的。 在crel ,工作正在取得进展,在研究冒口体制下的各种操作条件和使用频谱的颗粒大小。调查的瞬态现象,在这种系统,还计划在未来。进一步的数据处理工作将在为了计算动能,湍流剪讲,湍流扩散系数在固相。总体目标这一研究工作发展一种理解的关键变数影响表现液固冒口发展,而更根本的基础的规模化的规则。该实验数据,预计也将作为基准为计算流体动力学模拟研究液固冒口流。 确认作者感谢工业赞助的化学反应工程实验室( crel ) 在圣路易斯的华盛顿大学,为支持本工程。 命名法UL )的表面液体流速,公分Z )的水平在提升,公分文献引用corma ,甲;内斯答:化学,催化剂及工艺异构烷烃-烯烃烷基化:实际状况和未来趋势。催化剂。牧师- SCI公司。英文。 1993年, 35 , 483 。 devanathan , 12月31日调查的液体流体力学中的泡沫栏目通过计算机自动放射性粒子追踪( carpt ) 。 论文,华盛顿大学,圣路易斯, 莫, 1991 。 库马尔,锑电脑断层测量无效分数和造型流泡沫栏目。博士学位论文中,佛罗里达大西洋大学,博卡顿,外语, 1994 。 库马尔,锑; dudukovic '阁下,电脑辅助伽马和X光断层扫描:是否适用于多相流系统。 在非侵入式监测多相流动; chaouki ,威廉斯, larachi ,楼dudukovic ' ,国会议员,合编; Elsevier的科学出版商: 阿姆斯特丹,荷兰, 1997年;页47-103 。 库马尔,布; moslemian ,四; dudukovic ' ,国会议员伽玛射线断层扫描成像空隙率分布在泡沫柱。流量测量。仪器。 1995年, 6 , 61 。 图4 。停留时间分布的固相一液体表面流速20厘米/秒(从carpt实验) 。 图5 。轴向平均轴指固体速度作为功能的液体表面流速。 4668年工业工程。化学。第,第二卷。 36 ,第11号, 1997 兰格调;卡森,传译电子mreconstruction算法排放和传递断层。 计算机。协助。 tomogr 。 1984年, 8 , 306-316 。 larachi ,楼; chaouki ,威廉斯;英豪, ; dudukovic ' ,国会议员放射性粒子追踪,在多相反应器:原理与申请。在非侵入式监测多相流动; chaouki ,威廉斯。 larachi ,楼dudukovic ' ,国会议员,合编; Elsevier公司科学出版社:阿姆斯特丹,荷兰, 1997年;页335-406 。 亮,工作组;余剂ZQ ;进耀,王, zw ;王,耀合成直链烷基苯在液固循环流化床床反应堆。 化学。工艺。 biotechnol 。 1995年, 62 , 98 。 罗德斯,兆焦耳建模的流场结构的向上移动气体固体悬浮物。粉工艺。 1990年, 60 , 27-38 。 罗德斯,兆焦; geldart ,四水动力循环流化床。在循环流化床技术; basu , 体育,教育署;珀盖蒙出版社新闻:纽约, 1986年;页193-200 。 罗伊,美国;陈,威廉斯;库马尔,锑;基地dahhan ,晚上; dudukovic ' ,米。 体育液相混合在一个液固循环反应堆。 本文介绍了在aiche年度会议上,芝加哥, 1996年。 托马斯,氯催化过程,并证明了催化剂;学术记者:纽约, 1970年。 杨,镱; devanathan , 12月31日; dudukovic ' ,国会议员液体返混在泡沫柱经计算机自动放射性粒子追踪( carpt ) 。化学。英文。工商局局长。 1992年, 47 , 2859 。 收到复核1997年4月21日修订稿收到1997年8月1日接纳8月9日, 1997x ie970292l x摘要事先公布的ACS文摘, 10月1日1997 。 工业工程。化学。第,第二卷。 36 ,第11号,一九九七四六六九细节自己处理

断层和粒子追踪研究,在液固冒口 Shantanu Roy, 而Shantanu罗伊 Jinwen Chen, 金文陈, Sailesh B Kumar, sailesh乙库马尔 MH Al-Dahhan,* and 晚上基地dahhan , * MP Dudukovi 国会议员dudukovi Chemical Reaction Engineering Laboratory (CREL), Department of Chemical Engineering, Washington University, S Louis, Missouri 63130 化学反应工程实验室( crel ) ,系化学工程,华盛顿大学,圣路易斯,密苏里州63130 Received for review April 21, 1997 收到复核1997年4月21日 Revised manuscript received August 1, 1997 修订稿收到1997年8月1日 Accepted August 9, 1997 接受1997年8月9日 Abstract: 摘要: A liquid-solid circulating fluidized bed is a potential reactor of interest in a variety of industrial processes, such as petroleum refining, and in the synthesis of fine chemicals, petrochemicals, and 液-固循环流化床是一个潜在的反应堆感兴趣的,在多种工业生产过程,如石油精炼,并在精细化学品合成,石化,食品。 Rapid deactivation of the solid catalyst in these processes necessitates regeneration and recirculation of the solids into the riser section in which the principal reaction is 快速失活的固体催化剂,在这些进程中,需要再生和再循环的固体进入冒口条,其中主要的反应是完成了。 In this study we show that computer-automated radioactive particle tracking (CARPT) can be used to obtain solids velocity patterns in the riser and that backflow of solids exists at the tested liquid 在这项研究中,我们证明了计算机自动化放射性粒子追踪( carpt ) ,可以用来获取的固体速度模式,在提升管和回流的固体物质存在于测试液速度等。 -ray computed tomography (CT) reveals slightly higher solids concentrations in the center of the 线计算机断层扫描( CT )揭示略高固体浓度为中心的栏目。 This is in contrast to gas-solid riser reactors in which the concentration of solids is higher at the 这是对比的气固提升管反应器中的浓度固体较高,墙壁。


In the era of mass communication, networks of book publishing has had a significant Research network of communication and publication of best-selling book has a strong relationship between the significance of the In this paper, the analysis of propagation characteristics of the network based on the combination of best-selling book of fiction published in the situation, the use of basic theories of mass communications research network to disseminate knowledge of literature published by the impact of best-selling Paper to further explore the best-selling book published literature as well as the development trend of the At the same time, a combination of related papers is also the case in the network environment to the spread of self- In this paper, to study the networks of the best-selling book published literature in favor of analysis of the impact of the network to spread this type of atmosphere in literature is the development of best-selling book, and book publishers is how to spread the use of big books for environment-related publicity In this paper, the method is the use of literature retrieval method and theoretical analysis, and dissemination of comparative analysis of the network representation of Literature under the best-selling By looking for information and related theoretical analysis, is conducive to better research networks best-selling book on the literature published in the impact of networks in the study found that the spread of the characteristics and advantages, as well as best-selling book on the literature generated by the publication of the pros and cons dissemination of how to use the network more popular and best-selling book help to better sales of best-selling 既然是论文摘要,老师都不检查的,放心吧。

Shaft products are widely used in various fields of machinery, such as automobile, agricultural machinery and so on, its power conversion and energy conversion plays the role Spline shaft gear is our life and production, one of the more common shaft, which is composed of three parts by the spline, flat shaft, gears, connected by means of spline points: inside and outside Spline Spline, by type, : rectangle spline and Involute Spline, Spline Shaft power transmission shaft than the other products, because the hole axis with the hub directly and evenly produced more tooth and slot, the joint acceptance more uniform; by shallow groove, the tooth root stress concentration of the small shaft and hub to weaken the strength of less; more teeth, the larger the total contact area, which can withstand greater loads; axis parts with the axis of neutral, and this high-speed and precision machinery is very important;-oriented, and this dynamic linking is very important, also has good gear transmission, the number of teeth because it more closely meshing gears meshing with the gear gap between the small role: The main control of the speed of mechanical operation, as well as mutual energy transfer, the use of the Spline gear shaft line of processing is as follows: → car at both ends of cutting surface, drilling central hole of the cylindrical Rough → → → quenched Hole Research Center Xiu → semi-refined car of the cylindrical tank cars → → → chamfering hobbing milling keyway → → → Hole Research Center repair mill → test Roughing process in our main attention is the rough size of the option (size) and must be good at both ends of the center bore, This is a test of our ability to process the first step in qualifying products, followed by semi-finishing in a certain amount of good grid positions to size, leaving a good amount of wear, including the modulation of the workpiece, heat treatment, such as heat treatment to choose the right way spline and gear machining process must be selected carefully tuned machine tools and multi-purpose model and micrometer measuring tools, in order to avoid detection errors, the final finishing phase of the various parts of the workpiece processing precision, the main mill site on the left further precision grinding process to achieve the requirements of size, after finishing the workpiece has been finished, the inspection staff to be detected, after the correct product Another shaft is between the shaft and shaft sleeve or shaft and co-ordination among the mutual friction between them inkstone Cooperation harm caused by their own, so in order to improve the service life of shaft that we should accept a regular basis in direct torque and power lubricants, such as parts of application to extend the life of Keywords: shaft, transmission, gear, and

This article describes a AT89C51 microcontroller with MAX262 chip-based programmable MAX262 is a two-second order switched-capacitor filter, you can preciselycontrol the filter transfer function through SPI Independent programming set Center frequency and quality factors to achieve intelligent AD603 is a low-noise programmable integrated operations manager, can be controlled by controlling the VG amplifier ALE pins of the microcontroller is made available to the MAX262 as the clock after the signal frequency 或 This article introduces one kind based on at89C51 monolithic integrated circuit and the MAX262 chip program control MAX262 is the pair of two step switch electric capacity active filter, may through the SPI main line accuracy control filter's transfer The independent programming establishes its center frequency and the quality factor realizes the intelligent AD603 is one kind of low noise may the program control integration operation place, through controls VG then to control the enlargement Monolithic integrated circuit's ALE pin produces signal after the frequency division may provide for MAX262 takes the clock This system design is by part constitutions and so on amplifier, filter, frequency divider and control module, uses AD603 and MAX262 unifies, realizes the gain to establish as well as to satisfy high, the low filter parameter Key word: Program control filter; Gain amplification; Frequency division; Demonstration

the production of school work with the new te4chonologies could be a significant stimulus to How should these new technologies be introduced into the schools?It isn't enough to call for computers,camcorders and edit suites in every classroom;unless they are properly integrated into the educational culture,they will stand Many people in our eara are drawn to the pessimistic view that the new media are destroying old skills and eroding critical It maybe true that past generations were more literate but-taking the pre-19thcentury meaning of the term-this was true of only a small section of the The word literacy is the 19th-century coinage to describe the divorce of reading and writing from a full knowledge of The education reforms of the 19th century produced reading and writing as skills separable from full participation in the cultural The new media now point not only to a futuristic cyber-economy,they also make our cultural past available to the whole It is doubtful whether our literary heritage has ever been available to or sought out by more than about 5per cent of the population;ithas certainly not been available to more than 10per But the new media joined to the old,through the public service tradition of British broadcasting,now makes our literary tradition abailable to 找勒点例子给你~

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