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一、相关文献介绍 1 国外研究现状 美国经济学家大卫杜兰特(1952)发表了题为《企业债务与权益资本计量方法的发展和问题》的演讲,把当时的融资思想归纳为三种类型:净收入理论、净营业收入理论和传统理论。净收入理论认为企业增加负债,提高财务杠杆,可降低其加权平均资本成本,增加企业的价值,从而提高企业的市场价值。债务资本为 100%时的资本结构是企业的最优资本结构。净营业收入理论认为当企业利用财务杠杆进行债务融资时,即使能够维持债务成本,也会带来企业权益资本风险的增加,进而造成权益资本成本上升。因此,企业负债比例的提高不会降低加权平均资本成本,企业的总价值固定不变,并不存在最佳的资本结构。传统理论认为企业利用财务杠杆会导致权益成本的上升,但在一定限度内,债务的低成本能与权益成本的上升相抵消,企业就能获得因加权平均资本成本降低所带来的好处。但是一旦超过限度,债务的低成本将无法抵消权益资本的增加,而且债务成本也会随着企业负债率的增加而增大,从而使加权平均资本成本上升加快。因此,在加权平均资本成本从下降转为上升的转折点上,企业的加权平均资本成本最低,该点上的负债比例就是最佳资本结构。 Modigliani和 Miller(1958)在其经典论文《资本成本、公司融资和投资理论》中提出,无企业税 MM 模型,即在不考虑税收的情况下,企业总价值不受资本结构的影响,即风险相同但资本结构不同的企业,其总价值是相同的。Modigliani和 Miller(1963)在《企业所得税和资本成本:一项修正》中提出有公司税MM模型,即负债杠杆对企业价值和融资成本确有影响。如果企业负债率达到100%,则企业价值最大,融资成本最小,即最佳资本结构应该全部是债务,不需要发行股票。 米勒(1976)在《债务与税收》一文,为了探讨负债对企业价值的影响,建立了一个同时考虑公司所得税与个人所得税在内的模型。米勒均衡理论模型的基本结论是:个人所得税的存在,会在某种程度上抵消负债的节税利益,但是在正常税率的情况下,负债的节税利益并不会完全消失。因此,米勒模型认为企业负债率越高,则企业市场价值越大。 在权衡理论、代理理论以及不对称信息理论的研究成果的基础上,Myers 和Majluf (1984) 在《财务学刊》杂志的《资本结构之谜》一文中提出了“啄食”优序融资理论(Pecking Order Theory)。公司融资顺序有较明显的先后之分:所需要的资金首先依赖于内源资金;在内源资金不足,需要外部资金注入时,债权融资成为次优选择;而外部股权融资由于成本太高,只是作为一种融资渠道的补充来源形式存在。因此,企业融资通常都遵循所谓的“啄食顺序”,即先内源融资、再外源融资,在外源融资中优先考虑债权融资,不足时再考虑股权融资。 2 国内的研究状况 对我国上市公司融资状况的研究。国内学者张人骥、阎达五、黄少安和张岗、方晓霞、刘星等人对我国上市公司融资状况进行的研究表明:我国上市公司与欧美、日本等资本市场发达的上市公司相比,资产负债率明显偏低,我国上市公司的融资具有明显的股权融资偏好,其融资顺序表现为股权融资、短期债务融资、长期债务融资和内部融资。上市公司在进行长期融资决策时普遍存在“轻债务重股权”的股权融资偏好。这种融资顺序安排显然不符合西方的优序融资理论。袁国梁,郑江淮,胡志乾对我国股市的股权结构,上市公司的融资偏好及公司治理问题进行了研究,其中对上市公司偏好股权融资的解释中,认为股权融资成本低于债权融资成本是造成企业融资偏好的主要原因。刘星,魏锋和詹宇对中国的上市公司的融资行为进行了检验,结果发现我国上市公司进行融资决策时,首选外部融资。而在外部融资中,以股权融资为主,债权融资又以短期债务为主。 近几年,袁卫秋(2004)检验静态权衡理论和啄食顺序理论在我国市场的适用性,发现啄食顺序理论不宜用来解释我国上市公司的融资特征,而静态权衡理论可用来解释我国上市公司的融资特征。张兆国、宋丽梦、和张庆(2005)分析了我国上市公司资本结构对股权代理成本的影响,结果发现经营者持股比例与股权代理成本有较显著负相关性;负债融资比例、法人股比例和第一大股东持股比例均与股权代理成本有不显著的负相关性;国家股比例和流通股比例均与股权代理成本有较显著的正相关性。张兆国、闫炳乾、和何成风(2006)通过实证研究了上市公司融资结构的治理效应,结果发现主营业务利润率、经营费用率、和资产利用率三个指标比公司价值指标能够更好地解释公司绩效;国家股比例对经营绩效的负向影响越来越不显著;法人股比例和负债融资对公司绩效有不显著的正向影响;流通股与公司绩效之间没有显著关系;股权集中度和经营者持股比例对公司绩效有较显著正向影响;留存收益对公司的绩效有显著负向影响。 林凡(2007)《中国上市公司融资偏好的理论与实证研究》,本书通过理论分析发现,在中国特定的政策环境以及不健全的市场环境下,股权结构成为中国上市公司融资偏好形成的决定性因素,控制人主导是中国上市公司股权融资偏好形成机制的主要特征,由此本书以“制衡控制人的权利”为出发点提出了治理上市公司融资行为的总体思路和规范措施,这对推动中国相关制度、法律环境的完善和证券市场的规范发展具有积极的意义。 二、相关综述和评价 美国学者Myers 和Majluf在1984年提出了优序融资理论,较早的对融资偏好问题进行了直接研究。他们探讨了公司如何选择最优融资渠道,即遵循“啄食顺序”,先内源融资、再外源融资,在外源融资中优先考虑债权融资,不足时再考虑股权融资。此后,又有很多学者对融资偏好进行了研究,已有的研究成果一般都认为,企业融资应该遵循“内源融资、债权融资、股权融资”的先后顺序。 20世纪90年代初,我国学者开始对中国上市公司融资偏好问题进行研究。他们研究发现,中国上市公司的融资偏好与国外上市公司的融资偏好大相径庭,突出表现为中国上市公司融资具有强烈的股权融资偏好。这种融资偏好在微观上表现为上市公司通过不同形式的股权融资方式进行“圈钱”行为。在宏观上表现为资本使用效率不高、资源配置效率未得到充分发挥等。中国上市公司的融资偏好行为如果不及时加以规范治理,最终将影响到中国证券市场以及公司自身的可持续发展。 由于制度和市场环境各方面的差异,现有西方财务理论尚不能对我国上市公司的融资偏好进行圆满解释。国内有些学者表示,中国上市公司股权融资成本低是形成融资偏好的直接原因。资金成本是公司决定融资行为的最根本的因素。公司为融入资本必须给予投资者一定的回报,回报率的高低,基本上反映了融资单位成本的高低。与债权投资者相比,股权投资者承担更大的风险,因而要求更高的回报率。从我国的实际情况来看,由于证券市场的过小规模与投资者巨大的需求空间存在反差,加之非流通股的大量存在,证券市场市盈率和股价长时间维持在较高水平上,而与之相比的公司派息水平则显得微不足道,因此投资者并不指望通过获取公司的派息来得到投资回报,而是希望在市场的短期投机行为中获取资本利得。从公司的角度看,股权资本成本是以配股价或新股发行价为计算基础的,而我国的配股价和新股发行价多以市盈率为计算基础,通常要远远高出每股账面净资产,由此计算的股权资本成本很低。正是这种不合理的现状导致了我国上市公司股权融资偏好现象的形成。从公司的角度看,股权资本成本是以配股价或新股发行价为计算基础的,而我国的配股价和新股发行价多以市盈率为计算基础,通常要远远高出每股账面净资产,由此计算的股权资本成本很低。正是这种不合理的现状导致了我国上市公司股权融资偏好现象的形成。近十多年来,中国证券市场从无到有,从小到大,高速发展。随着中国证券市场的不断壮大,上市公司在国民经济中的地位日显重要。和非上市企业比较而言,中国上市公司经营行为比较规范,管理理念比较科学,很多上市公司已经成为行业的领头羊。因此,对中国上市公司融资偏好进行深入研究,并提出针对性治理措施,将有利于优化上市公司股权结构,完善证券市场监管,加速证券市场建设,提升公司自身价值。 参考文献: [1] 林凡中国上市公司融资偏好的理论与实证研究[M]北京大学出版社, [2] 黄少安,张岗我国上市公司股权融资偏好分析[J]经济研究,2001(11). [3] 刘星,魏锋我国上市公司融资顺序的实证研究会计研究,2004(6) [4] 何佶中国上市公司股权融资偏好分析[D]东南大学, [5] 张霞上市公司融资偏好研究[J]现代商贸工业,2009(11) [6] 郑志波浅议我国企业的融资方式现状[J]经营管理, [7] 杨鑫我国上市公司融资偏好问题研究[D]吉林大学, [8] 谢聪上市公司融资偏好分析[J]财会通讯,2008(1)




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China's accounting work of the late start from the 1970s until the end of the year, try going through the stages of development and self-organized and planned way stage of steady development, the current management accounting software-development In the 20 years of development, has made considerable progress, and commercialization of GM's financial software is widely Many accounting software development has been toward specialization, commercialization and socialization of the However, due to the financial characteristics of the work itself, as well as the rapid development of the network, the rapid rise of e-commerce and so on, a number of advanced, modern things keep cropping up on the accounting system, a higher demand, so that the establishment of modern Enterprise development needs of the new financial system has become Since the accounting is a systematic project, in the process of development there is much work to do, there are many issues to be resolved in a timely manner or face serious obstacle to China's accounting to a deeper This article on China's accounting process and must be resolved on a few First, people's thinking to solve problems Computerization of China's cause of a late start, people thought the idea has not yet fully aware of the significance and importance of Most units are used in computerized accounting in place of hand, is only alleviate the burden on the accounting staff and improve efficiency of the accounting aspects, it does not recognize the establishment of a complete accounting information systems for enterprises, so that the existing accounting information provided Timely and effective decision-making and enterprise management At the same time, software updates and hardware investment in areas such as lack of support, not to mention the establishment of enterprise local area network as well as the registration of their Web site, did not make use of the advantages of information technology to improve the operational efficiency of Accounting for this understanding is very detrimental to the Accounting is the accounting work in computer applications in the short to the computer is represented by modern data-processing tools and information theory, systems theory, cybernetics, databases and computer networks, such as new theories and technology used in accounting Accounting and financial management work to improve the management of accounting and economic benefits, and the realization of the modernization of We must recognize that accounting is not only changed the accounting method in the form of data storage, data-processing procedures and methods to expand the areas of accounting data to improve the quality of accounting information, but also changed the accounting and internal control audit methodology and technology, Thus promoted the theory of accounting and accounting for the further development of technology to improve and promote the accounting management system reform, is the study of accounting theory and accounting practice a fundamental On the face of it, accounting only applies to the computer accounting work to reduce the labor intensity of accountants, accounting to improve the speed and accuracy to the computer to replace manual In fact, accounting is not only accounting tools and methods to improve accounting, and would doubtless have been a division of accounting and personnel changes, and promote the quality of personnel and accounting knowledge structure, accounting efficiency and quality of the all-round improvement Accountants to save time and energy, changing the functions of accounting, accounting theory and accounting to promote technological progress, raise the level of accounting work, a significant increase in economic efficiency of enterprises, accounting theory and practice so that all aspects will be unprecedented in-depth C For example, with a focus on data storage and management features of the "Computerized Accounting", the use of advanced database and data warehouse technology, data classification has focused on storage, the total abolition of a variety of accounting and reconciliation operation, the various statements of the data Able to share data through timely and accurately Second, attention should be paid to accounting theory research Theory is the precursor of action, accounting dependent on the development of computerized accounting theory of the development of computerized accounting theory behind the study, will be restricted accounting software maturity and development, computerized accounting The theory is to guide and promote the new accounting on the basis of constant improvement and development of practice In a sense, the emergence and development of the computerized accounting process, but also break the traditional concept of accounting, the current method of accounting theory and new issues, new issues, as well as research and the establishment of new theories and If the computerized accounting system in the design, work organization, information processing and accounting procedures to deal with ways and means to change itself to the current accounting theory and methods and improve the Although in the short term, the impact of these is the gradual, but in the long run, with the rapid development of electronic technology and computerized information systems of universal application, new problems and new issues will arise, such as: information-processing network After the establishment of enterprises will not only how to achieve the legitimate provision of accounting information in a timely manner, can the effective protection of trade secrets; accounting of the two sub-systems combine to achieve, how to improve the existing financial reporting; information on existing economic theories and methods of accounting have any effect on the And so On the subject of a new in-depth study will become a new accounting theory and methods, and new accounting theory and methods to establish and make computerized accounting on a new basis for further improvement and Traditional accounting theory of how to use the main computer system by hand, and the system did not have higher requirements of the characteristics of its own, this is not Computerized Accounting theoretical research that is the realization of the computerized accounting information systems, accounting procedures and management systems, accounting methods, as well as the use of the computer as the main tool for accounting after the accounting theory, the impact of the accounting system and accounting The work of the new Computerized Accounting theoretical study to determine the electronic accounting information system the basic functions of the system, regulate the operation and characteristics of the interface audit, accounting files, and other basic requirements, it is consistent with the basic requirements of the accounting manual, at the same time, with their own Some of the Computerized Accounting fundamental question of thorough

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