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不是,是中文核心期刊收录《空气动力学学报》的国内外重要数据库系统国外:荷兰《文摘与引文数据库》(Scopus)2. 美国国际宇航文摘(IAA)3. 俄罗斯文摘杂志(AJ)4. 美国剑桥科学文摘(CSA)国内:1. 中国科学技术信息所的《中国科学论文统计与分析》系统2. 中国科技信息研究所的中国学术期刊数据库(CSPD)(原数字化期刊群)3. 清华大学的《中国学术期刊(光盘版)》4. 北京大学的《中文核心期刊要目总览》系统5. 中国科学院文献情报中心的《中国科学引文数据库》系统6. 中国科协的《中国学术期刊文摘》(中、英文版)《空气动力学学报》 是中国空气动力学会主办、中国空气动力研究与发展中心主管的国家一级刊物,是一种基础性和高科技学术期刊,是全国科技期刊三个重要检索系统收录和评选出的重要核心期刊,是中宣部、国家新闻出版局、国家科委、中国科协评出的获奖优秀期刊,在全国科技期刊界特别是航空航天领域有较高的地位、作用和影响。刊物国内外公开发行,内容涉及空气动力学各领域及其相关科学。它刊载空气动力学学科的理论、技术、实验、应用研究中的最新成果最新进展,研究综述,也发表流体力学、风工程等方面的好论文。本刊还不定期地组织空气动力学领域前沿课题如分离流、涡控制、非定常效应等方面的专集,并积极开展学术讨论。


你是要英文 还是翻译? 如果是翻译 原文呢?Automotive aerodynamics is the study of the aerodynamics of road The main concerns of automotive aerodynamics are reducing drag (though drag by wide wheels is dominating most cars), reducing wind noise, minimising noise emission, and preventing undesired lift forces and other causes of aerodynamic instability at high For some classes of racing vehicles, it may also be important to produce desirable downwards aerodynamic forces to improve traction and thus cornering An aerodynamic automobile will integrate the wheel arcs and lights in its shape to have a small It will be streamlined, for example it does not have sharp edges crossing the wind stream above the windshield and will feature a sort of tail called a fastback or Kammback or Note that the Aptera 2e, the Loremo, and the Volkswagen 1-litre car try to reduce the area of their It will have a flat and smooth floor to support the Venturi effect and produce desirable downwards aerodynamic The air that rams into the engine bay, is used for cooling, combustion, and for passengers, then reaccelerated by a nozzle and then ejected under the For mid and rear engines air is decelerated and pressurized in a diffuser, loses some pressure as it passes the engine bay, and fills the These cars need a seal between the low pressure region around the wheels and the high pressure around the They all have a closed engine bay The suspension is either streamlined (Aptera) or Door handles, the antenna, and roof rails can have a streamlined The side mirror can only have a round fairing as a Air flow through the wheel-bays is said to increase drag (German source) though race cars need it for brake cooling and a lot of cars emit the air from the radiator into the wheel Automotive aerodynamics differs from aircraft aerodynamics in several First, the characteristic shape of a road vehicle is much less streamlined compared to an Second, the vehicle operates very close to the ground, rather than in free Third, the operating speeds are lower (and aerodynamic drag varies as the square of speed) Fourth, a ground vehicle has fewer degrees of freedom than an aircraft, and its motion is less affected by aerodynamic Fifth, passenger and commercial ground vehicles have very specific design constraints such as their intended purpose, high safety standards (requiring, for example, more 'dead' structural space to act as crumple zones), and certain Roads are also much worse (smoothness, debris) than the average Lastly, car drivers are vastly under-trained compared to pilots, and usually will not drive to maximize Automotive aerodynamics is studied using both computer modelling and wind tunnel For the most accurate results from a wind tunnel test, the tunnel is sometimes equipped with a rolling This is a movable floor for the working section, which moves at the same speed as the air This prevents a boundary layer forming on the floor of the working section and affecting the An example of such a rolling road wind tunnel is Wind Shear's Full Scale, Rolling Road, Automotive Wind Tunnel built in 2008 in Concord, North C

空气动力学:Aerodynamics | air mechanics | gas dynamics | aerodynamical =aerodynamic aerodynamics


不是,是中文核心期刊收录《空气动力学学报》的国内外重要数据库系统国外:荷兰《文摘与引文数据库》(Scopus)2. 美国国际宇航文摘(IAA)3. 俄罗斯文摘杂志(AJ)4. 美国剑桥科学文摘(CSA)国内:1. 中国科学技术信息所的《中国科学论文统计与分析》系统2. 中国科技信息研究所的中国学术期刊数据库(CSPD)(原数字化期刊群)3. 清华大学的《中国学术期刊(光盘版)》4. 北京大学的《中文核心期刊要目总览》系统5. 中国科学院文献情报中心的《中国科学引文数据库》系统6. 中国科协的《中国学术期刊文摘》(中、英文版)《空气动力学学报》 是中国空气动力学会主办、中国空气动力研究与发展中心主管的国家一级刊物,是一种基础性和高科技学术期刊,是全国科技期刊三个重要检索系统收录和评选出的重要核心期刊,是中宣部、国家新闻出版局、国家科委、中国科协评出的获奖优秀期刊,在全国科技期刊界特别是航空航天领域有较高的地位、作用和影响。刊物国内外公开发行,内容涉及空气动力学各领域及其相关科学。它刊载空气动力学学科的理论、技术、实验、应用研究中的最新成果最新进展,研究综述,也发表流体力学、风工程等方面的好论文。本刊还不定期地组织空气动力学领域前沿课题如分离流、涡控制、非定常效应等方面的专集,并积极开展学术讨论。

刊名: 空气动力学学报Acta Aerodynamica Sinica主办: 中国空气动力学会周期: 双月出版地:四川省绵阳市语种: 中文;英文;开本: 大16开ISSN: 0258-1825CN: 51-1192/TK邮发代号: 62-27

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