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回答 亲,您好,很高兴为您服务。我是技术大亨亨,电子领域专业咨询师,我已看到您的问题,您也可以提供更多有效信息,以便更好为您解答正在为您整理答案,约五分钟给您答复,请您稍等一下哦~ 提问 带连接时出现678是什么意思 回答 亲,您好,“宽带上网显示“错误678”,则是由于MODEM损坏,网线、网卡接触不良,电话线路障碍等原因引起,如有路由器,建议您可先断电重启,若仍不能使用,建议您去掉路由器后,检查Modem信号灯是否正常: 1、如正常,请尝试重启网卡、拔插网线、重启Modem; 2、如不正常,请尝试拔插电话线、重启Modem、检查分离器连接是否正确并拔插上面的线缆。 二、如未能解决,可联系当地人工客服,反馈情况 提问 我使用了两条网线都出现678这样子的情况,手机wifi是可以用的但是呢用网线连到手提电脑上就是显示678 回答 重启路由器之后尝试,1、检查宽带连接的账号和密码是否正确无误,填写正确的账号和密码。 2、及时缴纳网费。 3、检查网线接头,及时更换新的而且是质量好的网线。 4、检查本地网卡设置。 XP系统首先关闭Modem电源,右键点击网上邻居,右击本地连接图标,选择禁用。VISTA和WIN7系统打开网络和共享中心,点击更改适配器设置,右击本地连接,选择禁用。之后重启计算机,按上述步骤右键点击本地连接图标后,选择启用。 5、查看本地连接是否被禁用,如果禁用,将本地连接启用,并提示本地连接已连接后,再尝试用宽带拨号连接。 6、查看调制解调器。首先检查猫面板上的Power电源指示灯是否常亮。然后检查ADSL宽带信号指示灯是否常亮,一般情况下,当猫接通电源和网络后该指示灯在1分钟内会由闪烁变到常亮。如果一直闪烁着,说明网络线路连接有问题。 现在还有人用拨号吗,不都是光猫直接用了哦 提问 手机连接的wifi能用,需要重启modem吗 回答 重启,也有可能网口坏了,但是几率小,如果重启之后还不行,建议联系宽带的客服,然后安排专业的人上门解决哦 电信10000 联通10010 移动10086 提问 好的,谢谢 回答 不客气 亲 更多15条 

错误代码678是宽带的故障代码之一。其含义是远程计算机无响应。1、最近你的计算机有没有动过?特别是ADSL Modem连线、线路有没有动过?请先检查“猫”上信号灯是不是会闪(猫不同,指示灯也不同,主要有dsl、adsl、line、link、@等都是宽带信号指示灯),如果要闪,检查线路有没有接对(主要是分离器上,有三个口,每个口对应一根线,接法是总线就是进线接line口,电话机接phone口,另外modem或adsl接宽带猫,你也可以直接将电话进线接在猫上试,这样可以排除分离器坏),如果接对还是闪,检查电话线路是不是有接头,线路氧化接触不好也会出现信号定不住(电话线进猫的水晶头或线有问题,也会造成线路不通。) 2、确认adsl modem拨号正常,因为网卡自动获取的IP没有清除,所以再次拨号的时候网卡无法获取新的IP地址会提示678,操作方法是:关闭adsl modem,进入控制面板的网络连接右击本地连接选择禁用,5秒钟后右击本地连接选择启用,然后打开adsl modem拨号即可; 3、如果第一步无效,则在关闭adsl modem的情况下,仍然禁用本地连接(网卡),重启计算机,然后启用本地连接(网卡),再打开adsl modem即可解决; 4、如果上述步骤都无法解决,查看网卡灯是否亮,如果网卡灯不亮,检查网卡和网线。 5、如果网卡灯正常1,2步无法解决则卸载网卡驱动,重装网卡驱动。 6、如果上述操作无效联系电信部门确认端口。笔者在家中上网也曾遇到过“678”错误,刚开始什么问题也检查不出来,后来发现是电信局那边的端口松动了,导致线路不通。 7、还有一种情况,笔者也曾碰到过,如果你的家中有两台以上的电脑,用来接电脑的HUB端口损坏的话,也会出现“678错误”,这时更换一个好的端口就可以了。 8、有些经过电信检测后网络情况正常,也出现了错误“678”的提示,这时要考虑使用过程中各种应用软件的冲突,同样也会引发网络不通。如“雅虎助手”、杀毒软件或者防火墙等出现异常引发错误“678”提示的现象。所以,在您发现错误“678”的提示时,可以先尝试暂时卸载“雅虎助手”、退出杀毒软件或者暂时关闭防火墙,重新进行连接,试试看是否能够解决问题。 9、万不得已时,可以用重新启动“猫”和计算机的办法来解决,看看能不能奏效。 10`实在没有办法的话就拨打10060网通服务热线人工服务按 078错误 键 电信10000,铁通10050,移动10086,联通10010;电信服务热线 10000 人工服务按 0 键 来说明情况,寻求解决办法 11、“猫 ”的质量问题也可能导致678错误。由于猫的质量不好,使用一段时间后“自然”(非人为原因)损坏,输入帐号和密码之后再点连接,就会提示678错误。可以再买一个“猫”,或者把原来的“猫”送回经销处,返厂维修。





英文中的书名通常是斜体或加引号表示或者大写就可以,因为斜体有时候看着不整齐,译文中文需要加上书名号,书名第一次出现,需要括号加注原英文名(人名也这样处理)。强烈推荐Joy高斋翻译CATTI和MTI分享:希望对你有用。必备|标点符号如何翻译?(附使用规则)比如2016年11月英语三级笔译实务试题原文:Harper Lee was an ordinary woman as stunned as anybody by the extraordinary success of “To Kill a M”书名号里面的双引号。“To Kill a Mockingbird”,英文中的书名通常是斜体或加引号表示或者大写就可以,因为斜体有时候看着不整齐,译文中文需要加上书名号,书名第一次出现,需要括号加注原英文名(人名也这样处理)。还比如14年11月CATTI二级笔译英译汉真题原文:WATERLOO, Belgium --- The region around this Belgian city is busily preparing to commemorate the 200th anniversary in 2015 of one of the major battles in European military  里面的逗号和破折号。WATERLOO, Belgium比利时滑铁卢:这里考察英语地名从小到大,而且加个逗号,汉语里面是从大到小,不加逗号,比如Shanghai, China翻译为中国上海。这是CATTI英译汉高频翻译细节,可是我今天看了大家提交的译文,基本都这样写的:WATERLOO, Belgium --- The region 比利时滑铁卢——:破折号的用法和翻译,这是CATTI英译汉高频翻译细节,经常用在文章或报道的开头,引出事件发生的背景(地点)。翻译的时候保持破折号即可。:Colon(冒号)1.引出表示列举、解释或说明性的词语,翻译的时候保持:The string section consists of four instruments: violin, viola cello, and /His grades are a follows: English, an A; H a B: Science, a D: and Math, a C2.引出对前文进行补充、总结或强调的词语,翻译的时候保持:Judges have a double duty;They must protect the innocent and punish the guilty/ He has only one pleasure: 3.引出较长的正式引语或大段引语,翻译的时候是:或者,In his most famous speech he said: All men are created equal and must enjoy equally the rights that are inalienably 4.用于信件或演说词中的称呼语之后(英国用法中多用逗号),翻译的时候保持:Dear Sir: /Dear Professor Jones: /Ladies and Gentlemen:5.用于公函、政府文件或商业函件的标题或标目之后,翻译的时候保持:TO /SUBJECT: /REFERENCE: /VIA:6.用于时与分之间(英国法中多用句号)、比率数之间、《圣经》的章与节之间,翻译的时候保持:The train is to leave at 8: /Common nouns outnumber proper nouns in proportion /You will find it in Genesis 2: 4-7.分隔书名的标题与副标题,翻译的时候保持:或者破折号NOStromo: A Tale of the Seaboard, Comma(逗号)1.分隔并列成分We are tired, hungry and /Washington was said to be first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his /We were taught how to sit gracefully, how to how to converse 2.分隔并列句中的分句It snowed all night, and the schools were closed the next / We must leave now, or we will miss the  / I tried to sleep, but my neighbour's dog made that /It is an imperfect system,yet it is better than 3.分隔对比或对照成分He is sick, not /The more haste, the less 4.分隔非限定性修饰语、同位语或附加说明的词语He found the Paper on the roof, where the newsboy had thrown The the who had cared through the window, went straight to the /They want us, you and me, to go /I have to get up early, particularly on S5.分隔附加疑问句或选择疑问句Tom didn't take it, did he? / Which pencil do you the red one or the blue one?6.分隔直接引语和导语Only a "Sherman said, " would carry on like 7.表示省略相同词语Some went to the right; others, to the 分隔句首状语Usually, he is dressed in blue / Except for physics, my courses are not /When he found that his parents had deserted him, he sat down to 9,常用以分隔用作独立成分、状语等的下列词语Honestly, that's all the money I /Personally, I prefer the other /Unfortunately, they were out when I /To tell you the truth, I was very frightened1) actually, basically, briefly fortunately,frankly, honestly, hopefully, incidentally,luckily, naturally, personally, unfortunately, to tell the truth2) anyhow, anyway, besides, consequent,furthermore, however, likewise, moreover, nevertheless, otherwise, therefore;3)first(ly), second(ly ), last(ly), finally,first of after all, above all, in other words, for example, for instance, that is,namely, , 4)in short, in fact, in conclusion, in a few words, as a result, as a matter of fact, on the contrary, on the other hand;5) of course, by the way, sure enough, between you and me, believe it or not;6)I think, I believe, I suppose, you know,you see, In my opinion;7)yes, no, well, ohAnyhow, even if the problem does arise, it wont affect /I don’t want to go; besides, I’m too  /This is, however, another side to this This is our most disastrous and embarrassing defeat eve: in short, a /I don’t like him, in fact,I hate /On the contrary, it hardly ever It's strange, you know, that he hasn’t passed the /In my opinion, he is Yes, times have /Well, not much can be done about it /Oh, David, come here a moment! /Oh no, not again!10.分隔日期、数字、地点Firstly, let me deal with the most important /The cinema is only open to adults, ,people over June 12, 1991/It was on Friday, May 16, in Los A /The price of this sedan car is $12,/He lives at 1515 Halsted SChicago, I11.分隔人名与职称、头衔或倒置姓名I asked my boss for a month's holiday and, believe it or not, he agreed! /By the way, have you seen Tom recently?12.分隔呼语R W Leeds, M D /George Washington, President/Smith, John W, JI would like to ask you, M Jones, for your /Will you see if the door is closed, Janet? /Sir,I'd like to ask a 13.用于信件的称呼语之后(美国用法中多用冒号)或结束语之后Dear Mary, /Sincerely yours, /Yours truly,“ ”Quotation Mark(引号)1.用于直接引语注意下列句子中其他标点符号与引号的相对位置:1)逗号、句号位于引号内(这是美国用法,英国用法多置于引号外)2)不属于引语的问号、感叹号或破折号位于引号之外3)在引语内再用引语时,可用单引号(这是美国用法,在英国用法中,单引号在外,双引号在内)4)引语不止一段时,引号位于各段起始处和最后一段结尾处Michael said, "Let's meet at my house next "/"No, you cant, "she "It's January 1, 1863, Lincoln declared the slaves "forever "/The word"bread, for example, has both standard and slang Why did she say "That is a very selfish attitude"?The witness said, "I distinctly heard him say, Don’t be late, and then heard the door " /The witness said, I distinctly heard him say, Don’t be and then heard the door ’Frequently used signs and symbols are in the back of this Many are found on Symbols include the chemical The chemical elements are also grouped together in the back of this  "2.用于引述文章、文艺作品、歌曲、广播及电视节目、绘画等Have you read the article"Shanghai Shows Its Colors"in the January Time? /"Ode to a Nightingale " was written by K /American national anthem is"The Star-spangled B  " /YOAS Amencan Mosaic”/ Da Vinci’s“ Mona Lisa "3.用于引述俚语、反语、借用语、定义、词形等Her brother"socked her in the eye and" beaned "her with a /Bob's skiing"vacation"consisted of three weeks with his leg in a / The basic meaning of dumb in both British and American English is“ unable to speak.”/ How do you spell the word" eclectic”?;Semicolon(分号)一般说来,分号的作用介于句号与逗号之间,即用分号隔开的两部分之间的关系,比用句号分开的紧密,但不及用逗号分开的紧密。1.用于并列分句之间People make history: unusual people make history /Your car is new; mine is six years  /I came, I saw I /it's too late to go for a walk now; besides, it's beginning to  /We finally found the gate; however, it had been 2.分隔已有逗号的并列成分,以避免歧义Follow this procedure: first, get your application forms; next, fill them out; last, pay the The sun, a bright yellow ball, shone; the children, happy as always, 3.用于由 for example, for instance, namely,that is( to say), in fact,i.e.,e.g等词语引出的分句之前Many of their talents complemented each other; for example, he played the piano and she /Tom is well-liked: in he is the most popular person in the /He chose to invest in major industries: e, steel, automobiles, and — Dash(破折号)用在一个解释性的分句或句子前面:It's an environmental — That's not a small 这是个环境保护的问题,这不是一件小事。用在一个解释性的插入语的前面和后面(相当于一个括号):During my vacation—I must have been insane—I decided I would 假期中,我准是疯了,我决定去滑雪。用在一个引用的句子前面(代替一个冒号,或与分号一起用):Uncle Wang laughingly answered—"No, no; stay where you "大叔笑着回答道“不用了,不用了,你就呆到那。”表示意思的突然转折:"And may I ask—"said Xiao Wu;" but I guess it's better for you to ask him about "“我可以问——”小吴说;“不过我想还是你问他的好。”表示迟疑犹豫:"I—I—I rather think —maybe—Amy has taken "“我——我——我想——或许——是艾米拿了。”总括前面列举的若干东西:News house, larger schools, more sheep, more pigs and chickens, more horses and donkeys—everywhere here shows signs of 新房子,扩建的学校,更多的羊、猪、鸡,更多的马和驴,这里的一切显示出一片繁荣景象。Italicization斜体字的使用1.书籍、报刊、文章、诗歌、乐曲、电影、绘画等的名称Dickens' Oliver  Twist /The English-Chinese Dictionary/Readers Digest /The New York TimesMilton's Paradise Lost/Mozart's The Marriage of Figaro/ The Sound of Music /Van Gogh’s StarryNight2.交通工具、航天器等专名Air Force One/Apollo/Challenger3.作为例示的词、字母或数字The word receive is often /The b in comb is silent4,表示强调的词语She never expected such a /woman's place was in the home; it certainly isn’t 5.表示未归化的外来词语In aeternum[L]/ fille[F]6.动物学和植物学中表示属、种、亚种及变种的拉丁语新学名The horse (Equus  caballus )has affected the course of history more than any other /The mistletoe (Phoradendron flavescens )is the state flower of O7.法庭案例名称中的原被告姓名Madison Kingley/the Jones case8.剧本中的舞台提示ROBERT: Ah yes, of Sit down, sit down, please, M R [She sits as if this made matters rather ]PHILIP: (Standing guard by her )My wife is a little 取自陆谷孙英译汉大词典




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