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Plant Diseases and Pests(植物病虫害研究:英文版)双月刊,是美国Wu Chu(USA-China)Science and Culture Media Corporation(美中科技文化传媒公司)创办的英文学术期刊。2010年1月创刊,国际刊号ISSN2152-3932。《Plant Diseases and Pests》面向世界,主要报道植物病虫害的诊断、治疗和预防等方面的研究和创新性研究成果该刊面向世界,旨在反映我国植物病虫害防治研究领域的最新研究进展,提高我国该领域研究的国际影响力 期刊简介:报道中国植物保护领域的植物病害、虫害、草害、鼠害、农药等方面的研究论文、文献综述及研究简报等,以期促进该领域的国际间学术交流。 该期刊不属于SCI、EI收录,甚至中文核心期刊都未收录,仅为普通外文期刊!



Plant Disease是植物病理学权威期刊,审稿专家特别认真,对文章内容进行了逐 plant disease 一直是top期刊,也是有他的道理的。


plant journal外审一般3-6个月左右。无论是plant journal期刊还是其他类别的期刊,外审都是最耗时的一个环节,期刊的审稿周期中可以说外审占比是非常高的,外审时间长短很大程度上取决于外审专家的工作效率,由于外审专家本身是一些专业内的专家学者或者大学教授,本身工作就比较繁忙,审稿只能是利于空余时间完成,所以大致的时间在3-6个月左右不等。简介:Plant Science Journal创刊于1983年,为科学出版社出版的植物学综合性学术期刊,国内外公开发行。本刊宗旨是促进学术交流,推动学科发展,为国民经济建设服务。主要任务是报道植物学及各分支学科的基础研究和应用研究方面具创新性、有重要意义的原始研究论文和最新研究成果,植物学研究的新技术、新方法等。本刊主要刊载植物学及各分支学科的原始研究论文,植物学研究的新技术、新方法,综合评述(应结合作者本人的研究工作、反映本学科在国内外的最新研究进展)、研究简报、学术讨论、重要书刊评介和学术动态等。

举例一:  论文题目:Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies on the antivirus effects of A (一种中草药) against virus B (一种病毒)  所 投杂志:Life Sciences  投稿结果:这次大修后又经过一次小修,被接受发表  编辑信内容(注: 有删节):  Dear M XXX,  Your manuscript has been examined by the editors and qualified refereeM We think the manuscript has merit but requires revision before we can accept it for publication in the J Careful consideration must be given to the points raised in the reviewer comments, which are enclosed   If you choose to submit a revision of your manuscript, please incorporate responses to the reviewer comments into the revised A complete rebuttal with no manuscript alterations is usually considered inadequate and may result in lengthy re-review   A letter detailing your revisions point-by-point must accompany the   You will be requested to upload this Response to Reviewers as a separate file in the Attach Files   We ask that you resubmit your manuscript within 45 After this time, your file will be placed on inactive status and a further submission will be considered a new   To submit a revision, go to and log in as an A  You will see a menu item called Submission Needing R You will find your submission record   Yours sincerely,  Joseph J Bahl, PhD  Editor  Life Sciences  Format Suggestion: Please access the Guide to Authors at our website to check the format of your Pay particular attention to our References   Reviewers" comments:  Reviewer #1:  XXXXX (略)  Reviewer #2:  XXXXX (略)  Editors note and suggestions: (注:编辑的建议)  Title: Re-write the title to read more smoothly in contemporary English>>>  Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies of the antiviral effects of A against virus B  Abstract: Re-write the abstract to read more   A, an alkaloid isolated from C (注:一种中草药), was tested for antiviral activity against virus B Both in vitro and in vivo assays along with serum pharmacological experiments showed A to have potent antiviral The pharmacokinetic profile of A in Sprague/Dawley rat plasma after oral administration was measured by HPLC Blood samples taken at selected time points were analyzed to study potential changes in antiviral pharmacodynamics as measured by infectivity of From the similarity of the serum concentration profiles and antiviral activity profiles it is concluded that A it self, rather than a metabolite, exerted the effect against the virus prior to The need for effective clinical agents against virus B and these results suggest the possibility of benefit from further experiments with A  The authors should check to be sure that the terms blood samples, plasma and serum are always used appropriately throughout the abstract and   Introduction: some sentences can be made less example 1st paragraph  >>>> A appears to be the most important alkaloid isolated from the plant, its structural formula is shown in Fig While it produced a general inhibition of antibody production lymphocyte proliferation was stimulated (Xia and Wang, 1997) These pharmacological properties suggest a potential use in the treatment of viral myocarditis against virus B that could be studied in experiments in cell culture and   >>>The authors should check the entire manuscript for spelling errors (example given: in your text alkaloid is incorrectly spelled alkaloid)  >>>The authors should read the guidelines to the authors and not include the first name of the authors being cited in the In the reference section the first name should be abbreviated as shown in the guideline to authors (thus the earlier text reference should be (Liu et , 2003)and the remaining one should be (Chen et , 2002)  >>>>>The authors instead of directly answering the first complex question of reviewer #1 may include the three questions as future research aim in the discussion   >>>>>>Rather than redrawing figure the authors may choose to amend the wording of the statistical analysis section to state that the result of tables are means +-SEM and for figures are +- SD  >>>>> reviewer #1 comment number 8 and reviewer # 2 comment 3 might be satisfied by inclusion of a representative photo of cells and heart showing CPE Remember most readers of the journal have never seen what you are trying to   Because I think that you can deal with all of the points raised I am hoping to see a revised manuscript that you have carefully checked for If you have questions or do not know how to respond to any of the points raised please contact me at du Joseph Bahl, PhD Editor 2 Life Sciences  作 者回复信原稿:  Dear D Bahl,  I’m (注:正式信函不要简写)very appreciate (注:不适合作为给编辑回信的开始,同时有语法错误)for your comments and   I (注:实际上是学生做的)have conducted in vivo antivirus experiments again (注:要表明是应审稿人或编辑建议而作) Mice were sacrificed on 15 days and 30 days after Death rate, heart weight to body weight ratio (HW/BW), virus titers and pathologic slices (注:用词错误)were calculated(注:用词不当) Production of mRNA of IL-10, IFN-γand TNF-αwere (注:语法错误)measured by RT-PCR  I have revised this manuscript and especially paid much attention to your comments and I would like to re-submit it to LIFE SCIENCE Title of manuscript has been changed to “The antivirus effects of A against virus B and its pharmacokinetic behaviour in SD rats serum” to make it more clear and   Answers to Reviewers’ questions were as follows: (注:可附在给编辑的回复信后)  Reviewer #1:  XXXXX  Reviewer #2:  XXXXX  Editors note and suggestions:  Title: Re-write the title to read more smoothly in contemporary English  Answer: I have rewrite the title to “The antivirus effects of A against virus B and its pharmacokinetic behaviour in SD rats serum” to make it more clear and smooth(注:多处语法错误)  Abstract: Re-write the abstract to read more   Answer: I have revise the abstract carefully to make it more smooth and informative(注:语法错误)  The authors should check to be sure that the terms blood samples, plasma and serum are always used appropriately throughout the abstract and   Answer: I have paid attention to this question and it is clearer (注:不具体)  Introduction:  some sentences can be made less   Answer: I have revise the whole paper to make sentences less passive and obtained help of my colleague proficient in English (注:语法错误,句子不通顺)  The authors should check the entire manuscript for spelling errors  Answer: I’m very sorry to give you so much trouble for those spelling errors (注:不必道歉,按建议修改即可) I have carefully corrected   The authors should read the guidelines to the authors and not include the first name of the authors being cited in the In the reference section the first name should be abbreviated as shown in the guideline to authors (thus the earlier text reference should be (Liu et , 2003) and the remaining one should be (Chen et , 2002)  Answer: I changed the style of   Rather than redrawing figure the authors may choose to amend the wording of the statistical analysis section to state that the result of tables are means +-SEM and for figures are +- SD  Answer: (注:作者请编辑公司帮回答)  reviewer #1 comment number 8 and reviewer # 2 comment 3 might be satisfied by inclusion of a representative photo of cells and heart showing CPE Remember: most readers of the journal have never seen what you are trying to   Answer: Thank you for your I have supplemented pictures of cardiac pathologic slices in the paper (Fig2)  I have to apologize for giving you so much trouble because of those misspelling and confusing statements (注:一般不是延误或人为失误,不必轻易道歉,按建议修改即可) Your comments and suggestions really helped me a I have put great efforts to this I wish it can be   If there’s (注:正式信函不要简写)any information I can provide, please don’t hesitate to contact   Thank you again for your time and Look forward to hear (注:语法错误)from   Yours Sincerely  Xxxx Xxxx (通讯作者名)

三个月之内都算正常的。一般期刊给审稿人的审稿时间会是3个月、60天,快的也会是30天,不同期刊要求不一样,你总得给点时间人家审稿人吧?:D人家也不是专业审稿的,还有很多科研工作甚至行政工作要做啊,呵呵!只要是under review就好,安心等待吧!



回答 欢迎您的咨询,我是为您解答的答主,目前已累计帮助4000余人,您的问题我已看到,目前正在为您整理答案,请您稍等一会儿哦~ 根据您的提问,做出如下解答: SCI论文,顾名思义,即为被SCI索引收录的期刊所刊登的论文,目前我国科技界对SCI论文概念模式,小部分研究者误认为SCI是一本期刊,而由于南京大学率先引用并愈来愈成为各大高校和科研机构学术评价和奖惩的一类刊物。就SCI论文本身来说,我国科研工作者大多面临英语能力匮乏的缺陷,尤其对于年龄大和专业性强的科技工作者来说,内容不是问题,英语往往成为了制约的瓶颈。 SCI论文对我国大部分科技工作者来说依然是神秘的,难于发表的,正基于此,大部分科研机构、高校等单位引入作为评价标准,这也是比较公正,缺少人为干预的评价标准,科研工作者在工作的同时,用心于SCI论文的写作与发表,一方面使得我国科研可与国际接轨,另一方面提高了我国的科技水准,同时我国科技工作者也需要经常善于运用SCI官网进行现有论文和科技成果的查询与搜索。[微笑][微笑] 提问 你好,请问在怎么发表SCI论文? 回答 首先肯定是要先确定要投稿的期刊,根据收集的一些期刊信息并且结合自己的文章内容选择适合的期刊进行投稿。 其次就是投稿后会的状态,一般在投稿的时候没有指定编辑的话文章会先到主编手里,然后主编再分派给别的编辑。当编辑把文章拿到手后会正式邀请审稿人,这个过程会持续比较长,可能会因为找不到合适审稿人等原因使得时间变长。 除此之外还有一个造成审稿时间变长的原因就是审稿人接受审稿之后的状态,这应该是漫长的一个等待时间,一般是一个月左右。审稿结束之后还要等编辑进行SCI论文处理,这个阶段的时间长短是不定的。 提问 请问往哪里投稿? 请问往哪里投稿? 回答 1 北京科技大学学报(MMM英文版) 2 材料科学技术(英文版)  3 大气科学进展(英文版) 4 代数集刊(英文版)  5 地球物理学报  6 地质学报、土壤圈(英文版)  7 分析化学  8 钢铁研究学报(英文版) 9 高等学校化学学报  10 高等学校化学研究(英文版)  11 高分子科学(英文版) 12 高分子学报  13 高能物理与核物理  14 固体力学学报(英文版)  15 光谱学与光谱分析(中文) 16 红外与毫米波学报(中文)  17 化学学报  18 计算数学(英文版)  19 结构化学  20 科学通报(英文版)  21 理论物理通讯(英文版) 22 力学学报(英文版) 23 生物化学与生物物理进展 24 生物化学与生物物理学报  25 生物医学与环境科学(英文版) 26 世界胃肠病学杂志(英文版)  27 数学年刊B辑(英文版) 28  28 数学物理学报(英文版) 29 数学学报(英文版) 30 无机材料学报  31 无机化学学报  32 武汉工业大学学报(材料科学英文版)  33 物理化学学报 34 物理学报  35 物理学报—海外版 36 稀土学报(英文版)  37 稀有金属(英文版) 38 稀有金属与材料工程  39 应用数学和力学(英文版) 40 有机化学 41 植物学报(英文)  42 中国海洋工程(英文版)  43 中国化学(英文版)  44 中国化学工程学报(英文版)  45 中国化学快报(英文版) 46 中国科学A辑(英文版)  47 中国科学B辑(英文版) 48 中国科学C辑(英文版)  49 中国科学D辑(英文版) 50 中国科学E辑(英文版)  51 中国文学(英文版) 52 中国物理快报(英文版)  53 中国药理学报  54 中国有色金属学报(英文版)  55 中 55 中华医学杂志(英文版) 56 自然科学进展(英文版) 根据自己论文的领域和内容,向对应的报刊投稿。 提问 这些都是国内的期刊吗? 回答 是的,大部分是国内报刊。 提问 有没有计算机网络安全类的期刊? 回答 《International Journal of Automation & Computing》《国际自动化与计算杂志(英文版)》 提问 这个是国内期刊吗?直接往这里投稿就行吗? 回答 是的。[嘻嘻][嘻嘻] 提问 投稿的话要投英文稿吗? 投稿的话要投英文稿吗? 回答 《Journal of Computer Science and Technology》(JCST)是中国计算机科学技术领域国际性学术期刊。 优先选择英文投稿。 sci论文虽然允许出现多国语言,但要求是英文与要求是中文的期刊数量有所不同。大多数sci期刊是要求英文的。这一现实情况,告诉作者sci论文是中文,可以成功发表,但可以选择的期刊范围比较窄,筛选到合适的期刊的可能性小,成功发表几率低。即写作发表sci论文,面对是英文还是中文的选择,建议作者优先选择英文。 我已完成对您的解答,方便在点击屏幕上方的“结束咨询”后给我个赞吗?谢谢[心][心][心][比心][比心] 更多51条 

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