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On the improvement of the current status of urban bus transport Paper Keywords: organization; planning Abstract: Urban traffic system is the urban system is an important subsystem, the city depends on the survival and development of transport, the rapid development of urban traffic and promote The bus transport in urban traffic is an important part of the city, it should speed up the development of urban bus transport in order to promote the rapid development of Passenger traffic from the city traffic can be classified as public transport and private transport system of the At present, China's urban public transport characteristics are: the city public transport lanes with low coverage and low levels due to management, and other vehicles occupied by frequent public transport bus lanes caused by the low operating Urban road unreasonable, so that local public transportation system utilization Aging of the city bus a high degree of scheduling and organization of the Should speed up the development of urban transport system, the full development of urban transportation convenient, fast, large Therefore the following aspects should be the improvement of the urban bus transportation 1 city bus transport lines Urban public transport routes should be in line the city's main traffic flow, public transport in cities should be divided into the main lines and feeder The main line linking the main passenger terminal and transportation hub, more than millions of people in big cities, the focus on passenger traffic hub should be set up quickly direct public transport Generally by means of surveys to obtain data on a straight-line access to integrated planning and overall planning should be coordinated with the City to carry The use of lanes, the best rationale for a dedicated lane so that other lane segregation, isolation can be used with dedicated lanes and is equipped with monitoring 2 urban public traffic density lines Urban public transport motor vehicles are usually lines of planning density, in the city center 3 ~ 4km/km2, peri-urban areas of 2 ~ 5km/km2, the distance between the Route 600 ~ 1000m, walking no more than 4 ~ 6min appropriate, the Town urban bus to the length of line should be advised as to the length of 8 ~ Would cause long lines of passengers waiting a long time and bus time arrival rate of a series of drawbacks such as 3 bus scheduling and organization Vehicle Scheduling optimization is to determine the normal and efficient public transport operation of the important Changes based on passenger flow and the specific operating conditions and other regulations, various models of vehicles and road traffic organization, such as passenger flow during peak hours to focus on the trunk of the vehicle with high-capacity organizations Station or shuttle bus from the train, in the flow large and narrow streets, small turning radius and the flow concentration of the body block with short In addition, they can employ intelligent management For example: public transport vehicle automatic threshold control system (collectively referred to international AVMcautomatic vehicle monitoring system), it can dispatch room in between efficient information access, effective communication links between the two (GIS) The main vehicles used by the GPS scheduling, dynamic target tracking and data collection on traffic flow, GIS geographic information used in traffic management and visualization of dynamic traffic information In addition, you can use variable message board information, broadcasting, on-street public phone, public computer network terminal, which has been in the way of public transport users on the roadside, bus stations or bus stops and on the platform, access to real-time information on bus travel 4 Coordination of bus and taxi operations management Door-to-door taxi service for passengers with a higher level of public Utilization rate of its high energy consumption and less than a bus, air pollution is serious, complete the volume occupied by units of time and space resources, such as road defects, it should be based on the level of urban development and the actual needs of the taxi industry to strengthen the management and operation management, so that the coordinated development of the 5 vehicle technologies to improve China's passenger capacity by bus at a small (60-90 passenger), and medium-sized (90-130 passengers) and large articulated vehicles (130-180 passengers) should be based on actual passenger traffic to the deployment of appropriate models to resources to reduce the rate of empty It shall also meet the passenger demand on the city bus traveling comfort and convenience of passengers getting on or off The development of an independent suspension type, dedicated low-floor bus chassis and city buses, so bus and channel height of the pedal in order to reduce the vehicle center of gravity high over the estate to the requirements of It should also be a timely replacement of vehicles, the general public the best service life of 5 to 6 Extended active duty bus noise, and exhaust, and mechanical failure more than a series of shortcomings, with the scientific and technological development, many countries have also developed a number of the outcome of the application of modern high-tech For example: the invention of the next generation of Japan's "middle-distance inter-city bus transport system of " Germany developed a city with public passenger transport vehicles, new cars can be run along the fixed-line and the traditional advantages of the bus and tram 6 Public Transport Priority Development Strategy Urban public transport as the road space point with the demand, low environmental pollution, energy consumption should be small, giving priority to the development of traffic, in addition to China's cities are mostly intensive, therefore, to public transport systems and other forms of secondary form of transport in our country the structure of urban passenger transport natural direction of Commonly used way of public transportation there are two types of priority: Set according to the actual situation dedicated bus lane or bus lane Intersection of the first; junction bus priority measures on the main bus phase-specific, dedicated bus lane entrance, as well as other special bus priority measures in line with the City bus transportation is the main urban transport system is to communicate all aspects of the social production of an important part of urban development is the decision an important foundation for the development of one, so to speed up the development of the city 【【题目你可以翻译为论改善我国目前城市公共汽车交通现状,希望可以帮助你】】


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