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“司马光砸缸”的启示 ——变换角度,多维思考 看完“司马光砸缸”的故事,第一个念头是这孩子真聪明,从没有想过他到底聪明在哪。仔细分析一下,其实司马光只不过是换了个角度思考问题。常人只想到脱离危险的方法是让人离开水,而司马光想到的是让水离开人,这就是多维思考。马光的聪明方法令我们佩服。按常规的救人方法是让“人离开水”,但是由于缸高、人矮、力气小,在场的小朋友没有一个能够办得到;这时,司马光反常规而行,砸破水缸,水流出来,让“水离开人”,落水的小伙伴得救了。司马光的故事使我联想起,我们在解答一些数学难题时,不是也常常遇到这种情况,如果从正面人手按习惯思维,总找不到解题的突破口吗?我顿时明白了老师让我们回忆“司马光砸缸”这个故事的用意了小故事蕴藏着大道理,一则耳熟能详的《司马光砸缸》,诠释出了思维模式的创新之路,将逆向思维、不破不立及创新思维及文化引导进了创新两个字。

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司马光砸缸的启示司马光砸缸故事可以说是家喻户晓,老少 皆知。我非常佩服司马光年纪虽小,但是 遇到紧急事情能够沉着应对、冷静思考。 有一个问题一直令我很惊讶,当年司 马光只有7岁,和其他的孩子一样喜欢大 家在一起玩耍。然而,在遇到突发事件 时,能够做到临危不乱、沉着冷静,对于 一个阅历尚浅、乳臭未干的孩子来说,着 实让我感到不可思议。 正常来讲,一 个小伙伴掉进一个比自身高很多的、大许 多的、装满了水的缸里,其他小伙伴会想 出怎样解决方法?一贯的想法也许就是大 声呼救、去找家里人帮忙,甚至有些孩子 只会目瞪口呆、茫然不知所措了。 和 其他的孩子不同,司马光立刻拿起一块大 石头砸向水缸,是什么让他有了这样的举 动?答案只有一个:司马光跳出了某种固 定的思维局限,从另一个角度去思考问 题,寻求解决问题的办法。事情往往就是 这样,顺应的思考模式,往往得不到解决 问题的最佳答案,而最好的解决方式,又 是如此的触手可及。 惯性是自然界的 规律,事件的条件似乎总是有意无意的引 导我们按照事先安排好的规律进行着。俗 话说:“不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山 中。”打破条件的束缚、跳出规律的限 制,用全新的视角审视一切则显得更为可 贵。 某国际著名的大公司,在招聘 面试的时候,出了一道题: 你只身在 大雨中开车,这时,路边有三个人在大雨 中等公共汽车,一位是生命垂危,急待去 医院就诊的老人,一位是曾经救过你性命 的医生,最后一个是你的心上人。但是, 你的车上只能坐一个人,你期望谁能上车 呢? 有人说:应该让老人上车,因为 他们是社会的弱势群体,而且身患重病, 理所应当成为救助的第一选择;有人说: 应当让医生上车,他是你的救命恩人,为 人要知恩图报;还有人说:应该让你的心 上人上车,因为,她是你今后一生的伴 侣。 最后,只有一个人被录取,他 的答案是:让医生开车带着老人去医院就 诊,而自己留下来在雨中陪着心上人等公 共汽车。 顺应着他人的一种思考方 式,从而拘泥于某一种固定的思维模式, 似乎已经成为我们考虑问题的一种惯性。 然而,转变看待问题的视野、改变审视问 题的角度、变换思考问题的方向,让思维 打破传统的枷锁、让思维冲破条件的桎 梏、让思维自由的在天空中遨游,迸发出 激情的火花,这才是我们所希望的。

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可以去图书馆看的书籍如下:《乌合之众》作者: [法]古斯塔夫勒庞当个人是一个孤立的个体时,他有着自己鲜明的个性化特征,而当这个人融入了群体后,他的所有个性都会被这个群体所淹没。《月亮和六便士》作者:[英]威廉萨默赛特毛姆一个原本平凡的伦敦证券经纪人思特里克兰德,突然着了艺术的魔,抛妻弃子,绝弃了旁人看来优裕美满的生活,奔赴南太平洋的塔希提岛,用画笔谱写出自己光辉灿烂的生命。《送你一颗子弹》作者: [中]刘瑜她是一一个知识分子,一个公知,她把沉闷的政治讲得生动有趣。文章的触角伸向社会生活的各个领域,涉及的题材有政治、经济、文化等宏观角度,也有细腻的具有生活气息的日常观察和思考。《你当像鸟飞往你的山》作者:[美]塔拉韦斯特弗教育应该是思想的拓展,同理心的深化,视野的开阔。它不应该使你的偏见变得更顽固。全美销量破百万册,作者因此书被《时代周刊》评为“年度影响力人物”。

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用人如器,各取所长全文 翻译在后面管理之道,惟在用人。世界著名管理家杰克?韦尔奇说:“让合适的人做合适的事,远比开发一项新战略更重要。” 清代思想家魏源指出:“不知人之短,不知人之长,不知人长中之短,不知人短中之长,则不可以用人,不可以教人” 。事实上,由于先天遗传条件不同,后天的成长环境有别,以及受教育的差异,决定了每个人的特点不同、特色有别、特长各异。人各有所长,亦各有所短,只要能扬长避短,天下便无不可用之人。从这个意义上讲,识人、用人之道,关键在于先看其长,后看其短,因才适用,科学理才,将合适的人放在适合其能力和特长的岗位上,使之发挥最大能量。  首先要任人唯贤,量才施用。每个人的才能有大有小,选拔使用人才,要坚持“德才兼备”的原则,以能力为标准。能力强的人,未能进入重要岗位,就会被埋没或“气走”;能力较弱的人,在较次要的岗位可能会发挥较大的作用,如果硬安排在重要岗位,就会既耽误工作,又影响他们自身的长远发展,于公于私都无益处。清代一位诗人曾写到:“骏马能历险,耕田不如牛。坚车能载重,渡河不如舟。舍长以就短,智者难为谋。”这就形象地说明了一个浅显的道理,对人才的使用,要力争用当其才。如果用的不是地方,人才也会变成“庸才”。  其次,要疑人不用,用人不疑。对于看准了的人才,就要完全信赖,大胆使用。只要你让他放开手脚,他必定会在你的期待下全力以赴。千万不要半信半疑,处处设卡,使人想问题顾虑重重,做工作缩手缩脚,把“骏马”束缚成“笨马”。  第三,要科学组合,取长补短。人无完人,才无全才,这是必然现象。但是,通过多种人才的科学组合,彼此取长补短,相得益彰,形成一个高合力、低阻力的优化组织结构,让他们从不同的方面发挥自己的优势和特长,就能完成众多的单个人才独自不可能完成的事业。这就是科学组合人才的微妙之处。寓言《西邻五子》说的是“西邻有五子,一子朴,一子敏,一子蒙,一子偻,一子跛;乃使朴者农,敏者贾,蒙者卜,偻者绩,跛者纺;五子皆不愁于衣食焉”。这位古代的西邻公对自己的五个孩子,根据其不同的情况,因人而异,安排不同的工作,让朴实无华的务农,机智敏捷的去经商,瞎眼的卜卦算命,驼背的搓麻,跛脚的纺纱。如此安排,人尽其才,发挥了各人的长处,又避开了各人的短处,可以说是“人尽其才”之典范。因此,使用人才,要从全局出发,顾及系统协调,充分考虑每个人才的特点,既分工得当,又梯次合理;既使每个人才充分发挥特长,又使各自的短处得到有效的弥补和抑制,实现人才效能的最大发挥,促进整体工作顺利进行。人才培养和人才竞争的最终目的是要发挥每个人的优势,适得其所,有所作为。所以要打破传统人才观念的局限,尽早对于个人的优势和特殊才能进行发掘和培养。  第四,用才要有气魄。就是要敢于选拔人才,善于使用人才。人才贵在使用。发现了人才,敢不敢使用?有一个胆量和气魄问题。人才可能比自己本事大,愿不愿意使用?人才也可能遭人嫉妒,敢不敢使用?在用才的机制上,到底是择优,还是择劣,还是择庸?所谓气魄,说到底,就在这里。人才宝贵,人才难得,所以就必须用,而不能放在仓库里冷藏起来。要坚持“以人为本”的思想,不仅要把高学历、高职称的高层次人才纳入人才视野,还要把那些在本行业、本岗位上有所建树,有所创新的“土专家”、“田秀才”纳入人才视野,因才施用,发挥人才的最大效能。Management of the road, but in the use The world famous management home Jack? Welch said:" let the right people to do the right thing, than to develop a new strategy is more " Qing thinker Wei Yuan pointed out:" one short, one long, one short long, one short of long, can not use, can not be taught" In fact, due to congenital genetic conditions are different, acquired growth environment is different, and the disparity in education, decided each person's characteristic different, distinct, different characteristic Each one has his good Each man has his People, also, as long as it can foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses, the world is all the one In this sense, knowledge, use of personnel, is the key to look at the long, the short after, because it applies, science only, the right people in the appropriate to their ability and expertise to the post, so that the maximum First of all to appoint people on their merit, to Each person to have a small, selection and use of talents, should hold to " have both ability and political integrity " principle, take ability as the The ability strong person, failed to enter the important post, will be buried or" gas"; the weaker people, in a secondary position may play a larger role, if hard arranged in important positions, will not only delay the work, but also affect their own long-term development, both in public and in private The Qing Dynasty poet once wrote:" the horse to adventure, as cattle Kennedy car truck boat to cross the river, Abandon long to short, wise to " This image shows a simple truth, the use of talent, we will strive to use when it If not the place, people will become "a"Secondly, to the suspect not, do not suspect the man you For certain people, you should completely trust, bold use As long as you let him go, he will be in your next go to all Don't half believe and half doubt, is set up, make people to be full of worries, do the work of shrink with cold," horse" bound" stupid horse"Third, to scientific combination, complement each No man is perfect, not perfect, this is the inevitable However, through a variety of talent science combination, mutual complementarity, complement each other, forming a high power, low resistance to optimize the organizational structure, let them from different aspects of play to their strengths and expertise, will be able to complete the many individual talent alone could not This is the scientific combination of the talents of Fable" west five" is that " next to have five children, a son of park, a sensor, a son by a child, from, a lame; but the simplicity of agricultural, sensitive person Jia, the takers Bu, economically cripple performance, spinning; five are not to worry about food and clothing yan" The ancient west public to his five children, according to the different situation, differ from man to man, the arrangement of different work, let chastity farm, quick wit to business, blind divining, hump it, lame So arranged, give full scope to the talents, played his strengths, and avoid his weaknesses, can saying is" give full scope to the talents " Therefore, the use of talent, want to set out from overall situation, systematical coordination, fully consider the talents of each characteristic, can divide the work properly, and echelon reasonable; even if each of the people give full play to the strengths, and make their weaknesses are effectively compensated and inhibition, realize the maximum efficiency of talents, promote the overall work Talent training and competition of the ultimate goal is to play the advantage of everyone, well, So to break the limitations of traditional talent idea, as soon as possible for the individual advantages and special ability to discover and In fourth, it should It is to dare to choose talent, use Personnel in the use Found talent, dare to use? Have a courage and boldness of vision Talent than you, willing to use? Personnel may also be envied, dare to use? The only mechanism, is the preferred, or choosing bad, or choose an? The boldness of vision, in the final analysis, right Valuable human resources, a person of rare talent, so we must use, and can not be placed in the warehouse To adhere to the "people-oriented " ideology, not only to the highly educated, high titles of high level talents into the talent view, but also to those in the profession, the job achievement, innovation" self-taught expert"," Tian Xiucai" into the talent view, because it applied, to play a talent to maximize

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